My Priceless Jewel - Episode 23

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"Yaa Junayd". Juwai called from behind, he turned slightly and looked at her. "Your heart hurts?"

He only nodded in response.

    "But why Yaa Junayd? It shouldn't hurt because I've made up my mind". She said slowly, looking at Junayd and then Hajiya Azumi...."I'll marry you, happy?"

Junayd couldn't believe what he just heard, Juwai can't be serious.

   "Juwai, i need to talk to you". Hajiya Azumi said, as she stood up from the couch she was sitting beside Junayd. "Issues like this needs time and decision making, you can't just do things the way you want them."

"I only want to talk to yaa junayd privately" she said, as she looked at hajiya azumi straight in the eyes. "Without you interfering, we need some time alone" She concluded.

     "But juw...."

"Say no more grandma, just go."

   Hajiya Azumi looked at her grandchildren, she can't help them, there is nothing she can do about it. They'll have to decide on their future. She left the scene after looking at them both for a long time. Junayd only sat there, he just couldn't say what he is feeling right now, was it happiness? Or fear? He really can't say for sure. He looked up at juwairiyyah as she sat on the couch Hajiya Azumi sat moments ago.

       "Yaa junayd, i know what it feels like to love, i can't really say for sure what you are going thru, but i don't want my fav bro and the sweetest cousin I've ever had to suffer because of me. But i must confess somethings to you before we proceed with the wedding plan". She said, looking at him straight in the eyes, she was wondering how his reaction will be if she tells him about her married life with Arfaat. "I am a divorcée" she said slowly.

Junayd quickly rose up, looking at her unbelievingly. Divorcée? He asked himself, how can that be? How can she marry someone without waiting for him? No! Impossible, whoever was it will have to pay, not only him, but the two of the; juwai and her so called ex husband.

   "You didn't wait for me". He said slowly, sounding more like a question and a sentence. "Why angel? Why didn't you wait for me? Why did you have to marry someone before me? Do you hate me that much?" He asked, his eyes watery.

"I had to! I just had to get married to Yaa Arfaat because of what i did. I gave birth but then lost the baby" she said sadly, her voice chocking as she remembered her baby.

   "You gave birth?" He asked, his eyes wide open. "You married and gave birth with Arfaat?"

       "Yes. I did."

"Yaa Allah!" Junayd said in anger. "Why? How could you do this to me? You knew i love you, you knew about it since. And i know you also loved me too. Why juwai? Why a thing like this?". He said, tears rolling down his cheeks. Junayd is the jealous type, a very very jealous guy!

    "I'm sorry" Juwai said in tears, i had to, it had to happen that way. Please let's forget about the past and face the future. If you think you can marry me the way i am, then fine, talk to dad later."

"Of course i won't let you slip Through my fingers for the second time. Goddamnit! I hate you Arfaat, i hate you so very much."

    "Don't, please. Don't hate him". Junayd gave her a sharp look, and she could feel his hatred towards Arfaat as he looked at her.

"Don't you dare talk about him to me again. You are my wife, I'm marrying you Juwai."

Arfaat was worried sick, he had been calling Juwai for the past 5hrs without her picking. What could have happened. Its already past 9:00pm so he can't visit her at a time like that. He then decided to go and explain things to his mom, he's sure she'll give him a motherly advice on how to tackle things this time around. He walked straight to her room and found her reciting the holy Qur'aan, he sat down by her side and joined her in the recitation. They read for almost an hour before concluding.

     Mai kunu looked at Arfaat, she's proud of him. "Is something wrong?" She asked, looking at him.

"No mama, just wanted to talk about something with you."

    "Sure, go ahead."

"Mama" Arfaat called looking at her and holding her soft hands in his. "I'm thinking of remarrying juwairiyyah."

"Are you serious son?" Mai kunu asked happily, and Arfaat could see and sense it.

    "Yes mama, we still talking things thru, haven't made up our mind yet, thou I've made up my mind, just waiting for Juwai's response."

"Alhamdulillah!" Mai kunu said happily. "I wish you the very best dan mama. This time around, don't mess with her please, take good care of her and be a good father to your kids."

    "I sure will mama. In shaa Allah."

The sound of his phone, alerting him of a message woke him up from sleep, he stretched his hands to where the phone was and checked who the sender was. He woke up quickly from his bed as soon as he saw Juwai contact. He didn't know why, but his heart gave a blast as soon as he saw her name on the screen.

    He then opened the message content and read it. I didn't know what he saw as the content, the only thing i saw was tears rolling down his cheeks. " juwai, you can't do this to me! Nooooo, don't do this please". He read the message for the second time again.

       *"Yaa Arfaat, am sorry about this, but I'm getting married to yaa junayd in two weeks time. I had to make a decision like this for us both, please, stay away from me. As you can see I'm now someone's wife. I wish you the very best life can offer. Bissalam"*

"Why juwai? Does it seem like i don't love you? Does it look like the feelings i have for you are not real? Why? Why a thing like this?" He said, crying so hard as he slipped down to floor, his head in his hands, crying so badly.

He couldn't go out to work that day, as he had a terrible fever starting that very monday morning. Mai kunu tried her best, but to no avail, arfaat wouldn't take drugs neither did he say a word to his worried mother. What he only think about is juwai and her so called marriage to be in two weeks time.


*10days later*

Juwairiyyah had been busy lately, but by mere looking at her, you'll know she is greatly disturbed. She has a lot in mind. Thinking about Arfaat, this was not like him, Arfaat wouldn't have adhered to her warning, he still would have come over and hear it from her mouth, but he didn't. Meaning he has given up already.

   She walked into Hajiya Azumi's room, just to have some peace of mind.

"Juwai, are you okay?" Hajiya azumi asked slowly, only God knows what is going thru her head right now.

      "Yes grandma, I'm fine". Juwai replied, she then looked at Hajiya Azumi, trying to say something but decided to keep quite about it.

"Say what you have in mind child, i know you want to say something."

     "No grandma, just forget it. I have to go". She said as she quickly left the room. She wouldn't want her grandmother to get worried too, but She'll have to call arfaat and find out if he's okay or not. This isn't like him. She had been calling Arfaat several times, but the answer is still thesame. "The number is switched off."

Arfaat has been admitted to the hospital for the past five days, he has grown pale, and he looked weak. Mai kunu was super worried about his condition. She's always by his side. Hoping that he'll open his eyes, hold her hands and tell her what is wrong with him.

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