Forgetting You - Episode 13

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I tried.

I did.

God knows I tried a lot to stop myself from running but I couldn't.

My legs and will power seemed to be world's apart and in the end, my legs won because they kept moving and moving.

At this point my brain was screaming only one thing.


Read " The Emerald Chase " by the same author ( eliza )

. I needed them like I did air.

I had been able to survive the whole week with the remaining c-caine that was left in the tiny container. 

I used to take tiny sniffs each day until it got completely finished three days ago.

Jason was proud of me.

He thought I had managed to stay a week without my drugs but of course he would never find out the truth.

It's impossible to stay sane for seven days straight if you were an addict like me.

I couldn't take it anymore.

I could feel my hands trembling, my skin itching like it wanted freedom from my body leaving me with nothing but veins and bones.

And that's how i feel right now.

Like a complete zombie.

I feel dead.

And only the drugs can make me feel alive. 

I know I sound pathetic but it's the ugly truth I can't run away from.

I'm messed up, broken beyond fixing and that's why I cant be loved neither can I love. 

I shut out Jason's screams behind me and continue running though my legs feel wobbly.

I don't know for how long I run nonstop but when I spotted the white painted three storey building from a distance, I increased my speed ignoring my initial fatigue because I knew behind those huge black gates and inside those four walls was where both my saviour and demon was.

The body guard didn't bother to stop me as I rushed inside the building like mad woman because they knew me like the back of their hand.

And just like that, I run back into the hell hole I was escaping from all along.



Feeling extremely tired, I stop for a while to catch my breath.

I lost sight of Hailey.

She run and never looked back.

Even if she did I don't think I noticed because of the thick fog blinding my vision due to the harmattan coupled with the fact that I wasn't wearing my glasses.

Hailey's needs were back and she run leaving Oli... . Oh God! Olivia! She's all alone in the cottage.

What If she's awake and crying.

Looking around one last time, I turn back towards the cottage.



I bite my lips hard to stop myself from shedding any tear.

I close my eyes, clenching my fists to help stop my trembling hands as i try to block out their cusses at me.

I'm kneeling on the tiled floor of the balcony of the mansion and my boss is standing above me puffing out smoke into my face as he laughs.

His associates are laughing also.

He is mocking me.

They are all mocking me.

That's how pathetic I am.

Because I run back to him after trying so hard to escape from him.

He puffs out more smoke and forces my chin up with his fingers.

"Hailey Darling, it took you long enough

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I've been expecting you. You surprised me though. You managed to stay a whole week without this baby here" 

He gestures to the powdery substance in the white polythene he's holding.

I stay quiet.

He begins to c-ress my face and it takes everything in me not to cringe.

"Say it Darling."

He demands.

"P..please I... I need some o...of the stuff"

I stammer scratching my skin..he grins cynically.

"Say that again? I didn't hear?"

He mocks and his associates laugh.

"I.. Need the s...stuff..p..please"

"Did little Hailey say something?"


I point to the polythene with trembling fingers.

He stretches out his hands and for a second, I thought he was going to hand it to me but I was wrong. 

I watch in pure horror as he turns the bag upside down and pours the content onto the floor.

"Lick up"

he demands.

In another situation I would have objected but not in this case.

He knows I'm vulnerable at this point.

Hopeless, helpless, and at his mercy.

Without thinking, I bend over and scoop the little I could and sniffed but it wasn't enough.

No. Resigning to my pathetic fate i bend lower and sniff the remaining directly from the floor again and again until I begin to feel my tremblings stop.

I sigh in relief and wipe the corners if my nose.

"Lock her up!"

He orders and before I can process everything, I feel myself being dragged harshly against the cold floor.

I stare into complete darkness as it sit on the cold cemented floor of the dungeon where they locked me up.

I know that for escaping, I was probably going to stay in this cell for probably two weeks or more and after that, I don't know what they plan on doing with me.. I bring both my legs up and wrap my arms around it, resting my chin on my kness as i bite hard on my lips but to no avail because I feel the salty tears cascading down my cheeks nonstop.

I don't bother to wipe it.

After all, no one is gonna see my tears in the dark.

I lean back against the wall and curse myself loudly for trying to escape.. Why? Because I'm already eight years too late. 

I should have escaped that very day when my boss arrived at the orphanage with his fake wife claiming they wanted a teenage girl to adopt. 

I was happy, elated even that he had chosen to adopt me because I finally had the chance to have a family and leave the orphanage.

But little did I know he wasn't adopting me.

If only I had the slightest clue what his intentions were, I would have run away from the orphanage the day he came to take me home.

But then again, I'm eight years too late for that.

Too late.

I close my eyes and let them drop.

I'm tired.

Maybe. Maybe finally I have lost the zeal to continue living.

I let darkness over take my vision and the last thing I remember before giving up is Jason's face smiling down at my baby.

The face I'll never forget.

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  • Maame Konadu Fredua picture
    Maame Konadu Fredua
    Too sad..evil people have got to pay
  • eliza picture
    ikr @ Maame Konadu
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Hmm, very sad, I feel for baby Olivia and Jason. Anyways, Merry Christmas family
  • Ucheoma Rufus picture
    Ucheoma Rufus
    I justcan't tell what men gain by destroying other peoples lives. What a sad situation I pray someone comes to her rescue. Nice story please upload soon.
  • eliza picture
    Merry Christmas from me and my husband Robert to you too Benedicta
  • eliza picture
    thanks ucheoma. I sure will
  • Jennifer Aboagyewaa picture
    Jennifer Aboagyewaa
    Sad, sad, sad!
  • eliza picture
    merry Christmas jenny. where have you been na.
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