Demigods(book one) - Episode 12

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Esu smiled at the woman's shock. Yeye was more than bewildered. "What are you doing here?" She questioned. The man dressed in a black regelia and adorned with a flaming crown just walked around, admiring her place. "Yeye, I've come for a favour." Yeye was afraid. Esu's favour always came at a price. She still felt ounces of guilt at the last favour she carried out for Esu . "You made me kill Ala, what else?" "Yeye, yeye" he began,"I've only called on you to finish the last task. Ala's family is still alive. I want them dead." That was impossible, yeye thought. She had razed the palace to the ground. Aremu had survived but the fire wiped Ala and her triplets out. "What do I stand to gain?" She had to ask. "What do you want?" The man said while moving towards yeye in a seductive manner. "I want ifadoju's gift, make me a seer." "I'll do that and perhaps a little more. Don't disappiont." But who was alive? Yeye thought. As if reading her mind, Esu responded, "The boy you just saved. He's her first child. Eliminate him." "Yes master." With that, the man disappeared in a flash of light. Yeye sat on one of her stools

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. She had promised herself to abstain from temptation but she was being visited by the epitome of sin himself. Yeye initially did not want to do it but struggling with Esu was futile. He would coerce her to do it anyway and there was nothing she could do. She was indebted to him. Without Esu, she would have been forgotten, wouldn't she?


The legion was ready for whatever awaited them at Desuda. They had stocked enough supplies to last for their stay. What made Remi feel all jelly inside was the fact that Ajoke was joining them on their journey to cater for the sick and the injured, They have no idea. Remi saw Ajoke approach him and felt a flush on his cheek. He was grateful he was dark skinned, not that he would know there were whites. "Hi." Ajoke said regretting her decision to speak first. The image of the kiss kept playing on her head. "Hi..." Remi stammered,"thanks for today. I think I should give you this back." He then stretched forth the talisman which she took with glee. "Well..." Remi continued, finding it hard to start on a topic until Adegboyega came to his rescue. "Lover boy, little help here." He ranted. Ajoke understood he had to go, so she left. The legion soon began their move. To reach Desuda would take a whole week and there was no time to lose, Aremu was close, they had to be ready.


Adeola sat at the round table with elders and scribe of Ayetoro. All of the official talk bored her but she forced her ears to listen. She marveled at how Adetoye could keep a straight face and listen attentively. After a session of debating, an old man got up, "Since it was the late king's wish that Adeola ascend the throne, she shall act as regent." There was a great sigh among the elders. It had a tang of "it has never been done before". Adeola however maintained a calm demeanor. "I thank the great elders for honoring my late father's wish. I shall do my best to keep the family name. With the meeting over, the elders took thier leave. Only Adetoye and Adeola remained in the room. Adetoye approached his sister, "Those elders are against you" he said like a good elders brother. "I know." Adeola admitted. "Now that you are regent, you have a few priviledges. You can remake the court of elders." Adeola knew she should not be asking but it was actually what she wanted. "It can be the court of youth.", Her brother completed. Adeola could see the vivid image in her mindeye. People with the same mindset and age like hers, it would be perfect. If only she knew the games Adetoye planned for her. "You're right brother. But...that will take a lot." Adetoye reassured her saying, "No need. I've got all the paperwork. You know I wanted to be king..." He paused and held a calm look,"I wanted to be with likeminds." Adetoye then slid the scroll to Adeola. Adeola examined the paper for a long time. It requested that when she dissoluted the elders she had to bring her five candidates. She had no friends. The closest she had we're aquaintances with a few nobles. She did not personally know them not to talk on trust. The only person she could turn to was Adetoye. She walked out of the courtroom and finally reached Adetoye's room. She was going to knock but she heard or overheard a discussion. It sounded like Adetoye and somebody. She leaned her head to make out more of what was said. "Don't worry. She'll come to me." Adeola's suspicion got her mind reeling. Who was he referring to? She listened for more. "Soon the throne will be mine." Was Adetoye planning to upsurp the throne? She had to confront him. However, Adeola changed her mind but destiny, that cruel friend. Her dress got caught in the door. The more she struggled to fix it, the worse it became. She was still struggling when she heard, "And what will become of your sister?" "I'll marry her off and if she refuses, then she's done for." Those words made Adeola's blood boil. She forced the door open to meet a stunned Adetoye and a dangerous looking dwarf. "Adeola to what do I..." "Hold it brother!", Adeola cut him off, shocking even herself,"How dare you? Well I'll let you know you have failed." Adeola would have continued her rant but she noticed the dangerous look that was on Adetoye's eyes. It looked like one who could do anything. Anything including murder. Adetoye signalled Ebube to deal with her. Fear enveloped Adeola as the dwarf approached her with a dangerous looking sword. She was alone. If she was smothered here. Nobody would know. Adeola decided to beg. "Adetoye, you can't do this. I'm your sister." But that did not even make Adetoye twitch. He then spoke. It was like he was drunk, power drunk. "Perhaps father would have begged but it's too late." That revelation killed something in Adeola. She could almost puke. Her brother killed his own father. A wave of nausea hit her. She noticed the small cut on her hand as she drifted slowly to darkness. All she could pray for was,"gods of the land, protect me."


Aremu watched the defenseless people of Aguze. They knew he was coming and they were unprepared. Fools! He would definitely relish this. He saw the post and the wall defenses. The post watchers were sleeping,the latter were chatting. He wanted them to know their end was near. He drew his war horn and blew. The post guards woke up immediately, the wall guards stood their ground but it was too late. Arrows flew everywhere and in their place, bodies dropped. Dozens of bodies. Their was a shout and people began to run. They would rather live on their knees than die on their feets. Alas! They were trapped. Aremu had successfully placed his soldiers around Aguze. It was a manslaughter. They left no one alive. Aremu lost some men but all the same, he got his wish, blood. However, the one person he wanted to kill was nowhere. Where was chikwe? Like an answer from heaven, Chikwe came galloping by with four soldiers by his side. He looked preoccupied. The easier for Aremu. He launched an attack on the soldiers. Arrows sent two to their early graves. He severed one's head and the last ended his life with his own hands. Brave man. Chikwe got off his horse and screamed at Aremu. "You'll kill me here. Be a man and get me a weapon." Aremu snickered at the man that once double-crossed him. "You think I'm afraid to fight you. What happened to the man that always had a counter plan. Tell me?" Chikwe knew his downfall was when he trusted Adetoye. "Give him a weapon.", Aremu ordered one of his men. Immediately Chikwe was giving a sword and the fight began. Chikwe lunged for the first strike. He went for Aremu's head. Aremu blocked the fatal blow as chikwe's deadly attack bounced off his sword. Aremu went for chikwe's hand.

Read " Living The Pureblood Series " by the same author ( samuelade. )

. The latter anticipated and blocked the attack but the force Aremu striked was so strong that it sliced his sword off. shock could not comprehend what Chikwe felt. He decided to run but that was his greatest mistake. Aremu drove his sword through his back, slicing through bones, flesh and muscle. Chikwe tasted blood in his mouth. Aremu withdrew his sword and chikwe fell to the ground. In his last moments he spoke, "You'll never win.They have someone like Ala..." Before he could finish his sentence, Aremu drove his sword through chikwe's voicebox, ending his pain. He had ended Aguze and chikwe. Desuda was probably in ruins now but he still had a place to burn down,His brother's kingdom. It was an all out war, for Ala and for his children. (rate this episode)

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