Omoshalewa - Episode 19

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Dedicated to all my wonderful readers, both those who have been silent and  those who took their time to comment and those who guessed right about where Stephen took Omoshalewa to.

I thank you all for the motivation all the way.

Stephen drove to one of the finest areas in Lagos, then pulled up at the front of a building painted in cream and brown. We both got down from the car while I was still wondering what he was up to . It was a two storey building. I looked at the top of the building, "OMOSHALEWA GROUP OF SCHOOLS" was written in bold letters.

I turned sharply to Stephen immediately I saw the name. I was trying to process the information, wondering if what I was thinking was the truth.

He nodded with a smile as if he read clearly my thoughts.
"Yes, Shalewa. This is your school. You remember I used to say it when we were still young that when God blesses me, I will build a school of your own for you. Here is my promise of many years Shalewa, you deserve even more than this. I actually bought this property two months ago but I delayed informing you about it because I wanted to ensure I paint it in your favourite colour and put the finishing touches, so here we are."

It was such a huge surprise for me. I felt as if my heart was about to explode

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I jumped at Stephen excitedly. I was overwhelmed with unspeakable joy. A school of my own? I never envisaged such a huge accomplishment even in the next five years. I opened my eyes wide again to be sure that I wasn't dreaming.

Stephen led me into the big compound, I really loved the structure. Behind the building were two other small bungalows for crèche and nursery classes, then two other offices. He had even furnished the classrooms with chairs, tables and other educational/ instructional materials. The play ground was also equipped with different toys.

"Are you surprised at what you are seeing?" He asked

"Of course Stephen, surprise is an understatement, how did you come about the materials and equipment?"

"I engaged the service of one of my friends who is a Principal in one of the schools here in Lagos, he helped me to furnish the classrooms with the essential items appropriate for a good and conducive learning environment."

"Wow! You are a darling! Thanks so much my love. I am short of words right now." I cried.

The joy was just too much. Tears of joy streamed down my face as I entered the classrooms one after the other. I bless the very day I met Stephen Martins. He is such a wonderful person. I really thanked God for this great and sudden blessing, a dream come true it is.

"Shalewa, you have done so much for me in the past. You were there for me during the hard periods of my life. You really made an impact during that short relationship we had, such that can never be forgotten. How will I ever forget the days you provided for my dire needs? Except if I am an ingrate. You deserve to be happy Shalewa, you are an Angel!"

"Oh, thank you darling! Thanks so much. This is just too much!" I repeated over and over again...



Two weeks later, I got married to Stephen, the love of my life. It was the second happiest day of my entire life. A lot of friends, families, colleagues and neighbours were there to celebrate with us. Even Aunty Mopelola arrived Nigeria two days to my wedding to grace the occasion. We went to the registry early in the morning, then proceeded to my aunt's house for the engagement. I wept so much when the farewell prayers for the bride were offered, my mum would have been happy to witness a day like this but she was no more...

The reception/entertainment of guests took place immediately after the engagement at one of the very big events all in the same community. There were lots to eat and to drink. I looked so beautiful in my wedding gown and Stephen was sparkling handsome in his smart black suit. At last I was married to the love of my life, I had the marriage of my dreams. 

We travelled to Abuja for our honeymoon. We spent two weeks there. We left Junior with his god mother, Aunty Mope.



I was seated in my office at Omoshalewa School, going through the files of some applicants. We were trying to recruit the first set of both academic and non academic staff that will work in the school. Resumption is in three weeks. A lot of parents have started coming to enrol their children. Applicants too have started submitting their credentials.

I opened a particular applicant's file, the name is so familiar. I checked the name again and the institution attended. Yes, I was sure she was the one. Stella, Ngozi's friend, Oyinkansola's room mate at school. I called her number and told her to come for an interview the following day.

She entered my office the next day, expecting to be interviewed by the Proprietress of the school. She was shocked to see me.

"Shalewa, are you Mrs Martins, the Proprietress?"

"Yes Stella, by God's grace. I am happy to meet you again. I saw your name on one of the C.Vs, so I intentionally called you yesterday, so we could meet..."

We hugged each other joyfully.

"Wow! Shalewa, you have made it oh! I can't believe this"

"Well, let's just give all the glory to God. What's up with you?"

"Nothing much oh my sister. When I searched for job and I got tired, I decided to apply for teaching, at least to keep body and soul together."

"Hmmmmmm, it is well. How about Oyin and Ngozi? Do you still hear from them?"

"Ha! Shalewa, you have just asked for a long story oh. Oyinkansola is married to Desmond."

"Which Desmond?"

"The same Desmond of Rainbow bank back then. You see, after you left Desmond, Oyinkan forced her way into his life. They started a relationship like play like play. To cut the long story short, she got pregnant for Desmond during her service year. Desmond was forced by his parents to marry her but their marriage was nothing to write home about. She beat Oyinkansola almost everyday despite the fact that she was pregnant. She gave birth to a premature baby that couldn't survive at the end of the day. I later heard that Desmond lost his job after the wedding which turned him into a worse and bitter husband. My dear, what Oyinkansola did enh? I am very sure she is regretting it now. I am not even certain that they are still together. I have lost her contact. Ngozi on the other hand is living and working in Abuja. She is still single too."

I sighed on hearing her story. "So, Oyinkansola could be that desperate?" I thought.

"Stella, such is life." I replied. "As for me, my own testimony is that the stone which the builders rejected later became the chief corner stone. The same Stephen that we thought will not achieve much in life is the one I am married to now. He is the brain behind the school you are looking at today."

"Really? Shalewa, same Stephen?"

"Yes, my dear."

"Ha! I have learnt a lesson oh," she replied shaking her head solemnly.

I employed Stella but I gave her as salary almost double of what other members of staff were receiving...

So, that is life for you my brothers and sisters, one knows tomorrow except God. Those who have no God in their lives are undertaking serious risks.

Oyinkansola got what she wanted. Her desperation to hook up with a rich handsome banker led her to a miserable life.

Read " The Honeymoon " by the same author ( Moyosore Teniola )

. None of the other ladies were married yet. The same Stephen they thought wouldn't make it has not only made it but his blessings are like that of Abraham. His real estate business is flourishing day by day.

There was never a day I regretted getting married to Stephen. He is such a wonderful husband and father, above all godly and responsible. I had peace all round in my marriage. Jesus is so good to us all the way. He blessed us with a beautiful baby girl, two years after our wedding. Our lives keep getting better and better by the day. I give all the glory to God! I hope you have all learnt from my story?"

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths." - Proverbs 3:5-6



I appreciate you all for following this story to the end. 

A big Thank You to the brains behind Ebonystory website...

I appreciate all of you who have been sending wonderful comments, time will fail me to mention your names, you have motivated me all the way, I love you all. I am grateful. 

I give thanks to the Almighty God, my source of Inspiration.

Please do well to comment and share the lessons you have learnt so far...

I sight you all.

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animated dancing girl
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  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    We thank God for a successful end dear, God is not human, his ways are not our ways, it is only God that can determine the future, God bless you dear for this story, you've inspired me a lot.
  • Jessica Francis picture
    Jessica Francis
    Wow I hv learn a lot Moyo thanks n God bless. Yeeee am first to comment
  • Jessica Francis picture
    Jessica Francis
    Wow I hv learn a lot Moyo thanks n God bless. Yeeee am first to comment
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Thank you too Benedicta.
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Lol @ Jessica, God bless u too. Thanks
  • Emash picture
    All glory to God. Thanks Moyo for the lessons.
  • Favour Abhatue picture
    Favour Abhatue
    Wow, wow, I enjoyed this story till the end. Thanks for your time dear
  • picture
    [email protected]
    God bless you for this inspiring story.
  • Loveth Dennis picture
    Loveth Dennis
    Wow happy ending God bless u dear
  • Godiya Wisdom picture
    Godiya Wisdom
    Glory!!! Your stories are all inspiring and lesson filled, they all point it's readers to Jesus... Well done dear.. God bless you and Inspire
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    Your source of inspiration will never run dry. God's way are not our ways & everyone is beautiful created with an amazing destiny to fulfill. The story is lovely full of great lessons
  • Rhoda Ablateye picture
    Rhoda Ablateye
    Dear writer, I want to say thank you for this book. I love you
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    You are welcome Emash.
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Thanks Favour, am glad you did
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Amen @ daragoldy, God bless u too... Amen @Loveth, thanks so much
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Thanks Godiya, I say a big Amen.
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Amen @Adeoti, thanks all the way
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    @Rhoda, you are welcome sis, love you too
  • Olasumbo Ayodeji picture
    Olasumbo Ayodeji
    Wonderful story
  • Chidirim precious picture
    Chidirim precious
    Thanks alot dear More grace to write more. Thanks.
  • Ruth Karanja picture
    Ruth Karanja
    I have learn a lot dear....surely nobody know tomorrow only ,God.....thanks & more ink to ur pen
  • Mauray Anyanwu picture
    Mauray Anyanwu
    Thanks babe, that was a bomb. I love this piece so much. Beware of people who do not share same faith with you.
  • Oluwadare Mojisola picture
    Oluwadare Mojisola
    Thank God for shalewa's life. Thanks for the good work
  • Emmanuella Amaluchukwu picture
    Emmanuella Amaluchukwu
    Wow!!!, What a wonderful ending, Indeed no one knows tomorrow, Thank you so much dear, May the good Lord continue to strengthen u.???
  • Nyamusi Noreen picture
    Nyamusi Noreen
    What a wonderful story.never underestimate anyone, only God knows what the future holds. Thanks so much Teniola may you be blessed to continue giving us stories with this kind of inspiration.
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Thanks @Olasumbo and Chidirim. Amen
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Thanks @Ruth Karanja... Yes o @Mauray, thanks a lot
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Thanks @Mojisola
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Ameeeen, thanks too @Emmanuella
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    @ Noreen. A big Ameen. Thanks for following
  • Cynthia Obi picture
    Cynthia Obi
    Indeed no one knows tomorrow do not judge anyone with is present condition. Nice one dear keep it up
  • Benedicta Akowuah picture
    Benedicta Akowuah
    Thanks a lot Moyo for this wonderful story
  • Blessed Daniel picture
    Blessed Daniel
    Wow What Else Can I Say,u Hav Made My Nit Already..Lesson Learnt. Dont Look Down On Anybody. And No Matter Hw We Try To Stop Destiny, We Just Cant Defeat It..The Power Of Destiny Should Have Been The Title Of This Story..Kudos To U@Moyosore
  • EnkayDee picture
    Well done moyo, I have really enjoyed every episodes. What God has destined to be cannot be changed it can only be delayed. It pays to be good cos no good deed goes unrewarded, do not look down on anyone cos no one knows what tomorrow holds. With Jesus in our lives we can go through thick n thin with ease. I could go on and on. Please new story alert asap
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Thanks @Cynthia... u are welcome, Benedicta, thanks too
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    @ Blessed Daniel, hmmmmmm, power of destiny indeed... thanks all the way!
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Thanks Enkaydee, am glad you learnt a lot... more stories soon by God's grace
  • Abigail Amande picture
    Abigail Amande
    This story is amazing!!! I'm most happy because, it is pointing to Jesus. Weldon dear.
  • Aniemeke Anita picture
    Aniemeke Anita
    God bless u for such a wonderful n inspiring story, looking forward to reading ur next story, please don't let it take so long ooooo
  • Omotosho saheed picture
    Omotosho saheed
    TINUOLA, u no try at all oooooo. U sent us invitation to their wedding without date and venue? That's why me especially missed d wedding . I too like party jollof rice*Rotfl*
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Thanks Abigail, am glad you love it... @ Anita, Amen sis. It won't be too long by God's grace. thank you
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    @Saheed. E yah, Am sorry bro. I can cook yours specially. Lol
  • Boluwatife Amusan picture
    Boluwatife Amusan
    Whoa!!!! A beautiful ending.. More ink to your pen, you've done a wonderful work..
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Thanks @Boluwatife
  • Kehinde Temitope Odunukan Adeboye picture
    Kehinde Temitope Odunukan Adeboye
    I really enjoyed it my love God bless you more and more for the wisdom Teniola love...keep it up expecting more interesting story like dis from you
  • Amma picture
    your stories always end with a moral lesson for life....God bless u more for availing yourself to be used as an instrument to reach out to people positively through u bunch....thanx to ebonystory as well
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Thanks so much @ Kehinde Temitope, coming soon by God's grace
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    @ Amma, thanks a lot. God bless u too
  • Preciousgift Oganya picture
    Preciousgift Oganya
    Lovely story. More grace dear
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Thanks Precious gift
  • chisom Julia picture
    chisom Julia
    Wow thank God for a happy ending and may God bless you. More ink to you. Remain blessed.
  • Uwem Udoh picture
    Uwem Udoh
    Wow,such an interesting story...God bless you
  • eyemo509@gmail.comtolu picture
    [email protected]
    Take kiss muaaah i enjoyed the story like kilosele the story is heart captivating and it has a lot of moral lessons embedded in it May GOD my HEAVENLY FATHER bless the WRITER IN JESUS NAME
  • Adorabe picture
    This story really blessed my soul, am not surprise because that is what my great God can do for those who patiently wait for him. With this, my confident on God has skyrocketed. Kudos Moyosore, great work you did.
  • Mercy Ezigbo picture
    Mercy Ezigbo
    A very interesting and inspiring story well told, great work dear. I enjoy reading your works, hope to read another soon.
  • Hammed Yetunde picture
    Hammed Yetunde
    Wow!!!! Moyo,you are a genius,may God in HIS infinite mercies increase you in knowledge and understanding.The sky is the starting point my dear,not the limit
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Bless u too @ Uwem Udoh, thanks so much @ eyemo
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    @Chisom Julia, Amen! thanks so much
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Thanks Adorable, am glad you have being encouraged
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Thanks Mercy, coming soon
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    @ Hammed Yetunde, Amen Amen Amen. Thanks a lot
  • Daizy Love picture
    Daizy Love
    I learnt a lesson, may God continue to enrich you with more knowledge. God bless you
  • Moyosore Teniola picture
    Moyosore Teniola
    Amen. Thanks Daizy
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    what a lovely story with a lot of lessons learnt. Kudos to u @Moyosore
  • Temmyluv picture
    Wonderful story keep it up
  • Mhiz diamond picture
    Mhiz diamond
    Nice ending,more sucess.
  • Ayomide Huntress picture
    Ayomide Huntress
    Kudos to you babe i just started reading the story today n now I'm done.. What a nice,interesting and educative story
  • Solomon Deborah picture
    Solomon Deborah
    Nice one dear, keep it up. God will continue to grant you wisdom, knowledge and understanding
  • Dah Mighty Mike picture
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    We should really be aware of our advisers......great story
  • Jenifer Adekunmi picture
    Jenifer Adekunmi
    Wow!! I really love it.. It is really a motivational one.. . May God bless you the more..... I really learnt a great lesson.. . Thanks so much
  • annabrenda picture
    Glory to God. such a wonderful one.
  • Oke Olabisi picture
    Oke Olabisi
    wonderful story that really minister and touch my heart thanks alot
  • Atolaze picture
    Very educative
  • Abayomi Mathew picture
    Abayomi Mathew
    What an educative and spiritual building up story, each episodes are loaded with great inspiration and wonderful lessons. Trusting in God is a great gain and learning from His is profitable.
  • Peter Ijeremen picture
    Peter Ijeremen
    this story is really very interesting and it have moral lessons, don't run after wealth but make yours. born poor is not a problem but you can break the limit if u want to. alway seek the lord b4 u emback on anything more grace to write.
  • Michael progress picture
    Michael progress
    The best story i have ever read
  • Toyeme Toyosi picture
    Toyeme Toyosi
    Wow... you really wowed me Love your organisation, your insight, you are indeed amazing. Love to be reading more of your novel. Nice one
  • Ogunyemi Grace picture
    Ogunyemi Grace
    What a lesson! Thanks Moyosore...more ink to your pen.
  • Taiwo fausiat picture
    Taiwo fausiat
    Akhamdullilahi we that started this story also finish it by God's grace,Aunty Moyo,more grace to your elbow,it was actually the title of the story that attracted me and i didn't regret reding it.Thanks so much
  • Elizabeth picture
    wow wow i have learn alot thank GOD for a happy ending thank u too.
  • Chigaemezu Njoro picture
    Chigaemezu Njoro
    Thanks ??? so much I really learn slot
  • Ummulkulthum Mohammad picture
    Ummulkulthum Mohammad
    Just wow,weldone and tnx ma'am.
  • Titilayo Rachael picture
    Titilayo Rachael
    Wow!!! What a wonderful story, full of Many lessons to learn. May God bless the writer richly in Jesus name, more ink to your pen ??
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