Beyond captivating - Episode 32

Beyond captivating

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Lucas POV:

Wrecked and bone weary was all I felt when I opened my eyes  slowly ...

I lay still unable to move until the realisation about last night hit me ...
I got drunk and what happened next

I widened my eyes when 
My hands went down to my trouser  ..I jumped up only to meet with the grin on my friends face  ..

My god

I sat straight before pushing my hand into my hair ,,
Gosh what the hell is this ..

"Man you stink, " jack shouted
I knew that expression , and I swear...
Am gonna destroy him if he start those stupid taunt of his ...
I stare at tom who was trying to hold his grin ..

That's it ,how did i get myself so messed up without even realising it
A strong odour tickled my nose only to  realise jack was actually saying the truth ...I stink ,,

Damn ,
This is too embarrassing...

I sent them a scowl glance before making my way into the bathroom ,,.
I pull off my Jean and boxers only to realise how messed up I was ...

Gosh those fat ass girls has destroyed me ..I rack my hands through my hairs before cursing at them

"Get me some air freshener, this place stink"
I heard jack all too loud voice from the inside and all I did was grit on my teeth hard...
At least I was glad Elliot,(the boss of all taunter's) isn't here to put fire to his taunt ...

When I suddenly heard Elliot voice ,,my legs crumbled beneath me God I almost fainted...

"Air freshener damn air freshener, how much are we gonna spray jack , probably dozens haha haha" they laughed ...

I grounded my teeth more and more before cursing at that horror woman ,
She was the cause it all ..
I didn't know how many hours I spent in the shower though ...
But before making way back to the room
I threw my stinking boxer and trouser into the dustbin before moving further ..

I frowned , I was intending not to reply to any of them ,,but glad non of them was speaking probably cause of the frown on my face ...
I was angry ,,still very much mad at that horror ...
All I want is just for her to stay away from me...,

When my gaze darted on the fresh cloths on the bed ,I struggled on my shoulder ,,
although it was so hard on my big boy part but I manage to sent them a thanks without meeting with their eyes ...

I jerk into the cloth , a pencil fitting crazy jean ,Tuttle  round neck shirt with a black designer jacket
I run a comb through my hair before adding on a little perfume,,...

I glance around probably in search of  my car key

"You looking for this"

jack threw it towards me ..he did that unaware though but I was fast to catch ..
Gosh despite being so annoying sometimes what can I really do without my friends

"And Nigel"  I asked them still with a serious expression on my face

"Called him this morning ,,he's home"
Tom replied ...

After tying the lace of my black boot we made our way out ..
Gosh the girls around almost ate us alive when they saw us coming out ...
But I was in no mood for their silliness...
I was fast to make my way outside though before cutting on the engine and driving out like a  possessed man...
Getting home wasn't that long though ...
I glanced sideways only to see Elliot car packed right beside mine ..

"Jack and tom" I called out to him ...

"They left"

I nodded before pulling off my seat belt ,,I was trying to put a lock on the door ,, when I heard a tiny voice shouting ...

"Lucas Tyson is here mum, wao he is so handsome "

I smile a little when I realise it might  probably be her son
Gosh is she gonna start living here for real .... although I was planning on putting up my frowning face inside  but that pretty boy with those incomplete teeth of his could surely make someone weak ...

when Elliot and I move towards the entrance ....
There i saw him racing towards me

"Lucassssssssssss tysonnnnnnnnnnnn"

I quickened my steps with all broader smile before carrying him up into my arms ...

"God ,look at you are now a big man "

He chuckled before pushing His small hands into my hair happily

I was Scanning around when we made our way in ....right from the  corner of my eyes my heart skipped when  I saw her ,,,i knew she was staring at me  but i decided to ignore her ...

"Lucas Tyson , who did this to your face,,,"
Jamie touched my bruises but i was fast to take his small hand before c*ressing it

"It was an accident "

"This was no accident..

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I know bruises of punches when i see one ,the person who did this must be really ugly "

I raised my brows towards him before c*ressing his cheek
Gosh what a sharp boy

"Yes very very ugly" I smirked

"Hi mum" I moved towards her before pecking her

"Lucas ,thank goodness you are good, and your face " she tried touching but I was fast to motioned my head sideways

"Its fine"

"Welcome back Elliot "

"Thanks mum" he returned

And there I saw him moving towards her direction , i tried all possible best not to look but curiosity made me glance side ways ,only to see Elliot hands on hers while they speak ...did she just smile,, 

My eyes got huge

What what what ,,
when did those two get so close stomach got knotted at the sight of them laughing and talking like two lovers ...

Am finished ...
Gosh why is she so beautiful this morning , I tried ignoring that feminine  part of her but couldn't ,
Who told her to wear that kind of dress ..

"get me a cup of coffee" I said to a maid with all too louder voice just to get Elliot attention away from her but damn ...why is he looking at her that way ....
When I saw him caressing her hair my kneel nearly crumbled beneath me ,, I staggered a bit...

"Lucas Tyson are you okay" Jamie ask ,,I squeezed an heated smile towards him before nodding ...
This time he wrap his hands around my neck..

"I like you Lucas Tyson "

Guess my attention wasn't on the little boy any more ,, heat knotted my stomach when I saw the look on Elliot face ,,I know that look ,
What what what
Is he trying to flirt with her ...??

I was trying to distract myself away from the sight of those two.
When a maid came with the cup of coffee ,, I sent her a scowl glance  ...
I was glad she was fast to move that tiny legs of her , or else am gonna throw that coffee right on her face

After side glancing at them, I was unable to stand the sight anymore ...
I cleared my throat this time and tried raising my voice

"We've gat to talk Elliot "

"Alright give me five minutes"

I stood with one of my arms clenched by my side ..
Five minutes what ...damn am gonna destroy Elliot ....
I arched my brows before bolting forward to take a seat ,,
I wanted to side glance at them but when I  realise she was staring at my direction ,,I manage a composure and shook Jamie on the cheek instead

"You are such a sharp boy jamie"

"Thanks Mr Lucas Tyson"

"So Pretty boy ,what about your dad" I asked quietly ...

"Mum said he's gonna look for him,"

"Look for him why ???"

When I saw the changed expression on the boy's little face I c*ressed his face and smile ...

"Come on , what's with that expression ,, do you like base ball"

"Yessssssssss" he shook his head happily..

"Okay Mr Lucas Tyson is promising a base ball match with you later in the day "

"Waoooooooo,he jump on me happily,
I wrap my arms around his tiny form before smiling ...

This time I became uncomfortable on why Elliot five minutes had almost turn ten
I couldn't help it ,I flicked a glance sideways only to see her staring at me ....
At first I shifted my stare and frowned but when I glance back this time ,,as if gearing herself back from a reverie she was fast to shift her glance when she noticed my eyes was on hers.  

she was alone sitting on a single seat at a far corner of the room
why is she crying ,,
Did Elliot made her cry ,,???
That stupid taunter ,, is this his five minutes ...

My eyes went huge when he came back with two cups of whatever,
I couldn't make myself look away anymore ,I was angry ,,
Angry with the fact that she had to be this nice to Elliot ,,and behave more like a wolf towards me...

What have I done to make her hate me so much??
What exactly is it??
Elliot is not as half good looking as I was yet ...or isn't the sight of me enough to make her like me ...

Excitedly Jamie got down from my laps and ran towards her direction to give her the  baseball news
I sank my teeth into my bottom lips only to see the same kind of excitement on her face as she tickled his cheek ,

instead my gaze covered every inch of her which was almost good as walking ahead to hold her close ....
My frown deepened when i saw Elliot still sitting there with her and  smiling along with boy,
I swear am gonna destroy that guy..
Why is five minutes taking forever ...
Tamping down my frustration and capping it with a paper thin layer of composure
This time I crossed my leg and cleared my tone ....

"Elliottttt" I tried raising it a lot louder now

"Five minutes man"

"The f-ck is this your five minutes" I stood up angrily before walking to a corner and towards the wine bar ...
I grabbed one and opened it hurriedly ..
I was gulping back my second cup when I saw him reaching a cup towards me ..

"The hell you can pour it yourself ,, why is your face like that"

He touched his face before glancing at me surprisingly .

"Nothing , I have nothing on my face man  "

I sent him an annoying glance before cutting on my words hurriedly

"I know that kind of face Elliot , why are you flirting with her"

He laughed as if i just said some thing funny

More in an English man manner ,he picked the wine before turning it into his cup ...
What what what  , why is he laughing am serious here

"I'm not , does it look like I am "

"The f-ck it does , I can't believe this  Elliot ,"
My eyes went huge when I saw the redness on his face 

"you blushed Elliot  .. My God"

I rack my hand through my hair when I saw the admitting look on his face ...

He lifted his wine with this kind of wicked grin on his face, I can't believe I found myself hating him ....

"Wait why are worried , are you ??? Don't tell me you are jealous ?

I wasn't replying only to sat down staring at him with an huge eyes
Never before had I concerned myself over a woman companion more or less someone with a son...

"Wait am I jealous???"

"I should be asking you man" he said with a taunting grin...

"The last time I remember she was an horror to you and you told her right to her face last night ...i don't wanna see you around me you horror "

He smirked

"I think I like that horror"

i knew that look ,I knew perfectly well he was taunting me  ,but I do not care ...the thought of him wanting to kiss her the way I do send all thoughts away from my head ...

More like a vampire I was fast to squeeze my hold on shirt ...

"Like who, huh who ? ...the f-ck am gonna break your neck if you flirt with her again Elliot ,, I don't want you around her " I roared

"Man you split my wine, whats wrong with you"

"Breakfast is ready guys " my mum sweet accent echoed

I gritted my teeth hard before releasing my hold on his shirt ..

Stunned by my action i could only watch as he stands before  moving away with this  taunting grin all over his face ...

"Break fast man"

Heat covered my form ,,I was fast to pull off my jacket before pushing my hands into my hair ...

What the hell is wrong with me ...God ..?

I rubbed my hand on my face before gulping back another cup of wine ....


Guys hope your 3D is intact ....

Come on.... let's keep watch on our two heroes from now on ....

Me I don dey dance shaku shaku for Lucas ooo.. Lol

Look forward to more episode

Don't forget to like rate and comments ,,thanks lots of love ...

. .

Read " The fugitive " by the same author ( Op. Amina )

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  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Lucas is jealous.. haha ..Elliot keep making him jealous oo,,I'm just imagining hw his face ws (lol)..nice episode dear,,keep it coming
  • Kemi Babagbemi picture
  • picture
    [email protected]
    Can't believe lucas is really really enjoying myself.kudos babe
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    Lucas really jealous!!!! Elliot pls continue d drama. Thumps up Amina
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @confidency in fact that guy called Lucas ehn sure dear
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @kemi love you for dropping a comment ...thanks dearie
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @bella kudus to you ...that guy ehn ...thanks dearie
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @adeoti ....kikiki I don't laugh tire here won make Lucas die Thanks dearie ....
  • festus wisdom picture
    festus wisdom
    lolzzz Lucas may end up marrying Silvia oh as I dey see am. amina I swear this story just dey make me go Gan Gan I can't wait for the next episode pls make it snappy pls!!! if say I don reach to marry I for come marry you...?
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Lol seems Elliot is doing a great job...kudos dear!
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    Nice story dear
  • fatma picture
    When is he finding out that he raped her
  • Fagbire Omowunmi picture
    Fagbire Omowunmi
    Lucas Tyson is jealous and he showed it.... Chai dis one weak me ooo
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    This is really getting more interesting. Lucas is falling in love o. Silvia, it's your turn to reciprocate
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    This is really getting more interesting. Lucas is falling in love o. Silvia, it's your turn to reciprocate
  • Amma picture
    these two will keep denying their feelings for each other...ever ready for more action dear...u rock Amina
  • Chris Love picture
    Chris Love
    When Jealousy enters love is bound to appen! Lucas my love, i like ya
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    Chai... See how am laughing alone inside bus.. Dis Lucas man won't kee me here.. Thumps up gal
  • Zainab Mohammed picture
    Zainab Mohammed
    Hmmmnnn!!! It seems she loves Lucas too, I hate this Lucas ehnn?
  • Abdulsalam Aisha picture
    Abdulsalam Aisha
    So Almighty Lucas can be this jealous am watching with my 4D glass, well done Amina
  • Ayomide Huntress picture
    Ayomide Huntress
    Ami I'm getting a 5D for this just specially for lucas,Silvia and Elliot... Hahahha thumb up babe
  • Ayomide Huntress picture
    Ayomide Huntress
    Pls don't let Lucas see my post b4 he get angry at my statement 'Silvia and Elliott' #grinning#
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