Palm lines - Episode 2

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I manage to sit up but then I felt like my head was going to explode. Hang over! My worst nightmare!  I hated the feeling.
I had my guess that whoever I slept with had to be around.
I searched the bathroom only to realized he had left. I had no freaking idea who he could be. I puked in the toilet after my search; my mouth tasted like crap and I was already feeling hungry.
Suddenly I had memories of speaking to someone the previous night. Not like I remembered his damn face . Maybe I was drunk to stupor or maybe... just maybe I was drugged and r*ped. 
Another thought crossed my mind as I walked out of the bathroom.
I honestly didn't feel r*ped. I felt normal, totally normal. Suddenly I noticed a note on the dresser table so I walked close. I noticed an envelope underneath it.
The notes reads "Good morning. I already ordered for strong coffee for the hangover. I'm sorry" 
I checked the envelope and it had to wads of one thousand naira notes in it. He definitely thought I was a sl*t! I rolled my eyes feeling angry about the outcome of drinking at the party.
I heard my phone ring from my purse then I rushed to pick it. "Finally!" Dorcas yell. "Where are you? You didnt spend the night home and I've left you hundreds of missed calls already

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I was worried about you and it's Sunday; you would have been getting ready to go to church"
"Jesus! It's Sunday" I yelled in shock.
"Yes it's Sunday!" She answered. "Erika are you okay?" She added, and I nodded. 
"I'll be home soon"
"Where are you?"
"At Mom's place"
"Uh... I called your mom already, you're not there" she answered and I shut my eyes then I hung up.

I didn't know whether to take the envelope but I did anyways along with the note. While on my way home, I scoured the street for a pharmacy that would open up so I can get post pills but there was none.
Welcome to Nigeria where pharmacists don't open on Sundays because they're all Christians! Urgh! I was boiling in anger! 
Dorcas gave me a familiar look after I got home, definitely because I lied. "Don't even ask me anything" I requested and she gave me my space.
She didn't insist.
She was already dressed up for church already.
I entered into church late. Members turned heads at me and I noticed the choristers give me that shocked look. That 'A whole sister Erika came late' look.
I felt bad even as the Pastor preached. I felt guilty! I tried to get my mind off what had happened, but I couldn't! How can I forget the fact that I had sex with a stranger? A freaking stranger!!!!
My heart burnt with guilt. The church needed funds for a new generator set so I gave the money in the envelope away. I didn't even want to know how much was in it. Then I pleaded for forgiveness from God.
The next morning, I went to school where I work as a teacher in 'University preparatory high school', one of the best school in Lagos owned by an American born Nigerian.
The school is known for having a syllabus and culture that can be compared to that of America. I loved working as a teacher, it has always been a job i love except this particular day that I felt uncomfortable.
 I left during break time to the hospital where Vera works. 
We haven't spoken since the fallout we had.
I knocked on the door then I walked in.  "What are you doing in the office of this shameless woman?" She asked and I rolled my eyes. 
She can be dramatic ehn!
"Vera I didn't mean all those things. I'm really really really sorry, those things I said, It just came out that way"
"That my baby is a product of a borrowed sperm" she asked and I rolled my eyes. 
"Somebody cannot play with you?" I asked tickling her and she laughed. "Get out jhoor, see your head" she smiled and I sat on her desk.
I knew I had gained entrance into her heart already.
"Shouldn't you be in school?" She asked and i sighed disturbingly. "I was but I needed to see you"
"I forgave you the moment I walked out of that party Erika, I don't hold anything against you dear"
"Not that, there's fire on the mountain" I answered and she laughed. 
"Well I don't see you running" she retorted and covered my face in shame. How will i put my situation in words without feeling worst than I already feel.
"I did something really stupid yesterday"
"You abused the entire family?" She asked and I shook my head. "You slapped mom?" She added and I shook my head. 
I wondered where she was getting the ridiculous inspiration from. Why would I slap my mother?
"Don't be stupid! Why would I slapped my mother?" I asked and she laughed. 
"I was just pulling your legs" she answered with a smile. "Okay, what happened?"
 "I had s*x with a complete stranger" I blurted out and she paused in thought.
"Why do you guy have to add complete to it? I mean it's not as if there's anything like incomplete stranger."
Was she even listening to me? I thought within.
"Oh wait, a stranger with a small d*ck is worth being called incomplete"
"Vera!" I yelled, "You're missing the point here"
"Oh, it's true the point is your new hymen that started growing after you embarked on this celibacy life style has been broken finally! How many years were you celibate?
"Seven years or six?" She laughed. 
"Was he at least hot and s*xy?"
"I don't know" 
"What do you mean by you don't know?" She asked and I shrugged. It will seem weird to confess to her that I couldn't recall sh*t about the guy. 
Deep down, I wish I could reenact the event. The last thing I remember was drinking.
"Okay was he at least good in bed?" She asked and I heaved an empty sigh. 
"I don't know! I was too drunk to even remember his face"
"Oh my God Vera, how many times have I warned you not to drink? You don't even have the tolerance. Remember the last time you drank and you imagined you can walked into the wall. You ended up with bruises"
"All I know is that I spoke to the man and ...what if I had been drugged? I woke up with a terrible hangover and a note from him" I dipped my hands into my bag removing the note then I gave it to her to read.
"This is getting kind of scary"
"Exactly!" I cried.
"Don't even start crying" Vera warned.
"Why would he leave that way?" "Because he obviously didn't want you to see him. Or you were a bad f*ck" she answered scratching her hair then she looked up the ceiling. 
She obviously knew I wouldn't like the reply. I batted my eyes at him.
"Just kidding Sha" she finally looked at me.
" Or maybe he drugged you, so he left before you could pin it on him"
"Why doesn't It feel like r*pe?"
"How does r*pe feel like?" She asked and I was left speechless again. Good point.
"He left me some money, I didn't count it, should be about twenty thousand or so"
"Wow, he probably thinks you're one of those Lagos Oloso (pr*stitute)" she busted into a hearty laughter and I felt worst than I already did.
"You're not helping" I frowned at her. 
"I'm sorry but this guy has to be rich, even some Oloshos don't get 20k for a night. Your own Olosho get class"
"I'm not a pr*stitute!" I yelled. 
I'm pretty sure the entire working staff of the hospital heard it.
Vera was beginning to get annoying!
"I didn't say you are. I'm sorry, I'm just trying to lighten the tension" she replied. 
"Now I'm scared of the infection he might have been carrying. Who knows he have been a serial disease giver looking for vulnerable woman to infect and you stupidly fell in his damn trap!" She assumed and I grew scared.
"God, what if I've been infected with HIV?" I panicked, "And STI" Vera added and I bit my nails.  
"What if I get pregnant?" I asked and she smiled. 
"That will not be a bad idea, it'll be a welcomed development"
"Not for me!" I snapped.
"Did you at least take preventive measures?" She asked and I rolled my eyes. Of course I didn't, if licking that much salt before going to church can be called preventive. 
"It was yesterday nah, no pharmacy was opened but I took in a lot of salt if that counts"
"Are you fifteen?" She asked and she rolled her eyes. "I'm not worried about being pregnant that much, I don't want any STI or HIV wahala now."
"HIV is not the end of the world," she advised and I glared at her. " Babe you too dey worry oh. I'm only advising you as a doctor"
"Don't try to scare me. I need a test" "No test would detect your HIV status for now, unless Good tells you that 'my daughter, my daughter, you're HIV positive'  but judging your relationship with this God. He might just brush if off and cleanse you up" she answered and I rolled my eyes. 
If my relationship with him was that strong, I would be married by now. "Well, you'll have to wait a week for the STI symptoms." She answered and I could hear my own heart beat fast.
How was I supposed to live a normal life knowing I might be infected with only God knows what.

During my sh*tty week, I wallowed in Ada called me up during the week, concerning the blind date and I told her I was skeptical about going. 
I wasn't happy. 
Dorcas and Kechi finally insisted to know what happened on a Wednesday. They didn't let me leave the sitting room until I let them in on what was happening to me so I did.
I told them everything. They both advised I went for the date to clear my head. "You never can tell, this one might be your last bus stop" Kechi commented.

 I ended up on a blind date on Friday evening with a man named Stanley. A fellow lawyer in the firm Ada works in.
He looked okay, facially but he looked like a nerd with his glasses and he kept on talking about his mother and a dog he loves so much. 
"My mom said that I needed breathing space away from my dog or else I'll get infected with rabbies" he confessed with a chuckle and I faked a chuckle. 
I needed to escape!
"I know you can't wait to leave this place" he said and I shut my eyes. Maybe I've done something to make it so obvious. 
"I'm sorry if I've..." I stalled.
"It's nothing, I know I talk about my mom a lot and I can see you're bored"
"You seem like an interesting person" I chipped in to make him feel better. "I'm not and don't deny it. That's why I'm almost fourty and still sitting single"
"Seriously?" I asked in shock. He didn't look that old. 
"Yes, I wouldn't have been on this date if I wasn't single" he answered and I chuckled. 
"I meant your age"
"I'm still a virgin too. The only thing I've come close to sleeping with is my dog" he answered and I gave him a suspicious look. 
"I don't have s*x with my dog" he answered and i laughed out loud. My first laughter for that day.
"You have a nice laughter" he commented and I placed my palm on my chest. "Awwn, thanks" I really appreciated the comment.
"Remind me again, why are you still single?" He asked and I laughed again. 
"Because guys are blind" I answered. "Well I'm not" he answered and I smiled. I didn't know how to tell him that I don't feel that attraction towards him and I don't think I can ever. 
"Stanley seem like a good person" I stammered. 
"I recognize that speech so well" he interrupted and I felt awful. "Remind me again, why are you single?" I asked and he laughed. "Because I'm a Mommy's man, I love my dog and girls are blind" he answered and I laughed again.

Ada called me afterwards, she wanted me to know how the date ended but I told her Stanley was a nice guy but I wasn't sure if I wanted a relationship with him. 


Dorcas went for a wedding party the next day. She invited me to get my mind off my anxieties but I had to stay over to do my laundries. 

Eventually I slept during the day until evening when mom requested I come over to the house. I didn't really like going home.
 I didn't want to face mom and her nagging. After i turned twenty eight I made a decision to leave home. Best decision ever!
I had rehearsals that evening but i had to skip it to avoid her mom's drama. Second time skipping rehearsals that month.
I knocked on the door, then i walked in since no one responded. I met my Maternal Uncle in the sitting room watching a movie on African Magic. I smiled bashfully at his presence; the only person who truly understands me! 
Being the second child in a polygamous home with a father that doesn't care about the female children in the family.

Read " Hotel Palava " by the same author ( Essien Eno )

. I have always seen him as my second father.
"Mgbede ọma (Good evening)" I greeted.
For a moment, I wondered what he was doing here in Lagos and not in Umuahia.
"Daddy" as I fondly call him, "How are you doing?" I asked sitting close to him and he smiled. 
"I'm fine if you are" he answered and I laughed. 
"How's work?" He asked and I nodded.
"We give God the glory, when did you get here?" I asked, "This afternoon" "Why?"
"Something happened"
"What?" I asked and he kept quiet, "Nothing to worry your pretty head about Erika"
"Where's mom?" I asked, "She's in her room" Uncle Chidi answered and i suspiciously looked at him. "Okay what's going on? Is mom okay" I asked and he nodded.
 "What's going on then?"
"Your mother should be in a better position to tell you" he answered and my beat faster. Mom has never been in a good position to tell anyone anything. 
I started to think of things that could have happened or what could have made Mom summon me. Something must have happened to dad, I thought to myself.
 I almost died of anxiety before entering the room. Mom was on a call with a friend with whom she was conversing with, in igbo.
"She's here already, I'll call you back later" she concluded hanging up. It was easy to deduce that the call she just ended was definitely about me.
 "That was Mama Chioma, do you still remember her?" She asked I nodded.
Of course I did! Chioma and i attended the same secondary school. Even after her countless ab*rtion, she got married with kids. How could i forget Mama Chioma who flaunted her daughter's wedding card at my face.
"Yes I remember her, Ogini? (What?)" I asked and mom requested that I sit on the bed and I did. 
"Na your matter we dey talk so"
"Mummy" I complained, "Please, I don't want to hear this again"
"Ifechimererika" my mother called me by my full name, "I know that sometimes I'm always hard on you. You should understand im under pressure, even my blood pressure has risen up because of you but my nagging is for your sake" she complained and I wondered why she was beating about the bush. 
"Mom go straight to the point, what's going on?"
"Your little sister is getting married," Mom cried. "Paul finally proposed" she added and i turned to her in shock. 
"She doesn't want you to know, Paul has proposed since two week ago even before Ugo's wedding. Erika I just found out, Ego is getting married!" She emphasize almost as though she was crying and I felt even more pathetic not because Paul popped the question, but because, Ego pitied me enough not to let me know.

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  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    I hope she doesn't get belle lol
  • Essien Eno picture
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Lol I hope it doesn't come to that @Benedicta,it's bad enough that her lil sis is getting married before her!
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Lol I hope it doesn't come to that @Benedicta,it's bad enough that her lil sis is getting married before her!
  • Michael winful picture
    Michael winful
    I'm feeling her pain as in not having to know whom she had sex with and if she is infected with HIV or STI. Should I say her trouble has just started and I pray that the stranger shows up. In fact, this is a well-detailed story and I'm enjoying it thanks to you Essien emo.
  • Essien Eno picture
    Essien Eno
    Thanks Michael
  • Lo is picture
    Lo is
    She should not be pregnant oh... she should be patient.... God will give her her own man ooo
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