Two Faced Lover - Episode 33

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I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I drop the phone onto the dining table after pressing the red button, ending the call. 

I clasp both hands together.

I had told Mr Park everything I'd found out so far.

From Cameron's best friend's name to the near attack on him this morning. I even told him Cameron owned a company.

Not that it was necessary because knowing Mr Park he'd probably found all that out by listening to our conversation through the listening device he had installed in the penthouse.

He knew it all, yet he called to ask me if I'd found out anything.

My best guess is that he was testing me . He was testing my loyalty.

To see if I'd lie or tell the truth considering it would be so much easier to lie since I was far away from him.

It's not hard for him to tell that I'd most probably escape from him the least chance I get.


Cameron's soothing voice drifts into my thoughts and I look up as he engulfs me in a hug, resting his chin on my head. I sigh, leaning in.

"You did good Skylar. Relax"

he coaxes and I nod slightly, watching Julian still typing.


he pulls away, taking my hand and leading me to the table.

"Finish your food" he says handing me the plate

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I take it.

"Julian and I need to go to the office to take care of some things. I have a meeting. Will you be okay?"

He asks going back to his food.

"Don't let me keep you away from work. I'll be fine"

"Everything you need is in the fridge. Make yourself comfortable"

he tells me, pushing his chair back and getting up after one last bite.

He disappears into one of the rooms probably to get ready.. I let out another sigh, going back to my food


"Take care of yourself. If you feel uncomfortable just give me a call"

Cameron tells me, emerging from the room adjusting his tie. God he looks so hot in a business attire.

"I do not have your number"

I shake my head at my thoughts. Concentrate Sky.

He gives me that signature arrogant smirk of his as he stops in front of me.

"Check your phone princess" 

I roll my eyes. Of course. Only Cameron will put his number on my phone without my knowledge.

"So cocky"

I grumble.

He chuckles, pulling me and places a kiss to my forehead.

"I'll be back before you know it princess"


I reply, watching him step out, Julian following closely shutting the door behind him.

I sigh again, suddenly feeling lonely, the only thing keeping me company being the lingering kiss Cam left on my forehead and his immaculate cologne.

Grabbing my phone, I walk over to the sofa, that was made in an L-shape making it very comfy to lay on. Lying down, my fingers hover over the keypads for a while before I press the call button.. I've missed Mrs Monroe.

I need to at least know how she's doing.

Propping my head up on a throw pillow, I press the phone to my ear and wait for her to answer.



Six frigging pm and still no sign of Cameron or my son.

He'd told me he'd be the one to pick him up after school yet nothing. I've been trying to call him yet somehow miraculously, his phone is suddenly turned off. I tap my feet continuously to the tiled floor, biting my nails, worst case scenarios popping up in my head one after the other like a damn slide show in fast motion. Sean should have been home by three pm.

And it's six now. Oh God.. I don't want to think about the possibility that something happened to.. No Sky. No. Don't even go there. Don't even think about it. I blink rapidly. Don't you think about it. Sean is fine. He's fine. He must be. He has to be. I jump suddenly when the door to the apartment is pushed open.. I turn sharply, my eyes falling on Sean immediately who was slung over Cameron's shoulder, his school bag still hanging on his back. I panic immediately.

"What's wrong with him? Why are you carrying him? What took you so long to.."

"Shhhh.. Nothing happened.. He's just fallen asleep"

Cameron whispers walking ahead to the room I occupied and placed him gently on the bed, after taking off his bag and shoes.

"I promised you I'll take him to see a doctor right?"

Oh. I bite my lip, calming down immediately.

"I took him to the hospital immediately I picked him up and we had to wait for nearly an hour for the doctor who was on afternoon shift. I'm sorry I got you worried"

"I should be the one apologising to you Cam not the other way round" I sink into the soft mattress, unbuttoning his school uniform.

"So..what happened?"

I ask.

"We were asked to make an appointment. Which falls on next week Thursday. As for the normal checkup, his results came out good. He just needs to stay away from vigorous exercises which will cause him to get easily tired"

Cam explains and Sean's yawns just then, turning on his side and continues sleeping. I caress his hair.

"He must be really tired"

I mutter silently..

"He is. Fell asleep as soon I got him something to eat. Turns out the boy loves pickles more than his own life"

I chuckle at that.

"It baffles me how he eats them an entire week without stopping"

Silence settles between us as I concentrate on taking off Sean's uniform before covering him up with the duvet.

"He'll be fine. You'll see"

Cam's finger swipes over my cheeks and I blink. I hadnt realised I was crying.

"I know.. I'm just... He's all I've got and..."

"Shhh.. Come here girl"

I comply immediately, practically jumping on him as he engulfs me in a hug, his aura and nearness bringing me some sort of relief instantly.

I let him hold on to me, focusing on his steady heartbeat and wonderful hand running through my hair. I don't know what this is. I don't know why I'm beginning to feel this way when it comes to Cameron. It's magical, surreal, beautiful yet scary. But one thing is for sure, whatever it is, I don't want to stop feeling it, ever.


A WEEK LATER... I yawn loudly, stretching my arms as I feel the ray of sunlight seeping into the room.

The sling on my arm was taken off by the nurse and replaced with a bandage on the cut on my shoulder which was thankfully healing and it feels so good to be able to use both arms again.

The only thing left is for the bandage around my head to be taken off and the pain in my side to subside and I'll be as good as new.

Sighing in contentment, I blink one eye open, jumping immediately at the sight I was met with.

Placing a hand on my chest to steady my heartbeat, I glare at Cameron who's face was inches away from mine, grinning sheepishly.

He's been doing a lot of that lately. Can't say I'm complaining. "You scared me!" "Sorry princess" he shrugs telling me he's not really sorry. I hear giggling and I turn to find Sean standing beside Cameron. I roll my eyes. "I'm glad you find me funny" "Good morning mom!" He chirpes loudly Wow, someone is in a very good mood today. I wonder why. "Good morning Sean. Come on let's get ready for school" I say climbing out of bed. "No school mom" he says and I stop in my tracks.

"No school? As far as I'm concerned today is Wednesday and it's not a holiday either"

"Uncle can says I'm not going to school today" and he runs out after. I turn to Cam.

"Really Cameron?"

I narrow my eyes at him.



"Because we're going out for a vacation"

"Wait vacation?"

I furrow my eyebrows and he nods.

"Yes vacation. You, me and my little man. Here, take this"

he stretches out a box to me.

Stealing glances at him, I open the box and gasp.

It's a dress.

A very beautiful white sundress. I turn to him..

"Cameron? T..this dress"

I blink. He's been extremely nice to me this past week it's got ne wondering several times what this is.. Sure I love the attention he's giving me but I don't know where I stand in his life. Honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. He has only gone to the fighting arena three times since he brought me to his home and according to Julian it's a miracle. He told me Cameron was always either buried in work, or he was fighting or at the gym or racing cars. Literally, he never had time for himself, or in Julian's words,

"He preferred to keep himself busy because it was the only thing keeping him sane".

Now that he's withdrawing from that habit, does that mean I'm the one keeping him sane now? I don't know.

"I want you to get ready princess. Wear this dress, make yourself pretty and meet me outside"

"B..but why?"

I stare at the pretty dress. Cameron walks up to me, gripping my waist. I gasp at the sensation running through me at his touch. Oh God.

"Because I'm taking you out"

he answers, lips hovering over mine. I gulp.


I manage to ask, trying hard to ignore the delicious sensations the mere presence of this man is giving me. He makes me weak to the kness oh God I can't deny it anymore. I can't. I'm getting attracted. F*ck attraction, I think I like Cameron. I've liked him for a while now.

Read " Unattainable Perfection " by the same author ( eliza )

. I look up into his heavily eyes. "Yes" he answers softly, kissing the corner of my lips.

"I'm taking you on a date princess. You know why?"

He asks, placing another kiss on my lips. Oh God.


I ask quietly, biting my lip. "Because I think like you princess. A lot. And there's no way I can keep on denying it. I've been denying for so long and honestly, I'm tired. I admit it now, I f*cking like you girl. So much. Please go on a date with me?"

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