Palm lines 2 - Episode 3

Palm lines 2

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I was nervous about how my official Inauguration as a Pastor would be, I've spent all week making preparations for it.  A night before the inauguration ceremony,  i heard a knock on the door, i was at the family house and not at my personal house.  
"Banke!" i called my little sister but no answered.
My eyes were glued on a movie. "Shope!" i called out to my other sister but she clearly didn't or they were both intentionally avoiding to open the door.
"Shope!" i heard mom yelled from the kitchen then i stood up, "I'll get it" i  hastened my steps then i opened the door . I saw Charity by the door, she's either called Ife or Charity, but I've always preferred calling her by her English name. 
"Pastor Ayo good evening" she  greeted, and i quickly observed what  she held in her hands. They was a nylon with her, the content appeared to be a gift since it was wrapped with a fancy gift wrap. 
"I don't recall it being my birthday"
"Cause it's not. How are you the package is for you? It might just be for Mommy" she walked in and I locked the door.
"I felt it in my guts" I answered and she laughed. 
 "Tomorrow's your Pastoral inauguration and I came bearing gifts in advance." She stretched the package towards me,  "That's sweet, I feel loved. Thank you Sister Charity"
"You're welcome

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. Where's mommy?" She looked around, "Something smells good, she must be in the kitchen. Let me join her" she answered zooming off to the kitchen while I resumed watching the movie.
I was curious to know the content of the gift so i opened it. It was a wrist watch and a vintage neck tie. She knew how much i loved vintage ties. I wasn't the conventional Pastor, i naturally love to spice up the ministry.
Sister Charity walked in later complaining because mom didn't want her in the kitchen. 
"Thanks for the gift." I 
"You're welcome, that's for being a friend and a pastor to me"
"I'll wear it tomorrow until I'm being given the collar" I promised and she smiled. "That'll mean a lot to me" she placed her hand over mine and i cleared my throat pretending to have a cough. 
Of course i knew she liked me but i didn't feel that way about her. I've always seen her more of a little sister than someone I could actually be involved with. 
"Should i get you water?" 
 "I'm fine" i cleared my throat and she smiled looking at the movie. "Why are you watching all these movies? They'll corrupt your mind"
"The mind is already corrupt, the holy Spirit gives  us the grace to love above it. Romans 12:2, do not conform to the pattern of the world but be ye transformed through the renewing of the mind. I like to see it as enlightenment, every man on earth needs to be enlightened.  Igorance should never be an excuse to man. That's my philosophy. I'm a free-minded person, sister Ife you need to live a little" i advised and i noticed she felt uncomfortable.
Charity left after dinner, mom walked into my room while I was meditating on my Sunday school manual. 
"Ayo mi (My joy)" she began, "Ibukun mi (My blessing)" she added. 
"When a man come of age, he starts to think of a lot of things, including marriage" she began and I rolled her eyes. I already knew the direction of the discussion. 
"Mummy, like I've always said, I'll get married someday" 
"Ayo you're doing well financially, you live in a house of your own, you have your own workshop. What else do you want before you realize it's time to get married"
"The right one. I haven't seen the right one yet"
"You're looking for something that's right under your nose"
"I don't understand mom"
"Don't play stupid with me Ayo! Sister Ife obviously likes you and she's a good Christian to the core, she's frequent to church services, she's a good woman and she has a sweet soul. You look at her and you know that she has good home training, she's still a virgin. Hahan, tell me that's not a good candidate" she asked and I laughed.
"Mom you're funny oh" 
"This is not a laughing matter Ayomide, it's not at all. Court her and see, I'm sure you won't regret it"
"I don't feel that way about Sister Ife" "That was how it was for your father and I those years and now we've been happily married for thirty years.
"Thirty years Ayo! Only Ife can do that"
"I don't know"
"You better make a move before someone else does"
Mom had to interrupt my thinking process with the thought of marriage. Not like I've never thought of it, I haven't seen the right woman that deserves that proposal. 
Ife seems like a devoted Christian but she had her faults; she had a bad temper and she pretends a lot about it hiding it in the fold of being a Christian.
The next morning, just after the praise and worship moment ended, I noticed her walk in, she had a short gown on and a black eye shades over her eyes. 
"This one come for church?" Evangelist Obi asked beside me and I chuckled. Men of God are supposed to present themselves as holy and composed, not Evangelist Obi, the man was a devoted gossip! 
I saw her sit beside Bode's fiancee, Stacy. 
"She follow Bode fiancee come oh, na bad woman him wan put for house so oh" he added and I shook my head. 
The whole "Everlasting life" scenerio almost made me laugh if I didn't control myself. Everyone gazed at her in shock.
"I never see this kain person before" Evangelist Obi laughed. Though she gave reasons for saying it, I didn't believe it for a minute.
I began to think, how is it possible for a person to be so oblivious that the proper and universal response to "in the presence of God," was "there Is fullness of joy".
Maybe she doesn't go to church or perhaps today was her first time being in church. I answered my own question. 
After being poured the oil at the ordination service, my face was oily; the handkerchief couldn't clean it all off.  I was soaked from my head to shirt.
I could feel the power of God in me, I felt this inner joy. After service, I received congratulatory messages from persons and gifts too. 
I had Shope take the gifts into the car. Charity walked up to me with a note pad in her hands. "I guess congratulations are in order" she smiled and I nodded. 
"Thanks dear"
"You're welcome. I just had a discussion with Brother John about the youth vigil and he thinks we should cancel it till next month but we have to consider that it will clashed with women's fasting and prayers vigil."
"You're right"
"I'm always right" she asked cockily and I laughed. 
"We'll have to reschedule, I might not be around, you guys might have to find another speaker and that will require" before I could complete my sentence, I got interrupted by 'Miss Everlasting life'.
 "Hi" she smiled and the Ife turned at her, she didn't seem thrilled to see her. "Why is this one not happy to see me" she asked and Ife smiled. 
It was definitely fake!
"Who's not happy to see you. It's God house, even the sinners are welcome" Ife answered and I almost rolled my eyes at how direct she was. 
"After all, you heard what the Pastor said, Jesus didn't come for the saints, he came for the sinners hallelujah!" She waved my hands.
"At least you got something out of the message. May the holy Spirit make you the doer of the word and not just the hearer" 
"Amen darling"
 "And...hopefully you won't forget that in the presence of the Lord, there's fullness of joy" she answered and I scoffed. 
"Brother Ayomide, sorry, Pastor Ayomide, congrats once again and I'll stop by at the house later to eat my own rice oh" she added leaving me alone with her. 
"What a bitch" I heard her mutter and i cleared my throat and I cautioned her to watch her language. 
She seemed like the outspoken type and I admired her for it. Her face looked familiar too but I couldn't point out where I've seen the face. 
I found out that her name was Tuni Reiner; it sounded familiar too. 
"Yeah I'm a..." Before she could complete her sentence, Mom pulled me away there were a family members who still wanted to take pictures with me.
I went back to her and I noticed she wasn't too thrilled about the way we were interrupted and she didn't hide it. It was purely written on her face.
"I'm sorry" I apologized,
 "About the way she..." 
"She was rude, everyone in this damn church is rude" she answered and I smiled.  "She's my mom" i answered and I I saw the static look on her face. 
It was funny though. 
"I'm sorry, I've not had good vibes since I walked in, everyone's judging me"
"Geez I wonder why" I answered looking at her dress and she chuckled. It was totally normal for anyone to get judgemental, judging from her dressing to not knowing one of the simplest word of God. 
"Congrats on your Pastorship" she added then she bluntly asked me out without sugar coating it and I smiled.
Of course I knew what she meant; I wasn't stupid. She probably thought I was one of those loosed Pastors who frolick about the cities with girls; one of those end time pastors. 
"That sounds like a plan" I answered and she chuckled. She definitely felt victorious. 
"Pick a time, or a date, Friday night sounds amazing. I can clear my schedule for you. Cause you're really hot" she confessed and I smiled.
It was so easy to read her and tell her personality, hitting on me on her first time meeting me and even fully aware that I was a pastor. 
She was a sinner and the only thought that crossed through my mind was winning her soul for God. 
Instead of her Friday night plan, I invited her to Bible study instead and she agreed. I had a leading in my spirit to bring her to Christ and u was damn ready to win a soul for Him.
I was shocked when I saw her walk into the church. I was at the peak of my preaching about meditating God's word.
 I didn't think she would come, but she did anyways. 
After the service we had a youth Exco meeting that I couldn't escape from even though Tuni was waiting for me. Afterwards, we discussed but it wasn't as much as I would have loved to.  
She wanted us to talk on a date but I declined;I didn't want to make myself look so easy. I've gained experience enough to know that you become useless to ladies like Tuni especially when you become too available and easy to get.
She wanted to fix other days for a meeting but I was unavoidably absent. I had a convention at Ife where I had to appear as the Guest Pastor. 
I spent my entire stay in a distant family's house. During my stay in Ife, I paid a visit to my best friend in the university, Racheal and her husband. When I studied mechanical engineering in Ife, she was one of the female student that had passion for the course. 
She treated me to Eba and Egusi soup. "When would you get married" Racheal asked me just after dinner.
"Sweetheart, did you hear that they're trying to repair the road at that market lane" her husband, Denrele tried to change the topic, "Don't try to change the topic dear"
 "Honey, I'm not changing the topic, Ayo is still young"
"Like you were when we got married. Besides, he's now a Pastor, a Pastor without a wife is like feaces on the floor, it's prone to flies" she compared, I creased my brow in disgust. Why would she liken me to feaces on the floor?
"I don't understand"
"You know damn well what I mean,"
"Rachael, I'm not being promiscous"
"Don't you have needs? You definitely have needs"
"For the things of God"
"Don't even give me those Bible crap. What if one daughter of Jezebel comes after you?" She asked and Tuni crossed my mind. 
"Come on, like I haven't encountered that a lot of times"
"And you haven't fallen prey?"
"The last one that came even started undressing right in front of me"
"And you didn't feel anything? No bulge, no erection?" She asked and I coughed drinking from a glass of juice on the table.
Then I laughed.
"That's R-rated" I responded and Denrele laughed. Racheal glared at him.
"This isn't a funny matter. I'm serious here, this is a matter of flesh giving way. Whether you like it or not, you're flesh and the flesh always gives way, trust me. Forget those Bible sermon. I know you've got the will but the only way out is to find a girl, propose to her and avoid all these daughter of Jezebel. Whether they come at you, at least you'll get rid of the feelings that that moment when you get home to your wife"
"Even married men cheats, I hope you know" Denrele asked and Racheal gazed suspiciously at him and I laughed.
"You should really consider getting married, people don't take unmarried Pastors serious." Denrele added and I nodded. 
I went back to the house then i gave what Racheal said a serious thought. Somehow everyone wanted me to get married but I i've never been the kind to lean on my understanding. I always rely on the holy Spirit every step of the way"
I knelt down and I asked for some kind of enlightenment from God; at least a sign.
Thoughts of Tuni crossed my mind and I found myself laughing. Then I thought of Charitu and how long we've known each other and how far we've come.

I was supposed to return back on a Saturday but I couldn't cause I had to do a Pastor friend a favor by blessing the lives of his members the following day. 
I rode back to Lagos after the service. I got back home to find Charity at home helping Mom out with the cooking. 
"Something smells good" I said standing by the door and mom turned to me in shock. 
"Pastor Ayo" Ife called out in shock. 
"I didn't hear you come in" Mom added and I smiled. "I thought you said you won't be coming till tomorrow"
"I just thought I should surprise you"
"Surprise wèré (crazy surprise) now that you've surprised me, come and cook yourself cause the meal I made will not be enough for you" she answered and I laughed. 
"I'll just manage to share mine with him" Charity answered and I laughed.
"In my own house shebi?" I asked and mom laughed. 
"Point of correction, in your father's house, remember you have your own house?" Mom asked and I laughed again.
"Welcome back. We missed you today in church" Ife answered and I nodded. 
"Ife I don't know if you'll be free tomorrow evening for a date?" I asked and she opened her mouth in shock. I didn't want to ask In front of mom but I knew that I wouldn't ask again if I didn't ask that moment.
"Now this is what we call a surprise" Mom answered and we all laughed. "O'ole dahun (Can't you answer?)" Mom snapped at her and she nodded her head continuously;  "Yeah, yea.... Yes. Yes I'll be free" she answered with a smile.
It felt weird asking Ife, I've always seen her as a sister and I never thought anything could transpire between us and now we're going on a date and for mom that definitely meant the beginning of courtship. 


Ade's POV
Being heart broken by the news of Sharon's engagement, i angrily went back home. Sharon's words ran through my subconscious,  "We were apart, I had to grow to realize we're worlds apart and there was nothing to hold on to.

Read " Hotel Palava " by the same author ( Essien Eno )

. I had to move on, what we had we're just... They were just infatuations and childish feelings, I grew up and I moved on"
I felt stupid and angry at Mr. Savage too for not informing me earlier on about the news. 
Sharon's words pierced through me like knife through my very own soul. I cried like i've never done in my entire life.I cried more than i did the day she left Nigeria.
I couldn't go to work, i had my assistant help me out until monday. As a result of a very important request from Shirley, i had to make deliveries at her house.
She opened the door in her work out wear, she had a pink tank top on a black hight waist sweat pants.
"You're 10 minutes behind your usual timing" she leaned on the door smiling.
"What? Superman suddenly lost his speed?" she asked and i tried hard to smile "Your deliveries" i stretched it out to her.
"Okay... What's up? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, why won't i be okay?" i faked a smile and she rolled her eyes.
"I've known you way too much to know this isn't your happy face. What's going on? Are you ill?" She asked and i paused in thought. She had to idea what was going on? The way i felt was worst than being ill.
"Wanna talk about it?" She offered, i hesitated for a while, then i accepted her offer.
I wouldn't have gone in on a normal day, but i felt the need to.
"I'm sorry about what she did" she apologized and i cleaned my tears.
"Forgive me for being silly"
"It's fine by me dear, like mom would say, when you see a man that cries, he has to be the most sensitive guy ever"
"Ade, if she did that to you, she's doesn't deserve your tears. She doesn't know your worth then. It's her loss, she doesn't know that there are a lot more women waiting to be yours" she paused, she was already getting personal.
"Besides, she has no idea, how many times i've asked you out" she added and i laughed.
"I've lost count too." i answered and she moved her lips close to mine. 
She paused looking into my eyes, when she noticed i didn't bulge, she went ahead to kiss me and i kissed her too.
As the kiss got deeper, i heard the door flung open. Shirley's friend walked in, she had that "opps" look on her face.
"I'm sorry" she apologized, "I never knew you had company" she smiled and Shirley laughed. 
"I was just leaving" I stood up, "We'll talk later, or I might stop by at the shop later in the day" she bit her lower lip and I shrugged. 
"Okay" I answered leaving the sitting room then I let out a loud sigh outside the house. 

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