Made - Episode 5

Wake Up Call

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Obsession ....Love....whats the difference?

That week winded up pretty quickly. Work acted as a good distraction but as the weekend started rolling in i could just feel the dread brewing in my stomach. Mercy decided to come for a sleep over. Lucky me. I thanked God as i closed my office door and headed for the parking lot.

That night we watched a movie and snacked over it. Afterwards we had a long girl talk then slowly drifted to sleep.

I was just glad that Mercy had decided to come over . Atleast i was now to start the weekend on a high note. Mercy is a Godsent literally that girl can put up with so much crap from me. I could not imagine myself in this situation without her. 

It wasn't until noon the next day that we woke up. I was the first to wake up. It was a bit chilly outside so i decided to make some coffee. I hadn't  finished pouring coffee in my mug when Mercy enterd yawning.

"You are up early"  i teased.

"Girl please, she is waving her hand dismissively. Can i have some of that coffee _i feel like i have been hit by a truck. Did you put something in that coke we drank yesterday

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. " She was walking towards the coffee maker.

"Yes i did." I replied looking at her stunnely

"You what?"

The look on her face was just adorable.

"Am playing with you. You probably feeling like that because you overslept."

I took my mug and moved to a seat near the window. My kitchen was a bit spacious and i had managed to squeeze in a kitchen table and some two chairs. They were placed right at the window overlooking the city. Mercy poured her coffee and settled on the other seat in the room. We sipped our coffee in silence each one consumed in her own thoughts while our eyes feasted over the beautiful scenery on site.

"Beautiful view."

"Yes it is. Yes _it_is."

"It is hard to believe that in such beauty there is brokenness, crookedness and heartbreaks"

"Even roses have thornes." Mercy responded in an emotional tone.

"I looked across to where she was seating and i could see hidden water works."

"Do you want to talk about it? I asked


"Just talk to me about it..Am all ears" i implored putting down my mug.

"I don't know . I don't want to burden you with all this you are going through."

"Fair point but still you seem to be in need of someone to talk to and am right here."

"No but i promise i will tell you when the time is right."

This girl let me dump everything on her but she can't let me reciprocate. Anyway its fine..

"Am ordering pizza for lunch. You in?"

She lifted up her mug of coffee as a sign of agreement.

The afternoon drifted smoothly. At around 4.00 pm Mercy made her leave. I was left alone to this apartment. I tried reading some old magazines and even watching a movie but my mind kept drifting back to my loneliness. Like those times in high school your teacher is busy telling you about molar masses and all you can see is a hot plate of chips, a thigh of a chicken and cold cola. You just are too hungry to concentrate.

Oh! handsome Kim I could almost feel his touch as i tried to control my thoughts from being stirred to that direction. I stood up from where i was sitting went into my bedroom and changed into my running gear. Am not a fitness person but i would occasionally jog a bit to take my mind off things.

I left my apartment at around 6: 30 pm and soon i was on the track letting of some (okay alot ) of steam. The route i followed was a pass right in front of Kim's place. I wasn't bothered because i knew he was not at home. 20 minutes later i was right infront of Kim's place. I took a quick glance across and there lying on the front pouch was my blue duffle bag. I continued jogging but a few steps ahead i froze  then doubled back. I went up to his low wooden gate ,opened it and moved towards where the bag layed. 

I came to a halt right where he had placed the bag. I knew my clothes were inside so i didnt bother checking . I picked the duffel bag then placed it down again and slumped my body right beside it resting my head on top of it. 

You guessed right . I started weeping over it. I wept for over two hours and on the process felt asleep. At about midnight i was woken up with the bite of mosquitos coupled by the cold. I checked my phone and it was midnight. I could not call Mercy to pick me up she did not have a car. Going home by foot was out of the question. Anything could happen to me on the alley while going home. Am still conviced  it was mental and physical exhaution that caused that  sleep. Am a light sleeper and under normal circumstances i cannot sleep a night away in such a cold.

I decided to move to the back of the house. There was an old couch in the back. We had spent the last months before our break up on this couch whispering sweet nothings on each other's ears. Kim had moved into this house after it was gifted to him by her aunt had retired and was going back to the village. As i settled down on the couch i notice the lights in the house were on but dismissed it. Kim must have forgotten to put them off while leaving. I coiled myself on top of the couch and pulled the arms of my sweat shirt to cover up my fingers. I could hear rustling of twigs and the breeze was sending shivers down my spine. The light from the house was casting weird shadows. I geuss its just my fear of the dark taking over. And every shadow now looks like a human being..I closed my eyes and silently prayed the Lords prayer hoping morning would come quickly.

I was woken up the second time by swift brush of cold air. I shudder then checked my watch. It was 5.27 am. I picked my duffel bag and carefully placed its straps upon my shoulder then in quick steps started walking towards the gate. I was about to reach and open the gate when my phone rang.. A startled me look at my phone screen only to see Kim's name glaring back at me. 

Instinctively i turned to look back and on one of the windows was a form like someone was standing there. . It has to be Kim. It must be him. ...

I decided to pick the call


"I miss you." He said

"Really Kim..."

"Yes my darling...i miss you. I thought that's what you wanted to hear."

I looked again at the figure at the window and i could see a form like he was holding something against his ear . its surely him .

"Kim you have been here the whole time..."

"Yes, the whole time baby. What business do you have here anyway sleeping on my couch...."

"Kim you mean you have been here the whole time?" My voice had a slight tremor. I could not believe him.

"Not the whole time. I passed over you while you asleep on top of your duffel bag _ such a pitiful sight."

"You mean it Kim. Why are you so wicked ?" I could feel fear beginning to crawl my spine.

"B**** get off my property before i do something real bad to you."

His voice on the other end showed he was really enjoying himself. I looked at the window for the third time and the figure had moved off the window. My heart skipped a bit and i could feel myself shaking. I quickly opened the gate and crouched behind the thick hedge succeeding the wooden gate. Incase you are wondering my mind has killed and burried me already. I held my breath and struggled to look from between the hedge. I heard the corking of a gun and i could see a figure approaching the gate.

I kept still. If i decided to run with the perimeter between us he could easily catch up with me. He was a star athlete and had won several trophies from high school and all the way through campus. Am not just about to make a run for  it that would mean me ending up in a body bag.

Amazingly my duffel bag was still beside me.

Read " Ultimate Sacrifice " by the same author ( DORSILA ANYANGO )

. I was so scared i wanted to run but half my brain was skimming for another plan. The figure was just a few paces from the gate. I crouched  pulling my bag to the immidiate position by the gate and waited. As he opened the gate i held to one of his leg and jerked him off balance. He went full face on the ground and i heard the sound like of bone cracking in one of his arms. 

I was shaking so badly i could hear my bones rattling within me. Lying a meter a way was a silencer gun. Don't ask me how i much movie watching i geuss... I was still paralysed with fear and disbelief  looking at the figure lying before me  unable to move.

" Stupid b***" i heard him mumble  and with that i clicked into motion. I kicked the gun into the hedge picked up my duffel bag and started running. I knew he would not dare follow me because the darkness was now gone. I kept running and making sure to follow off routes. I could not take any chances.

I ran for about 25 minutes then came to Mercy's place. I rang the bell and waited for a few minutes before she got to open it

"Oh my God! Come on inside."

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