Phoenix Reborn - Episode 12

Vengeance 1

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"Give me the progress report. Have you found them, or anything about there whereabouts."
"Sir. Nothing. It's like they just vanished into thin air. I visited the slum, the few neighbours they had who still remembered them say they haven't seen either of them for over twenty three years since Diana fell gravely ill."
"What?! What was wrong with her?"
"Nobody knows. They both got reserved and practically started avoiding everyone around the time you.. . um, left."
"Okay, so what? They never left the house after that?"
"Diana never did. Olivia on the other hand left and came back a couple of times. One time she disappeared for years then came back. Moved something out of the house and just never returned. No one has bought the house or moved in for over twenty three years. Plus, it seems to be under constant supervision and protection. No one goes in or out."
"You couldn't get in?"
"No. I tried but got mistook for a robber and got jumped. And they warned me never to return or face death."
"What! What's going on?" Connor asks pacing.
"Kids think the place is haunted. Others say they've seen a very wealthy woman visit the place at times though in the middle of the night when most people are sleeping

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Though no one could say for sure who she is."
"This is indeed strange. I however want to get to the bottom of this and know what happened for sure."
"Understood sir."
"You called, your highness," she says sarcasm heavy in her voice.
"I heard you are after Delta oil."
"So what if I am?" She asks and smiles.
"Last time I was in your office, I promised to make you mine."
"You are really stubborn, aren't you?"
"I'm prepared to sell you Delta oil. Every last share in my family's control, you will be my wife so technically, they'd still be mine. Only this time, I won't be sharing it with my family."
"You say it so factually yet we are not even dating, let alone engaged."
"The time will come when you won't be able to keep off me."
"I highly doubt that Mr. Abayomi."
"You'll see. The offer is a billion dollars."
She laughs, "Come on Mr. Abayomi. It's no secret the company is worth half a billion. Plus your family controls seventy percent. The rest is divided two to one between the community and government respectively."
He stayed quiet. Clearly not expecting her to be that up do date. 'No wonder she's been able to rise so fast. She doesn't joke with business,' he says to himself and smiles.
"I'll give you three hundred million dollars for all your family's shares as soon as you sign the necessary papers. If you agree to sign next Monday."
"That's four days away. My powers of attorney for every family member over their company shares will still be valid. However, you've cut the price so drastically."
"It's simply business Mr. Abayomi. That's all I'm willing to give you. Take it or leave it."
"Fine. We have a deal. They'll all come back to me anyway so, I suppose I'll see you Monday."
"Perfect, now if you'll excuse me, I've got another important client."
"Are you kicking me out?"
"I'm asking you to leave. I've got another meeting scheduled to start in five minutes."
"With who?"
"That my dear, is none of your business."
"Then I suppose staying at this table is also out of your hands. We are in a public place after all."
"You do realize I own the complex and every business inside it right?"
"No kidding! Man am I going to be filthy rich."
'What an imbe*le!' She says to herself but smiles at him, "If you tell me why you are so eager to sell your company, I'll tell you whom I'm meeting with," she tells him instead.
"Turns out my dad has a ba*d. In this country no less, I'd rather cut them all out than have an outsider get even a small percentage."
"Greedy much?!" She says laughing.
"I'm a capitalist not a communist. Hell, left up to me, I'd cut out the rest of my family. But, as I'm not inherently evil, I'll give them a small compensation for their trouble.

Read " Phoenix Reborn: My True Brother " by the same author ( Sylvia Maleko )

. Fifty million to each family should be enough."
"Which leaves you personally with what?"
"A hundred and fifty million. Not bad right?"
She laughs and looks at him dead in the eye, "So you're ripping off your family?"
"They all have other businesses. It's not like they need Delta. And with the fifty million dollars I'm to give each family, they will be more than comfortable. So, who are you meeting with?" He asks changing the topic.
"I suppose it's only fare. The owner of Globex Inc."
"Wow! So you don't just want the half that my family owns but the entire oil belt?"
"I've never been one to settle. As it is, I control twenty percent of the continent's economies. I would never have gotten here if I settled, now would I?"
"A number that's about to go up with the acquisition and merger of Delta and Globex."
"Hey, when things are going good, they're going good," she says shrugging.
"Okay then, I'll see you around love. Take care," he says standing up to leave, gives her a curt nod and leaves.
'How annoying!' She says under her breath, swallowing the bile in her mouth. Dealing with Micheal was always irksome. She however composed herself in readiness for her next meeting.

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