The Dancing Bride And Her Spirit Warrior - Episode 40

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‘’Nyanya make sure you are eating and listen to whatever Mr. Jasiri is saying. Don’t be too stubborn,’’ Vuyanzi rolled her eyes at her shosho’s words. She clutched the phone to her ears. As her grandmother rambled on Vuyanzi socked in her grandmother’s attention. In the background she could hear the laugh of Neza and Tabu. Neza had promised to watch over shosho till Vuyanzi came back from the city . She was adamant that she was not going back to her home until Vuyanzi accepted her as part of her family. Vuyanzi was glad that her grandmother won’t be alone, at least. Tabu was bound to come back to the city for her studies sometime today or tomorrow. Lishevi would not be left alone.

‘’You do whatever the doctor is telling you shosho. And no more walking around in the dark or early in the morning.’’ Vuyanzi uttered back.

‘’What are you talking about?’’

‘’The night of the hyena attack, where had you been shosho?’’

‘’I was out visiting my sister, you know that. Why are you asking?’’ suspicion rang high on Lishevi’s voice.

‘’You were with Guma the medicine man, the security man at the bus station said that you two were together,’’

‘’why does it seem like you are interrogating me Vuyanzi. If you have a question just spit it out,’’ Vuyanzi could picture her grandmother frowning

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. She decided it was now or never to ask what was going on between Guma and her grandmother.

‘’Well, I wanted to know why you are so close with there something between you two?’’ Vuyanzi asked biting her lips. She needed to know but she wasn’t sure how she was going to react to the answer.

Lishevi burst out into a raucous laughter. Vuyanzi had to pull the phone far from her ears to prevent an ear damage. On the other hand it was good to hear her grandmother laugh.

‘’You think there is something going on between me and Guma? The medicine man?’’ the laughter went on and Vuyanzi felt stupid for asking now.

‘’Well…you two have been close recently so I thought…’’ she couldn’t finish the sentence.

‘’Nyanya I know am old but am not that old. I respect Guma as my father. His potions have helped me for some time. I complement them with my medicine. Sometimes it’s hard to sleep and only his potions make it easy. I have been sick for a long time now. It’s a miracle I have survived for this long. So stop overthinking everything,’’ Lishevi cleared the air after the laughter had faded away.

Vuyanzi released a sigh. She didn’t know if her grandmother was right about mixing brews and modern medicine but she was wise enough to keep the information to herself. She didn’t want her grandmother flying off the handle.

‘’Okay shosho if you say so. I will see you soon enough,’’

‘’don’t be in a hurry to come back here. I am being treated like a madam here. I have a very large room with my own toilet. There is even a nurse who helps me to the toilet which is inside the same room can you believe that. Neza doesn’t leave my sight for a minute,’’ Lishevi exclaimed and Vuyanzi laughed. Her grandmother deserved all that was coming in her way. Even if it was a reprieve for a short time she deserved it.

She looked around at the luxurious surroundings. Koni’s house was furnished with no expenses spared. She had managed to get from the bed and do a little snooping around. It was a two bedroomed apartment. The view outside the window told her that she was in a rising apartment. She had the clear sky view of Nairobi city. A breathtaking view. For someone who had lived in a rural area, it was a bit overwhelming. For a moment she thought she was in a dream, but after pinching herself, she discovered that she was very much awake. It was not a dream she had conjured, all this was real.

‘’Vuyanzi are you there?’’ shosho’s voice dragged Vuyanzi from her thoughts.

‘’Yes am here,’’ Vuyanzi sighed.

‘’I am fine, you enjoy yourself too,’’ Lishevi said cryptically and Vuyanzi wondered what her grandmother meant. Before she could ask, Lishevi ended the call.    

Vuyanzi looked at the phone and had a second mind of calling her but a new call came in Caro.

‘’Hey besty,’’ Vuyanzi smiled when she answered on the first ring.

‘’Vuyanzi Amani or should I say Vuyanzi Jasiri. You are one lucky witch, how did you manage to snag one of the wealthiest men in our region?” Vuyanzi rolled her eyes to the back of her head.

‘’What are you rumbling about Caro?’’  

‘’That is what the magazine are asking not me,’’ Caro answered her voice coming out amused.

‘’Wait, the same newspapers that called me an orphan and a promiscuous dancer?’’ Vuyanzi was astonished. Those reporters have so much free time on their hands to be publishing such hogwash stories.

‘’Yes the same and very ones. Honestly Vuyanzi which world do you live in? The story is all over the internet. You have a new phone use it.’’

‘’I haven’t had time to search anything,’’ Vuyanzi ran her hands through her knotted hair, how was she going to untangle all of them. Suddenly she felt tired.

‘’Well do search, there is a picture of Koni helping you into the jet yesterday night. Which is the reason why am calling, why you didn’t tell me you are travelling away?’’ Vuyanzi could feel Caro’s pout through the phone.

‘’Because it happened so fast,’’ she answered honestly. For the past days Vuyanzi felt like she was in a marathon and she had hardly caught a breath.

She then proceeded to tell Caro about the abrupt appearance of Neza into her life.

‘’Whoa, Vuyanzi you had an aunt all this time? I don’t know what to say. I have been seeing her in town but I never figured her who she was. A Rwandese, which means your mother was from Rwanda. You are exotic besty your aunt is quite a sight you know,’’ Vuyanzi agreed her aunt was a beautiful woman.

‘’Anyway how are classes going? How much notes do I have to write when I come back?’’

‘’You can share mine, the lectures know of your predicament so your CATs results have been waivered.’’ Vuyanzi thanked God for that, she was sure she would have flanked those tests.

‘’Another thing Vuyanzi,’’ Caro said hesitantly.

‘’It’s Juma,’’

‘’Juma?’’ Vuyanzi swallowed hard. Juma was one of the people she had chosen not to think about. She had not set eyes on him ever since the accident.

‘’Vuyanzi are you there?’’

‘’Yeah am here,’’

‘’Vuyanzi you know that he is looking for you. I gave him your new mobile number but he claims the calls have not been going through. Koni apparently never allowed him to see you. He has feelings for you besty,’’

Vuyanzi closed her eyes at those words.

‘’I guess he is too late now, you clearly have feelings for Koni Jasiri,’’

‘’No I don’t,’’ Vuyanzi answered quickly, too quickly probably, her voice weak. Lacking conviction.

‘’Oh Vuyanzi you are so gone and you can’t even see it,’’ Caro was clearly shaking her head.

‘’I don’t have feelings for him, he is just trying to protect me,’’ Vuyanzi could feel how her weak her argument was. She did have feelings for Koni. Deep feelings.

‘’I am happy for you Vuyanzi and I wish you would admit that to yourself too.’’

‘’Oh Caro am so confused,’’ Vuyanzi was tempted to tell Caro all about Koni and his true nature but she held herself back.

‘’What is so confusing about falling in love?” Vuyanzi wondered since when did Caro become so insightful and poetic. ‘’You should go with the flow and let yourself be happy. Koni Jasiri looks like a man who can give you all the happiness you deserve,’’

‘’How do you know that?’’ Vuyanzi scoffed.

‘’The way he looks at you and the way you look at him. It’s special Vuyanzi. Don’t lose that,’’ Caro silently answered.

Those words stack to her head as she went on to take a shower. Just like Koni’s shower back at the reserve, it was big claw footbath. You could fit three people easily in the tub. Vuyanzi tried to ignore the images of Koni naked inside the bathtub. It was hard as Koni’s scent was everywhere. The beddings and the shower.

She avoided the large claw bath and decided to use the shower instead. After adjusting the water from cold to warm she took a shower quickly.

She was just finished dressing when she heard the ping on the front door. Koni’s door was electrically operated. The ping meant that someone was feeding a code on the system. They were trying to get in. Vuyanzi grew anxious, she thought about hiding in the bedroom but she wasn’t a coward. She should go out there and face whatever or whoever it was.

Armed with a hair comb, she stepped outside the bedroom. She silently approached the front door just as the door gave way and revealed a young woman.

The young woman took a look of Vuyanzi and released a scream. Vuyanzi reacted instinctively too, she screamed.

The woman then charged at Vuyanzi, ‘’what are you doing at Koni’s house, you thief?’’

She grabbed Vuyanzi by her wild hair pulling. Vuyanzi pulled the girls hair too, she had long braids on.

‘’I should be asking you that,’’ Vuyanzi shouted back wondering why she was being attacked by a stranger.

‘’Mama come here, we have a caught a thief.’’ The girl continued shouting trying to tackle Vuyanzi down. Vuyanzi tried to avoid the girls manicured fingers, they were sharp and shiny with red paint. Her six inches heel also should be registered as weapons. Who wore heels that high? Apparently crazy city girls.

‘’I am not a thief, you were the one who attacked me,’’ Vuyanzi managed to pull the girl down and calm her hysteria.

‘’Girls stop this madness,’’ a matronly woman pulled Vuyanzi off the screaming girl.

‘’Sheba, stop this. What is wrong with you? This is Koni’s guest,’’

Both girls stood up breathing heavily, Vuyanzi tried to correct her dress.

‘’This is Koni’s bride?’’ Sheba her attacker asked in a screeching voice. It grated Vuyanzi’s ear. Sheba had a deep scowl on her face as she glowered at Vuyanzi. Vuyanzi glowered back. She didn’t know who Sheba was but she instantly hated her.

 ‘’Yes, now show some respect. She is part of the family,’’ the woman said smiling at Vuyanzi.

Wait this was Koni’s family? Vuyanzi jaws dropped. Embarrassment made her look aside, why did she have to be stupid? Attacking Koni’s family as a first impression was a new record.

‘’This village pumpkin is Koni’s bride? Tell me you are joking mama. Look at her hair it is a forest on top of her head.’’ Sheba continued to hurl insult at Vuyanzi and Vuyanzi was threatened to tackle her down the second time. The city girl was very disrespectful.

‘’Sheba!!’’ the woman exclaimed. ‘’Am sorry Vuyanzi, this is really disheartening. You must be surprised what type of people we are. I assure you Sheba is not always like this. I don’t know what came over her today.

Read " Jabali's Redemption " by the same author ( Razia Iminza )

. Pardon her please,’’

‘’I am Ma. Malika and I happy to see you,’’ the woman beamed at her. She had a clear face. Her dressing just like Sheba the city girl screamed money. Vuyanzi could see some similarities between the two, even through the girl’s permanent sneer.

‘’I…um…Vuyanzi Amani nice to meet you mama,’’ Vuyanzi remembered manners at last. She shook the hands of the woman and Sheba reluctantly. Sheba squeezed her fingers.

What was wrong with her? Vuyanzi thought. She had done nothing to her.

‘’Since we are here Vuyanzi why don’t you tell us about yourself? Koni is frugal with your information,’’ Ma. Malika took Vuyanzi’s hand and led her to the coach.

Vuyanzi could feel Sheba’s glare on her back.

She couldn’t help but think that she had made an enemy.


Intoducing Sheba. (insert drumbeats) hahaha.

Hello Ebonites, we are getting to the climax of the story. Things are about to get really mucky.

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Have a lovely weekend.

Much Love.

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