The Visitor - Episode 4

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"Please put the gun down" Pastor Tobi said calmly with his palms to her.

She could see that people were already trying to run out.

"EVERYONE STAY WHERE YOU ARE!" She shouted "Don't think that this gun is empty because it's not and don't try to run away because your children are being held hostage by my men in the children church and for each person that leaves one child dies" She laughed heartily "Let's call it Tit for Tat or Do me I do you man no go vex"

"Please please don't hurt those children" She heard Pastor Joshua say behind her.

She turned slowly to face him. "What did you say?" She asked "Coming from you? That's a shocker" She said and he kept quiet, she turned to face the congregation one more time "Don't worry, you will soon know who I am but at least your dear Daddy in the lord and Mummy in the Lord know who I am"

"What do you want from us please?" Pastor Tobi asked, his voice already shaking

"What do I want? What do I want?" She kept saying as she hit her gun on her palm and actually looked like she was thinking about what she wanted "I want lives . A life for a life"

The whole church gasped, women started crying and someone fainted in the congregation

"Please, please we are begging you don't do anything drastic

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. I'm sure whatever it is we can talk about it like adults"

"I don't want to talk about it, does that make me a child? Maybe I am a child. A child of doom, at least that what my mother always said when I was young. I have come to accept it. It's who I am and today is the day your church will experience my doom" She said and then she laughed. Deacon Alex, an average height chubby man in a black suit, stood up from where he was sitting

"Please ma'am, let us talk about it, violence is not the answer. Those children are innocent"

She cocked her eyebrow and scoffed as she pointed her gun at deacon Alex and that raised a lot of gasps from the congregation "Innocent, like you?" Deacon Alex already looked scared and moistened his lips nervously.

"Tell me Deacon Alex, I believe that's your name right?" She asked smiling.

He kept quiet.

"That's your name right?''. She inquired again'' I don't like being left hanging"

Deacon Alex gulped as he said "yes"

"Good boy. So tell me, how do you like your porn?". She asked.

"What?!" Deacon Alex asked looking puzzled

"You heard me, how do you like your porn? Or what kind of porn makes you horny?" Deacon Alex kept quiet as he looked confused still. She laughed

"Oh, i get it, you don't want anyone to know what you do when they are not watching. Oops. My bad" Deacon Alex started looking uncomfortable, could feel eyes on himself.

She laughed "Wait... Does your wife know that you watch porn or better still does your child know?" The whole church was quiet; all eyes were on Deacon Alex.

"You see, that's my problem with you people, the whole self-righteous act. The whole 'Look at me I'm perfect' meanwhile you are just like the rest of us, the only difference is how well you hide your dirt. Go and sit down Deacon"

Deacon Alex who did not want to face the church sat down on the nearest front seat not looking at anyone, out of guilt.

She started walking around the church and she was delighted at the fear that she saw in the eyes of the people looking at her and then she stopped when she saw someone she looked at the person and then smiled "It was a wonderful praise and worship today wasn't it. I love me some good old gospel songs. When I was a little girl my favorite song was 'this little light of mine' I could sing it 100 times and not get tired but I believe that gospel songs hit you different when you are going through something, am I right choir master?". Tony whose head was facing downwards looked up at her. "Right?"

"Um...y.. Yess". He answered weakly.

"You know, something I never did get was how gospel musicians sing such powerful songs but then their lives don't reflect it. I notice this is going on nowadays. It's like the songs are different from who they are. Personally I just feel like some of them wanted to make a break in the secular industry but they couldn't so they decided to stick to gospel" She stopped talking and looked into Tony's eyes "What do you think?"

Tony gulped, his legs were shaking.

"Don't be scared of me, I'm only a lady with a gun. There's no need to shake. I am just having a conversation with you. So what do you think?" "I... I think you are right". He stammered at first.

"You think? Well it's okay to think. I think all the time" She said smiling "What surprised me is that I heard the story of a certain choir master that was having an affair with someone rather surprising in the church. Did you happen to hear of that story?" Tony kept quiet.

"Ah ahn. Why are you so quiet? I don't think you are this quiet when you sweat on our dear pastor's wife in a hotel" The whole church gasped and started murmuring. Joshua looked at his wife and she bowed her head down refusing to look up

"EVERYONE, QUIET" The whole church kept quiet, afraid to test her. "That's the problem with you people, you are already judging them, like you don't have yours. We can't blame the poor woman, if you don't see what you are looking for at home, you go outside to get it abi?" 

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