The Bet - Episode 10

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Raymond pulled into his crib in minutes,  he hadn't argued about it but had seemed uncomfortable about the idea
"come on right out " he said
"you know if it would be inconveniencing I have a friend at the hostel, my mom's not picking though... "
"no it's fine... Really" he added,  she met his gaze then came out
"Do you have a dog? " she asked looking around
"nope" he said popping the 'p' "just me" he said as he locked the car doors with the remote and walked to the front door, he took out the keys
"why didn't Shane stay with you, you seemed close" she said 
"we're not. . Chris would never have pulled a stunt like that " he said 
"well Chris is dating my friend and it's totally not your fault"
"no it is,  I left you"
"I wore this provocative dress.." She paused "let's just drop it"
He finally opened the door "Fine.." and they went in "want a drink? " he asked while she looked around,  it was small,  typical of a bachelor
"no thank you, I had enough at the party" she said "your house is fantastic,  your pretty neat" she observed
"I have a reputation to keep" he said
"you mean with women?"
He turned and looked at her "I mearnt as a doctor "
"wonder why you would think that" he paused "you think I have a lot of women"
"you would deny it"
He squinted "you have a wrong opinion of me,  have you seen me with anyone? " he asked
She sighed "can I see the bedroom now? "
He smirked as he moved away "Anxious"
"Take your mind off the gutter, I just need to remove my shoes" she said.
He chuckled as they walked there
"I have a ll stay there but I don't mind sharing mine" he suggested
She chose not to reply as he pushed open the door of the guestroom and led her in,  he left and went in to his but minutes later she was at his door,  he paused from removing his shoes and looked up, standing there, he thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever met.. And he so wanted her
"I saw a rat" she said 
"I figured, haven't been used for ages" he said standing up from his bed 
She looked around his room liking it,  it was the biggest part of the house if that were possible 
"I ll stay here" she said
"here? " he asked turning to look at her
"you can sleep on the couch,  I'm your guest rii"she asked
He laughed as he took off his watch and  undressed

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. He saw that she looked away
"I forgot you're a very mean person" he said hanging his jacket
"your favourite color is red" she said out of the blue,  he had a lot of red stuff around
"I thought I made that clear during our first meeting"
"I thought you were just tryna hit on me"
He sauntered towards her now, shirtless
"There are so many things you do not know about me.. But I guess you dying to know" he said trapping her, his finger raising to trace her lip,  he leaned toward her,  she ducked and moved away
"My shoes hurt" she said and sat on the bed to remove it but he had reached and squatted
"lemme help you" he said and did as he slid the heels off her legs slowly, she wringled her toes around "Relieving" she said as their gazes held, he moved towards her as she leaned back on the bed, he leaned over her and the moment was tense,  he so wanted to take those clothes off her
"Ain't you supposed to be leaving?" she said after gulping 
"Nope... " he said then glanced down "I ll leave my bed for you on one condition" he said,  she pulled away and made herself comfortable 
"what condition?" she asked
"I want to make love to you" he almost said it, it was at the tip of his tongue
"A date..saturday night" he said instead and  was surprised at his restraint
"why you pushing?" She asked exasperated 
"I want to know everything about you, I mean everything" he said 
She knew what he meant  as there was silence 
"Fine" she said "you can go now"
He sighed and leaned away "I'm sure my bed's gonna miss me"
"no she's not, I'm here now" she said getting inside the covers
He chuckled as he took up his pj and walked away 
"Enjoy" he said and shut the door behind him.
She blew a breathe she didn't realize she was holding and laid back on the bed, after she stilled her pounding heart she stood up to have her bath. 
The door opened
"Morning beautiful "
Jessica sat up in bed,  saw him and laid back
" what time is it? "she asked 
"7.0clock, breakfast?" He asked
"No, I ll just, I ll just go have my bath" she sat up then looked at him
"why you staring at me?"
"your bedhair" he said "its hilarious" she pulled it back after throwing him a pillow,  he laughed out "you're beautiful though" he said 
She rolled her eyes and got out of bed
"how was the couch?" she asked
"Dissatisfying" he said, she smirked and laid the bed
"Thanks for the night though, it was splendid, no bugs"
"uh-huh... just hoping that next time its gonna be different "he said, she looked at him but decided not to reply. 
They got to the house as he pulled up" if you check in and they are not done you can come right back" he said 
"no thanks,  am sure my mom would be awake by now?" There was so much temptation one could resist. 
She went into the apartment.. 
Chris had left and Mariam looked up at her from the cushion
"OMG, you back,  you look so exhausted, hope you had a nice night" she said all in one breath 
"if I don't kill you I know someone else will"Jessica said 
"what do you you mean, Chris asked to stay over" she said playing innocent "what you thought I set you up? "
Jessica rolled her eyes and sat on the cushion to remove her shoes, Mariam sat down too" so how was it? "
Jessica looked up "How was what?"
"The you know..

Read " Trapped " by the same author ( Funmi Anita Adesina )

. S*x? "
"Mariam we are friends "
"you mean nothing happened "
Jessica rolled her eyes "Nothing happened"
"Omg,  he's totally in love with you "
"just drop it will you, I'm totally exhausted "she stood up to go to the room 
"I heard about Shane,  that guy is an ass" Mariam said following
"it was my fault, I wore a provocative dress"
"strictly for Raymond.... he overstepped his boundaries" she said,  Jessica didn't reply 
"so? " Mariam said posing at the door, Jessica looked up
"so what? "
"you know you want more than friendship with Raymond,  he's totally hot meat, how did you even do it that nothing happened "
"Not everyone is a sl*t"
"shut up girl, you know you want to hit that"
"OK fine,  yes I do want to doesn't mean I would .. He's kinda what I want but.. I can't, not right now"
"but why, what's stopping you? "
Jessica sighed "i don't think I'm ready for a relationship"
"okay well take it slow, you guys can just see where it goes"
"I don't wanna rush into anything.. I might regret, I'm not ready to face that..he still likes a lot of women and might just be playing me"
"well, play him right back"Jessica looked up "theres a palpable chemistry between you two, even you can't deny it"
"when I go in,  I go all in..I'm not one for games" she said 
Mariam shrugged as Jessica finished undressing
"I tried..I'm gonna leave you to it I'm sure you do know what your doing"
"yeah"Jessica said "I do".
She wasn't about to be played twice

"Mom this better be good,  I have a class very early tomorrow morning yet I have to be here" she complained as she helped set dinner
"I assure you it's important "
"who is this man anyway, why is he so important? "
Christy didn't reply then continued setting when the doorbell rang
"That should be him,  I ll get it"she said 
Jessica rolled her eyes and pressed on her phone,  he walked in wearing one of his usual expensive T-shirts and Jean,  was that why her mother was suddenly all over him,  because of the money?!
"hey Jessi" he greeted
She looked up" hi Donald "
He smiled and sat down, her mother served him and they ate in silence,  Jessica noticed they kept meeting gazes when he cleared his throat 
"How's it going Jessi ?" he asked
"How's what going? "
"school work, school project"
"I'm done with my project" she said then added "just waiting for final exams"
"That's good,  that's really good, I'm so proud of you" he said
She looked up wonderingly then looked at her mother
"Jessica dear. We have to tell you something "her mother began and touched her hand. 
She waited 
"years ago,  your father and I had issues.. It involved another woman...  he got her pregnant, he then had to make a choice" she paused"  well he left us and went with her, they went abroad,  had a better life while we suffered,  we came out better anyways" she was silent
"I know that story mom,  what does that have to do with anything?" She asked with a chuckle then figured it out "Except..." she looked at Donald
"yes dear, Donald here is your father, he wants to be a part of our lives now " she said
"Are you serious,  you brought me here for this?"
"Jessica, he hurt us, but I've since forgiven him...  you should too" christy said calmly, she couldn't believe this was her mother, how can she believe such crap and accept him just like that, even into her bed.. She glared at Donald 
"You going back to this? your vomit?,  why is he coming now, why is he here,  what do we need him for.. Well we do not need you Mr you can go back to wherever it is you crawled out from"
"Jessica.." Her mother began 
"Jessi, if you can just calm down and let me explain myself "Donald began" i really didn't have much of a choice.. "
"I'm sure we weren't given that much of a thought when you left uh, I heard it was a boy where is he,  do you have a happy family,  why you here now? "
He paused" I want you to be part of it Jessi"
"no,  I do not want any part of it..  And my name is Jessica" she walked away,  the parents looked at each other
"That went well" her father said, Christy sighed as he said
"i m still alive".

Jessica got to her room and poured out fresh tears, the memories came fresh through her mind,  everything she had suppressed.
How she had longed for a father figure all through her life and had survived without one,  yet now he wanted to just come? How they sometimes didn't even have food to eat,  and how her mother had cried so hard when he left so she stopped asking about him,  what was wrong with her mother and the so called forgiveness .. She decided she didn't want to be a part of any of that. 
"so I'm going on a date with Raymond "she looked happy as she told Gina who wanted them to shop for her wedding dress that Saturday 
"who's Raymond?" Gina asked, Jessica realises Gina didn't know anything about Raymond 
"He's uh  he's uh a friend?" she sais
Gina paused "so you over my brother just like that?"
"I was never into your brother Gina" Gina gaped "besides I'm sure he's dating someone now" she said 
"who is this woman and what have you done with my friend? "
"well I met Raymond 8 months ago"
"And I'm just knowing about it," she crossed her arms "funny how he and your ex have very similar names"
Jessica's eyes clouded "That's a very mean thing to say"
"well I'm sorry but I don't know this guy"
"well you ll meet him soon and you ll know him"
"your defensive" Gina paused "I still don't know what you did with my friend" she paused "but I see changes as you're visibly glowing", Jessica blushed harder, she put her hands around her friend's shoulders "I do want to meet him, you say his name is Raymond?"


*long episode, so Jessica finally meets her father, do you think she should forgive him?,  what's your take on Raymond,  still a player??
Is Jessica going to win that game with him? 



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  • picture
    [email protected]
    if he proves to be forgiven, she should forgive
  • Lily picture
    I have this feeling that Raymond is Jessica's step brother ?
  • carmen picture
    My suspicions exactly @Lily.... Let's see war happens
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Its really not easy to forgive but she should try
  • Abigail Amande picture
    Abigail Amande
    Hmmm...he has to give a reason why he should be forgiven and as for their games, na them sabi
  • Amma picture
    jxt hope the dad doesn't hv any ulterior motive
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