The Bodyguard - Episode 13

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Allison Winters She rolled on her bed, not able to get any sleep; to make things worse she was starving.

She would never ever cook again.

Her food tasted like feet; she wondered how Theo managed to eat it.

Theo. She thought about it and came to a conclusion that the only way to eliminate her feelings for Theo was to sleep with Theo.

Yes, she was going to have s-x with Theo, but how? Theo's mood swings were very confusing, one minute he was sweet and warm and the next his eyes are carrying that cold look again.

She sighed and thought of how to seduce him.

She chuckled; she had never really had to seduce any man, she was very attractive and men found it difficult to resist her.


It was 08:46 AM.

She rummaged through the closet looking for something sexy to wear.

She could smell what Theo was cooking and she heard something being fried in deep oil.

The closet was filled with oversized T-shirt and shorts.

Great. She sank on the bed and weighed her other options; she could just walk into the kitchen naked, no man could resist that.

What if he did resist? She would humiliate herself before him.

"Allison, breakfast is ready"

She heard him call.


 She replied and wore a T-shirt.


She sat down opposite him and dug into her breakfast.

It was quiet, too quiet and weird.

"So were you the one who bought the new set of panties and bras I found in the drawers in my room?"

 She blurted and squeezed her eyes shut almost immediately; she couldn't believe she just said that.

She was curious though.

He coughed out the food he was eating, spluttered and gulped down a whole glass of water.

After a while he replied.

"My ex- girlfriend."

He had an ex? Wow.

What kind of woman was able to bring down the high and mighty Theo from his pedestal? She wondered how the ex did it.

"Why did you two break up?"

 She interrogated.

"Can we skip the 20 questions and just eat"

He replied coldly.

"She wanted to have a family, I didn't" He finally said.


"I've done things, things that I'm not proud of" 

"Still . No one deserves to live a lonely and miserable life"

"I do" 

He said, bluntly.

His eyes were very cold and she could feel a shiver run down her spine.

"You're a good person Theo

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. You saved my life"

 She argued.

"You don't know me. You don't know anything about me"

 He stated, carried their dishes into the kitchen, dumped them into the sink and turned on the faucet. She followed, right behind him.

"Then tell me. I want to know more about you"

"Why are you dragging this?"

 He turned to face her.

"Because because I think. Because I um-I-I love you."

 She stuttered, and watched blood drain from his face.

. .

Read " Rose " by the same author ( Louisefaye )

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