Phoenix Reborn - Episode 7

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"Take the dark route this time."
"But sir, we've never used that route before. No one has. It's rumoured to be cursed."
"Well we don't have a choice, we must. The client made it clear he would not accept a late shipment this time."
"This is bad but you are the captain."
The sailors set course for the dark route on high alert in case of any surprises. Ninety minutes later,
 "Yo, is that a kid on that shore or am I tripping."
"What where?"
"Over there!"
"Dear Lord, is that a real person or are we hallucinating . I've heard rumours that spirits of those long dead manifest to lure people then kill them."
"Don't tell me my crew is made up of nothing but s*ies. Besides how much damage can someone that young cause, spirit or not. Set sail for that shore."
"I thought you said the shipment is not to be delayed."
"Don't play smart with me. Let's go."
"Papa! Papa!" Max called his father in terror. Alex came running out the jungle thinking some wild creature was preying on his baby boy. He looked around the shore and saw nothing then turned to the boy with a scowl on his face.
"Wh..." He begun to ask then turned to the direction the boy was facing.
"Look papa, a monster

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I've never seen such a creature before. Is it from one of the stories you always tell me?"
"Son, that is our salvation. It's a boat."
They waited on the shore till the boat came to a stop and a nasty looking guy and to scared looking men came down from it. Alex smelled trouble but he'd been looking for a chance like this for way too long to pass it up.
"Hi. I'm Alex. Do you speak English?"
"Yes. Who are you and what are you doing in this parts?"
"My plane crashed in this place three years ago. My son Max and I are the only survivors, please, would you take us back to land."
"Sorry mate, I don't have room for stowaways."
"I'll pay you."
"How much do you have?"
"How much do you want."
"Half a million dollars."
"That was first. You look like someone with cash otherwise you would have at least tried to bargain. Each."
"What?" Alex asks confused.
"Half a million dollars each. For you and your son."
"Fine. Just take us to land and I'll get you the money."
"Okay. Let's go. But if you try anything funny, I'll make you watch as I kill your kid then kill you."
"Don't threaten me Mr, I may need your help but..."
"But what!" The man barked.
"Let's just go already." Alex says seeing the frightened look on his son's face.
On getting to land, Alex makes contact with his mother. At first she doesn't believe it's him but he convinces her by telling her things only he would know. He tells her where he is and asks her to bring a million dollars in cash with her explaining how he promised the sailors that rescued him and his son the money.
"Just come mother, I'll explain everything later."
The reunion was a tearful one. Mrs Fernanda Motero was overjoyed at the return of her eldest son. His twin Eduardo was a good son but she was closer to Alejandro. Ever since they were young, Alex was the one with the tendency to get into trouble. They one whose back she needed to watch. Eduardo was the sensitive more responsible one.
That evening, news that famous playboy billionaire Alejandro Montero was alive was all over the news.
A couple of hundred miles away....
The glass of wine she is holding drops to the floor. 'It must be a hoax.

Read " Phoenix Reborn: My True Brother " by the same author ( Sylvia Maleko )

. He can't be alive. Please God, don't let him be alive. He'll try to take her away from me if he is.'
Olivia paces around the room trying to figure out what to do now that the world had decided to go to hell.
He freezes in his steps. He has just heard the news that has practically brought his world to a standstill. She's avoiding him as it is. If she ever finds out what he did three years ago, she'll never forgive him.
'What to do, what to do? I can't allow them to meet or talk, not before I finish what I set out to do before,' he thinks to himself as he resumes his pacing. Eighteen months ago she went to a conference in Belize and upon her return she just begun avoiding him. At first he thought it was because she'd met someone but after a couple of days of spying on her, he'd realized there was no one she was romantically involved with. So he gave her the time and space. But with Alejandro back, things were about to get more difficult for him. Especially because after the crash, when they'd all thought he was dead, she'd confessed to still loving him despite everything.
"D*ng it!" he cursed aloud.

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