My Messiah :Love in Damascus - Episode 6


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My second semester was going smoothly, I had cut connection with Danny and Edward. I discovered that their friendship was a waste of time and I am not ready to waste anymore of my time. I began to go to school early . I had wanted to move out of the house I stay and probably move back to the hostel, but Never!. Such will never happen, living in the hostel again was like enslaving myself . I now have my freedom, but I won't go clubbing again. I want to keep my head straight. I saw the effect of clubbing on my studies, so I wont dare it anymore.

My relationship with Melissa was still intact , she had begged me so many times to go back to Danny, but hell No!. I won't, I wouldn't go back to my barf same as I won't go back to the brainies. The only problem with Melissa was the way she spends, but I wasn't complaining cause I have the cash.

One day, we were being grouped into ten for practical. I fall into Group four, I hate all this practical of a thing. I only usually drop money when they needed it but this time I waited for practical. I looked at the people on my group and I didn't find them interesting except one, my prey. The same girl wrapped around the brainies. She was chosen as the leader of the Group. I never knew she was this famous and brilliant guess that was because I wasn't even serious in my second year

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. So I began to think of a strategy to engage us in a conversation, but found none. The only one I could think of which I don't like was to get involved in the practical. Guess that is the only way she could notice me. She got the rest of the Group wrapped around her and they obeyed her when she requested for something.

It was physic, that was the only physic we did in my third year. It was mainly on electricity and electric components. I love that topic right from my high school days. So guess I was perfect in that aspect. So as I stood at the back watching her join the components together trying to build up a circuit I discovered she had made a mistake.

Instead of calling her attention, I remained mute. And those idiot standing and assisting her in the buildup didn't say anything. So I guess they don't know it also. I waited for them to be done with the buildup and probably test the circuit before I say a word.

After they were done, she tested the circuit and it read backwardly indicating a wrong connection. I was so happy to finally have a chance to showcase myself. She tried the connection again and it gave her the same result. I smiled and laughed, guess that caught her attention and she looked at me.

"What's so funny?" She asked with disgust

"You made a mistake" I started moving closer to her, I suddenly felt like a champion among those dunce.

"Excuse me" her voice lovely and calm "can you point out the mistake? She said fixing me a tough look which I didn't fall for, guess I probably tripped for it

I stepped up to the experiment, show casing the prowess of Mr Rupert my high school physic teacher. I corrected the mistake and adjusted the connection. I could see disbelief in her eye. Guess she hadn't believe it, maybe she thought I was some kind of dullard. I scoffed and handed her the mandate.

"You knew all this the whole time and you didn't say a word?" She said more like a question.

"Hmmmmm" what a perfect way of starting up a conversation, for the first time in almost a year, I was actually pleased with my approach.

"I guess I will be needing more of your hands" she added with a smile and tested the circuit again and she beamed me a smile that sent me falling, not tripping this time.

'Guess that's a second date' I thought, I was already getting far away from the conversation. Already getting lost in my thought.

"No problem" I said after much thought "I will be so glad to help"

I stood beside her all through the practical like her chief-of-staff. I was the one recording the readings In a book. I began to feel relevant for the first time in two years.

So the practical ended in glamour, I seriously wished it didn't end. Most of the group member left the lab but I didn't. I was expecting her to come and thank me for saving her arse. I thought of it again, it wasn't her arse I just saved it was the group arse. But still, I was expecting her. 

The brainies entered the lab; I guess to pick her. We didn't greet each other, they just walk pass me. I could hear their chattering. She was talking about me, so to avoid her pointing finger. I left the lab.

So I drove home, as I entered the compound. I could hear music , a very loud one. It was danny, he was celebrating his birthday but I don't care. I parked at my space and went straight into apartment. I was avoiding unnecessary confrontation and conversation, so I did what I had to do.

As I settled down, the thought of the whole stuff crept into my head. Danny was also in pharmacy department. He doesn't go to school, he just roam about spending his father's money. What sort of life is that?  His parents were also rich, guess he was still immature. His life also needs a Messiah. Someone who he would pour out his mind to. I think he was being forced to study pharmacy cause he never talks much on pharmacy, all he talks about was acting. 

'Maybe he love acting' I thought

But all I know is that he needs urgent help.

The pounding on my door alerted me and scattered my thought. I wondered who it was but with that familiar voice, I already know who it was. Melissa, so I stood up reluctantly to open the door. Mere looking at her face, I could read her thought.

"Joe, why did you change the lock?" She started "I have been in Danny party for the past three hours. So I wanted to rest and I came over to your apartment only to discover that you have changed the lock"

"I am sorry babe" I pleaded "I had to change the lock, I gave so many people my key. So to avoid unnecessary guest, I had to change it"

I knew she already understood what I was talking about. I meant Danny also have the keys to my apartment.

"But you should have told me"

"Well, it totally escaped my mind" I said and opened my wardrobe to get a spare "please don't give anyone this spare" I added, pleading

"Anybody? Or Danny?" She fixed me a hard look


Read " LEX " by the same author ( olasupo isaac )

. Danny"

She jumped on my bed getting off her wristwatch. Guess she was really tired.

"Ain't you going to Danny party?" She asked

"I am kinda tried. So I won't be able to go" I said simply trying to avoid her gaze.

"Are you really not going to reconcile with Danny?"

"Reconcile?" I said softly "I thought reconciliation is the Process of matching and comparing figures from accounting records against those presented on a bank statement" I said with a smile

"Don't teach me accounting" she said with a smile, and I love her for her high sense of humor "you know what I mean, and not accounting reconcile"

"Melissa, I have no issue with Danny. I just thought our friendship was a waste of time. I didn't benefit anything from him ,he didn't benefit from me either"

She gave me a hard stare. 

"Well I am grateful he made me know you but that is not enough to keep a friendship" I said wrapping my hands on her shoulder "You are the best thing that ever happen to me" guess I was being sarcastic and I gave her a light kiss.

I seriously have always thought about our friendship, am not benefiting and his not benefiting either. What kind of relationship is that in biology? Are we just a parasite to each other? I seriously don't know but right now I don't want to think about Danny or Edward or Melissa. I just want to think about myself only and no one else. I just want to be alone but with Melissa here, I can never be alone or think straight.

"So when are you going back to the party?" I asked 

"Growing tired of me already" she said, but I didn't give a response "I will just rest for some minute and resume back to the party or I could just play with you all day and ignore the party. I already made my presence known already and that will do"

I wasn't in the mood for playing, I just needed to be alone and make flash back about my life. All I need is to be in deep thought. I think my Messiah is around the corner.

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