Binded by friendship - Episode 11

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Eve's POV
 I could feel happiness seeping through me. 

Nick's love was the air that soothed my soul. He made me complete. He understood me. He had this way of calming my nerves and making me better.

Remembering last night how passionately he made love to me, I had this smile that stained my lips eternally.

I wish I could wake up like this every morning.

I know I promised him to take my medication in time and everyday but I don't need them. I am not crazy and as long as I have him I don't need them.

I have been okay for the past one month without them and that's progress. 

I will just focus on my marriage with Nicholas and making him happy . About the incident with Mason yesterday, it's just a bad dream that needs to be forgotten.

He is a trigger that should stay in the past..

I dragged my feet out of bed and into the bathroom. 
A look at the mirror and I almost screamed in terror. I couldn't recognize whoever think I was seeing... 

I washed the faucet to rinse my face and brush my teeth when my whole body jerked up from the loud sound of slamming the door open!!!!

Sweet heavens!!!Does Nick want to give me a heart attack????

"Love you gonna kill me with a heart attack one day if you will always be slamming doors open...." I chuckled, reaching for my toothbrush.

"Thanks for yesternight....I really needed a distraction from a s*x god and truth be told I enjoyed myself as usual. You just have this way of making me needy,weak and wild and I love it...." I beamed turning to look at him only to notice his eyes were blazing with anger...

"Is anything wrong Nicholas????Is your lovely sister okay????"

"So the reason you got rid of your driver is because you were going to meet with your first love..How was it????I bet the moment you saw him, you regretted marrying me...." 

My heart felt like my blood had become tar as it struggled to keep a steady beat..

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Did Mason tell Nicholas what happened???
Did anyone see me????

"It was just one drink!!!!"

"One drink????" He asked disbelievingly and reached for his phone in his sweatpants' left pocket.

"Is there trouble in paradise????Eve Raine Kame and Mason Marcias seeing getting cosy yesterday in Ramose club....Is there marriage so horrible that they didn't mind parading their affair in public!!!!" 

My eyes glimmered with tears as I felt my whole world is about to crumble.

"Here!!!!"He handed me the phone and as I scrolled down the article, I felt guilt and shame tearing it's way to my trembling heart.

There was a photo of Mason and I Kissing, hugging and dancing in the dance floor.

I wish I would have left the moment I felt my mental stability was below average.

"I am sorry...." I whispered in a trembling voice, placing his phone on the sink.

"Do you still love him?????"

"No!!!!" My tears began falling like raindrops...

"Then why did you kiss him????"

"I thought you were cheating on me, I was drunk and Mason just seemed to know the right words to tell me..." I said sadly and sniffed.

"Cheating on you????" He shook me by the shoulder vigorously,"I love you more than life itself Eve. There is no single day I have thought about cheating on you. Even when you are 1000 miles away from me. And you know why, because I respect our marriage vows...."

"I am sorry. And if it makes you feel better, we only kissed...."

"It doesn't...." He pushed me back so hard that I almost fell on my ass.

"It doesn't Eve because when I finally believe you are over him and you can love me completely, you go ahead and do this..."He said in a cold lashing voice.

"I love......"

"Just shut up.... You aren't making this easier for me Eve...."

I retreated back until I hit my back on the wall...

"I promise it won't happen again...." I assured , struggling with tears...

"I don't believe you... He will hurt you and then I will be the one to deal with the consequences..." A hurt was visible on his face.

Guilt not only sat on my chest but inside my brains too. Because I knew what he meant. 

I tried to open my mouth and say something but I couldn't.

"Do you remember the pills, the numerous cuts on your wrists????" He asked icily.

I didn't want to remember any of that.

"You were vulnerable Eve. Do you remember when I found you lying unconsciously in your bathroom floor????"

I nodded with my head bent...

"Where was he then Eve???The man you had been waiting for came back married.

Read " Innocent Obsession " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )

. I was there and stood by you as you tried to get back on your feet. But if you do that sh*t again, I won't be there for you....."

"I hate that I love you so much. I hate that I want to leave but I can't because my life is meaningless without you. I hate the fact that instead of asking me about the call, you went running back to his arms..." He spat angrily.

"I understand that you are sick but that's not an excuse to go around hurting people that love you. If you want to be with him, I won't stop you. But if he hurts you, don't come running back expecting me to be waiting. I will move on and perhaps with a woman who can give me kids...."

A woman who can give me kids!!!Torture to my ears...

"Finally you admit it Nicholas. You resent me because I can't give you children and here you made me believe you understood..." I trembled...

"I didn't mean......"

"It's okay, I get it. I am a horrible woman, you regret marrying me and you want a woman that can give you kids...."

I wish there was a way to disguise the brutal honesty edging his words.

"Stop putting words in my mouth and acting like a victim. You are the one who cheated and you don't get to pull the victim card on me...."

"Okay. You can leave if you want to Nicholas..."

My stomach shifted uneasily and I noticed that the hands that I am hugging myself with are punching into my skin.

" Then you are going to attempt suicide again and I will have to live with that...."

"So you are with me because of pity???"

"Let's say you are among one of my bad deci......"

"Enough!!!!" Nicholas was cut off when a voice shouted from the door...


"Mom!!!!" I cried out and ran to her...
"It's okay dear...." She hugged me and her hug was a catalyst to my sobbing.

"Nicholas, how dare you say such mean words to my daughter?????"

"I bet you are now happy that your daughter can finally be with the man you had always wished she had married...." 

"She loves you!!!!!"

"I have better things to do and a meeting to get too...I was willing to push my meeting to tomorrow to spend time with her but it isn't worth it anymore..." He cussed out and walked past us....

"Mom, I want to get out of here...." I sobbed.
"Let's go home dear....."

Am I the only one in tears????
Damn, someone pass me more tissues...

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  • Zoey Whyte picture
    Zoey Whyte
    I knew this was going to happen...good job dear
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Zoey thank you dear
  • Paloma Asante picture
  • Eunice Ache picture
    Eunice Ache
    She shouldn't leave with her mum, rather she should plead with Nick,show him you love him.
  • Racheal Rakel Namz picture
    Racheal Rakel Namz
    Is it a moment of anger or was Nick about to admit that Eve was one of the bad decisions he made!!
  • Delly Soglo picture
    Delly Soglo
    I knew someone definitely got a picture of Mason and Eve. I'm even speechless, but do her friends know she has this sickness? Bravo Fideh
  • Chol picture
    Fideh, why did you took the pic of vivian and mason kissing now? It's not fair
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Delly we will find out soon
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Chol I love drama...hehehe
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