Finding Solace - Episode 12

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 “So, you have the guts to cheat on me Nick. I cannot believe you. I still cannot believe that you left Ghana because ..because of that cheap thing. She can’t even stand next to me. Never! How can we both share you? How can you even stoop so low to bring such to this house? …”
I put down my briefcase gently on the table without paying attention to her. I had just gotten home that morning and my body ached painfully.I had caused this so I would have to deal with it . I began to loosen my neck tie but she would not stop talking. I got tired so I faced her.
“I swear to you Yvonne, if you don’t shut the hell up this minute, what I would do next will shock you!”
She shrank back all of a sudden. I wasn’t the only one that was surprised at my own sudden outburst. I have never been so pushed to the wall like this and I just got tired of keeping quiet. I could have hit her but I would never lay my hand on a woman.
She looked at me wide-eyed and mouth agape. She couldn’t say another word.
I relaxed. The quietness was all I needed for now. I was surprised at how fast she got quiet, I have never shouted at her like this before. I was just so angry

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. She had toyed with me, lied to me that she would be going to Dubai and she had instead come home.
“Why did you tell me you would be going to Dubia?” I asked softly.
‘Who is the lady?” She asked, gathering her courage again.
I smiled. “The lady is the lady you made me hit that very night. She lost her memory and she is here for the main time. I tried to tell you several times but you were always busy. So now, why are you here?”
She pressed her lips together with a frown. “I am here as always. I come home anytime I want. I can’t remember the last time I had to tell you I would be coming before I come here.”
Okay, she had a point.
“Why did you tell me Dubai? I could have found a time to discuss things with you before you got home .”
“I changed my hand.” She replied, arms akimbo.
“Where is she?’
She spread her arms. “I do not know. I am not her baby sitter.” 
“Her line is not reachable…”
“Yes, the phone is here.” She replied, rolling her eyes.
I exhaled slowly.
“That lady has no one. If not because of your lack of patience and bad manner of shouting anytime you do not have your way, I would never have hit that poor girl that night! Now she is my responsibility whether you like it or not. I will go and look for her and she will be staying in this house!”
“Never ! She and I can never share this house. It is my house!” 
“This is not your house Yvonne! This is my house! I built and designed this house with my sweat, blood and money. I didn’t build this house with your money, your mother’s or your father’s money! It is my house and I get to decide who stays. So if you are not comfortable with that, maybe you should leave!”
She was looking at me as if she was seeing a ghost. Even I myself was surprised. I have no idea where the gut just came from. I have never addressed her this way before. Well, everything has its first time and I have never felt this good.
She was still quiet when I picked my car key and left the house.
I had no idea where she could go. I had tried the doctor’s number but he had no idea. There was no way she would have called the psychologist either. Maybe I should go report at the police station but I didn’t even have her picture yet. Damn it!
Where could she be for God’s sake?
I kept driving around time, looking at the faces of passers-by. I went to the hospital area, no sign of her. 
It was almost some minutes to 12p.m, I decided to go back home. I was already driving through the neighborhood when I sighted that new guy. He was walking with… stomach did a double flip as I saw Fiona. I increased the car speed and simultaneously hit the brakes as I got to their side. 
The dust from the quick halt blinded them both for a while...I was relieved but furious. I stepped out of the car and stormed towards them, when she saw me, she placed a hand on her chest.
“Hey, I have been looking for you!” I blurted, ignoring the man.
She couldn’t say anything, I could see tears in her eyes and I wanted to hold her but Noah stepped in and I grew more furious! 
“Hey man....She is not in a good state right now.”
I raked him with freezing contempt. “What is your business in this? Do I even know you?”
He looked offended. “Look, if not for me, she may not have had a place to stay so you need to chill out.”
“No! You need to chill out whoever you are. She is not your business!”
“Accepted! But she became my business last night when she had no where to go. She was knocking on all the doors, in the rain last night! Where were you then?”
That got me, that idiot got me. Still I needed to talk to her.
“Fi…please, I am sorry. I had no idea she was coming.”
She said nothing but said something to Noah in a whisper.
“Are you sure?” He asked her and she nodded. Then he walked towards my car and opened the door , then sat in. Not only did he do that, he started playing music. I grimaced, I didn’t have his time yet.
It was the two of us now and we were just looking at each other. Somehow, I just missed her so much and I wanted to hold her so close…so close. I swallowed..she looked away that instant. I hoped she hadn’t read my thought.
“Fi, I am sincerely sorry. I should have told you about her but I just didn’t see why I should. She was hardly home and I never knew she would come at the time when I wouldn’t be around.”
She was quiet and it was driving me crazy.
I brushed a hand through my hair in desperation.
“Please Fi, I am sorry, I should have told her about you too, I tried several times but I just ….she wasn’t available.”
I waited, hoping she would say something. She was looking down all the tie.
“I do not want to be a burden Nick.” She finally said. “I cannot come in between you and your fiancé. If she doesn’t want me here, there is no way I can be there.”
I took her hands and lifted her chin slightly up, so she could look at me.
“You are my responsibility Fiona. I did this to you.

Read " Bleeding Petals " by the same author ( Tobi Loba )

. I gave you a name. I am here to protect you until you are fine. She is my girl friend and I haven’ even proposed to her. She doesn’t have a choice because we both did this to you. I left my work at Ghana and I won’t take any work that is not in Nigeria. I just want to be there for you and I am so sorry if I haven’t. I miss you so much, please forgive me.”
The way she was looking at me was making me feel as if I was walking on clouds. Then when she smiled, I just melted. 
“I missed you too Nick and I am sorry I dragged you down here.”
We both smiled and kept holding each other’s hands…finally, we hugged.
I could see Noah or whatever his name was looking at us from the rear mirror and he didn’t seem so pleased but I totally ignored him.
I don’t know about you but I think I’m loving Nick right now. lol. He is developing that muscle that he lacks. What do you think? Do you think he was too harsh on Yvonne?

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