Rejected But Not Disqualified - Episode 8


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It was a very cold night due to the season. When Nwude returned from the Market, he observed that his meal has been prepared likewise that of his father’s.

He offloaded his wares, had his bath, changed into another wear but due to the apprehensive discussion he want to have with his dad, he had lost his appetite in the early hours of the day.

Nwude asked the wife to come after him with his father’s meal to his father’s house; which was housing Ama-akolam’s Obi.

Ama-akolam’s compound was well fenced with palm-frond leaves. In front of the gate hangs a Cow head bone; signifying him as Ogbuefi ie someone who has buried his own father with a male cow . It was so because in those days, anybody that could afford and kill a cow to bury his father is addressed as (Ogbuefi).

Inside the fenced compound housed his two huts, one for his retiring at night and the other for receiving visitors (Obi). But due to his failing vision the children reconstructed his(Obi) for him so it can serve dual purposes…For receiving visitors and for retiring at night when he feels sleepy. This (Obi) is situated at the center of the compound.

Ogbuefi 1 of Umuaku!! Nwude greeted his father as he entered the threshold: the son of his father Ama-akolam responded.

Nna anyi Ogbuefi (our father ogbuefi)! Nwude’s wife greeted: My good wife; Ama-akolam responded back. ..How are you and your children? We are well my father, she retorted back

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. How is your health my father: All is well as the gods wills: Ama-akolam responded back.

As they were exchanging pleasantries, Nwude cleared his throat, thanked his wife, then brought out a stool beside the father’s chair and asked her to lay the food on the stool. She had it done before bidding Ama-akolam thank you and good bye.

Nwude hailed his father once again, pulled a chair among the chairs in the obi, cleaned it with his bare hands, before taking permission from his father to have a sit.

In their pleasantries Ama-akolam asked Nwude after his day’s business while Nwude asked after his health and sight. They both thanked the gods for their efforts.

Nwude presented the food his wife brought for his father: while Ama-akolam showered him appreciation.

They both ventured into the discussion concerning the village and the town. In between the discussion Nwude excused his father and went beside the father’s chair… on the wall hanged a rack for cups made from wild calabash called (OKUKU). It’s ideal for drinking palmwine.

He brought out two calabash cups and told his father that he has palmwine for their consumption.

Ama- akolam was so happy because his sight needs yeast the bi-product from the palm-wine to improve his sight gradually.

Nwude rinsed thee cups with water he fetched from a molden pot kept at the extreme end of the obi and gave his father one of the cups.

 He filled the two cups to the brim and heaved as he sat back on his chair. Before they drank their first cup, Ama-akolam began pouring prayer libations to the gods of his father’s and the gods of their father land by dropping the wine on the ground on each prayer libation saying;

“He who brought wine and kola brought life”, “ iseeeeeeeeeeeee” Nwude answered affirmatively

“My son, the gods will replenish you back abundantly wherever you expended the money to buy the dirinks from”,  “ iseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Nwude affirmed again

“You shall live longer than your age mates”, “iseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” “Nwude responded again

“Your children shall look after you in your old age”, “ iseeeeeeeeeeeeeee” responded Nwude

Thereafter they began sipping gradually. Ama-akolam praised the sweetness and quality of the wine amidst smiles.

When they had their second cup, Nwude cleared his throat again and asked his father for permission to have a little discussion with him. ( it’s evident that some men loves discussion after having a drink)

So,  Ama-akolam  granted Nwude his permission but reminded him that he will have his food because its getting late, unless their discussion is not a lengthy one.

Nwude’s restlessness have influenced him that he disrespectfully forgot to serve his aged father food before engaging him in such obnoxious discussion.

 The Heart of men???

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