The Bet - Episode 17

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Can't imagine the long wait, so sorry all, know you all must hate me now, lol, well back to the story. ****

Jessica rolled the trolley around the supermarket as she picked up food items, she was 5 months pregnant now and she had begun to show...  
"I'm going to the states next week for my chemotherapy, and also to see my family as well" her father said on the phone, they had cultivated a loving relationship where they talked everyday and knew about each other's daily  activities, Jessica decided she missed that during her growing years, but she was glad they could pick up now 
"Aww, wish I could go with you to meet them but I got antenatal, can't wait to meet them" she said
The father was silent 
"You want to meet my family? "
"Sure why not, life is too short to spend time keeping grudges, just hope they would accept me"
"Jessica they do not have a choice, I've told them all about you, guess I was just waiting for the right moment  when you will be ready.. Plus I wanted you all to myself for now," he paused "maybe in my next visit" he was saying when Chris, Maxwell and Shane walk into her aisle, when she saw Elvis following, she got even  more skeptical 
"Dad, I ll call you back" she said and cut,  then stared at all four of them, she had since figured out it was a game they all played on her and had been the ones who had sent the text message out of spite, and Mariam had also told her how they supported Raymond  getting a new girlfriend after they broke up

"It is true" shane began staring at her belly, she quirked her eyebrow 
"What is true, scrap that,  what do you want? "She asked, defensive
They looked at each other, Maxwell scratched his beards 
"We came to apologize" he said 
"And plead for you to take our friend back, he's miserable without you" Elvis added, she squinted then glared at them
"Is this a follow up of the game? "
"What, no" Shane said
"Did he ask you guys to do this? "
They glanced at each other, Chris moved forward
"See we know we f-cked up and didn't treat you right in the interim but our guy loves you to bits,  he doesn't even know we are here, but he's not been the same since you left Jessica, forget all the other b-tches, your the one for him and we have accepted that" Chris looked at the others "we made a mistake and acted childish because we had no idea how real this was, do please forgive us" he put his palms together 
Jessica  stared at them with no reply 
"You think its that simple.. . " she paused "I have nothing against you,  but what Raymond and I had is all gone, we have nothing left" she said
"What about the kid, you can't take that away from him, that would totally break him" Elvis was saying when Chris hit him
"Do just think about it" he said, they walked away while she stared after them. 

*After shopping, she got in her car and drove off, her friends had gone for NYSC but she was going for the second batch, she didn't think she was psychologically  stable enough to go when they were going.
 She thought about her life in retrospect, how it took a downturn all of a sudden, she decided she missed Raymond and still loved him. 

Cilia tapped on the steering wheel as she followed Jessica down the road, she had been stalking her these past months, Jessica had a typical boring life and she wondered why Raymond would dump her for an average girl, she had assessed her and decided she wasn't much of a competition to her but staring at her growing belly daily got her even more pissed, to think she was carrying Raymond's child.  
Raymond had been her crush from childhood, he hadn't  noticed her while they were teenagers because then she was plain while he was the guy all the girls wanted, she had taken years to get the body she had now, all in a bid to get him to notice her,  she had a picture perfect image of how their life would be together in her head and now this b-tch was up to ruin it, she couldn't and wouldn't let her, she had many influences and guys that would have dealt with her competition but she wanted to do this herself, to get her own satisfaction,  as she had sniffed her cocaine that morning, she had reasoned that that day was today, she had to finish this up and go back to her normal life and hope Raymond would come crawling back to her, she reasoned that if she could get Jessica out of the way Raymond would have no other choice than to heed to his father's wishes,  she didn't know why he was so stubborn, none of her antics to try and get him back lately had worked, and were those his friends she saw coming out from that supermarket just now,  what were they up to??...

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. as Jessica turned a bend into her quiet street she saw this as her opportunity. 

Jessica saw a car turn into the street following her and thought it was familiar, she had seen the black jeep around a couple of times but had waved it off as maybe a new neighbor,  but now the car reved its engine and increased its speed coming directly towards her,  she gawked in surprise  and tried to avoid it, but she heard a loud bang  at the back of her mothers car, as the car  jolted forward forcefully, a sharp pain in her belly followed, with wetness between her legs,  her head spinned as her mothers car skidded to a slow stop,  she leaned on the sterring wheel as everything went blank. 


*sorry for the long wait, this is a filler chapter, more to come later
What do you think would happen  next, would she loose the baby??

. .

Read " Brothers " by the same author ( Funmi Anita Adesina )

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  • Oluwadare Mojisola picture
    Oluwadare Mojisola
    I pray she doesn't lose her baby
  • TOSH picture
    such evil
  • Nikita Debby picture
    Nikita Debby
    She have to live and the baby too OK am begging ooo
  • Nikita Debby picture
    Nikita Debby
    She have to live and the baby too OK am begging ooo
  • Amina Onaghise picture
    Amina Onaghise
    welcome back funmi. I was really pissed at ur delay though but I know we all got our private life. I hope Jessica doesn't lose her baby. thanks. Pls don't take too long
  • Favour Abhatue picture
    Favour Abhatue
    I hope she doesn't lose the baby but marriage is not by force ooh. Nice one
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