Made - Episode 21

The Favour You Owed

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I rubbed my palm together then tucked them in the pockets of my jumper. It was chilly out here. I stood at the parking lot not wanting to go wait inside. Attracting unnecessary attention was the last thing on my mind. After about thirty minutes of waiting i saw his car appear with the gateman struggling to open the gate. He parked his car opposite where mine was, alighted then headed towards me .  He was adjusting his tie that had slipped out of is buttoned up suit.

"Goodmorning Danny _ i saw your text but i did not know what to say.  Honestly am just sorry." He was rubbing his neck with one arm while resting the other on his waist. Already putting a defence line. So much of it. I chuckled inwardly. I did not say a word to him. I opened the door to the passenger seat.

"Wait Danny..."

"Relax am not going anywhere." I picked up a purse that was lying on the passenger seat then fished out the paper that was my evidence from it. I then handed it over to him.

He read through slowly. I closely watched for his reaction. He did not look suprised instead he looked lost as if in thought. 

"Hey?!" I shouted snapping my fingers at his face.

"Danny am so sorry. I hope you find in your heart to forgive me." He was now folding the piece of paper in two.

"Philip all i wanted, all i want is to clear my name." I responded then started going round for the door opening to the driver's seat

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. Philip beat me to it blocking my access to it. 

"Danny please i _ we need you back here. I cannot start the project without you."

"What of Maggie and the new assistant...Mary." I probed him sarcasm playing on my tone.

He ignored my tone.

"Maggie resigned about the time those posts appeared on your timeline. "

How Sly. That was a flag right there. Was there a law against cyber crime in this country? My company would never waste their time and resources on such things anyway. I sighed loudly.

"Would you believe Maggie did it?"

"I would believe anything anyone told me about Maggie.  She is...."

He suddenly stopped.What was he not saying? I understood the competition between ranks was tough but the statement he just let out showed there was much more to this than meets the eye. 

"Now that Maggie is gone who is taking her position?" 

"With this if i endorse you to be the sales and marketing director the board will definately agree and vote for you." He said waving the piece of evidence i had given him.

When did he think i was born , yesterday? I knew he had been working on that all along. Accepting what he was saying meant that he was not only offering my job back but also a promotion. This also meant a salary increase of fifty percent with a company car and a house on top.

"I'll have to think about it."

"Please don't think about it for long, we really need you here and besides if you don't accept i am going to leave the project i was suppose to spear head because of you."

"Hold on right there...that's blackmail Mr. Philip. You can't possibly terminate a contract given to you by the company. You could easily loose your job."

"Let me."

"Are you sure?"

"It was all your idea and i would be so inconsiderate to even consider carrying on without you seeing it through. If what i heard is true you will not let this project shut like that."

From the look on his eyes he was dead serious.

"What have you heard?"

"You complaints about the benefits of the company being mostly to the brothers themselves and their country whereas we benefit in minute sectors being a source of cheap labour to them. Together with the taxes which is nothing compared to the fortune going back to the country."

"So?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"If you are not going to do this for you, me or the company atleast do it for the thousands of farmers out there who need your help."

I hate the fact that he was right. He won alright but i was not going to let him walk on top of me like and go scot free.

"Thanks for agreeing to come back." A cheeky smile was playing on his lips."

"Not so fast boss boy _ am only coming back under one condition which you must meet."

"Which condition?"


I removed my jumper. The aroma in the kitchen stirred the hunger pangs inside. My stomach rumbled in protest. I placed my keys on top of the living room table. I had left David sleeping on the couch. It was now 10:00 am. He must be awake already. The room was tidied up even though it was always neat. I could sense a man's touch. I glance at my bookshelf and it was arranged alphabetically as i always did it. I moved towards the kitchen. I could hear a hearty conversation going on.

The previous night we rode in silence.  It took around ten minutes to drive from David's place to where my apartment was situated. I had parked the car in its usual spot. David alighted and headed straight for the trunk. He pulled the suitcase first then took out his bag. I offered to help. He refused to help but i did not budge. Eventually he accepted my help. I saw Rachael shake her head. We must be giving her a show today. We took the lift up. I opened the door, Rachael enterd first followed by David. I went in last closing the door behind me. Rachael offered to pray and she did so.  After that i showed her to the guestroom where she was going to sleep while i figure out what i was actually doing. I offered David to sleep in my bed. He adamantly refused. I brought a blanket for him and pillows to make the couch more cormfy. I did not have time to argue with him anymore. I just needed some rest too. We said our goodnights and retired. Today morning i had left early to see Philip. 

"It smells good in here." I interrupted the conversation that was going on..

"It tastes better than it smell." Rachael replied with a smile.

David was sitting on one of the chairs by the kitchen table. He was smiling holding a cup i presumed had coffee. I took a mug and poured coffee for myself then i moved to perch opposite him.

Silence settled like dirt particles on clear water.

"Am sorry Ma and David ...if you felt i demeaned you in any way. I just couldn't resist Him _ is He always that clear?"

Rachael who had been scrapping eggs off the pan into plates stopped.

"Yeah .. simple and clear though not easy." She responded.

"We'll figure this together." I said holding my palm halfway across the kitchen table. David took my palm into his breaking into a reassuring smile.

"Ma.. you gave me an easy time. I mean you just agreed to come with me. David on the other was reluctant."

"My child i have been praying for a meagre job for my son _ just anything to lift us from the miserable life we were leading. This past weak i even fasted over it. When you said we were going with you at first doubted. Could it be that easy? I mean i didn't even have to wait for my prayer to be answered.  _ Be that as it may i did not doubt for a second you had the best intention for us. Girl i have been having a hard life i needed to breathe!" She added with a loud chuckle.

"Ma!" David called looking at my face

"What...atleast am bieng honest."

"Ma! _ stop it."

I could not help but start laughing. They all joined in.

"Don't you worry Danny am going to be applying for any job i can possibly get. You won't have to bear our burden for long..."

"No ma!" I cut her sharply.

"David and i are going to be searching for a job. We will both take care of you."


"No don't have a say in this." I broke into a smile.

"Okay ma'am."

That was now settled. 

I moved to the other room to bring an extra seat so that we could all sit by the Kitchen table. The meal was superb. It reminded me of my mum's cooking. We talked over the meal. Rachael was a really funny soul. It was true souls never grow old. All through i watched David. I had seen his smile but had never seen him this happy. Watching both of them brought the  feeling of contentment. I knew i had found people who were going to change my life for good.

After the breakfast Rachael insisted on doing the dishes. David and i went to the balcony.

Read " Ultimate Sacrifice " by the same author ( DORSILA ANYANGO )

. They were strangers but it felt like i had known them my whole life. David stood leaning on the balcony grills. I sat on an old porch.

The street was clear. Most people were either at work or indoors. Occasionally a car would pass, someone walking his dog or others pushing a baby in a stroller. It was aesthetic looking at the never ending rows of good architecture work. David kept shifting his leg as if he was unesy. I wondered why.

"David _ is everything okay?"

"Yea sure... am just not used to all thus."

"You will.. come on have a seat."

He moved and perched at the extreme leaving an avoidance gap between us.

"How long were you living there?" I asked 

"My whole life _as long as i remember we have been living there.

I wanted to know more so i continued to pry.



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Toda (Hebrew meaning thank you. )

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