Binded by friendship - Episode 8

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Vivian's POV
"Hey homie!!!!" I said excitedly the moment Amyra opened the door.

"Who even says homie anymore ????" She gave me a weird bored look.

"This girl here honey,"I pointed at my face,"So did you cook????" 

"There are some noodles in the fridge..." She walked to the kitchen and I followed behind like a loyal dog after shutting the door.

"Pass me a glass and kindly warm the noodles for me."

I jumped on the counter and began opening the wine bottle.

"Wait????"She looked at me like he had just remembered something,"Isn't Jaxon having an interview later in that Jackson's guy show????"

"You never go home until after an interview...What did you do Viv???"She folded her arms below her chest.

"Why should I always have to do something???Its not my fault predicaments follow me..." I cried out.

"What did you do Viv????" She asked in emphasis.
"I got fired..." I replied dryly.

"What????Are you okay???" She took the bottle of wine from me and hugged me.

I hadn't realized I needed a hug until she hugged me.

"It seems I am a good publicist but with a bad temper.Atleast that's what Jaxon said..."I shrugged.

"Are you......"Amyra was cut off with a soft knock at the door,"That must be Tamara..."

"What is she doing here at 5 o'clock???She works till midnight...."

"I guess we are about to find out..."Amyra beamed  and went to get the door....

"What are you doing here,shouldn't you be working????"Tamara asked,hugging Amyra...

"I should be asking you the same investigative reporter...." I jumped off the counter and went to hug her.

"I can't talk while being sober...It will be less hurtful while drunk..."

She walked past me into the kitchen and got three glasses from the  cabinet. She splashed whisky in them.Three fingers each.

She gulped down the whisky in all the three glasses and sighed,"My life is a fucking joke..."

She splashed the whisky in the three glasses again and before she could down them,Amyra held her hand...

And I thought my day was shit.Looking at Tamara I think I had a good day.

"Last one please...." 

She gulped down the whisky in the three glasses again and took deep breaths.

"No one is to talk until I am finished..."She bit her lip as she held a finger up.

"So,"She swallowed hard,"My best friend isn't going to forgive me when she finds out I am investigating her husband for money laundering..."She stuttered.

Say what now!!!!
I suck in breath after breath processing her words...

So is Nicholas the one involved in money laundering???Obvious silly girl, Eve is the only girl married in your squad.

Poor Eve she is going to get a heart attack

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Her husband is not only a cheat but also a fraud.Truly not all that glitters is gold.

"I think I need some whisky too..." I splashed the whisky in a glass and took a strong sip feeling a burning sensation down my throat.

Damn this shit is bitter. How can someone put such shit in their mouth.

"I don't understand anything. Can you explain from the beginning???" Amyra requested.

What's there to explain????Nick is a fraud and a cheat who is in dire need of a spanking.

"I...." Tamara takes more deep breaths unable to speak between sobs.
"Here you go honey." I slid her a glass of whisky and she nods before downing it.

"So there is this new organization called The fraudbusters association that intends to work with investigative reporters to expose companies, corporations and organizations involved with fraud such as money laundering,tax abuse and the likes...."

Sobs rippled through her body making her unable to speak.
"It seems like a good thing for your career..."Amyra rubbed her back soothingly.

"It's not Amyra,"She said in almost a loud voice,"The association is the one to give us  names of the cooperation or company we are supposed to investigate. Guess what name I see in the file with our first assignment??? MAVENA hotel and residences...."

"Nick Kame owns that. Do you want to say he is involved in fraud????" 

C'mon Amyra are you that slow.That was obvious from the beginning.

"Eve is going to hate me..."Tamara said between sobs,pouring another drink for herself.

"And here I was thinking my life sucked...."Ooops I thought that  out loud. The alcohol is messing with my head.

"Thanks for reminding me my life sucks..." Tamara said icily.
"Viv be sensitive, you did get fired...."Amyra reminded me.

But I am way better.Tamara is so deep in sh*t that no one can pull her out.

"I am just being real. Tamara picture this if you expose Nick on Tv Eve is never going to forgive you that man is her life and if in a way you are wrong. She will still hate you because you were investigating her husband behind her back. Damn!!!!!"

"Thank you Viv.You are a very supportive friend...." Tamara said sarcastically.

"I am just being real.Its not that what you always are..." I sent her a straight,icy,emotionless face.

"I know what this is all about. This is about your fight with Lucy..."

Great guess Tamara.

"Yes it's about that damn night..."I thundered,letting out my suppressed anger.
"It hurts you that I didn't stand to help you fight Lucy...." 

"Yes Tammie. I expected you and Eve to be supportive friends.That bitch took my man from me...."

"You are so stupid!!!!"

Did she just......

I walked towards her until we were nose to nose...
"What did you say Tammy?????"

"I said you are stupid. Are you going to beat me too because the truth hurts...."She answered in a harsh cold tone.

"That jerk has been cheating on you for the longest time and we tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen.So stop acting like Lucy held a gun over his head and forced him to drop his pants..."

I did know what to do pull and so I took few steps back in silence. Brutal honesty at its best.

"Okay Miss perfect. So are you going to tell Eve you are been paid to break her world apart or should I????" I asked with a straight face.

"You know Eve can't handle it." Tammie said in a pleading tone.

"No one is telling Eve anything. Let's go sit in the living room and come up with a solution that will work for all parties..." Amyra suggested and  both nodded in agreement.

"Why did you get fired????"Tamara asked in a more calmer tone when we sat down.
"Apparently I have a bad temper and I am a threat to Amelia...."

"So what are you going to do now????"

"I don't know Tammy." I replied honestly.

Like chic,I just got fired.

Let me define my relationship with Tamara. 
We are like this couple that love each other so much but feel incomplete if they aren't on each other's neck.

"You eat gossip, sleep gossip and drink gossip.How can't you not want to be a celebrity gossip blogger or vlogger and then during your free time continue working on that romantic novel you always talk about...."

Damn that girl knows me so well...

"Girl, you are a mad genius...." I giggled with enthuasim.

"We are soul sisters. Even though at times I wanna kill you, I always want the best for you..."

There are tears at the corner of her eyes that makes me wanna cry too....
"Cheers to being bestfriends forever..." I raised my glass and clinked it with Tamara's.

"Guys if you are done treating me like a third wheel, we have the Eve's issue waiting to be solved..." Amyra retorted,handing me a bowl of noodles.

"You tend to think more while eating...." 

Ouch!!!Thats an insult Amyra...

"Tamara and I handle bad news okay.

Read " My only addiction " by the same author ( Fideh Mwangi )

. We will either fight with the concerned party or insult them. But Amyra and Eve don't handle bad news well especially her so I would suggest we don't tell her for now...." I stuffed my mouth with noodles.

"But what if she finds out from someone else and gets mad at us????"Amyra asked.

"We signed a non disclosure agreement this afternoon. Only my team and you guys know..."Tamara assured her.

"I think Viv is right. I will first investigate and find out if the allegations are true. If they are true, I will tell Eve before it gets aired on Tv.And if not, we will take this little secret to our graves. What do you say????" Tamara raised her eyebrows with a smile.

"It makes sense. Right now Eve is still stressed about that girl that called Nick last night and if we break this news to her, we might give her a heart attack..." Amyra backed Tamara up.

"Pretty little liars let's do this...." I faked a smile.

"Do you imagine if the Kames lose everything????Have you seen that house???I get lost every time....." I added.

The thought is actually scary....

"Let's just pray everything goes well.Eve is an amazing woman and doesn't deserve what's happening to her...."Amyra said softly.

"Amy you had a headache earlier,how are you feeling now????"Tamara asked in her concerned tone.
"Better that you guys are here. But I am worried for Eve, I know this will sound selfish but can't you not be in the investigation???"

"It's either am all in or lose my job.George wouldn't let me off the investigation..."Tamara smiled sadly.
"Okay,we wouldn't want another jobless person in the squad so let's focus on our plan..." Amyra flashed us half hearted smile that seemed strained.

"Tamara why don't  we just drink this night away????"I poured more whisky in her glass.
"That's sounds like a good idea...."

"We have both had a bad day that we want to forget for a while and right now this whisky and that bottle of wine in the kitchen seems like the best idea..."

"I am in Viv..."We clinked our glasses and gulped down all the content in the glass.

Damn this is a decision Tamara will regret in the morning. She still has to go to work and I am jobless.

"You all gonna regret this in the morning..."Amyra tried talking sense into us.

"Who cares?????" I giggled evilly....

"Let me text Eve and tell her to join us...." Tamara suggested reaching for her phone in her purse.
"That sounds great..."I stated looking at Amyra who had a frightened expression on her face.

I don't want her to come either. We are both drunk and in the mood of some honesty right now.

"Bad news girls, she is having drinks with Mason Marcias and Joy Kendi later...." Tamara cried out..

Thanks heavens...I sighed...
"It's okay,we can always have drinks later this week..." I refilled her glass with whisky.

"You are right. Let's drink away this miserable Day and Amyra why don't you put on some music???I feel like shaking my ass..."Tamara chuckled.

"You know....." 
Before Amyra could talk sense into her, I covered her mouth with my hand.
"Let the poor girl be,she has had a horrible day..." I wore a pitiful look.

"Okay but after 8 oclock no more drinking..."Amyra warned.
"We will have passed out...." 

Do you think Eve deserves to be told the truth????

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  • daria picture
    She deserves to know no matter how hard it's because if she. Finds out her herself it's going to be bad so she should tell her
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @daria I hope they listen to you
  • Kuye Stephen Olatunde picture
    Kuye Stephen Olatunde
    Welcome back fideh I missed u. Good write up, next episode pls
  • Shiru picture
    Yes she has a right to know..
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Kuye very soon
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @shiru I hope Eve can handle it
  • Kuye Stephen Olatunde picture
    Kuye Stephen Olatunde
    Yes Eve has to be aware of it before she will hear from another person and that one can destroy their friendship
  • Delly Soglo picture
    Delly Soglo
    Eve has to be told the truth else if she finds out by herself. It's gonna war in this friendship. It's difficult but she has to brace herself to tell her.
  • Delly Soglo picture
    Delly Soglo
    Eve has to be told the truth else if she finds out by herself. It's gonna war in this friendship. It's difficult but she has to brace herself to tell her.
  • Elibel Reilly picture
    Elibel Reilly
    Thank God uar bk,I agree,Eve needs to know than finding out from sm1 outside their circle
  • Elibel Reilly picture
    Elibel Reilly
    Pls what nm re u using on Wattpad
  • Eunice Ache picture
    Eunice Ache
    I think they should let Eve know
  • Fideh Mwangi picture
    Fideh Mwangi
    @Elibel fidehmwangi but am still not republished my work
  • Delly Soglo picture
    Delly Soglo
    Eve has to be told the truth else if she finds out by herself. It's gonna war in this friendship. It's difficult but she has to brace herself to tell her.
  • Elibel Reilly picture
    Elibel Reilly
    Mik tnx@fideh
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Yep she deserves to know the truth,it'll make it less painful when the whole truth comes out later,at least she'll be expecting it,that's if her hubby is found guilty!
  • Gozie Vera picture
    Gozie Vera
    She deserved to be told nw
  • Gozie Vera picture
    Gozie Vera
    She deserved to be told nw
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