Tears Of Summayah - Episode 59

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Indeed, this world is a prison for the believers. 

Summayah smiled in her sleep as her baby kicked, she turned to the other side of the bed when her hand made contact with another hand. She choose to cherish the moments with her daughter, she  was happy to know her daughter was perfectly fine. 

Summayah:My Ain, let mama sleep. Ara, just go to sleep . Be a good girl, please. Momma is so tired, i know you are hungry right? We would get some food very soon. 

(Uthman woke up due to her mumbling, he looked at her and smiled to himself. Summayah might look childish but the love for her child can not be quantified by anyone. He made sure she was sleeping peacefully before going to get her something to eat. It has been a week since they had an argument, he was glad she was ready to move on with him even though there conversations were not as smooth as it should be, he was glad she accepted him. Summayah was ready to start her life afresh  believing Uthman was the father of her unborn child. Uthman vowed to give her all the happiness she deserves, he will continue to be her child's father and will cherish every moment of their lives.)

He came back with a pack of food, the aroma of the food hit her nose and she opened her eyes immediately. She rubbed her eyes, trying to sit up, her back aches so much that she had to lie down. 

Uthman:Summayah, i told you to always take it easy. 

Summayah:I forgot

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/tears-of-summayah

. (She stuck her tongue out) Mother will be here very soon to help rub my back, i will be a lot better.  She gives me the best massage.

Uthman:You don't cease to amaze me.  

Summayah:That is why i am Summayah. I'm so hungry.

(He placed a pillow at her back to reduce the ache, Summayah thanked him for the food as she eat.) 

Uthman:(He remembered the names she called while she was in another realm) Summayah. 


Uthman: I heard you call Ain and Ara, who are they? 

Summayah:(She laughed as she heard him say it) My baby. I must have called those names out of hunger. 

Uthman:Wow, where did you get the names from? 

Summayah:I checked for Muslim names for girls on your phone. Remember you forgot it yesterday.

Uthman:Yes, i do. Ara and Ain is beautiful, will you tell me the meaning of those names? 

Summayah:Ara means Light. 
Ain means Precious. You know what bro uthman? I couldn't decide on what name to choose from. There are a lot of names, we can check it when you are less busy. They are just amazing. 

Uthman:(He smiled) There has to be one that catches your eye, isn't it? 

Summayah:Off course. 

Uthman:Which is? 

Summayah:Anah, Aala, Azka,Arzo,Afsa,Aaima,Alina,Amyrah,Aqsa,Asmaa,Aabis,Aazeen,A...(Uthman cut her off) 

Uthman:(He was laughing his butt off) Did you get all this names online? Are we giving birth to all the babies in the world? Why does it start with A? 

Summayah:Yes, i got it online. It start with the letter 'A' because i have only checked the names that start with 'A'. I am planning to check all the letters. 

Uthman:You memorized all the names too? 

Summayah:Yes and their meaning too. My daughter deserves the best name. You should help too,  you can give better advise.

Uthman:Sure, i will. We are going home tomorrow. 



Summayah:I am so excited, i missed everything at home. The walls of my room must have missed me so much. 

Uthman:Sumaiyah, even the water in the bathroom must have missed you right? (He laughed at her) 

Summayah:(She rolled her eyes) You are so mean, wallah. 

Uthman:I am not. You said it yourself. 

Summayah:You are. Just admit that you are. (She faked her tears) 

Uthman:I lose then, i am mean. Stop crying. 

Summayah:I won, I am not crying. I just want you to say it. Alhamdulilah, you did. 

Uthman:I did it not because i wanted to, you forced me to say it. You are crying like a baby. 

Summayah:Huh? Baby? 

Uthman:Yes,a baby. Are you not? 

Summayah:Ya Uthman, I'm not a baby. 

Uthman:I know,i was only pulling your legs. So Summayah, you said it the other time that you want to be a doctor or am i making a mistake.

Summayah:How can you be pulling my legs when it is not pulled at all?  To your question, Yes! I want to be a doctor. 

Uthman:Ohh no Sumaiyah, don't tell me you don't know what i meant by pulling your legs. You must have heard it or taught in school.

Summayah:(She laughed) I was only pulling your legs too. (She stuck her tongue out)

Uthman:You are naughty. You will study again and you will get the best treatment for your legs after your delivery. You can pick up the pieces and join it together to make a whole. 

Summayah:In sha Allah, If i am granted a longer years on earth. I will be able to fulfill my dreams, If not, i pray i am granted Jannah. That will be my greatest achievements in life.

Uthman:In sha Allah, You will be blessed with both. Long life and Jannah.

Summayah:Amin, I am not promised though--this is only a privilege to see what today is. 

Uthman:I will always respect, society might think you are just a child but to me you are more matured than the so called adults out there. You are more than a child, your words are precious and always sensible. 

Summayah:Life taught me all this, i was forced to learn everything. It was by force, everyone taught me to have sense by force. 

Uthman:(He knew Summayah was thinking about her family, so he had to change his topic) Hmm, so tell me how was your secondary education like? 

Summayah:It was a lot of fun with my best friend, Azeezat. You know if she was around, I'm sure she would have helped me when i had no one to turn to but Allah. She would have fought for me but she left. 

Uthman:Where did she go to? (He checked his wristwatch to know if he still had a lot of time before going for the appointments he has with his patients) 

Summayah:She is in USA right now. I couldn't see her before she left. You know, my mother-in-law tied and locked me up for days, when i begged her she said i was planning to kill her and Azeezat was a bad influence to me. 

Uthman:Tied up? 

Summayah:Yes but she was still kind enough to feed me. 

Uthman:Huh? You call that kind? That is not the way to treat a human being and it is not like you are her maid. Summayah, you were the daughter-in-law for crying out loud. 

Summayah:I am a weak child who can't defend herself. I accept every decisions made for me even if i know it is going to hurt me. I was considered weak and that was one of the reasons my friend had her first fight with me. I really miss her, i will like to see her and apologize for what i did back then. Do you know, i was only protecting her from Jennifer, she threatened to hurt her if i didnt do what she asked. How can i put her dignity at risk just because i want to protect my marriage? I can't be selfish. I will forever blame myself if something had happened to her.

Uthman:You have a good heart, Summy.

Summayah:(She laughed) Summy? It sounds funny. 

Uthman:Hmm, it is perfect. 

Summayah:It sounds like sunny. Just use my full name. 

Uthman:I will call you Mayah then. It sounds cool. 

Summayah:It doesn't. 

Uthman:Stop acting like you don't like it. The fact is that you love it. 

Summayah:I don't love it. If you don't stop with the 'Mayah' or 'Summy'. I will call you 'Uth'or 'Man'. (She smiled) 

Uthman:Call me anything, it is not like i care. 

Summayah:The truth is that you care, Uth. That's your new name from this moment. 


Summayah:Urgh, just stop it. 

Uthman:(He mimicked her) Urgh, just stop it.  (They laughed and when it subsided, uthman continued his conversation) Will you like to see your friend again? 

Summayah:Yes! Will you bring her to me? 

Uthman:I can't promise you that. 

(Uthman watched as she looked so sad, he couldn't promise her what is not even certain. He was going to try his possible best to get to know who Azeezah was. To see Summayah happy is to get her Azeezah back to her. Social media is one of the best place to start from, Summayah has made him change from that quite life to a colourful one since he started talking to her.)



Summayah:Where did you travel to just now? I have been talking and you haven't been listening. 

Uthman:Sorry, i was just thinking about something. Can you tell me what is the name of your school?

Summayah:Any problem?

Uthman:Hmm, i just want to know. 

Summayah:(She looked at him suspiciously) I hope it is nothing. It's Unman Danfodio Memorial College, UDMC. 

Uthman:Thanks. I have to go now. 

Summayah:You are leaving? 

Uthman:Yes, i need to attend to somethings. 

Summayah:That is why i want to go home to see mother. I am so bored here.

Uthman:We would be going home today, in sha Allah. 

Summayah:Okay, Uth Uth. I will be waiting for you. (She smiled) 

Uthman:Mayah, let this name be between us. I don't want to hear others call me Uth. It is just weird and you know that, they will laugh at me. 

Summayah:I am sure you will look like a baby who has been deprived of his toys. It will be priceless to see your face like that. 

Uthman:You...(Dr Maryam knocked on the door to get their attention. She has been standing for a while, laughing at their banters.) 

Dr Maryam:May i come in please? 

Uthman:Off course. I am on my way to the door already.

Summayah:Bye Ut... (His eyes turned pale all of a sudden, it begged for mercy and Summayah couldn't stop laughing. Maryam wondered what was happening between the two of them) Okay, bro Uthman. See you soon. 


(After he had left, Maryam was happy the way things turned out for Summayah. She was now in a better mood, leaving her past behind and looking forward to what the future holds for her.) 

Dr Maryam:So you won't tell me about anything? 

Summayah:I am upset with you? 

Dr Maryam:Why?

Summayah:You haven't been coming to see me. You know you are the one that always take me out of this room and i missed my friend. 

Dr Maryam:I am sorry and who is your friend? 

Summayah:That pregnant woman that is in the other ward, you know we talk a lot when you take me out for fresh air. You will need to take me out of here today because i want to see her before going home. 

Dr Maryam:Summayah, unfortunately you can't see her. 

Summayah:She gave birth already and went home? 

Dr Maryam:No, she...she...died after delivery. She had some complications during labor, that was why she was admitted in the hospital. 


Dr Maryam:Just pray for her, she is in a better place. 

Summayah:She was a nice woman. I will pray  for her. I will also like to thank you for the advice you gave me the other day, i felt peace after letting it go. I can still remember part of it. 

By forgiving someone for their mistakes is just like helping yourself. By embracing happiness and letting go of heartache gives your heart an unexplainable joy. It is not easy to forget about our pain but for us to have peace and not hold on to our sorrows, we have to put it all in the past. Enjoy your present life with people that wants to rectify their mistakes sincerely and be with you in every step of their lives. 

When you forgive with sincerity, it is like an heavy weight is lifted off your chest. You feel light and good, like you have done a great job. 

Remember, Allah forgives us our sins even if we commit them repeatedly, if we go back to Him and make sincere tawbah. He forgives because He is the Most Merciful. 

Summayah:Jazakillah khair sister Maryam. Since that day, you have helped me find peace. I knew what happiness is once again and i can't thank you enough. I found a sister and mother in you. 

Dr Maryam:Wa antum fajazakillah khair, what other joy can i get other than to see my patients happy. Alhamdulilah, i got to accomplish my goals, continue to be happy.

Summayah:I will always be happy Dr. I want to ask you a question.

Dr Maryam:I am all ears. 

Summayah:I have always thought about death, it is compulsory on every individual weather we want to leave or not. It is mandatory. What if i die before you do, will you ever remember me and pray for me in your dua? 

Dr Maryam:Summayah,what...are... you...saying. 

Summayah:(She held her hands)  I am not promised tomorrow, if i happen to close my eyes today and it refuses to open tomorrow_will you pray for me and cry less?

Dr Maryam:Ye...Yes. 

Summayah:Please do. I will need it. 

Dr Maryam:Stop talking nonsense, you will be fine. 

Summayah:I saw that sister three or four days ago, where is she now? Six feet under the ground right? 

Dr Maryam:Yes.

Summayah:The fact is that we would leave one by one and sometimes when we least expect it. You are just travellers on earth, our deeds will be the only property that is accompanying us to the eternal life. So i just want to prepare myself for that day, i might think it is far and it will be near. It might also be near and i think it is still far, all i need is to prepare. Just pray for me and try to help me with my organization. Mother is trying her best for me. 

Dr Maryam looked at her with tears streaming down her face, Summayah smiled back at her fighting back her tears. 

Dr Maryam:You dont need to hold it in, pour it out. 

(Dr Maryam hugged her and Summayah let her tears flow.) 

Summayah:Just pray for me, that is all i ask for. I am also sorry for not keeping up with my promises, i came in between your love for bro uthman. Find it in your heart to forgive me. 

Dr Maryam:In sha Allah. I don't hold any grudges against you, i already left that as my past. What is never meant for me will not be mine even if it is at the bridge of my nose, he was never mine to start with. 

Summayah:Thank you so much for the love. 

Dr Maryam:You are welcome. 


(Dr Uthman finished with appointments he had, he settled in his office. Bringing out his laptop, he logged in into facebook and typed Azeezat Rasheed on the search button praying inwardly to get to Summayah's friend through the app. He looked through, he couldn't find anyone close to what Summayah has told him about her. He was about to give up when he clicked on another Azeezah Rasheed and it suited the exact information. She had studied in UDMC and now a student of Minot State University, North Dakota.
A smile was plastered on his face.He clicked on the message button.) 

Dr Uthman:I pray all my hard work pays off. I will be so happy if she replies very soon and doesn't think i am one of those psychopath on social medias. 

(He typed Hello and pressed send. He was looking forward to getting a reply from that account.) 

Dr uthman:She must be the one, i will be fulfilling Summayah's dream one after the other. 

(He shut down his laptop and went back to get Summayah so that they can go back home.) 


Salaam Alaikum/Hi.

I hope you are all in good health. 

Who wants to see Azeezah again? 

Will she be the one to clear up all the misunderstandings or there is no point explaining to Jamiu and his mother, even though she knows what the truth is now. 

Well, Summayah is coming to an end very soon as you can see. The bomb will be out in the public for everyone to see. 

All our unanswered questions will be answered, we would get to know who the father is and how it happened.

What would you do if you eventually know who he is the guy hiding from everyone. 

If you were in that position where Summayah is, what would you have done to that man that did that act with you? Just imagine yourself as Summayah. 

For me, i don't know. But i will cry my eyes out and maybe with time, my heart will cooperate and forgive him. But who says it is easy? 

Bye, see you when you see an update again. 

Remember this small girl loves you all. 

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  • Ukbaby picture
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    I'm glad Summayah is happy again... what if Jamiu is actually the father. hmmmm
  • Oladapo Titilayo Akinola picture
    Oladapo Titilayo Akinola
    Thank God Summayah is happy now.
  • Favour Abhatue picture
    Favour Abhatue
    I really want to see Azeezah again because she is the only one who know the truth in this matter, its a good thing the poor girl is happy again & for the rapist, she should forgive & move on. Kudos
  • Cutedreamer picture
    Yeah, I really want the truth to come out.its about time
  • Oyebode Florence picture
    Oyebode Florence
    Good work dear More ink to ur pen Really appreciate u updating buh pls update more nd on time already forgetting the story......d zeal to read ds story in me before is not as when u started it!!!!am speaking only for me oooh! Not to b rude or anything cause I appreciate ur effort buh pls help people like me out!!am already forgetting som aspect in it Thanks dear??
  • Julian Kits picture
    Julian Kits
    Love u too small girl hihi Cnt wait to K d truth
  • Joshuaken picture
    Poor Summayah no more tears in your eye keep smiling and as for azeez i will be glad if two of you met eachother again, and to revealed the truth to the world
  • Ayomide Huntress picture
    Ayomide Huntress
    Azeezah n that Abuja gul that helped Summayah n still destroyed her hmmm Marian abi wats her name) I will really love to see the two
  • chijay picture
    Thanks for d update. Love to see Azeezat , Marian n know who is dis mask man dat put summy in such condition .
  • Abisola Ololade Olamide picture
    Abisola Ololade Olamide
    Omg i so much love this story summayah would soon be justiefi
  • Rufusucheoma Rufus picture
    Rufusucheoma Rufus
    Thats a wise move by uthman
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