Attitude meets Arrogance - Episode 68

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Jordan's POV

As we entered the park, there was a slight breeze that rustled the leaves making them fall on the solid ground one by one...

Since I kissed her, she had been smiling all through the drive..How did she manage to make me feel something I have never felt with someone else...Not even Beatrice...

I was busy admiring her as a slow but a sure smile grew at the corner of my lips. She was very beautiful and every man would be lucky to have her by their side . She knows what she stands for and doesn't let anyone pull her down.

Indeed it was attitude meets arrogance. I know we are opposites but that's where the fun is. We have to put up with each other's personality and learn to blend with it...

I thought I would stay away from her, make her hate me but everytime I look deep into her eyes, I wanna be lost in them forever...I want her caged in my arms forever so she doesn't have to get hurt..

At first I thought these feelings were just a fling but as days go by I have realised I want to be by her side forever. I take this oath today, if after seven months she leaves I will never open my heart to another.
Because I believe it has found its rightful owner...

"Jordan???" She snapped her hands on my face..
"What???" I pretended to be mad..

She outstretched her hand and tilted her head up...
"What do you want????" I asked confusingly...
"Money to pay for the tickets..." She replied arrogantly...

"But this was your idea..." I retorted reaching out for my wallet...
"But you are the husband..." She left me there paying the tickets and headed to an ice cream vendor...

Although it didn't mean much, I am glad she recognised me as her husband. If she only knew how I crave for a day she will cup my face and call me her husband like she means it...

"Put every flavour you have..." I heard her give orders to the vendor as I stood beside her...
"Jordan vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and some sprinkles is fine right???" She asked in a soft voice, smiling from one ear to another...

"Anything is fine by me..."
I had begun feeling awkward since everyone was giving me weird glances

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I know they were asking themselves what a CEO like me was doing in a park???

If it weren't that I loved her so much, I would have left already...

After the vendor was done with our ice creams, she pointed at the vendor with her head,"Pay him Jordan..."

There was a bench at every corner of the park and some swings on the west corner where children were playing and parents watching them.

She chose the bench by the lake where there was no one sitting on it...Luckily it was 4 0'clock and people had begun leaving the park...

She handed me my ice cream and we just sat there silently.
My eyes were stuck on the lake when she finally spoke up..

"They seem like a happy couple. The smiles in their faces seems genuine.."

I turned to face her and she showed me a young couple at were playing and laughing beside us..

"Do you think we will ever be happy???"She asked and continued to lick her ice cream...

I am happy, you are my happiness my love...

Before I could reply, she was done with her ice cream. That was really fast..

"Take, you can have mine..." I handed it to her and she gladly picked it..

I hadn't even tasted it, I wasn't a fan of ice cream but I couldn't tell her that. I looked disgustingly at my hand that had held the ice cream and it was all messy. Ice cream all over my fingers...

"Don't be mad at your hand, I will wipe it..." She opened her handbag and pulled out a packet of wipes. She took one from the packet and begun wiping my hand...

My mind warned me not to look at her but I couldn't help in..I bite my lower lip as I admired what was infront of me..Why is she so perfect on my eyes???

"Done..."She lifted her face and her eyes were held in mine...For a moment, it felt like time had stood on a standstill...

"It's getting boring, why don't we play question and answer..." She averted her gaze..
"And what that???"
"You ask me a question and I will answer truthfully and vice versa..."

Jordan luck is on your side, you can finally ask her if she is falling for you...

"And we should sit so close to each other so as we don't look like people who just met and we are married..." She moved closer to me, took my arm placed it around her shoulders and intertwined the other hand with hers...

She really surprised me, I didn't expect that from her. I wish I could say something but I was at loss of words...

"Jordan, I think for this seven months we should try and be civil...Let's no argue or fight. We should create memories right????"She asked as she placed her head on my shoulder. I don't know what was up with her but I loved it..

"I will miss you after our divorce...." I confessed and kissed her hand...
Please say, you don't want the divorce anymore. Please Ciara say you love me too. Stand on top of this bench and shout how much you love me....

"My first question, who was your first love????"She avoided the divorce topic...

I think I have never fallen in love until I met you my love. You are my first love, addiction and everything..But to protect my feelings I have to lie...

"Mmmmh!!!I guess Beatrice and you????"

"I would say David but No....I think I have never met my first love.

Read " Innocent Obsession " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )

. It is said you fall in love once and every guy I have dated has impregnated another girl..." I heard the sadness in her voice and squeezed her hand tight...

If she was mine, she would never know what heartbreak means, I would never bring tears in her eyes..Because she is the sun in my life...The rays from the love I feel for her complete me...

"This might sound dumb but favourite colour, do you love pets, favourite food???Something like that..." I remember Beatrice asking me these questions on our first date..

"Favourite colour I don't have, pets I hate cats and fear dogs..favourite food I can literally eat anything...."

I found myself laughing at the last statement. How is she human, I can't eat snails or snakes I feel disgusted...

We spoke for hours and didn't realize time had flown so fast...I had alot about her and every second I heard her speak I fell for her more...

"Hey guys, its time to go home...." Someone tapped my shoulder...
Ciara lifted her head from my shoulder and looked at him,"Please let us stay a little longer. Three hours maximum..."

"Jordan give him two thousand.." Ciara requested and I gave the guy the money without asking any question...

"We won't make any noise..." Ciara assured and the guy smiled like he had won a lottery. What is two thousand, it's not even enough to fuel my car...

We went back to talking then suddenly Ciara went silent...
"Jordan, my butt feels numb. Lets go lie by the lake..." Before I could answer, she was up and dragging me along...

She lied on the grass and pulled my hand...
"Come and lie beside me...."

I nodded, loosened my tie and lied beside her...I wrapped my arm around her as she placed her head on my chest...

"The stars look so beautiful..." She begun counting them....

I know that we weren't on a vacation in Bahamas or having dinner in a fancy restaurant but this is the best night of my life...What more could I ask for when I had my all beside me???

Trust me my Ciara I would trade everything for you...

"Ciara, if we ever meant on different circumstances would you have fallen in love with me????" I blurted out loud and she remained silent for a while...

What have I done???I just ruined our night...
"I am so...."
"Any girl would fall in love with you just the way you are...."She butted in...

"I am not talking about any girl..I am talking about you..." I emphasized only for her to rise from the grass...

"If you catch me, then I will answer you..." She stood up and begun twirling around...

"Come on Marcias, can't you run????" She teased me and I just lied there looking at my playful queen...

"Come on!!!!!!" She clapped her hands so hard..

I stood up and begun running after her...She didn't even run for long before she slipped and fell on the grass....

She begun crying and my heart shattered...Stupid grass, why did you hurt my delicate baby???

I ran to her and knelt beside her,"Where does it hurt????" I turned her around to face me and she begun laughing...

"I got you....I told you, you can't catch me..."

I just looked at her as the moonlight shone on her face. Even if I wanted to be mad I couldn't...

I took her hands and held them on top of her head.
"I have caught you so answer my question..."

"I wish you would kiss me by the lakeside...." I was surprised by her reply...Today she was so warm and caring...

"What if I can't stop???"I asked s*ductively..

"Then don't stop...I am wearing a dress..." She whispered while I begun trailing kisses down her neck...

She held my face in her hands and whispered" Although it's beyond us, I will also miss you  after am gone..."

I don't want you to leave Ciara. Say you don't wanna leave. Give me a sign my love..

She kissed me under my ear and made me shiver...I wanted to feel every ounce of her...
We begun kissing again when the guy interrupted us...

"What are you doing???"He thundered....
"Run!!!!"Ciara rose from the grass, grabbed her purse and my coat and begun running...

I also followed her behind into the car, not understanding why we were running...

"Why were we running????" I asked the moment we got into the car...
"What's the fun in explaining ourselves???" She writhed in laughter and I joined in too...
She is crazy and she is also making me crazy...

The guy begun knocking at my window and I gave Ciara a confused look. Let's see what other crazy idea she had..

"Pretend to be asleep..." I nodded and placed my head on the steering wheel and she placed hers on my back...After a while, the knocks subsided...

"Is he gone???"She whispered...
"I don't know..."

"I order you two to get out of here before I call the police..." The guy shouted and when we lifted our heads the gate was open..

I quickly drove out of there but still we couldn't stop laughing...
We passed over a vendor who was selling food and Ciara requested I stop..

"What now??"
"I am starving...."

"Korosa Florida is open right now, we can go grab something..." I suggested but she ignored and got out of the car...

He followed her and there she was holding six packets of bhajia..
"Will you finish all that???"I asked shockingly...

"Pay her..." She pushed me aside and got back to the car...

We had to park the car at the side of the road so as she could eat. She ranted about wanting to eat in peace. 

As she ate, I turned on my playlist and begun listening to country music. 

"Here have a bite..." She tried giving me a piece of bhajia but I pulled my head back..Too bad my stomach grumbled, selling me out..

"Jordan, I know you are also hungry...They are fine..." She placed two packets in my lap and continued eating hers...

At first I was hesitant but finally I begun eating..They were tasty..

"They are delicious right????" I couldn't let her win...
"They are okay...Let's now go home..."

By the time we were getting home, she was sound asleep...I didn't want to wake her up and so I  had to carry her bridal style to the house..

"Jordan, is Ciara okay???Why do you look messy???"My mum with her questions..

"She is just asleep...We will head to our room, we are tired..."

I gently placed her on the bed and covered her up..

"Thank you for today..." I whispered, stroking her cheek...I kissed her on the forehead and went to the bathroom...

I can't believe I had alot of fun today...I did crazy things and also ate food by the roadside. Ciara, what are you doing to me???

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  • mayomikun picture
    just hook up really loving this....Thanks @Fideh for giving me this new month gift....kisses
  • Phavo Asinobi picture
    Phavo Asinobi
    Thank you Fideh, please Ciaras pov, let's see how she feels and thinks
  • Phavo Asinobi picture
    Phavo Asinobi
    Thank you Fideh, please Ciaras pov, let's see how she feels and thinks
  • Hyacinth Uchechi picture
    Hyacinth Uchechi
    This is the best part of the story. Thank you
  • Stephanie picture
    Thanks Fideh.... I love every part of this episode I don't want this story to end. How I wish it can be made into a movie
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    This is all Love is about, to be happy around each other, kudos Fideh
  • Ukbaby picture
    Happy new month to you dearies
  • Mavis Siaw picture
    Mavis Siaw
    Das real love for Jordan
  • Olarinre Mobolaji picture
    Olarinre Mobolaji
    Awwwwwnnnnn please fideh no more fight for them
  • joan kk picture
    joan kk
    Happy new month my fellow ebonites, and to you Fideh, you have blessed my month.
  • Favour Abhatue picture
    Favour Abhatue
    That's power of love Jordan. Nice writeup dearie
  • Obisesan Ololade picture
    Obisesan Ololade
    So fantastic,you can’t imagine how I check for new post of this story every morning and are a darling munchkin. More ink to your pen, waiting for more ??
  • Priscy Ohene picture
    Priscy Ohene
    Awww Ciara and Jordan...tnx Fideh u re a genius
  • picture
    [email protected]
    Nooooooo!i don't want it to end.tnx fideh hope 2 see more eps sooner.luv u darl
  • Nanyonjo Jane picture
    Nanyonjo Jane
    This will be my best story ever nice work Fideh for this episode
  • Alfreda Ephya picture
    Alfreda Ephya
    Please no fight really having fun
  • Ayomide Huntress picture
    Ayomide Huntress
    Nice one fideh I need to read again I love her craziness
  • ugochimtunyerem chukwu picture
    ugochimtunyerem chukwu
    I can't believe that this is happening
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    I love that fun that's love, I hope they confess their love out and stay together forever. Fideh 3 gbosas
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    I can't stop smiling,,, I also had fun with dem oo...Awwww,,Ciara is trying to change our arrogant Jordan.. ....Can't love u less Fideh,, more episode
  • edna addo picture
    edna addo
    Love in the air.. What love can do to Jordan.. Thanx for this wonderful piece
  • Uwem Udoh picture
    Uwem Udoh
    I love this two characters....more grace Fideh...
  • Vivian Chime picture
    Vivian Chime
    I just love this two lovebirds
  • Binta Zakari picture
    Binta Zakari
    Awesome! Love yah Fideh! Keep going!!
  • Busola Bolaji picture
    Busola Bolaji
    Love dey hungry me I can't wait to read it to d end
  • Chris Love picture
    Chris Love
    Ciara is head over heels too Jordan
  • Kyrian Miller picture
    Kyrian Miller
    This story is awesome....I can't wait for the next episode
  • Abomah Ikpi picture
    Abomah Ikpi
    Ciara has made him bananas???
  • Shirley Demi picture
    Shirley Demi
    I love you story
  • Suvia Styles picture
    Suvia Styles
    Best story in 2019 sofar Thanks Fideh u quench ma stress
  • Fatu M picture
    Fatu M
    My favorite episode
  • Mma Obi picture
    Mma Obi
    Nice and captivity. May your ink never go dry
  • Thomas Camp picture
    Thomas Camp
    Getting spicy
  • Ifcar De Unique Qwal picture
  • Juliet Ebiringa picture
    Juliet Ebiringa
    Wow can feel the love in my heart
  • Mery Ezinne Okoro picture
    Mery Ezinne Okoro
    The love is mutual , kudos fideh, pls let's see Clara's POV to know what she thinks and also let's know what happened d rest of d night
  • Angel picture
    Wow this is the best episode so far I can't believe I have read it more than five times already
  • Fair Caroline picture
    Fair Caroline
    dis story is sweet...i mean delicious,more episodes plsssssssss,kudos fideh
  • Jennifer Aboagyewaa picture
    Jennifer Aboagyewaa
    Still loving this story. More mushy love not more fighting please.
  • Esther Lamsing picture
    Esther Lamsing
    Ooooowww am loving this the more. don't end it pls let it keep coming Great job dear
  • Esther Lamsing picture
    Esther Lamsing
    Ooooowww am loving this the more. don't end it pls let it keep coming Great job dear
  • Wamathwe Muthuma picture
    Wamathwe Muthuma
  • Hadiza picture
    No new episode today
  • Tumininu Odunlami picture
    Tumininu Odunlami
    Fideh am loving u d more, more episode pls
  • Jolayemi Jenrolah picture
    Jolayemi Jenrolah
    First comment so far nice story u hav here keep it up
  • Mary Eyo picture
    Mary Eyo
    you're gifted Fideh. this story is amazing
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Lovely.....keep it up Fideh!
  • Michael winful picture
    Michael winful
    As my good friend once told me, When a leaf says long in soapy water the leaf will also become soapy. Ciara crazy aptitude is rubbing in to the life of Jordan and I think he is enjoying it. LOL
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