Binded by friendship - Episode 18

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Eve's POV
Everyone was getting on my nerves. Why can't they do anything right????

The food was like this dry,flavorless dust in my mouth...

"Do you want to poison me????" I snapped at Chef Donald.

"Ma'am...I would never do that...." He stammered...

"Do I look like your mother????" I slapped the plate off the table...

"You are all useless and fired...." I raged and stood from the dining table...

The chef and both my house managers wore terrified looks, their eyes screaming for mercy but I didn't care. 

They were so incompetent...

"Mrs Kame, the boss gave me clear instructions to make sure you were resting...." Maria said shakily, squeezing with her trembling fingers.

After my accident this afternoon, I was lucky that I only hit my head and nothing more....

After a million and one tests were done on me and nothing seemed off I was discharged from the hospital...

"Did I speak Hebrew???I thought I said you are all fired..." 

"But????" Maria tried to speak but I cut her off," You all should leave the first thing tomorrow...You are a pain in my ass..."

I walked away to my bedroom and began throwing my clothes on the bed..I had just grown tired of everyone...

I felt like they suffocated me...

My godmother had asked me to go and spend some time with her in the Marcias mansion and I think change is good for me...

"Eve????" Nicholas slammed the door open....

"Where are you manners Nicholas Kame???Slamming doors is growing on you!!!"

"What is it that I hear???You firing everyone!!!!!"

"I see they couldn't wait to tell daddy..."

"Eve you just were just in an accident hours ago....Instead of you going around firing people maybe you should consider resting...."

"I am okay!!!!" I heaved a frustrated sigh....

I walked into the closet and came out with my suitcase ready to pack the clothes I had chosen...

"Are you going somewhere???!" 

"Yeah....Away from you and this house...." I pointed out dryly..

I just couldn't stand his face, it irritated me...

"If it's about this afternoon, I said I am sorry..And it's not like I committed any crime, you are my wife and having sex is normal.We do it like all the time in my office...."

"Okay!!!!" I shrugged and started folding my clothes and putting them in the suitcase..

"Are you going back to your parents' house????" He asked softly....

"Nope, my godmother said I could spend some few days at the Marcias' mansion...."

"You are kidding right!!!!!" 

"Do I look like I am laughing????"

"How dare you???" He grabbed my arm and pushed me back against the wall close to the night stand.... He pinned my body against the wall with his own,cupping the back of my neck....
"You are testing my limits Eve Minnie Raine...." He breathed out....

"If it's Mason you are worried about,he doesn't live in the mansion anymore...."

For a second, my arms itched to throw themselves around his neck and give him a kiss....

He is a very tempting snack....

"If you leave Eve,never come back...I am done being understanding

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I am done being a loving,supportive husband...."He said in a low voice,taunted with anger...

I know I should feel hurt but I didn't . I don't need anyone n my life....They all pretend to care but they don't...maybe it's time I start focusing on me and not on the ungrateful useless people that surround me... 

They are all bags of chips unlike me...I am unstoppable...

I am fucking Eve Minnie Raine...

"You can get married again,have kids and move on...I don't care...." I replied arrogantly...

"You don't care????"His lips thinned with anger...

"Yeah and it's not my fault you can't man up and move past my kiss with Jason...For crying out loud, it was just a kiss...Its not like we are in the 18th century...People kiss all the time...."

"What has gotten into you????" Nicholas moved a step away and looked at me like I had grown three heads..

"You were never like this Eve!!!its like I am looking at a different person...."He said in an unrecognized voice, his eyes glossy with tears...

But I didn't care!!!I am done with people stepping all over me...

"All I have done is love you, be there for you...After treating you so badly in my office, I felt awful and went after you only to find you unconscious in your car your head bleeding...Do you know how I felt???Like my whole world was crumbling Infront of me???" A wave of grief hit him and I squeezed my eyes shut...

He staggered back and sat heavily in the sofa,seemed almost to fall into it...

"Why can't you understand you are all I want???That I don't need another woman but you Eve...That my life sucks without you...That even though you kissed Mason I want to try and make this work..." 

"If you had told me that night about your so called sister, I wouldn't have met Mason in the bar and we wouldn't have kissed...So it's on you...." I picked a dress from the bed and began folding....

"Since you came back from your tour,something changed...You haven't been the same...." He bent his head down,hands on his head...

"I am just different and more of myself...And thank you for today,I don't expect you want a gift for been a hero...."

"Just leave!!!!" His voice was rough that I don't recognize it...

"That's what I am doing and I hope not to see you or this house again or even that woman that call herself my mother or those silly girls that claim are my soul sisters...You all can go to hell...."

My rage boiled through me and I feel like planting a fist on each and every one of them... 

The reason I didn't get severely injured in the accident is because I am special,unstoppable and untouchable...

I don't need anyone,I have myself... I will focus on doing good, my career and being happy...

The rest can screw themselves...

"And this time Eve I am not taking you back..I won't be here waiting, I am done with you...Maybe you are right, we should get a divorce and I deserve to be happy with a woman that can give me kids...."

"Finally you get it Nicholas Kame...."I beamed,throwing my arms around him...
"Don't worry I will be okay,I am a f*cking goddess...Kids,love and marriage are for human beings and I am not...."

"Do you hear yourself??" He shook his head disappointedly...

"Wait you haven't been taking your medicine...." He pulled me from his body....

"I don't need them...Those medicines are for crazy people and I am not!!!!"

"I give up on trying to make you see sense.  Do what you feel is right, you are a grown ass woman who has make it clear more than once  can take care of herself...I just hope this stupid shrewd doesn't ruin you...." He contorted his face with a minor disgust...

He pushed me aside and walked out of the room...

Who told him I need him???
I should get out of here before I burn the place down...

I didn't even say goodbye to Nicholas as I left the house..The thought of spending time at the Marcias mansion was a great idea but I changed my mind.

I believe I need my own space from everyone and everything that bores me to the core...

And so I decided to stay in a luxurious hotel for a while before I buy a new apartment...

Cheers to new beginnings....

What do you think is wrong with  Eve????I know you guys have missed Amyra....Next up, Amyra and Jacob's forbidden lovestory...

. .

Read " Bloody Fog " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )

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