Hotel Palava - Episode 33

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Hotel palava33
Adesuwa's POV
I knocked on the gate, Henry has not yet hired a security. He opened the gate slowly. He was in his pyjamas. 
"Hey" I began. 
"Can I come in?" I asked and he shook his head. "Please" I begged and he opened the door and I went in.
"Let me explain myself Henry" "Explain what?" He locked the gate. "Explain why you were kissing Segun? Adesuwa I've had enough of today . The last thing I need right now is another reason to be angry" he walked away and I followed him.
"So you're no longer angry"
"Adesuwa I'm still very much angry.  The reason I let you in is because it's late"
"Is that it Henry? Is this the end of us? Are you.." I paused in tears. I couldn't complete it.
"Are we breaking up?"
"You and Segun"
"Whatever I had with Segun was I the damn past, are you dating me or my past?"
"You kissed him in the present Adesuwa" he opened the door walking into the house and I followed him.
"I didn't kiss him Henry, do you want my explanation or you're just going to make some sick assumptions?"
"I know what I saw"
"He kissed me! I swear to God Henry, what you saw was quite different"
"Why did you lie to me about not having s*x with your managers" "Manager, not managers. I didn't sleep with all of them

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Henry just listen to me, l tell you all my secrets"
"Why did you lie?"
"I didn't want you to look at me differently, I wasn't sure if you would believe me okay?"
"Why would I look at you differently?" He asked and tears poured down uncontrollably from my eyes.
I didn't even know where to start. "A year ago when Segun took over from the previous manager who I had fired."
"Had fired?"
"I've been the one sending emails to Mr. Olaniyi. They only wanted to have sex with me and other employees but I didn't agree. When Segun came in, that damn pig!" I exclaimed.
"He tried all his best, he gave me gifts. I rejected his offer several times since he was married as at that time and I had a fiance. He would kiss me and I would revolt. There were times the wife would come and throw in jealousy fits. Soon he got separated from the wife." I paused in tears.
"Afterwards, he asked me out on a date. I refused but he insisted and since it was a friendly date in one stupid restaurant, I agreed to follow him. The date didn't turn out greatly, that was when..." I paused in tears.
"You had sex with him"
"I didn't have sex with him Henry, I was r*ped. Segun paid to have my drink drugged and he raped me. Fine sex occurred but it was without my consent"
"I swear to God I'll kill that idiot" Henry answered then charged toward the door and I pulled him back. 
"God!" He shouted slamming his hands on a table.
"That was what happened. I didn't want to tell you, I've only told Lilian, Mrs. Haruna and Mr. Niyi Olaniyi. "Niyi didn't tell me"
"I had to let him know" I cried and Henry pulled closer to me, I could see tears In his eyes. 
"Segun's a bastard!" He yelled, "I swear to God I'll kill him when I catch him" he added.
"Jummy kissed me" he confessed and I folded my hands. I didn't know my emotion that moment.
 "I kissed her back,  only briefly" he continued and I nodded. "It didn't mean anything to me"
"You were angry with me for kissing Segun when you kissed Jummy, seriously Henry?"
"Im sorry, I was jealous, i'm sorry Babe" He apologized, "I'm sorry about what happened?"
"Does it change the way you feel about me?"
"Not a bit Ade. I love you, inrespective of what happened.''
 I moved my face close to hers and our nose nuzzled against each other playfully.
"Thank you for telling me" he added kissing me on the forehead and I nodded.
"Any more secrets that I might need to find out about?" He asked and I shook my head.
"None for now" I answered and he chuckled.


Jummy's POV

I totally forgot about Mrs. Babalola's birthday. I only remembered after I got a notification on Facebook. Everyone's on Facebook these days!
I called her to give her my best wishes and she invited me to a party Mr. Babalola threw for her. I didn't want to go but I knew Henry would be there and I was still trying to kiss that woman's ass in case of any eventualities; in case Henry returns back to me. These days without him have been crazy.
 I've been filled with so much resentment against Adesuwa.
Truthfully, I've had second thoughts on picking Emmy's option and just ending her life but I didn't want to be pinned as a suspect.

The party wasn't too good, I went along with Emmy and Ayo.  I net a few persons i knew, chatted with them before I decided to see Henry's mom.
 I walked into Mrs. Babalola crying in the room with a glass of wine in her hands.
"Mom" I called on her just like I usually do, then I sat on the bed with her. "Tosin and Henry haven't called me yet" she blurted out.
"I'm sorry Mam. It's probably that Adesuwa's fault, she probably has Henry wrapped in her charms"
"I also think it's charm. It has to be shea?" She asked and i nodded.
 "How will you explain Tosin?" She asked, "Tosin is a witch, she's a horrible person. I don't know what I ate when I gave birth to her" she answered for herself and I gave a gentle shrug.
I began to wonder how much she had drank that evening.
"I brought you gifts, there are down the stairs"
"Thanks" she hugged me.
"You're a better candidate Jummy, you're better than that tramp she added. 


I walked out of the room then I heard moaning sounds I couldn't  ignore. I walked into Segun's Olaniyi, one of Henry's long line of cousins having s*x with Emmy whose gown were raised a bit up.
She was standing and leaning on a dresser table while he was ramming through her from behind. Typical Segun! I rolled my eyes and she pulled away dropping her gown after she noticed me.
"Keep it down at least"
I went out closing the door and Emmy followed me. "It's not what it seems" "It's not what? I can't believe you would open your legs and let that idiot use you"
"Like you're any different Jummy" she snapped and I folded my hands staring at her. "I had a itch and he was scratching it for me. I don't judge you for your actions Jummy, I never have so don't judge me" she snapped leaving me alone. 
She was right about that. Emmy barely judges me. She has been a friend in times of need.
Segun came out and I walked away.
"Seriously?" He asked, "Is that how it's going to be? You just walk past me"
"How it supposed to look like Segun? You prefer that I kiss you and hug you like you're my boyfriend"
"You didn't have any problem doing that all the while Henry was in London"
"He was in London Segun! You're a prick if you think you can use this against me."
"I'm not, I just missed you"
"Well I don't miss you. Segun can we never speak of this. You don't know how much you irritate me, you're not even good in bed and Segun if you feel the need to do something, go and reconcile with your wife and stop trying to make life difficult for others" I snapped and he laughed.
"I was going to see the celebrant 
but I  would rather speak to you" he stalled and I rolled my eyes as we both walked down the stairs.
"Don't even try to torture me Segun."
"Deny that I'm not the least bit good in bed. I have to be better than Henry" "You don't even stand a chance of winning that competition Segun" I answered.
We walked outside then I sighted Henry and Adesuwa. My heart broke on seeing them together. I felt tears building up.
"What are they doing together?", Segun asked and I blinked my tears in. "Haven't you heard? Henry's dating the maid" I answered and he laughed.
"He made her secretary now she's his woman when it should have been me"
"She had always had a thing for managers" he answered and I remembered Emmy and the rumours about Adesuwa sleeping with all the managers"
"So it's true? You've slept with her?" I asked and he gave me that smirk. "And the other managers?"
"Nah, she's not that loosed" He answered chuckling.
"She's not that loosed and she had s*x with you"
"At least it was a one time thing, I've had sex with you more I can count"
"Six times Segun" I whispered. 
"See who's counting, why are you judging her when you're the worst?"
"Why are you supporting her?" I asked and he laughed. "My old feelings are coming back to me," "Go after her then. Take her away from Henry"
"Henry's my cousin"
"You didn't care about that when you were screwing with me. I love Henry and I'll do anything to separate these two. I don't know if you're as desperate as I am"
"I'm not desperate dear, I'm just willing" he grinned.
"Think of it, we can work something out" I proposed leaving him to think of it.

Henry has been avoiding me all evening. When I saw him go into the house, I followed him. My efforts to have his attention proved futile. He told me adesuwa was waiting for her.
"Is she using charms on you?" I asked and he scoffed. "Because of her you hate your mom"
"I don't hate my mom"
"This has to be charm" i moved closer to him. "Henry I still love you and she took that away" i cried and he shook his head.
"I love another person Jummy and I don't need to tell you who"
"I know I just, don't you still love me, there has to be something left there... something you feel for me"
"There's nothing"
"Are you sure Henry, are you sure?" I asked kissing him and he kissed me back. Even it didn't last three seconds. It was worth the try.
"Stop this Jummy, stop this madness!" He yelled. 
I was happy he kissed me back. That had to mean something. "Henry still loves me" I muttered following him.
"Jummy" Emmy called out my name but I didn't pay attention to her. All I wanted was to catch up to him and just let Adesuwa know we kissed. That should put a rift between them.
I bumped into an argument between Henry, Adesuwa and Segun. Apparently Henry had caught Adesuwa and Segun kissing.
I didn't plan it, I only gave Segun a push. I looked up to the heaven and I thanked God. Lines were falling into pleasant places for me.
Thank you Jesus! I sighed within.

We left the party shortly, "Did you guys plan the whole scenario with Segun and Adesuwa?" Ayo asked while I drove. She was sitting close to me. 
 I shook my head laughing. 
"I didn't." I answered, "God has finally answered my prayers . They'll definitely break up and then I'll have a chance with Henry"
"Can't you just move on?" AY asked, "I really pity this Adesuwa girl. She doesn't look like a bad person; I'm just saying, maybe if you can just move on"
"Weren't you the one advising me to shoot my shot before someone steals him away?"
"The way you guys are going about the matter, it's turning into a war"
"It's war AY," Emmy answered from behind.
"She stole our friends man and we have to stand behind Jummy's until she let's him out of her evil grip." She added. 
"It's charm, I'm sure of it" I maintained and Ayo scoffed.
"This thing does not look like charm to me. Henry sincerely loves that girl"
I pulled over at a corner looking at her. 
"Are you sure you want to go home with me?" I asked and she raised her brow at me.
"Are you seriously asking that?" "AY, we should be supporting our best friend not supporting the enemy" Emmy advised.
"I won't fold my hands and watch you guys die in bitterness. This doesn't make sense, it's not healthy" she answered. "Jummy at the rate you're going, you'll get mad eventually and I promise you Henry would still be sane but guess who would end up crazy. You!" She answered getting out of the car.
"Ay come back in" I begged,
"Good night Jummy" she slammed the door.
"Ayo!" I called out and Emmy hissed. "Abeg leave her! Don't let her bother you, if I were you, I would go over to Henry's place right now to comfort him."
"Not now, I'll go tomorrow" I smiled.


Mrs. Babalola's  POV
After the guest left, I folded my leg in bed unwrapping gifts. I raised the one given to me by Theophilus.
It looked small and it was flat and rectangular in shape. I unwrapped it to my disappointment it was a family picture of us on Christmas day. Henry was just four, Tosin just began to crawl then. Theophilus was struggling to place a cap on Tosin's head. 
She never liked wearing caps. She has always been sturbborn. Theophilus walked in that moment. "I see you've finally opened the gift" he smiled and I raised it up. 
"Why would you give me this?" I asked and he chuckled.
"You don't like it?" He asked, "It not worth anything, others got me gold and actual valuables. This is nothing"
"Those are priceless moments. Baby you used to love that picture" "I still do but.."
"You've given money and valuables more priority in your life than family" "That's a lie"
"You have. You used to cherish family times, and family moments. Remember that day in the picture?" He asked sitting on the bed with me and I smiled, "Let me refresh your memory"
"I remember"
"Seriously?" He raised his brow in surprise and I opened my mouth in shock. 
"I still remember it like it was yesterday. You wore that Ankara that I hated so much," I paused and he laughed.
"Why did you hate that shirt again? Yeah that reminds me, because you saw a taxi driver wear the exact style" he answered and I laughed.
The picture was taken It was taken in London. When we used to leave there. It was Tosin's first time there.
My labour came in earlier when I was in Nigeria. I was away from Henry who was with a friend in London for months because I had complications in Nigeria while giving birth to Tosin through Ceasarean section.
I examined the picture once again.
"Tosin didn't want to wear the cap, she scratched your face with her fingers and you requested that I cut her nails"
"That was when I stole a kiss from you" he paused planting a kiss on my lips and i kissed him back. We haven't kissed that way in a while.
Theo wrapped his arms around my waist and I pulled back.
"You were always a woman that treasured memories and happy moments. What happened to you?"
"You happen Theo, do you still want me to remind you of what you did?" "If we're throwing blames here, aren't need supposed to share if? You changed too. You stopped caring after you had Tosin, after the surgery. You thought you weren't looking perfect enough even though I told you it was perfect. You blamed me whenever I bring up the topic of sex. You would always play the victim. Can you count the number of times we had after we had Henry?" He asked and I cried.
"We had countless! And how many times did we have sex since you had Tosin? After you had Tosin you changed. You started hating sex"
"You were being inconsiderate. Theo i just got out of an operation and you wanted me to jump into sex"
"Doyin Iretiola, I gave you two years. Two years to heal, two years and I struggled not to look at any woman apart from you. Doyin two years was too much!"
"Doyin Iretiola Seriously? You just called me by my first two names? You must be really angry. If you're tired, you can as well tired you can file for divorce".
"You would want that right?" He asked and I blinked back my tears.
"All I wanted was to feel you close to me, have one more child with you"
"I just got out of operation"
"The doctor said we could have another"
"Well I was scared!" I admitted. "I was scared of dying and leaving my kids because of a..." I blinked.
After Tosin's birth I decided not to have any kid again despite Theo's dream to have one more. He insisted and I had a hysterectomy done. He was really angry about it.
Years later, I had a feeling that Theo was cheating and I followed my instinct and I found out he had a concubine or as people call it these days, he had a freaking side chick.
The lady had a girl for him.
I threatened to let Henry know and he begged me not to. He knew Henry would be disappointed.
"You didn't have to cheat" I snapped and he nodded.
"I know and I've apologized a million times. I'm just tired of you using it against me. You've turned bitter over the years. I mean using your bitterness against your own children and fighting their choices. It doesn't make sense"
"Goodnight Theo, you'll be sleeping in the other room"
"I'm not sleeping in any other room except this room" 
"Are you challenging me? Okay! I guess I'll leave then" she stood and I scoffed.
"Don't be ridiculous Doyin," "Choose one Theo? Leave me alone or I'll leave and if I do I promise you, I'll let Henry know that his father isn't the person he thinks he is. Choose wisely Theo" I threateneded and he sighed.
"Maybe I should just file for a divorce and pull myself out of this misery called marriage. I sent you those pictures maybe you could remember your old self. I miss the woman i got married to. The soft obedient woman who loved her family, I don't even know who you are anymore" he walked out of the house and I cried my eyes out covering my mouth. 
I didn't want him to hear me cry, I didn't want anyone to hear me cry. 


Jummy's POV

I set out very early the next morning in a short gown and a light make up. I knocked the gate and Henry opened up. He wore a white top and blue shorts.
"Good morning" I greeted walking in. 
"Good morning" he answered. 
He seemed uneasy. "How was your night?" He asked and I shrugged. "I couldn't sleep, i was worried about you. The way you left yesterday" I placed my palm on his chest and he moved back.
"I won't bite Henry, I just came to see how you are"
"I'm fine" he answered. 
"Are you okay?" I asked, "You seem uneasy, were you busy with something?" I asked and he pointed towards the house, " I was about to take my bath" he answered and i smiled.
"Can I come in?" I bit my lip and he shook his head.
"Why? You haven't invited me since you got the house. It looks like a nice place but you do know I had better plans"
"Jummy I'm kinda busy...." He paused then I saw Adesuwa open the door. She was in a robe.

Read " The Picnic " by the same author ( Essien Eno )

. I blinked my eyes in shock.
"What's this cheat doing here?"
"She's not a cheat, what happened was a misunderstanding"
"She probably lied to you Henry" "You won't understand" he added and i shook my head.
 "This has got to be charm. Henry wake up, she's got you wrapped in her witchcraft" I warned and Henry laughed. 
"I'm fine with being charmed by her." He answered and my heart broke. "She had sex with Segun, you can't over rule that fact"
"That was in the past. Let bye gones be bye gones" he said firmly and I cleaned a tears that had made way down my cheek.
"Jummy" he called out, "I knew that tone so well. It sounded like something that would be accompanied by, 'I'm sorry'
I refused to be pitied.
"Bye Henry. Have a nice life and don't say I didn't warn you about her" I snapped walking out of the gate. 
I entered into the car busting into tears then I opened my bag bringing out cigarettes from it. I lit it up with a lighter and I sucked it then puffed it out still crying.
"Screw you to hell Henry!" I slammed my fist on the steering. "Screw you!" I yelled. I got a call from my modeling agency then I threw the cigarette out the window.
While driving, I couldn't take my mind off Adesuwa and the fact Henry was having a good time with her. 
He seemed happy more than he ever was with me. Noises from the environment brought me back to earth. I realized there was a trailer parked right in front of me. 
I think it was spoilt.
People signaled for me to stop but I didn't realize it until this moment. 
"Oh shit" I muttered as my car bumped into it.

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  • Omo Ola picture
    Omo Ola
    @Jummy, you see where bitterness and jealousy lead you is way different from obsession... One should learn to let go and move on...well done, Eno!
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    Love na by force I pray she lost her memory in that accident so she can leave Adesuwa and Henry alone
  • Belleminnah picture
    Ohhhh no,u dnt need to push it till death I pray she's alright
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Hmm! Obsession kills, kill it before it kills you Jummy.
  • Ndy Ekpo picture
    Ndy Ekpo
    Let her not die o,she must confess her dirtiness ,is Ade the only person that deserves to have dirty stories, let that Jumoke of a bitch better not die o,or I'll kill her myself .
  • Ndy Ekpo picture
    Ndy Ekpo
    I prefer she mad sef like AY bin talk,I'm imagine her ripping off her clothes,lol Eno you are good to go
  • Angela David picture
    Angela David
    Henry might be Adesuwa half sis
  • Belleminnah picture
    Ivie ll be d half sis considering d way Ades sis took to heel wen shesaw Mrs Babalola
  • Modupe Gbolagun-Bello picture
    Modupe Gbolagun-Bello
    AY said it. Enjoy ur time ur d trailer
  • Ademola Monday picture
    Ademola Monday
    Jimmy is not just selfish, she is also filled with greed, miss Babalola is a bigger selfish and scam than yahoo boys, after pushing her husband to the extent of looking elsewhere for what she has been and still denying him of, she is now using it against him, Economy and Body Crime Commission (EBCC) needs to investigate her. Henry, you have gotten the understanding, listening, tolerating and patience every man needs to live a sane life.
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Jimmy is a bitch,,just look at her calling Ade a sl*t ,what then is she? She slept with Segun not once,not twice ooo and she's dia ranting like a possessed demon...if she survives dis accident, d doctors should help reset her brain
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    oh Ivie!! I think Ivie is Theo's daughter
  • Oke Olabisi picture
    Oke Olabisi
    Jummy Love is not by force move on now you see what bitterness has done to you,thanks girl
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Thanks Omo ola
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Thanks Destiny Benson
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Thank Bella
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Thank Benedicta
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Thanks Ndy
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Thanks Angela
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Thanks Modupe
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Thanks Ademola
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Hahaha ...Thanks Confy-dencie
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Thanks Oke
  • Peesam picture
    Toorrrr....this isn't love o... More of obsession n insecurity
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Think its about time she give it up...I mean she tried every trick in the book but nothings working she ends up getting!
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