Palm lines 2 - Episode 8


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Sharon's POV
"It wasn't intentional" 
"I wasn't blaming you dear, no. Just that I've heard so much about you." She touched my fingers and I looked at her fingers against mine and I faked a smile then I brushed them off.
"How did that Photographer gig go?" Tuni asked her, I guess she was doing it to avoid the topic on ground.
"Oh the one with that crazy Bride" she added and Tuni laughed. Somehow, I was clueless about who this crazy Bride was.
"Did she finally decide on the venue she wanted for the shoot?" She continued and Shirley nodded.
"Yes she did but she wasn't still happy with it . Apparently she's pregnant and she said the baby wants her to do the photoshoot abroad." 
"I knew Janet was pregnant. I knew she wouldn't have gotten fat like that for her role as a mom in the sequel of that movie" 
"The wedding was rushed and now she can live happily ever after" Shirley  answered and I just stared blankly at them I didn't know where to come in, besides Tuni left out the part that they were on speaking terms! 
I suddenly felt weird inside of me. I just wanted to leave them alone

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. "I have to meet up with that thing I said I was going to meet with" I said quickly and Tuni gave me that stupid look.
"What?" She asked and I glared at her. "The salon thing that I told you about, my hair is a mess" I picked up my bag. "Your hair seems perfect" Shirley answered and I laughed nervously. 
"It was nice meeting you Shirley. I have to go"  
"Nice meeting you too Sharon"  I zoomed off.
 I felt so angry, I was suddenly angry at Tuni I for starting and engaging  a conversation I knew nothing about, I was angry at Shirley for reminding me that I broke Ade's heart, I suddenly became angry at myself but I had no idea why. 
Maybe I was going on a guilt trip once again.


Erika's POV
I woke up at night because I couldn't sleep; I haven't had a good sleep ever since Sharon made her engagement announcement. I've been thinking a lot about her and her choices. Ever since I met the young man that proposed to her that day at Feso's get together, I've been skeptical about his intentions. 
There was just something about him that didn't seem right. Maybe it was his long head.
"What's going on?" Feso asked me that day and I shrugged. I took a look at Ify who was also waiting for me to speak up. 
"I'm i that obvious?" I asked and she nodded.
"It's Sharon's fiance. I don't like his head" I folded my hands looking at his long head.  It reminded me of a movie actor I hated so much back in those days.
"What's wrong with his head?" He asked and I laughed. 
"Maybe it's not the head, I don't like him. Something in my guts tells me he's not to be trusted" 
"Trust me  it's totally normal for parents to think that way especially when they already had someone in mind. Ade" Ify pointed out and I scoffed. 
She wasn't wrong though.
"Ade left a while ago. He was really sad, I don't know what happened but I felt guilty for not telling him, David could have said something to him, at least warn him from coming. I feel really bad for him. Ade is a good man, a good and determined person. I'm just disappointed Sharon chose Mr. Giraffe head over him" 
"You just have to get used to it. He's going to be your son-in-law very soon" she advised and I sighed. 
To crown it all, Tasha and her endless patrol of her skinny ass with bum shots all around the house like she owned it. 
At times I feel like telling her please to cover up, but I didn't want to appear as the insecure and jealous wife. 
It became obvious that she had so much control and influence over Sharon and she in turn felt like she owes her some form of stupid loyalty. 
"Prepare for the Interview on Saturday, Mo would like to meet by the family for rehearsals"  she announced and that made me angry. 
I've always hated rehearsed shows, always so obvious!
"Why would we need to rehearse whatever we say?" I asked and she turned towards me with a stupid look on her face that clearly meant that I was stupid for asking that question
  "Because that's how it's done, Sharon explain things to your mom" 
"I'm not rehearsing anything with anyone" 
"Mom" Sharon chipped in and I glared at her. 
"The only rehearsals i attend are choir rehearsals. If the interviewer isn't going to interview us without rehearsing it, she can go to hell with her interview" I snapped leaving the sitting room.
Just when David walked in, I saw her talk to him, probably reporting me to him. 
Thank the heavens he didn't bring up the issue.
I drove into the school and my kids went their ways; so did i. I also went to my office. After school hours, I got an emmergency call from Ada to come home so I did.
  I dropped the kids off at Crown prime then I drove over to the house. I was in deep thought all through the drive.  I wondered what must have happened for her to have called for an emmergency meeting.
 had guesses that maybe mom or dad had finally given up the ghost. 
I walked in to find every of my siblings and their husbands in the sitting room, Tammie was also present. 
 I exhaled in worry, "Don't tell me Mama has gone" I hoped and Ugo laughed. 
"No. Mama is okay" she answered and i let out a loud sigh of relief.  
"Thank God" I sighed and mom came out laughing
. "So you thought I was dead" she teased and I chuckled faintly. "I'll still live till I'm eighty" she answered and I laughed. 
"What's the emmergency meeting about then?" I asked and Ada pointed at Tammie. "That's the emmergency. I want her to leave my house" she answered and I opened my mouth in shock. 
"She's ...she's your daughter" I stammered,  "The same thing I told her" her husband spoke up and she scoffed.
"So fucking what if she is?" Ada snapped. 
"Me I don't want her again oh, that's what I came here to tell you all." 
"I can't send my own daughter packing" Ben snapped and she scoffed.
"You better start now and choose if you want Tamuna or you want me and my two sons? Make your choice oh" she presented and Tammie scoffed. 
"What did she do wrong this time?" I asked and i folded my hands. 
"Tammie just managed to ruin my neighbor's marriage. They're currently filing for divorce" "Did she...." I stalled, Tammie has never been the promiscuous type but I needed to know.
"She used her useless mouth to tear their relationship apart. I'm tired, I don't want her again" 
"Well as your daughter na, you have to endure." Ego scratched her neck,  "I mean all those while we'll tell you to caution her big mouth but you didn't" Ugo blamed. 
"This is not the time to put blames on anyone. Let's just figure a way out" I suggested and Ada laughed.
"I have already figured a way out. I already packed her things, she's not going back to the house" 
"Where would she stay?" 
"Would any of you like to take her in?" She threw the question out and they all looked away. 
"Ugo" she called out and Ugo scoffed. 
"If you see the way Tammie dealt with my daughter on her last visit ehn. I can't oh, Richard would not even agree"
"Paul doesn't like third parties, you know he's stingy and he loves planning. Tammie is not even on his plan" Ego answered and I sighed. 
"Then I'll drop her off at third mainland bridge let her live under the bridge" 
"Mummy!" Tammie yelled. She seemed hurt.
"Tah shut up there!" Ada snapped, "What if I stay with Grandma?" 
"No!" We all disagreed. 
"The last time you stayed, mom had a heart attack" I snapped, "I'll take her in. Till you change your mind" 
"I'm not changing my mind so you better rethink on that, or you find a place to make her stay. I know you have money oh, right now even my five naira I will not be spent on her again. Unless when she gains admission to an higher institution" 
"Take your bags, you'll be staying with my family now" I answered then I thought of the rooms that were already being occupied by the kids. 
There were two rooms available including Sharon's inspiration room. 
It was a quiet drive to the house. It was unusual to see Tammie that quiet during a drive. 
The kids hugged me after I got back, Sharon had picked them up. "Where's Sharon?" I asked, "She's in her inspiration room" they all answered. 
"Aunty Tammie good afternoon" They all greeted as if on cue and she chuckled.
"Did you guys rehearse it?" She asked and they chuckled. 
 I turned over to the young girl behind me pulling her luggage and I felt like giving her a dirty slap. 
I wanted to lash out at her for being so much of a talkative but I tried to maintain my cool. 
I walked away and she followed me.
I opened Sharon's inspiration room, and I found her hands motionless on the board. She had a paint brush in her hands. 
She turned towards us then she smiled.
"Welcome Mom" 
"Hey dear"
"Tammie?" Sharon called out, "Is that Tammie?" She asked walking close to her. 
"She looks so big" she added. "Good afternoon" Tammie greeted and I exhaled for like the tenth time that day.
 "Tammie will be staying in this room for now. There was a little emmergency." "Is Aunt Ada okay?"
"She is. It's complicated. I'm sorry Sharon but she'll be staying here, this is the only free space since you came with your friend. We can't give her the only free space, what if we have guests? I can't make a guest stay here in this kind of room ."
"I better leave you two alone" Sharok excused leaving the room and I exhaled again. I was beginning to have a headache.
"If you don't want to take me in, it's fine" I heard her say and I glared at her.
"Shut up! You don't speak when I speak! You owe me that respect as your Aunt and guardian. If I don't take you in, who will. How many times have you written jamb? Twice, thrice? And how many time have you failed? You haven't even gotten up to 200 on your life!" 
Tammie suddenly busted into tears. "Yes, cry! I want you to cry some sense into your head!    Until you realize you're wrong and you grow some form of maturity! I'm giving you a second chance Tammie, don't screw it up!"  I snapped banging the door and I heard her sob.  
"God help me with this girl" I muttered with a sigh. 

Tammie slept off after my talk with her.
 During dinner, I was happy to know Tasha was away. She had gone out to have fun according to Sharon. 
I wondered what kind of fun she was going to have for someone who barely knows anyone in Nigeria.
Tuni stopped by too and I was more than happy to serve her. I was particularly happy that she was chosen by Bunmi Daniels to play a role in her movie.
"Congratulations on your new gig" I said to her and she smiled. 
"So now you've blown like that" David added and she chuckled. 
"But I'm playing a role of a Christian woman, I need to get the act well and I've got the perfect woman in mind" she turned towards me and I laughed. 
"Should I remind you that I got pregnant before I got married" I asked and everyone laughed. 
"Still you're the perfect example of a virtous woman. I've been rehearsing my Christian look" 
"What's a Christian look?" Sharon asked and David face contorted into a serious one and everyone on the table laughed including Sera.
"Do you even understand what Dad said?" Sam asked and she shrugged. 
"I don't care cause anything dad says is funny" she answered and David stretched out his fist at her and they both bumped fists. 
"I have fans" he answered and Tammie came out. She had her pyjamas on. "Good evening Sir. Good evening all" 
"Good evening" we chorused and she sat down close to Tuni.
"How are you?" David asked and she nodded. 
"You wife made me cry" she answered and he laughed.
 "She still makes me cry, so who are you?" He answered and Tammie laughed. They don't speak regularly, but when they do, they engage in discussions like old buddies. 
"I heard there's no more vacancy at your house" "Yes. Mom isn't employing daughters since she has sons" she answered and i restrained myself from laughing. 
Everyone else laughed. 
"I still miss those days when it was just me alone" she added and I tapped her head taking my seat opposite David. 
"What plans do you have now? Jamb again?" He asked and she laughed. 
"No. I'm done with jamb, how can you write something three times and they don't even give me up to 160" 
"Maybe when the marker see the name Tamuna, it'll only assume you'll fail again" 
The whole room busted into laughter. Frankly I did too.
 "There are some slots at the company if you're interested" David suggested to my surprise.
"Are you sure you want to employ someone with a big mouth? Before she opens her mouth to spill secrets"
"Tammie needs help and we'll all give her the help she deserves. Do you want the job?" he asked and she looked at me as though asking for permission to say yes.
"Why are you looking at me?" i asked and she nodded. 
"Yes, i'll accept" she answered quickly hugging David from behind then she returned to her seat and stretched my hands at Sharon. 
"Can we now have dinner in peace? Let's pray" i requested and we all held hands in circle.
I had my bathe then i wore my nighties while waiting for David to return from putting the children to sleep. I knew he was definitely playing with them and i grew jealous so i picked up test scripts I got from a teacher to mark.  
Some answers were unbelievable! I saw David walk in tiredly.
"Photosynthesis is a process of synthetizing photoes, can you believe what a SS1 student wrote?"
"I'm sure it's a female"  he answered and I laughed.
"Male actually, one David Okpara"
 "He has failed to live to the expectation of that great name David" he joked and i laughed.
"Tell me he's at least fine."
"Okay he is but it doesn't mean he should be stupid to define photosynthesis as a process of synthetizing photos, it's biology for crying out loud and what happened to leaving the question unanswered?
"Leave the poor boy, at least he has a chance of being an english professor" he answered and i laughed pushing the scripts away
. I saw him grin at me and i thought of a million things that could have made him grin. 
"What?" i asked and he laughed. 
"You're in your sexy lingerie, that means it's open season" he answered and i stood up moving close to him then i wrapped my arms around his neck.
"I've been waiting for you, 9 is supposed to be our time, Erika and David's time. No one  is supposed to come in between that time, not even our children."
"Jealous much?" He asked, and I bit my lip, "I was" I answered planting a kiss on his lips and he deepened it then stopped.
 "I'm sorry dear but the twins were fighting so I had to separate them as usual. We might have to give them separate rooms" 
"We only have one room left for guests. We can't have our guest sleep at the boys quarter." I answered and he smiled and we resumed kissing. 
"Thank you" I broke the kiss and he probably wondered why. "Why are you thanking me?" 
"For everything, for being a good man. I mean what you did for my niece, you think you've fallen in love with a man and you're realize you're still falling in love with him" I answered and he chuckled. 
"I love you honey" 
"I love you more" he replied sliding the arm of my nighties down then he kissed my neck. 

Sharon's POV
I received a call from mom, she had dropped the kids at Ade's shop and I had to pick them up. I watched Ade play with them. 
"There's this thing called crossiant"  he said to them and I knew he had just made a mistake cause he missed have to explain it to Sera.
"Sounds bad. I won't like to taste it" Sera face contorted in grimace. "It's like bread" 
"She only prefers slice bread"  Sam answered.  
"Hey guys" I Interrupted hugging Sera from behind and she smiled. "Aunty Sharon!'" she exclaimed excitedly and I kissed her on her cheek.
"Thank God you're here. These kids ehn!" Ade exhaled tiredly and I laughed. 
"Uncle Ade has other business to attend to so you guys should let him be" I demanded. "I came here to pick you guys up so....."
Soon we were out of the restaurant and Ade escorted us. "Can I have a word or two with you?" I asked after Sera entered into the car. 
I stood by the door of the car. "Shirley seems like a nice person" I noted, almost like a question. "You don't sound like you're sure of what you've just said" he answered and I chuckled. He knew me so well!
"Don't blame me, I mean I wasn't the one that started a conversation with it's nice meeting the girl who broke Ade's heart" I answered and he laughed. 
"I'm sorry but over the years I've been lamenting and she has been one of my loyal listeners" he answered and I sunk back in guilt. 
"I'm sorry" 
"It's okay Sharon" 
"She seems to like you""Did you figure that out or Tinu filled you in with the gist" he asked and I chuckled. He could see right through me.
"She does like me" 
"Why don't you move on with her, she's really pretty" 
"You are too" 
"Ade" I rolled my eyes and he gave an understanding nod. "I get it, you're Mr. America's wife to be. If you're telling me to move on Sharon, does that mean I have no shot with you?" He asked and I was left speechless. 
"Yes" I finally answered but I felt my own heart sink by the reply. "See you around Sharon" he waved at me then at the children. 
When I got back home, I went straight into my inspiration room so I could paint something to get my mind off how dissapointed I felt about telling him off.
The room only reminded me of him the more, the number of times we kissed in there. Just as I held the paintbrush against the canvas, I thought of Ade's caresses against my neck, every kisses and it felt so real I closed my eyes in reality. 
Suddenly the door slammed opened and I saw mom , "Welcome Mom" then I notice the was with someone who looked a lot like Tammie. "Tammie? Is that Tammie?" I asked, she looked bigger. 
The last time I saw her she had just started growing breast. 
I knew she had been sent packing even if Mom didn't put it that way, I wasn't surprised though. I expected it years ago. 
After dinner, Tuni polished her nails and i feel into deep thought. I couldn't get what Shirley said out of my head.
"It's nice to meet the girl who broke Ade's heart" I says unconsciously then she shook her head. 
"Why would you be thinking of that?"
"I don't know... It's annoying. I know I hurt him, I didn't want to hear it from her. Is it me or she was digging at me?" I asked and she shrugged. 
"Shirley's not a bad person sha" she answered and I scoffed. Our topic suddenly switched to Timi knocking up Aunt Ify's daughter and her plan to get the Pastor. Truthfully, I was worried about her falling in love with him, cause it seemed like it already.
I didn't know how to tell her.  Leaving didn't seem appealing anymore I wanted to stay longer but I was worried about what Tasha would say. 

The next day was the interview; I woke up and I had a light make up done. I was just an hour away from being interviewed live. I walked into the sitting room with Mom arranging Dad's agbada. 
"Is everyone ready?"  Tasha asked and I turned towards mom. 
"Yes" she answered. 
"Thank God.

Read " The Picnic " by the same author ( Essien Eno )

. Finally I can get out of this country" she smiled. 
Soon we were at the studio. 
"Hello" Mo smiled, "Good morning"
"Aren't you looking pretty?" She   asked and I couldn't say the same for her. 
Her eye bags were visible. Almost as though she's been crying. "Thanks" I appreciated and she smiled.
"Sharon Savage should be a role model for people to follow. I first came across her work on the newspaper on an exhibit she did. Nigeria is proud of you, we are proud to call you one of us. I mean others would go and do drugs or commit crimes but you Sharon, you're different. What makes you Sharon, how are you able to be so determined?" She asked looking stupid the crowd and I chuckled. 
"I am who I am because I have the best Mom and Dad in the world" I answered and the crowd gave a round of applause. 
"I had a good upbringing thanks to my Mom and Dad, Dad thought me to get by in life despite your problems, strive to make it. Mom taught me to be strong, prayerful and good and God has been good to me"  I answered and there was another round of applause. 
This time Mo threw three questions at Mom and Dad. She wanted to know how and when I developed the gift of drawing. 
Finally questions were thrown from the crowd and a young girl asked, "Are you going back anytime soon?"  and I gave the question a thought. 
"I do very well believe that my coming to Nigerian was for a purpose but I'm yet to find out why. Don't get me wrong I had purpose in America but I neglected somethings here and I have to right some wrongs so, no I'm not going back anytime soon." I answered and I saw Tasha frown at me.
I've made my decision she can shoot all the eye lasers she's got, there's no going back from the decision I already made. I'm staying back, I needed to gain trust and find myself according to Dad. 

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  • Dolapo Oloyede picture
    Dolapo Oloyede
    More interesting
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Yieee!!! Team Ade has potential of winning Sharon back.
  • Adekole picture
    Interesting!!!, Next episode pls
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Thanks@Dolapo.... I'm glad you think so
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    We'll see about that @Benecdicta
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Thanks@Adekole.... My episode 9 just got corrupted and I have to type all over again. I don't have the document anywhere, neither did I send it to anyone so bear with me if I can't meet up with updates tomorrow. Thank you for your understanding and please keep the comments coming
  • Adekole picture
    Oops, sorry Abt that
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Now that's more like it....*grining*
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