The Dancing Bride And Her Spirit Warrior - Episode 16

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Vuyanzi was hungry. The activities of the day had tire her. She just wanted to eat and sleep. It was night time but it looked like the middle of the day in town. She stayed around in hope that Koni would look for her, she knew they shared a connection that could not be explained. She was sure that she was not the only one who felt it. But then again what would the mighty Koni want with her, she was just Vuyanzi Amani . The street lights were shining brightly to give the much needed light for the nightlife. People were still milling around and it didn’t appear like anybody felt like closing for the day.

 After her dance that morning, her grandmother had dragged her to their stall where they were selling wares to help sell the small clay pots and sisal baskets she had made. Lishevi noticed that her grandmother was acting paranoid again, constantly looking over her shoulder and keeping Vuyanzi at her side at all times.

‘’Maybe we should just close up and leave. We will do this again tomorrow,’’ Lishevi suggested shielding her eyes from the setting sun.

‘’No shosho, we do this the sun has just set and people are coming out now. We should use this chance to sell as much as possible,’’

‘’I don’t know Vuyanzi I don’t like the dark and am not young as much as I was,’’ Lishevi continued.

‘’Oh…okay, how about you go home

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. I will follow you there as soon as I close up,’’ Vuyanzi said feeling sorry for her grandmother.

‘’No, we will go together. I am not leaving you here alone,’’ Lishevi opposed strongly.

’Sawa then we close up. Tomorrow is another day.’’ Vuyanzi conceded. ‘’But first let me look for some food. We are both tired I don’t think that any of us is ready to go and cook now. Close up as I go buy us something to eat,’’ Vuyanzi picked a Maasai shuka and wrapped it around her shoulders. The evening chill was just setting in.

‘’don’t take too long out there,’’ her grandmother called out to her.

Vuyanzi stepped out of the stall into the throng of tourists milling around.

She decided to try something foreign. She saw a sign ahead showing a type of delicacy she had not heard before. She tightened the shuka around her shoulders and walked into the tent. It was quiet and only a few people were around. The food which she could see lined on one far end of the table in a buffet could only be described as appetizing. Her taste buds were watering as she approached a guy dressed as a chef. She asked how much a plate cost and her eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets. No food should cost that much. The small amount of money she had in her purse could not cover even a plate not to mention she wanted two one for herself and one for her grandmother.

She stepped out the café disappointed. Her stomach was grumbling and she was yet to find some food. Vuyanzi decided to try another place, a far cheaper place. She passed different stalls greeting people she knew while smiling to new faces. Some tourists recognized her from the dance group and they congratulated her dancing skills. Vuyanzi had managed to change from her costume but the painting on her face and arms remained. Her grandmother insisted she retained her painted face as it attracted more customers to buy their wares. After untangling herself from a group of a tourists who claimed to be from DR Congo she made her way to grandmothers stall, ready to go home and forget about buying food. She would prepare something at home.

The stall was closed and her grandmother was nowhere to be seen. Vuyanzi flashed her phone out to call her but a voice behind her startled her.

She turned to look at the cruel eyes of Kweyu. Vuyanzi cursed her luck. What is he doing here?

‘’Vuyanzi Amani,’’ Kweyu said and stood there looking at her leeringly. Vuyanzi felt a shudder run down her back. What did he want? Where was her grandmother? The streets were full of people but she felt so alone.

‘’What do you want Kweyu?’’ Vuyanzi asked apprehension taking over. She was ready for this day to end. She had not seen Kweyu since they had completed their KCSE exams a year ago. She had heard that he left the town to study in the big city and join his parents. Vuyanzi had never been excited.

‘’Did you have anything to do with the disappearance of my pet?’’ Kweyu asked in a low voice approaching her. Vuyanzi took steps behind backing away from his scrawny self, Kweyu had always been slight in height and he appeared weak but Vuyanzi was not fooled. She had tested first-hand his brute strength. When she realized what she was doing, she stopped. She would not give Kweyu the satisfaction to show that he was scaring her.

‘’I don’t know what you are talking about,’’ Vuyanzi denied while knowing fully well what he was talking about. Almost two years ago she had saved a cheetah cub from the chains under Kweyu’s bed. She had lived in fear for some time fearing that Kweyu would come for her but he hadn’t. She had thought that he had forgotten about but apparently he hadn’t. She wondered what he was doing back in town, she would be very happy if she didn’t ever face Kweyu again.

‘’You know, I have questioned everybody about it but I always come up empty. One day the cub was under the bed and one day I checked on it only you find it gone. Imagine me finding out,’’ Kweyu went on and Vuyanzi was not surprised that it had taken time for Kweyu to realize that the cub was no longer under the bed. He was not even feeding it nor checking on it. She wondered what he was planning on doing with the cub if he never concerned himself with it.

‘’I still don’t know what you are talking about Kweyu. It’s late and I have to go home,’’ she turned on her heel to leave but Kweyu gripped her hand in a bruising clasp. Vuyanzi’s heart missed a beat in fright.

‘’Why are you in a hurry, I am still talking to you.’’ Kweyu said in a tight voice. ‘’What makes you think that you are so special Vuyanzi? Always walking in this town as if you are better than everybody else, you are nothing but an orphan. You are a curse, you should have died with your parents in that accident.’’ Kweyu’s grip increased on her hand pulling her towards him. Roughly.

The words slapped Vuyanzi on her face like a physical touch.

Vuyanzi glared at Kweyu’s eyes and saw a shadow there, something was not right. Something in Kweyu’s scathing gaze was scaring Vuyanzi. Vuyanzi knew instinctively that Kweyu was a bad bad person and she had to stay away from him.

Vuyanzi my bride, a voice echoed in the wind and Vuyanzi instantly calmed.

‘’Let her go,’’ a deep voice boomed behind them making them turn their heads towards that direction.

Vuyanzi stomach flip flopped, striding towards her was Mr. Koni Jasiri in all his handsome grandeur. The street light behind him enhanced his rugged looks. Kweyu quickly let go of her hand as Vuyanzi mildly acknowledged the bruise forming she rubbed the injured part. Koni strode towards them stopping between them, shielding Vuyanzi from Kweyu’s hard gaze. Vuyanzi could only gaze up Koni’s tense up wide back.

She was not complaining, Mr. Koni Jasiri was a sight to behold.

Koni was taller than most men and build like a small boulder, his shoulders were wide and muscled. The Ankara print shirt he wore was not hiding the fact. His arms were beefy bunched up and practically breaking the seams that held the material together. He was also dressed in jeans that molded his hips and thighs nicely, his feet ended up in open toe sandals that showed his large feet with neat nails.

Something was happening to Vuyanzi, the lonely feeling she had been having disappeared. Her heart was filled with joy and a voice inside her was urging her to touch Koni. If only she touched him everything would be fine, the voice pressed. Her fingertips were tingling. Vuyanzi felt like she was in a daze like she had earlier that day as she had dance before Koni. Touch him, touch him.

‘’Amani, are you okay?’’ Koni’s soothing voice droned. That snapped Vuyanzi from her dream like state. She felt her hands on Koni’s larger warmer, somewhat rough ones, he was observing her bruise. Electricity jolted between them. Koni was looking at her and Vuyanzi was mesmerized with the glow coming from his eyes. His eyes were burning; a faint yellow glow with orange flames, his gaze smoldering her.

As if under a spell Vuyanzi reached her left hand to palm his right bearded cheek. Koni’s stubble tickled her hand. He closed his glowing eyes and leaned into her palm covering her hand with one of his larger palms a deep rumble coming deep from his chest. Vuyanzi marveled at the rumble and her heart settled. She was finally home. She didn’t want to move. We belong together.

The shrill ringtone of Vuyanzi’s phone broke the spell. Vuyanzi quickly stepped away from Koni not realizing she was so close to him. His heat and unique scent engulfing her

‘’Am so sorry Mr. Jasiri, I don’t know what came over me…I….,’’Vuyanzi stumbled with her words.

What was wrong with her?

She had never behaved so brazenly before in her life. She looked everywhere except at the imposing man standing beside her. The voice inside her head admonished her for moving away from him.

‘’Answer your phone, it is your grandmother,’’ Koni said in cool voice not panicking considering that she was all over him seconds ago. She took her phone out of the small bag she carried, her grandmother’s name flashing on the screen. Vuyanzi wondered how Koni knew about it. But somehow Vuyanzi knew that Koni was not a normal man, not with the smoldering eyes and the hypnotic hook he had on her.

’Shosho…I came back to the stall, I couldn’t find you…no I am fine…sawa I am coming right now…yes I am on my way, don’t worry…okay,’’ Vuyanzi tried to calm her grandmother. The old woman panicking was not good for her health. Vuyanzi had to get home.

Koni stood there looking at her, his eyes were now the color of polished mahogany, deep sharp and brown, normal. After assuring her grandmother that she was on her way home, Vuyanzi ended the call.

‘’Mr. Jasiri…I …’’ Vuyanzi started but stopped, what was she trying to say?

‘’Koni, call me Koni,’’ he said flashing his intense eyes on her.

‘’Koni,’’ she repeated after him. ‘’Thank you for helping me there,’’ Vuyanzi said thanking him for saving her from Kweyu the lunatic.

‘’Don’t worry about it, am here to protect you from now on you don’t have to worry about him,’’ Koni said looking over Vuyanzi, his eyes had gone back to the normal brown color. Vuyanzi found herself wishing for the orange glow in his eyes to come back.

Wait he said something about protecting her, she didn’t need protection from anybody.

‘’Sorry Mr. Jasiri but I don’t need your protection. I can take care of myself just fine. If you don’t mind, I will be going home now.’’ Vuyanzi said and started walking away from Koni. Her grandmother raised her to be a strong and independent woman. She would not be a damsel in distress even if something inside her was gnawing at her to stay with him, submit to him. Vuyanzi instinctively knew that bending to Koni’s will make him happy. She yearned to make him happy.

What was happening to her?

‘’Then let me take you and drop you home, it’s not safe for you to walk around late like this,’’ Koni insisted but Vuyanzi would not hear any of it.

‘’No, I will a boda boda to take me home, you don’t have to worry about me Mr. Jasiri,’’ Vuyanzi refused to call him Koni. She had the number of Fred a boda boda operator on speed dial. He would come to pick her and take her home if she called. But she was not calling him, she had planned to walk home. Vuyanzi didn’t live far from the cultural center.

‘’Call him then, I will only leave one I see you safely at home,’’ Koni said in a tight voice that basically registered annoyance. Vuyanzi wondered why he would he annoyed at her, she had done nothing. She was not going anywhere with Koni, after all stranger danger. Her grandmother had always warned her against strangers.

‘’Why do you care anyway? I have never met you before, you don’t know me Mr. Jasiri.’’

Koni swore under his breath and approached Vuyanzi stopping in front of her only a breath separating them but he didn’t touch her. Vuyanzi gasped and clutched her shuka more tightly around her, she clutched it to give her hands something to hold on to for she wanted to run her hands on his arms, and feel his strength.

Stop it.

‘’Koni, say my name Vuyanzi,’’ Koni asked, his deep voice s*ductive at the same time demanding.

‘’Koni,’’ Vuyanzi could not help but comply in a breathy voice. Electricity buzzed around them and Vuyanzi wanted to lean towards him.

‘’Call the boda boda operator now,’’ Koni moved away from her to give her some breathing space.

Vuyanzi dialed the number but it did was busy. Not surprising, with a lot of festivities in town Fred was probably as busy.

‘’Now, I can take you home,’’ Koni said triumphantly.

‘’No, I can walk, it’s not that far off,’’ Vuyanzi stubbornly said.

‘’There is something you do not understand Amani, it’s not safe for you,’’

‘’What? I can deal with Kweyu just fine, his bark is louder than his bite,’’ liar, that boy is demented and could do serious damage to her but Koni doesn’t know that.

‘’You mean like you dealt with him when he was choking you,’’ Koni contradicted.

‘’How…how did you know about that?’’ Vuyanzi asked surprised.

Read " Jabali's Redemption " by the same author ( Razia Iminza )

. She ran over her head the people who knew of her assault but she couldn’t point Koni to any of the dots. How did he know? And if a stranger like Koni knew what about everyone else? This was so embarrassing.

‘’I…’’ Koni looked like he wanted to say something but stopped himself looking at her.

‘’Did you do a background check on me?’’ Vuyanzi continued asking panic rising in her voice.

‘’Look it doesn’t matter Amani, I will not rest till I see you back at home. Come on.’’ Koni took her by the elbow and firmly directed her towards a very big, black tinted car that was parked in the road side. She had a feeling of de javu when she saw the car. Vuyanzi quietly entered to passenger’s side and Koni locked the door as she could bolt at any time.

Vuyanzi didn’t know much about the car but it looked expensive, it suited his personality like a glove, dark but warm. The seats were leather and very comfortable, unlike the public transport vehicles she was used to. It was not every day she saw such beautiful cars in her small town. The interior was cool and filled with the Koni’s scent. She breathed deep. Koni jumped in the driver’s side his large form filling the interior of the car.

‘’Secure your seatbelt Amani, it’s very important,’’ Koni said before he drove off.

Vuyanzi noticed that he didn’t ask for directions to her home.


Hi Ebonites.

I hope you had a lovely weekend.

A new chapter for you. Enjoy.

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