Hotel Palava - Episode 32


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Henry's POV
I blinked my eyes, maybe I was seeing wrongly but it was real, It was damn real; Adesuwa was really kissing Segun on the lips.
In those microseconds, Adesuwa gave him a slap on the face. She turned back at me then she cleaned her lip.
"Henry!" Jummy yelled. Apparently she was still following me . Emmy and Ayo were behind her.
There was shock glued on her face. "Henry" I muttered and i quietly looked at Segun. "It's not what it looks like Henry, I can promise you"
"How could you Segun?" I turned to my cousin and he raised his hands up. It's not my fault cous, she came at me"
"That's a lie Segun and you know it!"
"He kissed me! Henry you have to believe me, he kissed me. Henry if I kissed him, I wouldn't have slapped him"
"She probably saw you coming" Segun guessed and I placed both my hands on my head.
"Shut up Segun! What's your gain in this?" Adesuwa asked in tears.
"I don't have any neither am I playing at any game. Henry, we kissed, she obviously was asking for it"
"Oh shut up Segun! You've never been a good kisser" Adesuwa snapped and I took note of that statement. "You've never been?" I asked and Segun looked at me in shock.
"What do we have here?" Segun grinned, "He doesn't know does he?"
"Segun" Adesuwa called out and he laughed.
"Know what?" I asked completely clueless.
"This isn't out first time kissing"
"Henry I can explain"
"We've kissed a lot of times, I bet you don't know we've had s*x"
"Segun please shut up!" Adesuwa cried and I felt my own tears build up

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. "It not what it seems"
"Have you two kissed before?"
"Answer the damn question Adesuwa, have you two..." I trailed off.
"We have but it was"
"Have you two had s*x?" I cut in and she covered her lip with both her palm. "Henry it's not as it seems"
"Tell him Adesuwa, we had s*x" Segun added, "Segun shut up I wasn't asking you" I snapped and he raised his hands in surrender.
Did you or did you not have s*x with him"
"I did but"
"I said it!" Emmy yelled. "I told you!" Emmy pointed out. "She's a damn sl*t!"
"You lied Ade"
"It's not what it seems, I swear I can explain to you. Henry you have to believe me, it's not what it seems"
"There's nothing to believe Adesuwa, I've been blinded all these while." "Henry I can explain it all. I thought I wasn't ready but I am now"
"You lied to me Adesuwa! You lied. No explanation can change that big fact. Let's go I'll drop you home"
"I'm not leaving unless you listen to me"
"I'm leaving Adesuwa. I can't take this anymore."
"I'll follow you home" Jummy suggested and I shook my head. She was trying to monopolize on my vulnerability. 
"I'll go back alone" I snapped going out of the gate, I entered into my car which was parked outside along several other cars then I drove off.

Adesuwa's POV
While i stood by the gate waiting for Henry, Segun approached me. I instantly felt irritated.
 I just wanted to spit on his ugly face!
"I swear to God if you move an inch close to me I'll break your head with something"
"With what Adesuwa" he asked and then laughed.
"Did I mention you look amazing tonight?" he asked and I rolled my eyes. "Save your useless compliments for any girl idiotic to believe you"
He laughed then moved closer to me. "I miss you Ade. I miss you so much, I miss your smile, your face, your lips and even better your body"
"Shut up" I snapped as images riled up in my memory.
"The taste of you on my lip"
"Shut up Segun, you disgust me!" "You won't deny that you miss it too." He added then he pulled me close kissing me on the lips.
He was just as irritating as he was years ago. I raised my hands up giving him a slap on his face. I noticed he looked behind me, I cleaned my lips and I turned back seeing Henry.
It all made sense! He probably kissed me intentionally. How will I begin to explain things to him? I asked within and when Emmy and Jummy came out, it made more sense. I bet Mrs Babalola was also in this.
Segun took advantage of the situation to paint me as the bad one.
"We've kissed a lot of times, I bet you even know we've had s*x"
"Segun please shut up!" I cried, "It not what it seems"
"Have you two kissed before"
"Answer the damn question Adesuwa, have you two..." He trailed off.
"We have but it was"
"Have you two had s*x?" He asked and I covered my lip with both palm. "Henry it's not as it seems"
"Tell him Adesuwa, we had s*x" Segun added, "Segun shut up I wasn't asking you" Henry snapped and it gave me great joy. Segun raised his hands.
"Did you or did you not have s*x with him" Henry continued,
"I did but"
"I said it!" Emmy yelled. "I told you!" Emmy pointed out, "She's a damn sl*t!"
"You lied Ade"
"It's not what it seems, I swear I can explain to you. Henry you have to believe it's not what it seems"
"There's nothing to believe Adesuwa, I've been blinded all these while." "Henry I can explain it all. I thought I wasn't ready but I am now"
"You lied to me Adesuwa! You lied. No explanation can change that big fact. Let's go I'll drop you home"
"I'm not leaving unless you listen to me"
"I'm leaving Adesuwa. I can't take this anymore"
"I'll follow you home" Jummy suggested and Henry disagreed. 
"I'll go back alone" he added going out of the gate.
Segun smirked at me. 
"Screw you! You all planned this right?" I asked and Jummy laughed going in.
"Asewo like you!" Emmy clapped her hands then she followed Jummy in. Ayo stood still.
Segun held my hands, "We could go home, i have the house to myself" he suggested and I slapped him one more time.
"Where's that wicked woman, I know she had something to do with this. This was all a plan right?" I asked going back in. 
I walked into the house. Just as I walked up the stairs, I busted into tears. I sat down crying inrespective of who might see me.
I needed a drink. 
A waiter passed by that moment  with a tray of drinks and I called on him taking a glass. I gulped it all then coughed, it was damn too strong.
"Did you think it was juice?" I heard Mrs. Babalola asked from behind then she hissed. I stood up, turning towards her. 
"You did it right?" I asked and she raised her brow at me.
"What's this one blabbing about?" She asked, "You probably planned this with Jummy to have Segun kiss me and make me look bad in front of Henry"
"To have Segun kiss you? Why would I have..." She paused then she gave me a look. "Segun Olaniyi?" She asked, "Which other one do you think?"
"Wait, you kissed Segun?" She asked and I became confused. I didn't know if she was putting up a act or not.
"He kissed me and you probably planned it"
"I never knew there was any relationship between you and Segun" "There's no relationship between me and that dog!"
"For there to have been a kiss, there must have been some kisses before" she paused sitting on the stairs just above me.
"That's why I never liked you. There's just something about you that I didn't like"
"I don't like you either Ma. I guess the feeling is mutual then"  I snapped sitting on the stair case and she laughed. 
"Does that mean you two have broken up?" She asked and tears poured down my eyes. 
"Hallelujah, I should celebrate this"
"Celebrate what?" I snapped, "I'm hurting here" "The hurting won't last. This is God answering my prayers. I promise to compensate you" she stood up.
"I'll go get my cheque. That's if I can see what I'm writing" she snapped and she laughed. 
"I don't need your damn money Ma!" I yelled and she sat back sighing. "Jesus! You're a really sturbborn girl" 
"See Adesuwa, let me tell you how the world works, the rich goes for the rich, the rich understands the rich but the poor, they don't understand the ways of the rich. They can never understand the ways of the rich"
"Geez, is that the values you gained while growing up? Wow you must have had a tough time" I assumed and there was a long paused. I turned back at her, she was leaning on the stairs railings.
"Mom made me get married to the rich, I was rich and I got married to a rich man. She was rich and she got married to a rich man. That's the way life goes"
"Welcome to the 21st century Mrs. Babalola, life doesn't work out that way anymore.

Read " Palm lines 2 " by the same author ( Essien Eno )

. We meet people and we talk and we fall in love. Do you even know what that means?"
"I don't know how it feels Adesuwa but you'll get over it"
"Get over what? The fact I love your own son?" "You're just in love with his money, Henry has a future and you want to monopolize on that. I can feel it in my guts"
"Your guts? Mam you should be the last person to talk about guts cause you have none your guts are clouded by sentiments because you want Jummy and not me"
"Do you know how long Henry and Jummy has been building up for a life together?"
"I don't care"
"And how long have you been in his life? Three months and you've ruined it all for Jummy for our family alliance and for me. I lost a lot of money because of you"
"It's not about the money Ma, it should never be about the money. There are those little things that matters to a man. Things like Happiness, love and moments, living in the moment that gives you peace. But you have no idea what that means do you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Look at yourself ma, it's so clear that you're not happy and if you're not, you possibly can't wish anyone to be happy"
"I hoped above all things that my children be happy but you weren't painted in that future."
"Hate me all you want Mam, I don't care, I love Henry and I believe I can make him happy. The last time we spoke, you said it's going to be a war, you can kick and scratch or throw whatever weapon you have in your arsenal at me but the truth Ma is that I'll never stop fighting for Henry. I'll never"
I boarded a taxi to Henry's house. I needed to clarify everything. Whether or not I don't feel ready for it, I just have to let him know the truth, the whole truth.


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  • Omo Ola picture
    Omo Ola
    I hope it's not too late for you o @Adesuwa.... Eno, this is the shortest that I've read from you o....hope all is well sha? Grace!
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    It's about time......these people are using her past to destroy her!
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    I'm sorry Omo Ola... Busy day
  • Essien Eno picture
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    I don't see why I should tell someone about my past when you weren't in my past. Do I even know the horrible things he also did in his past? Why can't people forget about the past and focus on the present and the future? Anyway, that was a nice episode dear, more episodes plss
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    Oh my Adesuwa may God help you, nice episode dear
  • Angela David picture
    Angela David
    The suspense is too much
  • Omo Ola picture
    Omo Ola
    @Eno, I think you should try and avoid repetition of what had been said in an earlier POV in the next one (like that of Adesuwa & Henry above), as people may not really read that part and just stroll makes the story unnecessary long and time consuming can continue their POV from where the last person suggestion, though.... Well done, sis!
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    yeah @Omo Ola,,I didn't even read dat part in Adesuwa's POV..... well,Henry should understand dat Adesuwa's past is her past ....and again Adesuwa shouldn't av lied to him at first so dat it won't come as a surprise to him ,like wat happened nw
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Totally agree with you @Omo ola
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Thank you all...Point taken
  • Oke Olabisi picture
    Oke Olabisi
    i just pray God help Adesuwa pls @ Essien let this matter settle quickly pls let Henry Forgive her o
  • Modupe Gbolagun-Bello picture
    Modupe Gbolagun-Bello
    Adesuwa y did u wait ds long na
  • Juno Grinn picture
    Juno Grinn
    now, we should all know that when we want to build a house, we begin from the foundation which may be built some days ago. so if you want an excellent relationship, we all have to agree to share our past with each other in order to begin on a clean slate since when there's a past of one another coming to hunt him or her, the other partner will be there to understand and help solve it for us. never think selfishly, that's why it is always important to at least live good and that when the right person comes around, we won't face our results of the past in an awful way. be good to everyone as you climb up, because they may be there when you are coming down. don't bring in too much of emotions when you are asked of your past. just be sure that you are really remorseful of whatever bad things you did then and ready to change. at least, if those things adesuwa did in the past were good, she will be proud to talk about? but she's simply ashamed of them, hence maybe remorseful as well. so the only thing you have to do is to not be feisty or begrudging your present partner when they ask of it. both of you should be ready to share and get ready or prepared to help one another to solve it. if you are for each other, you guys will certainly stay together forgiving each other and supporting one another. be wise, especially you the emotional women.
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