Tears Of Summayah - Episode 47

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Jamiu was back from school, his mother had left and he had to live all alone whenever he was back from school. He couldn't think straight anymore since summayah decided to run away or elope with someone else, he remembered the day his mother called him. 

Jamiu:Salam Alaikum mom.

Mrs Aminat:Walaykum salam. You see that silly girl has been pretending to be sick, i told you she is a fraud. 

Jamiu:Mother, calm down. 

Mrs Aminat:I can't calm down, she ran away this evening with my money and jewelry . My gold are gone, that crazy girl has fled with a lot of money. 

Jamiu:Summayah ran away from home?  With your money too? 

Mrs Aminat:Yes, i should have killed her myself. She is a who-e and thief, she stole jewelries worth millions. She finally decide to ruin me, i know she must have eloped with the guy who impregnated her. Jennifer told me not to pity her but i didn't listen. (She cried out) 

Jamiu:Mother,please calm down. 

Mrs Aminat:How do you expect me to calm down. 

Jamiu:There is nothing we can do, but i promise you mum that anytime i see her face, i would make sure i purnish and hands her over to the police station. 

Mrs Aminat:I even want her dead, dead. She should be hanged to death with that bastard child she is carrying. 

A wattsap notification on his phone brought him out of his reverie, and he quickly checked it to see who it was

All episodes of this story can be found here >> https://www.ebonystory.com/story/tears-of-summayah

. It was one of his friends who is also studying the same course as him.His name is Hakeem but he was popularly known as A.K. 

A.K:Hey,guy. How far now. 

Jamiu:I dey jare, everything just dry for here. 

A.K:No dey dull yourself guy, i don tell you say we go go out tonight. No tell me say you don change plan ooo. I no say you be mama boy. 

Jamiu:I no change any plan, hope say that level still dey there sha. 

A.K:The level don set jare, i don get many beautiful ladies for us, this night go bad i tell you. I hope say no be that your wife you still dey think about, better leave that one. Me i no dey trust any of them, he better make you just use and dump than doing one stupid commitment to one girl. 

Jamiu:Just because you know my history, no mean say you go dey give me one kain lecture. Abeg spare me all those trash, i no need am. 

A.K:Chill man, hope say you don load the money to pay the girls, you know the drinks too. Make i tell you, this girls no be small small girls ooo,  no come disappoint yourself with one small change. We need to get high tonight. 

Jamiu:I don hear you, i go dress up quickly and meet you at the club  house very soon. 


Jamiu didn't bother to reply as he went straight to his room to get dressed, forgetting about the teachings of Islam all in the name of a girl betraying him. He embraced the worldly possessions and forgetting his Ahkirah (Hereafter). Not remembering death, how he would be raised from that filthy place if he happens to die at that point and spot. He knew he was commiting Zina but he doesn't care, all he wants was to fulfil his burning desires_he has totally forgotten all his solah all in the name of being betrayed. Not remembering that, that is not an excuse to his creator, the Lord of the universe_Allah. The thoughts of his bad deeds kept coming but he turned them down because shaytan has achieved his goals and he didn't see it as anything bad. His inner self talked to him but he dismissed all. 

Jamiu:Just sit back and ask Allah,Azawajallah to forgive you for all your sins. 

Jamiu:I have not committed any sins, i am only enjoying my adulthood. Besides i still have a lot of time to live, so why can't i enjoy this time of my life. I might not get another chance to. 

Jamiu:This is not what you are brought in this world to do, you are going astray. This path is of those that have perished before you. 

Jamiu:(Shaytan whispers to him) You are still young, is it when your mum tells you to get married again that you would enjoy your life, it s better you do that now. Drink, party, and sleep with as many girls as you want. It is a free world, you shouldn't let anyone ruin your life.

Jamiu:Yes, i would party all i want. Mother is already talking about another marriage which i am not ready for. I hate this house, the smell and everything here still reminds me of that traitor. That very girl that ruined all my life, she turned me into this. I promise to ruin her completely if we ever cross path again in life. (He dressed up and left his house to go have fun in the club) 

We all have that inner battle, we know something is bad but we still choose to do it thinking we still have tomorrow. Like who is tomorrow promised to? None. We live life as if we are assured of what tomorrow brings. 

Some say "I am still young and fit, i can't die in the next ten years to come. Subhanallah."

Those that died yesterday or the ones that have died today wasn't told that they would, even if they are told_do you think they would believe? They will just laugh at you and say you are talking nonsense. We never plan for it, it happens anytime. We have to think about our creator anytime we are about to do something. It makes us sin less. 


Summayah was having another nightmare, the one person she had dreaded to see came to her in her dreams.

Summayah:No...No...I wont murder my child. 

Jamiu:You have to. 


Jamiu:I said you have to. That child is a bastard.(He drags her out) 

Summayah:No, i wont kill this innocent child. No...no...no(She shouted) 

Hadiza woke up, she moved closer to Summayah. She carried her fragile body to her chest and patted her gently to calm her down.

Hadiza:What happened my child.


Hadiza:Who? Nobody is here. 

Summayah:He is here to take my baby away from me. 

Hadiza:Nobody can hurt you when we are all here for you. 


Hadiza:Dont worry dear, i will protect you. (She wrapped her hands protectively around Summayah.) I am here for you, go back to sleep. 

Summayah:I...am...scared. I don't want to close my eyes again, he will be back in my sleep. He is going to abuse and taunt me, i don't want to see his face when i close my eyes. I...can't...sleep, i...just...can't...mother. (She was already trembling in fear, fear of the unseen. The pain only she can feel.)

Hadiza:Just calm down, you will be fine. 

Summayah:They are tormenting me, they won't rest until they get me. 

Hadiza:In sha Allah they won't ever cross path with you. 

(Summayah couldn't go back to sleep, Hadiza's soothing words have calmed her down a bit and she kept reading the adhkar(Prayer) she knew. When it is time to pray fajr, hadiza helped her into the bathroom to perform ablution and they prayed.) 

Summayah:Mother, hmm i am so sorry for depriving your sleep. I...just...don't...know why i get this nightmare every day. I...am...so...sorry, it won't happen again. I will try my best to control myself.

Hadiza:Summayah,my child. Don't think of yourself as a burden to anyone here, it is the responsibility of a mother to look after her children. You are not in any way disturbing me. Is there any thing bothering you? Who is he? 


Hadiza:He assaulted you and left you in this state? 

Summayah:(She couldn't stop her tears from falling)No...No...he...didn't...

Hadiza:(She noticed how her expression changed suddenly)Summayah, you don't need to talk right now if you feel uncomfortable. We can always talk about this any other time. 

Summayah:(She smiled) I now consider you to be my mother, daughters don't keep secrets from their mothers. 

(Hadiza looked at her with amazement, she knew Summayah was only trying to be strong and happy. She is weak yet strong for her unborn child. A lone tear dropped from her eyes)

Summayah:Mother, why are you crying? 

Hadiza:I am not crying, i think something entered my eyes. (She tried to wipe her tears with her palm) 

Summayah:Don't! I would wipe your tears for you. (She streched her hands and wiped it off) You don't have reasons to cry, mother. You can tell me anything too you know. 

Hadiza:I wish i was so overprotective over my child when i was like you. You are just amazing, you will make a great mum. I have to tell the whole world how amazing my daughter is. 

(For the first time after all her troubles, Summayah laughed wholeheartedly, forgetting all her troubles.) 

Hadiza:You see my baby laughed, she laughed. 

(They both burst into laughter till they were contented.)

Hadiza:Let's talk gently before they rush here thinking we have gone crazy. You know our family have a lot of drama you are yet to see.

Summayah:Alhamdulilah, i love that. A family shouldn't be too serious or else they would not communicate like they should. 

Hadiza:Uthman is kinda serious with everything. He wasn't like that till she left us all alone. 

Summayah:You mean his wife?

Hadiza:Yes, she was so nice and friendly. Just like you, uthman was traumatized when she died. He blamed himself for her death. 

Summayah:She was sick? 

Hadiza:She was in labour, uthman was so busy with his work that he didn't know anything was happening at all. 

Summayah:She was all alone? 

Hadiza:Yes, i was not living with them then because i didn't want to disturb their beautiful moments. You know how newly wedded are. I'm not the kind of mother that comes and sit in my son's home like it is mine. (She smiled) It was too late when he saw the missed calls, she was operated on but  they couldn't save her. Fadilah was so weak, only Allah reserved her life for all of us.

Summayah:What a sad story. Don't you think it is high time he get married again? 

Hadiza:Uthman wouldnt listen to that. 

Summayah:Hmm,we can try convince him. Fadilah needs a mother, she might not say it but there are some situation that the need of her mother would arise. She might feel sad when she sees other children with their parents, i am older but i still miss my parents so much. 

Hadiza:I have tried talking to him several times but he just change topics. We have to get a responsible lady for him and i pray he listens to me, i don't force anything on my children. I respect their decisions. 

Summayah:I pray he listens to you, hmm, mother_i dont know if this is wrong but i have a sister for him. 

Hadiza:(Her face lit up) Really?


Hadiza:Where is she? How does she look like? Where is she living? Her parents? What is her character like? What if she doesn't like my son? 

Summayah:Mother, she is Doctor Maryam. I met her at the hospital. I am sure she is perfect for him, she is calm and reserved. She will treat everyone right. 

Hadiza:What if she doesn't like my son, he is a widower.

Summayah:I don't think she will look at that. 

Hadiza:The way you talk now is like you are one hundred percent sure that she would agree to this proposal. 

Summayah:(She beckoned her to come closer and she whispers in her hear)Mother,you have to keep this a secret between us. Promise? 

Hadiza:(She whispered back)I promise you. 

Summayah:Doctor Maryam...hmm...likes...brother...uthman. You know she wish to get married to him. 

Hadiza:Masha Allah, I have to thank Allah for the blessing He bestowed upon us. I will have two Maryam. Talking to Uthman is easy since she likes him already and i am sure it is for the sake of Allah. 

Summayah:Yes mummy. Allah will make everything easy for us. 

Hadiza:We have forgotten about our most important talk, which is you, summayah. 

Summayah:Mine is not really important for now. I wish to see him married and a complete family.

Hadiza:Thank you for joining our small family, you don't think about yourself, you put others first. May Allah reward you for everything you have done, we would talk about everything after you freshen up and eat. 

(She gently wheeled her to the bathroom, Summayah was expecting hadiza to leave her in there so she could freshen up. Hadiza understood but she decided to tease her more before leaving.)

Hadiza:Let's start. 


Hadiza:Take your bath my dear. 

Summayah:I can do that on my own, you don't need to worry about me. 

Hadiza:I cant allow you take your bath all alone, what if you fall down. You are already pregnant. 

Summayah:Motherrr, i will be okay. It is embarrassing for you to bath me. 

Hadiza:(She laughed hysterically)Embarrasing? I am a female too. 

Summayah:It doesnt mean, i just, you know i am a big girl. 

Hadiza:Okay, i will take my leave but be very careful. 

Summayah:(She nods her head) 

(Hadiza went out of the bathroom and couldn't stop laughing after seeing her expression when she refused to leave.She quickly checked her bag and brought out the clothes she will be wearing on the bed)

Hadiza:The towel is there, your clothes are already on the bed. I will be in the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Just call me if there is any issue. (She quietly closed the door and went to the kitchen.) 


Hello, I know you deserve an explanation for my absence for so many days. I was sick and you know i have to work too. Some people are upset with me but you should know there is a reason for me not been here. 

I was the one that always update everyday and when i don't, you should know it is because of my schedule. Trust me, i think about all my readers everyday and that is why i have forced myself to write even though i had a lot of work. I really appreciate you all, because without you reading it, i wont be here to write. You are all my motivator and just because i wasn't able to update, some commented that it is boring. 

I hope this chapter is okay and we are getting to the ending, the remaining book is not up to the one i have been writing. What do you think would happen at the end. 

Any guesses, i want to see your comment down below. Who knows, i might add your great ideas to the book to finish it up. 

I want you all to know that i love you and i won't give you a half story and abandon you all. It might take time but i would finish it, in sha Allah. Just bear with me, please. 

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  • Favour Abhatue picture
    Favour Abhatue
    This is really nice & I wish you a quickly recovery dear.
  • Oluwadare Mojisola picture
    Oluwadare Mojisola
    Thanks for updating. Be strong dear
  • Timi picture
    @Favour Abhatue and @ Oluwadare Mojisola Thank you so much sisters.
  • Timi picture
    Why do you all think about the new book cover, better than the first one?
  • Olaleye Adedamola picture
    Olaleye Adedamola
    I wish you a healthy recovery. May you soon get back to the best of your health.Get well soon timi... thank for this updating....
  • patience Nifemi picture
    patience Nifemi
    I wish u quick recovery and thanks for updating
  • ibrahimjamilah22@gmail.com picture
    [email protected]
    Speedy recovery dear
  • Tochi Enyinnayah picture
    Tochi Enyinnayah
    Its well with u. Next episode pls?
  • Olasumbo Ayodeji picture
    Olasumbo Ayodeji
    Oh my God , u just made my day with this episode, Summayah is with her biological mother, I just hope she's understanding to the end & not judge her biological mother& as for Jamiu,his mum, Jennifer & her mum, I seriously wish dey suffer more Dan Summayah did, I can't wait to see Jennifer treat Jamiu's mum like trash
  • Ngozi Awagu picture
    Ngozi Awagu
    Sorry dear, hope your fully recovered? I just wish that jamaui will meet Jennifer there and realize how mistaken they were
  • Adebanjo Abiodun picture
    Adebanjo Abiodun
    Miss u dear,quick recovery
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Speedy recovery, still want to find out how Sumayyah got pregnant
  • Timi picture
    @ Benedicta Osei Arhin Very soon but it might take some time.
  • Ayomide Huntress picture
    Ayomide Huntress
    Wish u quicker recovery dear n tnx for putting us in mind even in ur conditions
  • Oyebode Florence picture
    Oyebode Florence
    Wish u quick recovery sweet Nice work
  • Julian Kits picture
    Julian Kits
    Sorry fr d sickness
  • Kelly C. Philp picture
    Kelly C. Philp
    Get well soon
  • Preciousgift Oganya picture
    Preciousgift Oganya
    Quick recovery dear. More inspiration. Nice work so far
  • Idris Taiwo picture
    Idris Taiwo
    Nice one dear, and I wish you quick recovery.
  • Amina Onaghise picture
    Amina Onaghise
    quick recovery darling. I knew Hadiza was summYahs mum from web d met and I know summayah ll forgive her. I would love d story to end with Samantha forgiving Jamiu cos all he did is not his fault. and am also waiting patiently to find out who slept with her and I hope is not one of Jamie's frnds
  • Timi picture
    @ Amina Onaghise Thank you so much for the comment. It was not in any way jamiu's fault, i am happy you know that. I will consider all this:)
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    No no no ,,I don't support Summayah ending up with Jamiu again,, even if he couldn't trust her, no human deserves to be treated d way he treated her... I just pity Jamiu,,he is already going astray... I just have dis feeling dat Hadiza is Summayah's mum...lovely story....... Wish u quick recovery dear
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Summayah is a sweet innocent girl with a forgiving spirit
  • Timi picture
    @ Confy-Dencie Lol, i know that no human deserves to be treated the way jamiu and his family behaved with her.I wouldn't want my enemy to even suffer half of this, it is just that you know Summayah isn't someone who will keep hatred in her heart. We all know they don't deserve second chance whatsoever but our Summayah is softhearted.
  • Ucheoma Rufus picture
    Ucheoma Rufus
    I suspect that sumayah is with her biological mother. Welcome back Timi I wish you full recovery.
  • Kenny yusuf picture
    Kenny yusuf
    Speedy recovery dearie,the story is getting more interesting, more ink to your pen
  • Sanusi Khadijat picture
    Sanusi Khadijat
    Nice story Timi
  • chijay picture
    Thanks for updating, recover soon dear
  • Oladapo Titilayo Akinola picture
    Oladapo Titilayo Akinola
    Be strong, I just which everything about this pregnancy of this girl be open and truth comes out and Jamiu really needs to.know that her mother is wicked
  • Adebanjo Abiodun picture
    Adebanjo Abiodun
    I think jamiu is the father of the baby.
  • Young Stella Maries picture
    Young Stella Maries
    Quick recovery sweetie
  • Mauray Anyanwu picture
    Mauray Anyanwu
    I think Hadiza is summaya's real mother. Great job you are doing here.
  • Teema Zarma picture
    Teema Zarma
    Awwww so sorry dear, get well soon OK, we love you moreee
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