The Deathlike Mission - Episode 17

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The rest of the weekend passed by slowly for Kari because she was lonely. Jide was out of town for some urgent reason he was going to explain and Laura was mad at her. Their telephone conversation told Kari that until she steps down on her suspicion, Laura would not be very good company. Since she was bent on proving Paul's innocence or guilt, she had to stay put in her home. When Monday finally came, nothing else was on Kari's mind than getting through to Paul's medical records in possession of the SIB . She didn't believe she could get at it but she just had to try, and she prayed earnestly that it wouldn't match up with what Jide has. She sighted Laura from afar of in the morning and waved at her, all she got back was a nod. So unlike her friend. This cannot go on she thought, so she decided to go talk to her when it was almost lunch hour. On her way to see Laura, she dropped by Imoh's desk to inquire about the success of her late father's investigation. She didn't even need to go into the office as Imoh was seen talking to a colleague by the corridor.

"Hey pretty, been quite a while." Imoh greeted as usual before she got to them.

"Hello Imoh - and Sam"

"Hi Kari," Sam replied.

"How are you?" asked Imoh looking at her keenly.

"Not too good."

"Oh, I understand." Imoh continued putting an arm over her shoulders as she got close to him. "Don't worry too much, things will definitely fall back together."

"I hope it does soon

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. So what's up with my late dad's case?"

"Well about that, the name and the number plate of the car that fled is still our major lead. We were able to trace it to a name." replied Imoh removing his hand from about her shoulders.

"Has he been arrested?"

"Last friday, but he hasn't said anything productive yet."

"Can I interrogate him? I could make him talk."

"Kari, this isn't your case,"

"I'm loosing it Imoh, you won't understand."

"You are being emotional. Give us a little more time, I will make sure I come up with something. I got this ok? You just relax." Kari nodded grimly at his assurance.

"Just so you know," he continued. "Chief Ajayi shares your plight and he himself does everything within and outside his scope to facilitate this investigation."

"That's most assuring to know. With this I think I have to get going now."

"To where? I thought we would be doing lunch together today?"

"Erhm, sorry - I kind of have an appointment with Laura about now. " She sort of lied.

"It's fine, I wasn't hoping too much on it."

"That's ok," she smiled. "I have to run. Bye Sam."

She leaves both men and headed to meet with Laura. Upon getting to the office she shares with two other colleagues, she sees Laura packing her stuffs into her bag.

"Off to somewhere?" she asked standing by the door, glad that there was no one in the room so their conversation cannot be heard.

"Yes." Laura replied without looking up.

"Too bad, thought we could talk."

"No." At her last response, she stood up to leave. "I have to get going."

As she made past her Kari held her arm. "We can't continue this way, we were never like this Laura. Our fights never exceeded a day."

Freeing her arm from Kari's grip she replied, "Not until Jide came into our lives. He has changed so many things, we both hardly even spend time with each other now it's that bad."

"Is that what this is about?"

"No, I could have coped somehow with it. But what I can't stand is your distrust for Paul, we all go way back."

"Do you think this is easy for me? I pray everyday since I came to this consciousness to be wrong because I can't stand it if it's true."

"If there's someone who isn't worth trusting it should be your Jide because we barely even know him. Have you stopped to think that this case was Paul's before he handed it to you how you believe he can turn around to sell you out amazes me."

"People change,"

"So I see with you."

"There could be a motive in his case.  Like I said, I am not labeling him a criminal as yet. All what I and Jide are trying to do is to rule out the possibility of him been the traitor so we can look elsewhere because definitely there is a traitor."

"This is the problem. You can't see what Jide is up to. You would agree with me that since he got into our lives its been from one chaos to the other. He doesn't mean well for you, he is the problem not Paul."

"Jide's a very good man, no one can tell me otherwise."

"I see, and I guess the next thing is you'll start recounting all his good deeds which has grown boring to me."

"How can I make you be on the same page with me?"

"Nothing." She replied folding her arms across her chest. "From all indications, you are beginning to loose yourself to him. But I still think if you wanted to turn Paul's advances down for his sake you would have been woman enough to do so in clear terms and not look for an excuse by trying to dent his image."

"Laura how I hate to do this with you, how I hate the fact that you would not be reasonable."

"Oh! you can't even deny it, you are in love with Jide already. Arrgh! so cheap, little wonder your judgement is beclouded. You reason only along his line, you are lost my friend."

"No, it is you who has lost it. I really don't know why you would become over protective of Paul this much even though evidence stares at you, it's so out of place."

"Because I know what true friendship is. I would have alerted him of your suspicion during the weekend but I decided it best to wait for your senses to return. Judging now there's no way you would take in anything I say. I will let him know of this betrayal. And you know what? Before you also accuse me the same way, I think it's best we stop talking to and seeing each other for now until you get back to right thinking."

"You can't be serious."

"You trust I am. I'm having lunch with Paul now, out of my way!"

Laura left the bewildered Kari staring at her wake, too mystified to call after her.

Kari couldn't go out for lunch that day, her friend's words were too weighty on her. She spent the rest of her afternoon feeling listless and enervated on her desk. Maybe she wouldn't have seen or spoken with her and just accepted Imoh's lunch offer, all of this would not happen. She and Laura had had fights over the years but it had never gotten serious to the point of Laura breaking up their relationship. It was difficult understanding why her friend would go that far, this new maudlin devotion to Paul is really questionable. Aside Laura, she had no other close friend. She felt so by herself after a long while. If only Jide were here... At that thought, she felt a somersault of frisson in her stomach, a feeling she did not understand. What the heck was wrong with her? Maybe Laura was right - she had to admit how she felt at the mere thought of him it was different from the way she felt for Paul, Imoh or other males around her. Though he had made her understand earlier that he would be attending a meeting that weekend but her longing for him especially with Laura's cold attitude needed help.

'Oh lord' she gasped. The thoughts were doing a swivel in her head and she needed a distraction. She wasn't in the mood anymore to search for Paul's medical record anymore, not with Laura's tongue lashing. It can wait till tomorrow. Colleagues were now beginning to come back from their lunch and meeting her in that disconcerted state might make them inquisitive, so she brought out old case files and began studying - not studying but peering at them just to conceal her burden.

In her perturbed state scattering over some papers, she came across the photograph of Major General Ali Mudu Jide left in her possession to make some inquiries from her late dad. She stared at it for a long time that the General's face began to look familiar. This time not like someone whose photograph she might have seen amongst her father's possessions, but as someone whom - whom she knows. The more she stared the more familiar the face seemed, then it became clear. She gave a soft laugh at the thought of it. 'Impossible' she muttered.

"What?" Lisa whose desk was close by asked. "You talking to me?"

"No Lisa, was just thinking aloud." Clearly she was beginning to arouse the suspicion she much feared. but then she couldn't help it. How could she even think Paul looks familiar with the Major General. Kari was going haywire maybe Laura was right. She put back the photograph into the file it was gotten from and decided to pretend that kind of thought never came to her mind. She definitely was imagining things too much she realized and all she needed was a break, this time from work. She would give anything to go on that lunch with Imoh right now. But whatever it is she needed to step out.

*                    *                    *

Evening came finally, how she managed through the afternoon was a miracle. She had gone to check up on Laura but she did not come back after lunch break which was surprising, she even called her but Laura never took her calls which was more surprising. Maybe she meant it when she ended the relationship, or she decided to spend the whole day recounting to Paul how disappointed she was in her. As she prepared to leave her phone rang. She reluctantly reached for it and discovered the caller was Jide. She smiled with a sigh of relief in spite of herself and swiped the receiver like it was her last hope.

"Hello Kari," his dulcet voice brought a sparkle to her eyes.

"Hello Jide, really nice to hear from you." She had to be truthful.

"More relieved to hear from you too, still in the office I believe."

"Yes, you?"

"Right in front of your office waiting to ride you home."

"Really? How come you never told me you were around the block?"

"Just wanted to light you up with a little surprise, plus I know your car is faulty. Now how do you want it, should I drive up there to get you or you will come down to me quickly?"

Kari laughed at his joke and replied, "I will give anything to see you try out your first offer, but as it is I will be the one held responsible for damages incurred in the process. So how about I come down instead?"

"I will be waiting for my lady then," He sounded sweet.

Kari kept grinning after the call ended. She speedily arranged her things into her handbag making sure she forgot nothing. As she picked up her phone again, she noticed there was an unread message. Hurrying to meet time she opened and it was from Laura. It read;


From the details, the message delivered four hours ago. How come she hadn't seen it? She probably was preoccupied. About the contents, what truth could Laura be referring to, it was she who just broke their friendship earlier, was this about Paul? She needed Jide's intelligent opinion because her imagination ran too wild lately. With that she made for the elevator.

Jide was waiting as he said. She got into the car and they hugged. He was putting on a red body hug T-shirt over blue jean trouser, handsome as usual and also smelled nice.

"You look tired," he noticed after he freed her.

"You have no idea how much. I'm also bothered too." Then she handed him the phone. "Here, a message from Laura, and this came after we had a terrible quarrel just before lunch hour."

Jide got the phone and looked through.

"Has she gone home yet?"

"She never came back here after lunch."

"Hmmm, have you heard from her?"

"No. She isn't taking my calls either,"

"This truth, you think it has to do with Paul?"

"You think so? Look I might believe you because she mentioned she will be meeting with him so I don't know what she might have gotten into."

There was a moment of silence.

"Why are you quiet Jide?"

"As always, I hate to be right but she might be in danger. She met with Paul and in the process may have stumbled upon some evidence to make her believe our speculations about him, hence the message. It's worst that she isn't even taking her calls,"

"Which isn't typical of Laura. She hardly misses a call, if she does she returns it immediately not minding the situation of things. Oh no! You are getting me scared Jide."

"Paul might be on her now,"

"Not again."

"I'm afraid Kari, but your friend is in danger we have to hurry."

Jide did not wait to finish his last sentence as he started the car with all his might, reversed it with so much skill and zoomed of in great speed.

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