Tears Of Summayah - Episode 35

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The days rolled into weeks and the once pampered Sumayyah became a slave. The physical and emotional torture she received gave a new meaning to the word orphan. She lost whatever confidence she had because she had no way to prove her innocence. Allah was her only witness.  

Sumayyah lay in bed thinking about how everything turned upside down. Their cruel treatment of her made her lose a lot of weight . No antenatal care or prenatal vitamins were allowed for her. Since the encounter the night before, Jamiu had banned her from his bed so she had no choice but to sleep on the cold tiled floor. He had also restricted her movements and confined her to the bedroom. She did NOTHING without his consent. Her mind replayed the cruel words he uttered on that fateful morning:

“Sumayyah, henceforth I want you to stay put in this room. You are already a disgrace and showing your face to my mum will be prohibited henceforth. I wouldn’t want her to be stressed because of her fragile state of health. Is that clear?”

Thus her life took a turn for the worse. Alhamdulillah ‘ala kulli haal, Sumayyah thought. Her stomach rumbled loud enough for the entire house to hear. She had had nothing to eat all day and Jamiu was out

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/tears-of-summayah

. Not even a drop of water had touched her tongue and she was dying of thirst. What made it even worse was that she was still in her first trimester and the pain was unbearable. When she couldn’t take it anymore, she went straight to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water. The glass of water slipped from her hands and shattered into a dozen pieces when she heard Jamiu call her name.

“Subhanallah, look at what you’ve done! I warned you not to leave the room didn’t I?”

“You were out and…and I was very thirsty.”

“You have to pay for the glass you broke right now.”

“But it was an accident!”

“There’s no excuse Sumayyah. Pay up.”

Jamiu pulled at the scruff of her shirt and began to drag her out of the kitchen. The shards of broken glass cut into Sumayyah’s feet and she yelped in pain.
“Jamiu, stop dragging me. My leg is bleeding.”

“I don’t care.”

Sumayyah remembered their time at the hotel when she had injured her leg and Jamiu dressed the wound when she was asleep. That caring, kind man was gone, replaced by someone she didn’t recognise. “I don’t have any money. Please, don’t punish me like this.”

“You don’t have money huh? I will take you to a place where you will get paid and you can then pay for the glass you broke.”

“Where are you taking me to?”

“If you must know we are going to the club.” Get dressed and meet in the sitting room. And apply something to the cut on your leg.”

“Club? Why would I visit the club?”

“Don’t ask silly questions. Go inside and change into the clothes I prepared for you, you’ll find it on the bed.”

She tried to plead with him and make him see reason. “I am very weak, uncomfortable, and my body aches a lot. Please don’t make me leave the house”.

“Stop wasting my time and do as I say!” Sumayah jumped at his voice. “One more thing; don’t bother to wear your hijab because you won’t be needing it.”

Sumayyah gasped in shock. “You can’t force me to go with you! What kind of a husband are you?”

“No, you should ask yourself what kind of a wife you are. You are the one who’s carrying an illegitimate child in your womb.”

“You can do whatever you want with me, but I will not remove my hijab and let other men see my body.”

Jamiu clapped in amusement. “What about those men you have been intimate with, did they not see you without your hijab?”

“That is not true.”

“I don’t want to hear anything. Just go in and change right now.”

Sumayyah stomped her foot in anger. “I won’t do it. You can’t make me”

“If you don’t change right now, I swear I will do it for you.”

“I am not a pr-stitute, I am your wife. You can’t do this to me.”

Jamiu slapped her hard and ripped her clothes from her body.

“No, please don’t make me do this. I promise to do whatever you say but not this please”.

Jamiu did not listen dragged her into the room and pulled the skimpy clothes over her head.

“Jamiu I beg of you, please don’t do this.”

“Did you think that I would just allow you go scot free while carrying another man’s child? I want you to feel the pain I felt when you cheated on me. I want you to be ridiculed and the world to know how shameless you are.”

Sumayyah realised that it would be useless to fight back so she allowed him to do whatever he wanted. When he finished, he stepped back and looked her over.
“You look beautiful. Such a pity that you are just a cheap sl-t”
He led her out of the compound and they hailed a cab to the club.

At the hotel, they alighted and were about to go in when the driver called Jamiu aside.

“I think she needs to return home she is not comfortable.”

“Sir, I respect you a lot. Please do not dabble into my family affairs.”

“I just thought...”

“Please come back tomorrow morning, 7:30am to pick Sumayyah up”.

“What about you?”

“I will be leaving tonight.”

“Hmm, okay.”

The driver got into his car and zoomed off.

Jamiu joined Sumayyah at the entrance and to the club and led her inside. Sumayyah did not bother to protest so as not to create a scene. She prayed to God for a saviour to come and take her home.

“Hurry up. We are already late and I don’t want to keep our client waiting”

“Don’t do this to me, please.”

Just then, a guy came out of the hotel and greeted Jamiu.

“Ahmed, this is the girl I told you about.”

Ahmed checked Sumayyah out and whistled. “She is beautiful and not that bad.”

Jamiu nodded in agreement.

Ahmed spoke so only Jamiu could hear. “I hope she’ll co-operate because my brother is coming here very soon. Remember I told you that I planned this as a surprise for him because I think he needs to enjoy his life.”

“Don’t worry about that.”

“Alright, I will just take her to the room reserved for my brother, so that when he comes, he would meet her there.”
Jamiu turned to Sumayyah. “Go with him.”

Sumayyah hesitated. “Why should I?.

“Just do as I say, will you? And don’t try to mess up or else…”

“He is a random guy...”

“Hey, you are a pr-stitute so stop pretending to be a saint. Remember this is not your first time, and I can give you out to more than one man tonight if you don’t behave” He turned to Ahmed. “You can take her now.”

“Let’s go beautiful.”

Sumayyah looked back at Jamiu for the last time hoping to find any traces of guilt or remorse in his eyes but she saw nothing but hatred and revenge.

Sumayyah was shown into the room and asked to make herself comfortable. She wanted to scream and run as fast as her legs could carry her, but she was too weak to do anything but pray.

Ahmed’s brother, Uthman called him to let him know he would soon be at the hotel. As soon as he and his companions arrived the hotel, Uthman called again, and Ahmed directed him to Room 208 which had been reserved for him. Uthman collected the keys from the receptionist and wondered what kind of surprise his brother had for him in the room. He just hoped that it was nothing stupid.
“Maryam, you’d have to pay for a room while Iman and I will sleep in my room.”
“Okay, sir.”
Maryam did as she was told and after she got the keys from the receptionist, went in a different direction. Uthman and Iman did the same, eager to get inside their room and get a good night’s sleep.

“Why is it so dark in here? The hotel management should leave the lights on.” Uthman was a little annoyed at this

“Maybe to reduce the load that the generator has to carry.” Iman brought out his flashlight and searched for the light switch on the wall. “Got it.”
Light flooded the room and they both stepped inside. Uthman scanned the room and noticed the slender shape of a woman under the covers.
“Iman, look. I think someone is here”

“Yes, sir. I think so too.”

“Are you sure we are not in the wrong room?” Uthman checked his keys to confirm if they were really in Room 208. “It is the same room.” He moved closer to the bed and yanked the covers off Sumayyah’s body.

“Subhanallah! This must be the ‘surprise’ Ahmed was talking about. What is wrong with this brother of mine, ehn?”
“Sir, I don’t understand what is going on here.”

“This is Ahmed's doing.” Uthman was so angry he kicked Sumayyah to wake her, but she didn’t budge. He tapped her again, gently this time.
“Miss, can you wake up right now, this is no time for jokes.” He examined her closely and noticed her gaunt face and chapped lips.
“Iman, she is fast asleep, but she has to leave. I am going to freshen up, please wake her up and ask her to leave. I don’t need such services especially not from someone so young.” He sighed. “I wonder what this world is actually turning to, there is no shame or dignity left.”

Iman sprinkled some water on her face from the bottle he was holding. Sumayyah did not stir. “Sir, I think something is wrong.”

“What is it?” Uthman touched her forehead and it burned him. “Subhanallah, she’s burning up. Iman go to the car and bring my box.”

“Okay, sir.” Iman went out the door in a rush.”

“Miss, miss please wake up.” Uthman tried to wake Sumayyah to no avail. “What has Ahmed gotten me into?” He rubbed her hands and switched off. Iman returned with the box and handed Uthman his stethoscope and he proceeded to examine her. After a thorough examination, he pronounced:
“I think she is pregnant… and malnourished too. I will set up an IV line”

“Sir, don’t you think she should be taken to the hospital?”

“No need to soil my reputation by answering questions about how we met her. I will take care of her here, she only needs rest.” Uthman turned to look at the Sumayyah again. “I’ll definitely give her a piece of my mind when she’s awake as she has robbed me of my much-needed sleep.”

Uthman injected some medications into her and set up the IV line. When he was done, he handed Iman a blanket.  “We’ll have to sleep on the floor, and the room is already hot because we can’t turn on the AC because of the girl.”

“Okay sir”

In the middle of the night Sumayyah opened her eyes confused as to where she was. She noticed the IV line and she screamed. This woke Uthman and he reached out and covered her mouth with his hand.

“Shut up girl. Will you try to shout again?” When she shook her head he slowly removed his hand.

“Who are you?” She asked.

Uthman rolled his eyes. “I should be asking you that question.”

Summayha hung her head in shame. She couldn’t very well tell him that her husband brought her there. She decided to say th first thing that came to mind. “I am so thirsty and hungry, please.”

“I knew you would say that. Here take this.” He handed a plate of food. “It’s cold but you should be able to manage it.”

“Yes, thank you”.

Uthman watched as Sumayyah devoured the food. “Have you been starving for a year?”

“No sir.”

“So why are you here? Who are your parents? How old are you? Are you pregnant? Why are you doing this kind of job?” Uthman fired the questions at her without missing a beat. “I would have slapped you hard if you weren’t ill. Wouldn’t it be better for you to hawk or do something tangible instead of doing this shameless job. Are you not ashamed of yourself? Do you even know who the father of your baby is?”

Sumayyah didn’t know how to tell him the story of her life. She was so ashamed of herself that she started to cry.

“You can’t answer me?”

“Not everything we see is as it seems. Don't judge a book by its cover. I honestly don’t know what to tell you.”

Uthman snorted. He wasn’t buying into her pity party. “What about your education huh? Are you not ashamed, how many years have you been doing this? You should stop, so you don’t contract a deadly disease.”

Sumayyah shook her head. “You can never understand”

“Listen, I am a doctor and I can help you.” Uthman lowered his voice. “Did someone force himself on you? If you don’t need money, then why are you here?”

“I- I” She stopped and thought to herself. What if I tell him and he tells Ahmed. It will surely get back to Jamiu, and I will be in trouble. No! I won’t tell him. Besides he might only be showing fake concern

“What are you thinking?”

“I can’t say anything to you but know that I am not who you think I am. Thank you for the treatment and food.”

Uthman was dumbfounded at her attitude and he saw red. “What are you if not a pr-stitute.? If you didn’t want to be called a sl-t, then why are you here? I wonder why girls of nowadays, feel no shame. Where are your parents? I am sure you don’t have any because you wouldn’t be here if you did.”

“It's okay please, it is all my fault. Blame me and not my parents because they taught me well.”

“I see. Well, I don’t have any business with you. Come morning, I will be gone so we probably won’t even cross paths again.” He left her on the bed and went back to sleep on the floor.
Sumayyah cried her eyes out at his harsh words. In the morning, she woke up to an empty room. She was about to get up from the bed when she noticed a note scribbled in a masculine handwriting by her pillow. It read:

I know you won’t tell me who you are, but I will advise you to visit a doctor for a proper check-up, for the safety of your child and you. Take the money, you’ll need it. I regret everything I said to you last night. I was harsh, and I apologise. I don’t know what you are going through but please stay strong and do not venture into this kind of life. It holds no rewards for you and it is a sin. I wish you the best.

Sumayyah was so touched by his gesture that she began to cry. “How can a total stranger be this nice to me. Everybody is just like that, they come into my life acting all nice, show their true colours then leave me all alone. I don’t need his money, what will I do with the 100,000 naira he gave me? I will give it out as Sadaqah.”

She called the driver Jamiu asked to pick her up in the morning.

“Baba good morning. Please could you get me some descent clothes and hijab on the way here?”

“I will in shaa Allah”.

“Thank you baba.”

The driver called her when he got to the hotel and bribed one of the cleaners to give Sumayyah the clothes. Sumayyah dressed up quickly and joined the driver at the car. She handed him the money but he bluntly refused.

“How can I collect this huge amount of money from you.”

“I overheard your conversation with your wife, you need the money more than I do. Please take it. Besides you are like a father to me.”

“Alright, if you insist”

He collected the money and they left the hotel. Sumayyah expected a new drama from them but she was going to stop being childish and fight for herself

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  • Idris Taiwo picture
    Idris Taiwo
    Nice one sis
  • Favour Abhatue picture
    Favour Abhatue
    She is too gentle for my liking, nice one
  • chijay picture
    Yesss, it is tym to let d dogs out , action tym , fight for urself Summaya, u ve bin too quiet. Fire on my Tim.
  • Oluwadare Mojisola picture
    Oluwadare Mojisola
    Better.... Let her start speaking up and face her fears
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Is Maryam not the lady that took Sumayyah home when she was visiting her hubby? we will find out soon hopefully
  • carmen picture
    Poor girl, don't worry Jamiu and his mother will regret their actions but i only hope it won't be late by den
  • Olaleye Adedamola picture
    Olaleye Adedamola
    Good job, timi more grease to ur elbow.. Summayah you're be too quiet and gentle it right time to fight for urself like what ur friend saying.. Jennifer I know u will regret it and who is maryam.. Ride on
  • Mhiz Hajara Maleek picture
    Mhiz Hajara Maleek
    Please be dropping two episodes everyday...the story is taking my breathe,more ink to ur pen.Summayah is cool
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Yes Summayah ,it's time to stand and fight for ur right. Jamiu and co doesn't deserve any forgiveness at all
  • Olasumbo Ayodeji picture
    Olasumbo Ayodeji
    It's any time, seriously Jamiu just lost Summayah, can't he just send her out of his house or something, dis is d height of all dis nonsense
  • Blessed Daniel picture
    Blessed Daniel
    Pls Do Fight For Urself. Grow Up And Fight For Thy Rit.. Uthman Is An Angel. She Should Hv Shared Her Pain Wit Him. But She Decides Nt To. Hmm Am Stil Wondering When Dis Sorrow Of Her's Wil Stop If She Dont Share Her Pain Wit Sm1.. Timi, U Are My Favourite On Dis Site. U Won My Heart Wit Ur Book. Thank U.
  • Kelly C. Philp picture
    Kelly C. Philp
    Jamiu you will regret this act one day. Check yourself are you sure you didn't sleep with someone on your birthday night? It maybe Summayah since you know Ahmed and their is a Maryam there too.
  • Princess gaius picture
    Princess gaius
    This is very touchy
  • Julian Kits picture
  • Jolayemi Jenrolah picture
  • Jolayemi Jenrolah picture
    Jolayemi Jenrolah
    Hmmmm summayah is too cool for my likening
  • Adebanjo Abiodun picture
    Adebanjo Abiodun
    I believe she will laugh last. Next episode pls
  • Ucheoma Rufus picture
    Ucheoma Rufus
    Yes my dear ,it's to fight
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