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Jessie opened her eyes and roll on her for sometime before she sat up and check the time 

It's still early, she said to herself 
She sigh softly as her mind drift to Michael, 

She smiled softly at the thought of michael 

I have a crush on him, she said but I know nothing can ever between us she added 

It's just a silly crush and I'm sure it will fade away soon, she said With a shake of head 

And besides he will get to meet his soulmate soon and I'm sure he does not even feel the same way towards me,

But for now, I will just fantasize about him, it will do nobody any harm she said as she closed her eyes and fantasize about the things she would have want with Michael


Her eyes snapped open an hour later, she fell asleep when fantasizing about Michael 

She smiled to herself as she remember that dream she had about him 

She tried to move her body but she wince in pain as her neck was a little stiff from the postion she placed it when she fell asleep 

It took few minutes before the pain subsided and she stood up from her bed and went the the bathroom 

She strip her closes and stare at her reflection as she trail her fingers around her body 

I have really put on some weight ever since I got here, she said looking at her body 

This place is really nice but I know I can't stay here forever, when I find my sister we will have to leave this place she said 

And leave Michael too, she said in a whisper 

Gosh I hope this stupid crush I have on him fade away soon I can't afford to like a person who I know can never feel the same way for me 

She sigh as she averted her eyes from the mirror, she turn on the shower and sigh in contentment when the water touch her skin 

This is what I need right now to keep my mind from drifting to Michael, she said as she enjoy her bathing 


After she was done with her shower, she put on her clothes and made her way downstairs

Good morning, Jessie said to Elena immediately she entered the kitchen 

Good morning, Elena said as she turn to face her 

Hmm, somebody woke up in a good mood, Elena said as she observe Jessie who was still smiling 

Yes I did, Jessie said with a smile 

Do you want to share what put you in this good mood, Elena asked putting the knife in her hand down and giving Jessie her full attention 

Nope, Jessie said smiling, 

Okay then, Elena said 

But I will be here when you are ready to talk Elena added 

I will keep that in mind, Jessie said 

Well help me out, Elena said 

Sure, Jessie replied 

Both Jessie and Elena talked about random things and laughed about it together as they prepare breakfast 

When they were done preparing breakfast, they served the food at the dinning and soon the dinning table was full with the entire family sitting 


Jessie keep stealing glances at Michael as she eats her food 

She just couldn't take her eyes off him, she shook her head as  she try her best to concentrate on her meal instead of the handsome man sitting opposite her 

After breakfast Jessie took the dishes to the kitchen 

Hey jessie, Ariel said 

Hi, Jessie replied with a smile 

You don't have to do the dishes, I will wash them, Ariel said 

Don't worry I can do them, Jessie said 

No, you help to prepare breakfast so I should do the dishes, Ariel said 

Fine, I will do the dishes with you Jessie said 

Okay, Ariel said happily 

They both started washing the dishes quietly but all of a sudden Ariel burst into laughter making Jessie to look up at her 

So sorry, Ariel said still laughing

Why are you laughing? Jessie asked 

Grey said something funny to me, Ariel replied with a huge grin


Jessie looked around if she will see Grey anywhere in the kitchen 

Grey isn't here, Ariel said as she assume Jessie was looking for him since she is looking around 

I and Grey share a "mind link"  so we can always talk to each other, Ariel explained

It's from the bond you both share right? Jessie asked 

"Yes" Ariel said 

Nice, Jessie said with a smile

Does all Angels share a mind link with their soulmate? Jessie asked 

No, Ariel answered, I have a very special bond with Grey, Ariel added 

Yes, Michael  actually mentioned that, Jessie said 

Okay, Ariel said 

Don't worry you will get use to me and Grey using our mind link to discuss, it really took time for the family to get use to it 

Jessie smile as they continue washing the dishes 

I will be out of here soon and they is no getting use your mind link, Jessie said to herself 


They both left the kitchen together after they were done,

Jessie watched as Ariel went to sit next to Grey who did not even waste anytime as he wrap his hands around her 

Jessie smile at them and she glance at Michael and she was surprise to see he was looking at her,

she smiled softly at him and she turned and hurry to her room and shut the door behind her

She lay on her bed with a smile, this silly crush has taken over my senses she murmur

Michael, she whispered with a smile 


Michael was still seated in the living room with the rest of his family, he watched Jessie leave to her room,

he did notice Jessie glancing at him 

It really felt nice, he said in a whisper 

What felt nice? Raguel asked

Yeah, Angels hearing is really good, Michael said 

Yep, Raguel replied 

So what felt nice? Raguel asked again 

Jessie staring at me, Michael wanted to say but instead he said the food we eat is really nice 

Yeah, I agree, Raguel said 

So what's up? Raguel asked 

I should be asking you that, Michael said 

What, why? Raguel asked 

You know why, Michael said 

No I don't know, you tell me, Raguel said with a smile 

You and Elena, Michael said with a smile 

What about us? Raguel asked 

Are you guys planning to have another baby? Michael asked 

Raguel laughed softly 

Really? Raguel said 

I have told you before we are not having another baby, Ariel is enough for us, he added 

Yeah, whatever, Michael muttered 

Raguel, please come upstairs, Michael heard Elena called 

Got to go, Raguel said standing up

Okay, Michael said as he watched Raguel leave 
He sigh softly as he turn his attention to the television 


Minutes later, he felt eyes on him, he look up to see Anna watching him 

Why is she watching so intensely? Michael said to himself 

He averted his eyes from her and turn back to face the TV 

But soon he felt the couch pressed down he look at his side and he saw Anna sitting next to him 

Hey, Anna said cheerfully 

Hi, Michael replied 

He waited for Anna to say what she wants but she kept quiet and was watching him 

Do you want something? Michael asked 

It's already happening, Anna said 

What? Michael said clearly confuse about what Anna was saying 

You remember what I told you before? Anna asked 

Its already happening, she said with a smile, just accept it Michael she added 

She stood up from the couch, see you around she said as she left 

Michael was seated dumbfounded 

I remember what she told me, Michael said 

*****( flashback) ****

Michael was seated outside after having a discussion with Ariel concerning her soulmate and she said he will get his soon, and that brought his entire mood down 

He still thinking about what Ariel said before he heard the front door clicked open and Anna came outside 

I know what you are passing through, Anna said softly 

Michael snapped his head towards her direction

What! Michael said giving Anna a confuse frown 

It's just a matter of time Michael, it will get better, with  that statement Anna made her way to the door, she turned and gave Michael a smile 

"It will get better" she said again before she entered the house 

*****( End of flashback)*****

She said it will get better and its already happening now, Michael said 

She said I will have to accept it, is she talking about Jessie, Michael said to himself 

Is Jessie the one, Michael asked himself 

Is she? 

. .

Read " DEMON'S FATE ( BOOK 2) " by the same author ( Igwe Aruoriwo loveth )


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