An Arranged Marriage - Episode 49

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I feel a kiss on my head and I slowly blink open my eyes.

"Hey, I woke you" He says whispering.

"Are you going to work now?"

"Yeah, see you in the evening?"

"Yeah baby" I say, lifting my head to kiss him, he kisses me back before breaking it and stepping away.

I watch him exit the room and I go back to sleep.

I wake up sometime later to feel a blistering headache.

Ugh, I have to be at work soon.

My mind goes back to my gift from yesterday and I smile but wince when a pang goes through my head.

I will sleep for just a minute.

I feel the door to my room open but I can't lift my head.

"Nady? Maurice Is waiting downstairs for you, aren't you going to work?" That's Aroofa, I don't respond.

It feels too hard to do so.

"Nady?" She calls again.

"We should probably let her sleep, maybe they were at it again last night" Aroos's voice says but I want to tell her to shut up but I can't.

The door closes and I go back to sleep.

I hear my phone ringing and I turn slowly to grab my phone, my head trying to fall apart.

"Uhh?" I mumble.


"Cas.." i whisper.

"What's wrong "

"Sick... So.

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Sick" I say, trying to squeeze my eyes shut.

"On my way babe, Hang on" The phone disconnects.

After what feels like an hour my door opens and Linda is there with doctor Jenny, the doctor from that day a while ago who checked my foot.

Kane is no where to be found.

"What do we have here?" she says coming closer to the bed.

"Get out" I whisper and she frowns.

"Get out of my room" I say my voice cracking but I remain adamant.

"Now, now Anadia, I have to check you...."

"Get out!" I whisper yell.

Linda frowns before opening the door for Jenny to exit.

I turn from my position on the bed to throw up on the floor.

Oh my God.

My head hurts.

I curl a hand around my stomach as I heave, I hear commotion at the door and Kane's scent feel the room.

He takes a look at me before turning to Linda.

"Why Is there no doctor in this room?"

"She refused to let Jenny look at her" Linda says and I'm sure the reason she is stuck with me is because the rest of our family has gone out.

Kane turns to her.

"Babe?" He asks, approaching the bed, I want to tell him to get out too, I don't want him seeing me sick.

"Don't want her in our room Kane" I mumble on a whisper and he understands immediately.

I do not want a woman my husband has slept with in our private quarters, that's too much, sickness or not. 

"Get me another doctor, lead Jenny out" He says and I roll over again, dry heaving.

He picks me up and takes me to the bathroom, holding my head as I vomit into the toilet.

When I'm done he leads me to the room and a male doctor is standing there, complete with a doctor's coat. 

Kane sets me on the bed and some staff are already in, cleaning where I got sick. 

"What's the time Cas?" 

"Past two" He says and I try to stand. 

"I have to get to..." 

"Please Mrs King, moving is not advisable, let me see what the problem is first" The doctor says before moving in to check me. 

He shines a torch in my eyes but all I want to do at this point is curl up and sleep, preferably wait for this thing to pass. 

He checks my pulse but at that point I drift off. 

I wake up sometime later, feeling a little better but very very thirsty. 

"Kane?" I call into the dark room. 

I get no response. 

"Kane?" I begin to panic when no response comes yet agaiw,i sit up the room is too dark. 

"Caspian?" The door opens and light floods the room and he's standing there with a tray. 

"You left" I say. 

"No babe" He sahsb, walking closer. 

"You did not?" I don't know why I'm like this, my options are everywhere. 

"No, I went to get you dinner, I'm sorry I didn't hit the lights" He says, setting the tray down. 

I open my arms and he's there, curling me, I attach my leg and self to him like a baby spider monkey, breathing in his scent. 

"I was so scared today" I say. 

"I'm sorry you were sick baby" He whispers, kissing my neck. 

"Uh uh, just let me hold you, i was so scared when I couldn't call you to tell you anything" I say and he let's me stay like that, kissing my head and shoulder. 

"I love you" He whispers and it's then I understand too that he had been scared too. 

"I'm sorry I scared you" I say and he nods, hiding his face in my neck. 

"Tell me you love me" He says. 

"I love you" 

"Tell me you will never leave me" He says and I don't hesitate. 

"I will never leave you" I say and he kisses my neck again, after a while he asks. 

"want some dinner?" 

"What is it?" 

"Broth" He says and I nod, Detaching myself from him, he leans to get the tray before spoon feeding me. 

When I'm done he leads me to the bathroom where he helps me take my bath in the tub, washing my hair, whatever doctor whoever gave to me is potent, I feel okay, If a little sore all over. 

When I'm done he leads me out, helping me to towel dry my hair and wear a set of nightgown, I sit at the edge of the bed and he bends to his kneels to kiss my stomach. 

I frown at his strange behavior before noticing that the bedsheets must have been changed by the staff and the dishes cleared away. 

He gets me ready for bed and and he strips down to his briefs before getting in with me. 



"Are you alright?" 

"Yeah baby" 

"You sure?" I ask and he hesitates before proceeding to rock my world. 

"How do you feel about kids Ani?" 

I freeze. 

"Kane? " 

"Do you want any in the future?" 

"What are you saying Cas?" 

"The doctor says you are pregnant, you got sick from the rain but you are pregnant" He says and I lean up on a arm to stare down at him.. 

"He said what?" I ask, filtering the rest of what he said. 

"We are having a baby, baby, if you don't want we could..." 

"I want" I whisper. 

"You sure? I know we didn't talk about this but..." 

"I want Caspian, I'm ready I want"

"Thank God, because I want too" He says and I laugh into his mouth as he leans up to kiss me. 

"We are having a baby Cas" I whisper and he nods, kissing my cheek. 

"I love you, thank you so much Ani" He says and I kiss him, kissing the words into my soul. 

"Thank you for bringing me so much happiness Caspian" I whisper and he kisses me back, kissing my words into his soul. 

. .

Read " The Homecoming " by the same author ( Bebe Ernest )

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