Palm lines 2 - Episode 11

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I have to apologize for last updates. There has been short supply of electricity and I've been burning feul to type and edit and it's been kind of hard. 


Ayo's POV

The altercation between mom and Tuni minutes before the house fellowship started had me  about confused. I didn't know whether to pick mom's side or Tuni; since Mom.was wrong for calling her a Harlot.
I saw Dad come out while the drama unfolded, I thought he was coming to ease the situation but he didn't . He went back in mysteriously and I wondered why he did.
Charity afterwards informed me about something she found out from one of her friends about Tuni being an actress. 
The long drive back home which was enjoyable. I didn't even want it to end. 
Guilt pricked me, I felt like I was leading her on in the name of winning her to Christ.  There was something about Tuni and her presence, I loved her honesty and the aura that came with speaking to her. 
Part of wanted to severe ties from her but I just couldn't.
I dropped her off at her estate where i finally met her mom. Her response when she tried to shake me was rather disturbing. I didn't know why she reacted the way she did. 
I tried to brush it off but I couldn't, I thought of it all night

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. Even while I read my devotional and Sunday school book. I've never been the kind to lose focus when meditating, but ever since I met her, I've lost focus more than I can count. Then I remembered the moment with her in the car. I was honestly lost staring at her. 
 I sighed covering my lip with my palm and then I placed both hands on my head like someone in trouble.
I wasn't not stupid, I knew exactly what it meant and what this could grow into but I wasn't sure If I wanted to fall in love with her; for crying out loud, I was already courting Charity! 
I exhaled once again, "God help me" I muttered then I knelt down in prayer. I needed some sort of enlightenment.

A call from a Pastor friend, Joel Okoye made me happy the following morning. "How would you feel if I relocate back to Lagos?" He asked and I laughed. 
I knew it would be impossible because his tight schedule and all.
"Enugu for gree leave you?" I asked since he worked in a brewery. "What if I tell you that I've been transferred to Lagos" he answered and I scoffed in disbelief.
"Seriously?" I asked, I was elated. 
"Can't wait man. Just let me know when you land, I might stop by."
"Sure" he hung up then I saw Dad walk in. 
Just who I wanted to talk to. "Daddy Eka'aro (Good morning)" I bent my head and he replied back. "I hope you slept well" 
"I did" he sighed sitting on the bed. I knew he wanted to talk about something so I joined him.
"What have I done this time?" I asked and he chuckled. "Is this about me inviting Tuni for the house fellowship?" 
"No." He answered. There was a brief silence, "Why didn't you come in when Mom was arguing with her, I needed your intervention" 
"Because I wanted you to take care of the situation like the man you are" he answered and I became confused. Some days are like that with him, there are days he tells you things in plain English and some days he leaves you confused"
"What are your intentions with her, that girl, Tuni?"
I felt weird after he asked, "Okay.... It's not what you think Dad." 
"What do you think I was thinking?" He asked and I chuckled nervously. 
"I just want to bring her to Christ. I only want her to repent" I answered. 
"Please do" he answered then he made way out of my room. 

On Sunday, it became harder to concentrate. I couldn't help but stare at her during my sermon. After service, a youth meeting was held to make arrangements for the forth coming youth program and a cabinet reshuffle of youth excos.
I was removed from the post of youth president and made the P.R.O then Charity was elected president. "Now it's time to nominate our welfare presido, our director of socials, so who do we nominate" 
Abeebat, one of the members rose up, "That sister there that looks like a model, the actress Tuni Reiner" she pointed at Tuni. 
"Are you sure?" Charity asked, "Yes, I noticed she's been present for every meeting, she's fashionable, I mean if it were to be in the secular world, she'll win any contest and it's about time we have lively people standing in as welfare officials not some old school people who will end up sharing biscuit and Chapman." She snapped referring to Charity. 
Charity scoffed,  "She'll throw parties with alcohol. She's not the type of person that.... " She stalled noticing everyone's look.
 "It's not as if I'm condemning her, the ex-cos need to be people of standards not..." She stalled again, "She's an actress, she kisses guys she's not married to in her movies. We can't have" she added and I gave Tuni a look, that apparently stopped her from reacting.
"All in favor of making Tuniola our welfare president, say aye" Abeebat asked and the "aye" had it.


Ayo' POV

The plan towards the youth program had Tuni and I working hand in hand since she couldn't be close to some of the members because of how judgemental they were.  Every wing of the church were supposed to hand over contributions for the program and it was in Tuni's hands to get them. 
The women's contribution were handed to mom, Tuni couldn't get it from her out of fear so I had to follow her to get it.
"I don't know why she still hates me, I mean, she's supposed to preach to the sinners"  she complained and I chuckled.
"Not everyone thinks alike" 
"She's a Pastor's wife, she's supposed to have compassion"  
"And she's human too." I sighted mom come out the Dad's office and we both went towards her. 
Mom frowned the moment she set her eyes on us. "Mom, were here for the money. I heard it's been handed to you" I explained and she hesitated staring at Tuni then she removed it from her bag then she stretched it out to her and she collected it, quickly counting it.
"So this is the only thing the women could give?" She asked and I pinched her arm.
"So what did you expect from women who have other problems to face?"
 "They're working class people, I've examined a lot of women here and "
"Madam examiner" Mom interrupted, "Happy examination" she added looking at the gown she wore. "At least you had the decency to dress well today" she added leaving the both of us alone. 
"Was that an actual compliment from your mom?" She asked and I laughed and I noticed Charity glare at us.
"You shouldn't you have said anything after she gave you the money"
"But it's small. If I'm supposed to throw a good youth party," "It's not a party"
"Good entertainment requires money" she answered then she  moved closer to me whispering into my ears. 
"Would you tell your girlfriend to stop staring?" She asked and I laughed. 
"If looks could kill, I would have been dead" she turned towards her. "I'll see you later Ay" she chipped in and I waved at her while she walked away. 
I saw her walk towards Charity and I rolled my eyes. 
"What the..." I paused, thoughts ran through my head, and knowing how crazy she was, I began to think of hundred things she might have said to her.

Erika's POV
Before taking the children off to school on Monday, I walked into Sharon's room and I saw her all dressed up.
"You're all dressed up. Going somewhere" "Yeah I have to meet with Felix, he called me up for breakfast" she wore her earrings. 
"Call him up for dinner, we're having dinner"
"Mom, no" Sharon answered, "Why?"
"The last one didn't exactly go well mom." 
"Well, I promise this one will. We have guests" "Who?" "Ade and his girlfriend" 
"What?" She seemed shocked, "Yes. Ade and his girlfriend, aren't you aware?" I asked and she shook her head. 
"Oh... Well now you are. We're happy for Ade. At least he's taking a step away from being hung up on you. It's a good thing and we as his guardian are happy that's why I decided to plan dinner. It's going to be great" 
"Sure... Sure" she answered and I faked a smiled.
"I'm happy about his decision" she answered and I almost felt my hands slapping her. 
I expected to see some jealous response. "I'm glad you are. So.. wherever you'll be going to, come back quickly so we can prepare dinner"
"Sure" she answered and went out if the room rolling my eyes. "I'm happy any his decision" I micmicked then i hissed.
After school hours, i went to the market with the kids. Before driving home,  I stopped by at Temi Reiner's house. "I was going to stop by before leaving but.... I was late"
"It okay darling" she answered then I stretched my hands at her and she held it looking at it.
"Why is everyone bent in asking that same question who Sharon will end up with?" She asked and I chuckled.
"Who asked?"
"Tuni" she answered and I shrugged.
"You must have seen something" 
"That should be the least of your worries" she answered taking her seat and I wondered what she meant by that.
"What?" I asked taking my seat close to her and I held a pillow close.  "You and David" she replied and I rolled my eyes. 
"Yes you're angry but the last thing you want now is pushing your husband away. You'll regret it" "Why does that sound like a warning" 
"It's a warning."
"Why didn't he tell me about it" 
"I don't know but one thing I know is that you're taking this more than you should and I promise you dear if you don't get flexible, you're going to lose your husband"
"To what? It's just a mild anger, I just intend on making him suffer for two days or so"
"Do it and I promise you there'll be consequences. Someone is going to be waiting to take him from you" 
"Tasha?" I asked and she gave a witty chuckle. I knew there was more than she was spilling.
"Spill Temi, what's up?"
"Nothing dear. Just forgive him, have make up sex, be flexible in your marriage. Don't make him miss you, don't make him miss anything" 
"What did you see" 
"I see you ruining your own marriage with your hands. Erika I'm not supposed to say anything but don't make her steal him away" she warned and I stood up in anger. 
"That's why I want her away from the house! I'm sending her off" 
"David will not agree, he's too nice and Sharon will be angry at you too. You're going to lose two loved ones. They'll think you're just acting out of hate" 
"Jesus Temi! What am I supposed to do with this information" 
"Save your marriage with wisdom. I don't know how you're going to do it but I know you can overcome this" she advised and I gave a nod.
I went back home and I found Tasha at home. "Good afternoon Ma'am" she smiled and I faked a smile at her. "Welcome back Mom" Sharon yelled. 
Apparently Tasha was polishing her nails. "I'm about to cook dinner and I need all hands on deck, including yours." I turned towards Tasha and she smiled. 
"Yes Ma'am" 
I was seriously looking forward to dinner, I couldn't wait to see the outcome. 

Tuni's POV
I didn't entertain the idea of having a post in church but when Charity saw me unfit for the position, and after I was unanimously voted in, i immediately took it as a challenge. 
On Monday afternoon, while I stood waiting for a ride I ordered, i watched my car got packed right in my front and I saw Wasiu wind down the glass, "Come in, I was about to drop the car off at your place" he answered and I stood in shock.
I was marvelled that he spoke in English. 
"My boss gave me your address in case you're wondering how I got it."
"My boss is through with the work oh. Sorry he wasn't able to give you on Saturday. He had pending works" he answered and this time I chuckled. 
"You speak English?" I asked and he laughed.
"Madam, what do you take mechanics for? Illiterates?" He asked and I laughed. "Don't get me wrong here Wasiu, shea?" "Yes." 
"I'm just shocked. Most people with the name Wasiu barely speak English, it's a generally accepted view." I answered and he laughed and I entered.
"How is Ay?" I asked and he smiled. "He's fine but really busy. He's got a lot on his plate, pending work here and there, he's even trying to work with deadlines."
"And he had time to repair my car. Now I feel bad. I think I should pay" 
"He doesn't want your money but if you feel like paying, you can pay me if you want" he added and I laughed.
"Do you like Pastor Ay?" He asked and I wondered why he asked. 
"Why ...why would you?" 
"The way you two were talking that day" 
"I don't like him" I answered and I realized that I wasn't comfortable with the answer. I found myself having second thoughts, maybe I do like him. 
I shook the thought off.

The next morning, I decided to take an early morning jog the following day with Dad. He stopped breathing fast and I laughed. "I should go home" 
"We haven't even started" 
"My waist... Should I remind you that I'm no longer a young man. You go on, I'll just go back home" he replied and I watched him go back. 
I laughed then I resumed jogging. I saw a man and woman jog towards me, they seemed like couples; they guy had glasses on, I didn't know if it was recommended or not, the other lady was fair. 
They looked like couples and for a moment I admired them. It's been a while since I've taken a run with a boyfriend, not since Remmy. 
I ran past them suddenly I noticed someone beside me, it was the guy. I stopped looking at him strangely. 
"Can I help you?" I asked and then I turned to the lady who was still jogging. "Hey!" She yelled
"Are you lost?" I asked and he laughed. 
"I live across the estate, do you live around?" He asked and I scoffed.
"Sorry. Wrong question. Now I sound like a stalker" he answered and I responded with a nod. 
"You kind of took my attention" "Okay. Old line but I'm not falling for It. I'm pretty sure the girl you were with turned you down so you decided to go for another catch" I turned towards the direction of the lady and I found her waiting.
"That's not true. She's my cousin"
"Oh like I'm supposed to believe the oldest lie in the book too" I folded my hands and he laughed. 
"I'm serious"
"You mean your kissing cousin" I snapped and he chuckled. "You want prove?"
"Can you get me a DNA test to prove it" I requested and he gestured for her to come near and I saw her come close. 
"What are you doing? I have other things to do" I complained and he smiled. 
"Just trying to prove a point" "Oge, I'm I your boyfriend?" He asked and she scoffed. "That's gross! No!" She answered then she turned towards me.
"We're not dating, he's my cousin." 
"You didn't have to" I shut my eyes and he smiled. "I'll be waiting" she chipped leaving us and he smiled. He had one of those perfect sets of white teeth. 
"I hope I've made my point" 
"You have. Now what do you want from me?" 
"I just wanted to say you look pretty" "I don't even have my make up on and I'm all sweaty" 
 "You're really pretty" he commented and I laughed. 
"And you're such a flatterer" I smiled.
"Would you be free tonight?" 
"I've got Bible study" 
"And she's a believer, hallelujah" he answered and i laughed again. "My heart wasn't wrong about you. Can I get your number so we could communicate more?" He requested and I agreed.
"I'm Joel and you are?"
"Tuniola Reiner. You can call me Tuni" I answered and he muttered my name. 
"See you soon" he finally said jogging off and I chuckled. "See you never"

Later in the day, I picked up my script to rehearse my lines once again.
"Oh Lord my God, didn't your word say in James chapter 5 verse 4 to 15 that is anyone among you sick? Let them call..." I paused then I raised the script up to steal glances at the next line. 
"Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven?" I paused then I tried to  memorize it. 
"Okay" I dropped the script. "Oh Lord didn't your word say in James chapter 5 verse 4 to 5 that is anyone among you sick, among you let them call the elders and..." I paused. 
"Urgh!" I grunted then I threw the script on the bed and I heard Sharon laugh. 
I didn't even realize she's been watching me. 
"Hey" I said to her and she smiled. 
"I was horrible right?" 
"Truthfully? You were. What happened?"
"It's annoying! How do people cram memory verses. How do pastors do it? I'm still trying to cram this one. If it was a break up scene or a love scene or fight scene. I would have gotten the script right but this word of God is complicated and do you know how many more I have to digest?"
"After this movie, I think I might just end up being a pastor. This is a theatrical Bible School itself" I added and she laughed. 
"You're crazy" 
"I'm serious here. I don't even know the emotion to put into this. I'm trying to understand if she's angry at God or she's confused. I get that she wants peace in her life, her relationship is falling apart and she has mental issues. I'm really skeptical about giving Bunmi the 100% she needs for this movie to be a blockbuster. I'm scared" I admitted and Sharon hugged me. 
"It's okay to get scared. I get scared too. I'm scared to start a life here. I'm worried it might not work out as I want it to, I'm scared I might still be in love with Ade" she confessed and we both sat down on the bed. 
"Finally you're admitting it, that's a good thing. What made you realize it? She asked and I shrugged, "When she kissed Ade"
"At the dinner?" "After the dinner"
"You haven't even said anything about it. What happened?" I asked and she scoffed.

I had a meeting with Bunmi Daniels, this time it was at her house. I met with the rest of the crew and she had us bonding and most of the crew members didn't even know who I was. 
Although some attested to seeing me take roles on series and movies. "I loved your role on Respect. It was amazing until they killed off your character" one of the actors said and it meant a lot to me that he actually watched me on the series. 
I soon requested for Bunmi Daniels' attention and we spoke at length. I was nervous about the role. 
"I've been reading the script Ma"
I've been rehearsing my lines and i never knew how difficult it was to memorize Bible verses until now. I'm not feeling it" 
"Because you're not making yourself feel it. Tuni I gave you this role because I believe you can do it, I've seen you act and I don't think there's anything you can't do"
"The gospel part, I'm not your regular gospel girl. I don't want to over act what I think a Christian Life should be. I want it to be perfect."
"What about the church you now go to? Under study people there, study the way they act, study their lives, study they way they prayer. Go close to the anguished and frustrated ones and see the way they think and feel about God. It'll help you in the process, I mean it. If you can piece the emotions together, you can then have an idea of how your character feels before you act it. I'll advise you also visit mental homes too if you're having issues with that too. This movie will set a standard in your life, it'll make you a Star and I'm honestly anxious to be working with you. You're new and some people are skeptical about you too, but I'm positive that I didn't make a mistake" she held my hands and I chuckled. 
"Thank you Ma" 
"You're welcome dear"
I was called to audition for a role on the island but I declined, I needed to stay focus on Bunmi's movie. I've always hated taking two or three movie deals at the same time especially when when the schedule might likely clash.

There was a message from the church group chat on WhatsApp; we were to meet and discuss in Ayo' house. It was on a Friday and I had already made plans with Moji and the girls to go clubbing with them. 
 I wore a top and trousers then I zoomed off to the meeting. I folded a gown in my handbag so that I could quickly rush over to the club afterwards.

The meeting began late, thank God Ife wasn't around.  Ayo bought snacks and drinks for everyone but I declined, didn't feel like eating it. All I had in mind was going to the club.

After the meeting, I was given some money in an envelope for the forth coming program . I realized I had forgotten it after I left then I returned back to his house.
I knocked and he opened up. "Hey" he held on to the door as though he was guarding it from a stranger. 
"I forgot the envelope" I answered.
"I didn't see anything like that" he answered and I opened my eyes in shock. 
"Are you serious? Oh my God. It has to be that big eyes Obinna, he sat close to me. It has to be him.
"Okay chill... Before we start pointing accusing fingers, you might want to look for it first" 
"That's what I wanted to do but you're obviously guarding your door as though I'm a thief." I answered and he chuckled. 
"Okay...." He laughed letting me in.
"I'm sorry about that, just that a sister should not be seen going into a brother's house alone to avoid appearance of evil" he answered and I moved closer biting my lower lip. 
"Don't be scared, I won't bite" I answered and he sighed. 
I chuckled moving to the seat I sat on, plans changed and I smirked, I had to put operation seducing Pastor Ayo in motion. 
I bent down seductively then I picked up the envelope. 
"Found it" I exclaimed and he smiled. 
"Thank God. Um... You can leave then" "Why are you so much in a hurry to get rid of me? Are you scared?" I asked and he shook his head.
"I would like to take my bathe now. I'm really tired" 
"Can we talk?" I sat on a chair, "I really want to talk to you concerning something very important" I paused and he sat down close to me. 
"I'm sorry about the way I reacted when Mom wanted to touch you" "True, I've been planning on asking why did you do that?"
"Well... It's complicated" I replied rolling my eyes. "Mom is a palmist... She reads people's destiny from their Palm"
"Of course I know who a palmist is" he answered and I laughed. 
"It's kind of embarrassing, I'm always embarrassed about it. Some people think it's cool but for me it's not. It still weirds me out and I really don't want her reading my future or telling me what I'll be in life" 
"She's your mom, you shouldn't have acted that way. She felt really bad, I could see it from her eyes" "I know, I alry apologized to her" I moved closer to him. 
"Just that everyone had normal parents, couldn't I have just had one normal Mom? She's a traditionalist and a so called Christian. She's the reason I don't know shit about the Bible" 
"She's your Mom. Trust me Tinu they can be really annoying. You've met my mom and you've seen her annoying sides" "Yeah I have" 
"But she's still your Mom, the best we can do is try our best to understand them and sort out our differences with them" he answered. 
"Someone gave me that advise years ago" I smiled thinking of Mrs Erika then I sighed. 
"She's perfectly married with children, she's Sharon's mom and truthfully I admire her and her love life. I wish I can have that too" I paused, "But who would want to get married to an actress?" 
"Don't underrate yourself Sister Tuni, you're a pretty woman and actress or not, only a man and who's not in his right sense would think that way" he answered and I moved my face closer to his. 
"How about you?" I asked and he chuckled. Just as my lips drew close to his, he pulled back and I scoffed feeling embarrassed but I knew the chapter was not over. 
The race is not for the swift! God have mercy, I wasn't ready to stop until i had him in bed that night.
"You know since we're alone" i moved my fingers over to his lap then I gently rubbed on it. "You know that I like you right"  
"No you don't. Maybe you fancy me but... but what I do know for sure is your plan to seduce me.  " He answered and I moved back in shock. 
"Yeah... Right from the moment you walked up to me, I knew. I just thought I could save a soul from damnation in hell fire"
"Does that mean you knew that I was an actress" 
"I didn't. I just knew the name was familiar and when Ife mentioned it...." He chuckled, "Oh God" I covered my face. I felt stupid.
"I feel so stupid right now" 
"You don't have to feel stupid Sister Tuni, this is a time to reflect on what you want for your life. God doesn't want you this way. He has a plan for you"
"I really don't want to hear this" I stood up to leave. 
"I heard it clearly Tuni, God told me he had better plans for you. I don't know what exactly but, you can turn a new leaf, leave a better life" 
"Choose another career?" I turned to him and he shook his head.
"I don't have any problem with your career, as long as you're using it for the glory of God, I believe even God will appreciate it." 
"Do I look like someone God can be proud of?" I asked and he smiled. "He delights in those that loves him and do his good works" 
"I'm a sinner"
"For while we were sinners, Christ died for us. It doesn't matter Tuni...." It was actually the first time hearing him call my name without adding 'Sister' to it.
 "Your sins doesn't matter as long as you're in Christ. He can change you" 
"Through this" he handed a Bible to me. "The word of God is for doctrine, reproof, corrections, you think it's hard right, giving up those things you really love like sex.

Read " The Picnic " by the same author ( Essien Eno )

. It was harder for me too" he scoffed moving closer to me. 
"I had just gotten admitted into the university and that adrenaline pumping in me and I did stuffs. Two years later I got literally arrested in an holy ghost service. I had to give up sex, I had to let go of some friends. It was hard trust me, I'm not promising that it will be easy but God wants you so badly. I don't know why but, I just feel it deep down" he answered and I shook my head in tears.
"Sorry I um.... I'm sorry I can't." I dropped the envelope.
 "I don't think I can do this any longer. "Good bye Ayo" I added leaving the house.
I made a self decision never to go back to the church any longer, I didn't even feel like going to the club any longer. 
My phone rang and I picked it up. "Where are you now?" Moji asked and I shut my eyes cleaning off my tears. 
"Um.. I'm not feeling too well, maybe I'll come some other time"
"Babe wait oh, are you sure it's not this church thing that's keeping you busy?" She asked, I recognized that jeering tone any day. 
"I'll be there in thirty minutes or so. " I changed my mind and she chuckled.
"That's my baby!" She chipped in and I chuckled. I honestly didn't feel like going but I badly needed something to make me feel like my old self once again.

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