Rose - Episode 2

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BEACHWOOD HIGH SCHOOL was a very fancy school for rich kids or poor kids who managed to get scholarship.

Read " The Bodyguard " by the same author ( Louisefaye )

. The JUNIOR SECONDARY was located a few metres from the SENIOR SECONDARY . The SENIOR SECONDARY classes were categorised into science, art, commercial and technology. Ufuoma walked towards her seat and placed her books on her table, she was the only one in her class SSS3science the other students were probably in the hallway chit-chatting and catching up after the long holidays. Little by little the class was soon filled as the the bell rang by 08:10 for assembly. After singing praises and singing the national anthem the principal Mr. Clement ascended the podium and started to address the students. Most of the SSS3 students were not listening as they were busy gisting or playing. Finally the assembly came to and end and everybody retired to their classes. The first subject was maths a subject Ufuoma loved very much, after the first two periods the bell was rung for lunch by 12:00pm. Ufuoma walked to the cafeteria, carried her food and sat in the most secluded area of the cafeteria. Ufuoma was almost done eating when she somebody sat next to her, she turned to see who it was and who she saw left her shocked...

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