Made - Episode 20

A Helping Hand

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It made sense that Maggie would hate me for winning Philip the contract but to have me sacked from my job was a whole new level of crazy.  My phone buzzed. It was Mercy.

"You will not believe who hacked me"


"Yes.... how did you know? _ geuss who helped him."



"What?!  _ are you sure?"

"Dead sure as the fact that they are cousins.  Besides am not about to spend fifteen thousand shillings on someone who cannot get a job done."

There followed a minute of silence then Mercy followed. 

"So how are you going to prove she did it?"

"I still don't know."

Robert waved a piece of paper.

"I'll call you later Mercy."

It was a record of the messages exchanged between Kim and Maggie together with the calls. The time stamps was also there and it confirmed the conversation happened just around the time the post had been posted . They must have thought we would never geuss the connection.  It was true that family always made us sloppy and vulnerable. 

"Can i use this as evidence?"

"Sure you can.  If the company needs authentication i can hook you with a customer service guy from the company that sells his sim card to back me up

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. Its legit though."

I folded the paper in two halves then rose to leave. 

"Email me the same to my email adress. "

I wrote down my address on a piece of paper on his desk. 

"You know we cannot keep what you discovered a secret for long _ we need to approach the authorities about it. "

He looked at me at first in shock. He wanted to say something but stopped and i could see his demeanour change. It dawned on  him like day how dangerous a man like Kim was. Nobody was safe. I was not safe and neither was Robert. It was just a matter of time.  If i submitted the piece of paper i was holding as evidence Kim would do everything to get to the bottom of this.  He was dangerous. A criminal.

"Well _ i will have to compile enough evidence for this." Robert responded. 

I was glad we were now on common ground.  

"Thanks so much Robert, it was a pleasure doing bussiness with you. " i offered my hand for a shake. 

I looked past him and i could see the door of the house David had earlier entered opening. He emerged and poured water from a small basin.  I could see his face clearly because it was illuminated by the light coming from the house.

"Are they your tenants?" I asked Robert pointing outside. 

"Not really _ all those houses are supposed to be demolished with the exeption of this am living in. The outgrowth around it has made it difficult for people to discover that people are living here.  Otherwise they are here illegally _ most of them dont have anywhere to go. "

"Thanks for everything Robert."

"You too _ take care of yourself. "

I closed the door behind me then walked towards the house i had seen David emerging from. It was made of mud. The roof i had seen previously had browned out of rusting. The whole plot leaned on one side as if wanting to fall. I knocked at the wooden door.  It took a while before someone responded. The door opened and the face of a woman who i approximated to be in her early fiftees emerged on the doorway. She had a piercing look almost as if she could clearly see through me. All over sudden i felt nervous. 

"Can..... can i come.... in?" I asked in a stammer. 

"Oh _ sure." She said breaking into similar smile David had on each day i had met him. 

I had to bend to avoid hitting my head.  The room was much bigger than i had expected.  I  stood at the center waiting for an invite to sit down.  It was divided in two halves by a deep blue curtain -like material cloth. An old red couch and two stools together with an old table covered the part that served as a living room.  On the corner was a rack containing kitchen utensils. David sat on a low stool and beside it was a charcoal stove burning with a sealed sufuria on top.

"What's for Dinner David." I asked though i was a nervous wreck.

He looked up in embarrassment. It was clear on his face that he did not want me to see him like this. 

"We have goat meat cooking over here." Uncertainty played a tune on his voice. 

"I geuss i was right on time. " i said sitting on one of the stools.

"No _ sit here. It's more cormfortable." The woman said touching the shoulder of the red couch. I obliged and sat on it. 

"I am sorry i didn't introduce myself.  Am Daniella.. David's friend. _ i did not mean to budge in at such a time. "

"I am Rachael _ David's mum... Visitors most especially David's friends are welcomed anytime." She smiled revealing a beatiful gap between her upper teeth reminding me of Alicia my sister. I looked at my phone clock. It was now 8:00 pm. David rose from where he was and signalled me to follow him. I excused myself leaving my phone on the table then followed him outside. When i got outside he grabbed my hand and pulled me gently to the furthest end of the compound. 

"Daniella what are you doing here _ were you following me?"

"No ... i mean yes. I wanted to ask for your phone number so i doubled back to see if you were still in view only to see you going the opposite direction. Why did you pretend to use the other route?"

He was at loss of what to say 

"Look Danny _ you are not welcomed here.  I'll escort you to your car. "


I made for the house. Maybe this was a bad idea after all.

"Where are you going? The exit is this way."

"To pick my phone," i replied in a mystified tone. 

I opened the door and Rachel, David's mum had already served the stew together with ugali (maize meal). Three plates were lying on the table.

"Sit down and eat Daniella, the meal is ready."

I looked at David who had followed me back then made myself cormfortable ready to devour the meal. I have been invited by the mother of the house i don't need your permission. We chatted with Rachel about alot of things. David kept silent throughout the meal.  Why was he afraid of me finding out that he was from a humble background?

When i finished eating i asked for soap. Rachael directed me to take soap from the other part of the room. I could see discormfort written all over David's face giving me more reason to want to fetch the soap myself. I had expected to see things piled on top of each other due to limited space. Instead i saw a suitcase and a old sizeable bag on top of it. There was also a mat with a piece of blanket neatly folded at the edge. 

"You can't leave them here Danny  _ take them all."

It felt like my innerman was speaking but i knew that it wasn't.  It was someone else. The voice was clear as if issuing an order. 

I picked up the soap from under the stool that carried the suitcase and the bag. David and her mum were still eating when i emerged with the soap. 

"Hurry up we need to leave. "

"Leave?" They both asked in startled tone. 

I did not respond. A black jerrican half filled with water stood by the utensils rack.  I poured some of it in a basin and started washing dirty utensils around waiting for them to finish. I could not believe myself as much as they couldn't.  David finished first and brought his plate to me. 

"Danny what do you think you are doing?" David whispered. 

"Pack you bags David  _ am not leaving you in this place." I said in a loud voice that David's mum could hear. 

David passed over her plate to me together with the other utensils. Rachael stood up and started packing on the other side of the room. David followed him and i could hear them arguing in muffled tones. I finished washing the dishes and joined them. Rachael had placed everything in her suitcase ready to leave. The other bag that i geussed belonged to David was still on top of the stool. I grabbed the bag much to David's dismay. 

"Mama lets go."

"Please dont forget to lock the door and switch off the lights once you are ready to follow us."

Rachael led the way and i followed. 

We reached outside and waited for some minutes but David did not emerge. I placed the bag i was holding down and went inside. He was now sitting on the stool the bags had initially been holding his head.

Read " So We Got Married " by the same author ( DORSILA ANYANGO )

. His trousers were wet on the thigh part.  I knelt before him. He was crying. I took his hands and held his fingers in my palm. I felt overwhelmed inside with compassion and i wanted to cry with him. 

"Please allow me do this for me, i really need this more than you do."

I then took out my handkerchief and started wiping of his tears. We stayed like that for a while.

"Oya _ lets go. We can't keep your mum waiting. "

He did not say a thing.  He switched off the lights and followed me outside. He then proceeded to take both bags as i led them towards the placed i had parked my car. 


Hello beautiful people its your girl Dorsil and i hope you enjoyed me showing up with a new episode of this story. Please let me know on the comment section below. 


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