Demigods(book one) - Episode 13

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Thanks for the wait, love you guys. Now I'll love to talk about the book. I brought Esu in plot to bigify Ala(remi's mother) story and how she ended up in the mortal plane. Enjoy reading.


Ajoke was afraid. She had woken up earlier and discovered she was in a sack.She was grateful she was still alive. Her faith in the gods were reassured . Her abductors had put her in a sack. Her only solace was that they thought she was still unconscious so she could still hear their plans for her. "So...what do we do with her?" She heard a house voice say. It sounded like the dwarf that attacked her. "Yes... You'll take her to the woodlands and finish her there." Another voice said. It was Adetoye. My own brother, Adeola thought. She was getting close to her death with each step her abductors made and it scared her. She wanted to beg for her life but she believed it was a lost cause. Where were the guards? She was meant to be protected. So much for being regent. Adetoye's mind reeled on the consequences of what he had just done. Adeola was the regent and her getting missing in the castle was not going to be taken with levity. It would be believed the kingdom's security was compromised. He did not want his reign as king to be suspicious

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. Then he had an idea, one so bright that it made him smile, "Ebube, Drop her." He commanded. Adeola became worried. Did he want her end so fast that he could not even wait for them to arrive at her slaughter house. She felt the sack being loosened so she resolved to pretend to be unconscious. Adetoye stared at his lifeless sister. She was such a bad actress. He could see her brows quiver and decoded that she was faking. "Wake up sister!" He thundered. This shook Adeola out of her act. She decided to hold a firm face despite being at the losing edge. "What!? Monster." She spat. Adetoye could feel the superiority in her voice. She was stubborn as ever. Fortunately, he was the Victor in this arena. "I suggest you swallow that feistiness. I have an offer for you..." "Never!"Adeola shouted cutting his words short. Adetoye frowned then brought out a weapon she could not recognize but it was sharp all the same. "I suggest you reconsider. Your death would be a waste, wouldn't it? And father would not love that, would he?" This was psychological torture. Adeola still felt the painful pangs of losing her father. She felt drops of moisture escape her lids. "You have to live." A voice whispered to her. It was surreal. It gave her the strength. "I'll do what you say as long as I make it alive." She said. "Deal."


After two days, the legion arrived at Desuda. It was dark, silent and isolated. "Where's the welcome?" A young legion recruit asked. They all noticed. There was not a single torch lit. No child playing in the moonlight. It felt creepy. It felt like a trap. "Hold your position." He screamed. Every soldier and wannabe soldiers held his command with diligence. Each holding his weapon for the coming. Remi felt a bone chilling cry. He sawy his medallion glow. He turned and saw beast of different sizes. There was bloodlust in their eyes. It was a vision and if it came to pass. Many would die. He channeled his alpha powers. They came with ease. He felt his face wrinkle and his canines extend. Even his eyes attuned to the darkness. It was definitely the brightest night. With his enhanced eyesight, he could see the creatures. They were circling them. The legion we're ready. As the two opposing sides went for themselves, a boy ran in the middle of the conflict. It was unexpected. It even stopped the legion in their tracks. The boy took a torch and lit it. It seemed to scare the creatures. The more he waved it at them, the more they retreated. "They're afraid of fire." A boy commented. The rest of the legion flung wildly to action. They took out several torches and lit them. The creatures wailed as the intesity of he flames rose then disappeared into the darkness.The legion turned to thank their saviour but he was gone. "Where is he?" Remi wondered as the legion began their campout while Gbonka considered how safe thier camping ground was. Remi felt restless. He knew it was his premonitions. Was the legion sent here to die. It had to be a mistake but didn't they know? He had to wonder. His thoughts were disrupted when a bowl of steaming yam and red oil was placed on his naked skin. Remi felt atremor down his spine. His response was reflex but it however cost him his dinner as the content poured to the hungry earth. Ajoke's response to her mistake was to laugh and mock his predicament. "What the..." Remi flared, mostly from the humiliation than the hunger. This only amused Ajoke more, "What are you going to do." She mocked, tongue out. Remi cleaned the mess off his dress and smudged some of it on her. This resulted in a Chase between the two lovers. Remi had never felt so alive. He caught up with Ajoke and trapped her in his meaty arms as she struggled to be free of his grip. This loved up moment got some attention as many of the legion looked at the happy couple, some happy for them, others jealous. Remi however did not care, he had the only person that mattered to him in his hands and he was not letting go. The night was far spent and it was way past bedtime. The legion began retiring to their set up tents. Remi and Ajoke sat in a secluded area not to far from the campsite. "Remi... When you eventually become a royal soldier, hmm...would you still love me? I mean..." Remi placed his hands on Ajoke's lips in a bid to keep her silent. The question caught him unaware. He knew Ajoke's doubts, when he finally becomes a bonafide member of the legion, ladies of low and high class would seek his attention. He had to prove his love to Ajoke. He looked into her deep eyes that glittered in the dim moonlight, "Ajoke, you are the only one I love and will ever love. I will never let you down. EVER.!" That said he leaned and reached for Ajoke's lips, they were soft, inviting. The kiss was one of those long passionate ones. They both could not stop themselves as they tasted each other's mouth, their scent, the taking it all in. The kiss gradually changed from soft to hungry. Remi couldn't concentrate. All he wanted was right in front of him, Ajoke could not resist him and they continued to kiss. Remi felt his hands tuggle on her clothes. He wanted it off. "Ajoke, are you up for this?" He asked in the most calm tone he could muster resisting the beastly urge to rip her clothes right there. Ajoke could barely speak but she managed to say, "It's the least I can do. I wasted your supper." Those were the last words said before Remi carried Ajoke to his tent. That night, they made love.


Esu peered deep into the gigantic mirror in front of him again. He wanted Ala's son dead and here he was procreating. The sight disgusted him. Yeye was too slow. Perhaps she has changed her mind. He had to revisit her in the mortal realm and remind her of his promises. He wore his regalia and decended to the mortal plane. It was hot. The mortal were in perpetual torture. Not that they were the only ones. The sound of pottery and Calabash hitting the ground with a large thud and shattering to pieces announced yet had seen him and of course she hated it. "Yeye! I think you know why I'm here." He began, sounding professional. "No!" Yeye wailed almost sounding berserk,"I'm not interested. I am not a killer." Esu was dazzled. Did the most self centered mortal he knew just refused a chance of great power? Remi definitely had a lot of well-wishers. "You forget yeye, I might be the good of choice but I don't give a choice." He threatened. The woman was however unmoved. "Esu, do your worst! I don't care."She spat. It was a lost battle. Yeye had taken a stand. He could feel his hold over her weaken. However, he could not show defeat, not to a mortal at least. "Very well, yeye. I however have a debt you are yet to pay. I'll take your prowess in the healing art. You'll become useless. Yeye Snickered at his threat. "Your favours never had an end anyway. Take them. I plan on revealing my atrocities to the world tomorrow. Everything!" This could not happen. Esu would lose his godhood if yeye spoke a word out. He suspected Eledumare knew his atrocities but he never really intefered. He needed another dark minded mortal. One he could control. Then he had his answer. It was a wish from a mortal, one who wanted someone dead. Esu approached yeye slowly with a wicked look in his eyes. "People change yeye but there will always be a dark side." Having said that he faded to black smoke. Sure that Esu was gone, yeye began packing. She had to leave if she wanted to live. Esu appeared in the presence of three individuals. One and a half men and a lady. Esu made himself "see through" so they couldn't notice his presence. The lady was writing a letter with a dagger hanging dangerously to her neck. Esu loved the man almost immediately. If he could attempt to end his sister's life. He would be very useful as his pawn. "Be quick."Adetoye forced as he watched his sister scribble a note stating that she did not want the throne in exchange for her life. He was of course going to double cross her. She was too risky to be kept alive. "It finished." Adeola said, stretching the paper to her brother's face. Adetoye took it hastily and brushed through it contents. It was legit. The tear stains on it also said a tale. He then hid it in his pouch. "Good.

Read " Allure " by the same author ( samuelade. )

. Now run sis... Before I changed my mind." Adetoye spat, his tone tainted in poison. Adeola took to her heels not turning back. As her figure became smaller and she faded off, Adetoye turned to Ebube. "Track her down and finish her." The latter broke into a run immediately to finish his mission. With the distractions gone, Esu made himself corporeal. To express Adetoye's shock would be exhausting. His color changed when he saw the young handsome man in front of him. "Whhoo are..yoouu?" Adetoye stuttered. "Just a friend. Call me Esu, god of choice and I need your service."

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  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Seems like Esu came to a right man killing is one of Adetoye's hobbies.....keep em coming deariel!
  • samuelade. picture
    Pamela lol
  • Tochukwu picture
    I guess the last battle is between esu,aremu and remi . can't wait sir
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