The Last Virgin - Episode 5

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**** She sat in front of her porch, arms crossed over chest as she stared at the bamboo gate.

A routine she'd picked up ever since her daughter's demise a week ago.

She'd made it a habit to sit in front of her porch for hours on end,staring at the gate. Waiting.

Hoping Annamarie will walk through that bamboo gate with a big smile on her face and shout


But no.

This nightmare seemed like it was here to stay.

Stay for good.

Yet her brains somehow shut down completely, refusing to accept reality.

So like she'd been doing for the past seven days,she sat.

Waiting. Hope never leaving her.


Mr Quaye exits the cottage, pushing the mat that served as their door away from his face as the image of his wife seated on the porch came into view.

His eyes travels to the small table near her.

The bowl of boiled plantain and tomato stew still sat on the table, untouched.

The calabash of water also untouched.

He sighs.

She hadn't taken a single bite neither had she drank water.

She was going to get sick if she kept on going like this.

Clearly, he couldn't afford to lose another beloved.

Not when Anna's demise was still fresh on his mind.

Like a pricking thorn. He moves to her.

"Please eat something. Even if it's just one bite,please. You'll get sick and I don't want to lose you too"

he pleads, the usual strictness in his voice was gone.

His wife shakes her head, licking her slightly chapped lips due to dehydration.

"No. If I eat,I may not see my daughter come in. I want to be the first to see her when she returns"

Mr Quaye rubs his temple.

Grief had it's own way of worming into a human's system and dismantling everything, even their way of thinking.

Grief could make someone go crazy.

And his wife was slowly and blindly going down that path.


He begins but pauses when the loud creak of their bamboo gate interrupts him.

It was a few village elders and a white man.

The only white man in the village who happened to be a doctor.

Mr Quaye goes to meet them.


he greets

"Greetings Mr Quaye."

The white man nods

"What brings you here at such wee hours of the morning?"

"I examined your daughters body and I found out..."

He trails off

"Found what? Tell me"

"Umm.. That your daughter was r*ped to death. Not once, not twice was she violated. It could've been three or probably four times simultaneously. Her body couldn't take it. Which was why she gave up the ghost. I'm sorry"

Mr Quaye stands quietly for a while.. Annamarie had gone to meet her four best friends who'd returned from the city. She was r*ped. Not once or twice.

But more This could mean one thing.

It was no coincidence.

Those stupid city boys were his first suspects.

Without another word, Mr Quaye rushes into his cottage, returns with his cutlass and storms past them.

Someone had to pay for Annamarie's death.

And those city boys will be his first target.


Leaves crunching underneath shoes and boots could be heard as all four boys made their way through the bushes, each carrying a duffel bag around their shoulders containing a few clothes and necessities.

By morning, they'd be out of this village if they kept walking through the bushes nonstop. Sooner or later, someone was going to realise Annamarie was r*ped to death and they'd be the main suspects.

That white doctor could use his technology to detect who the r*pists were. No way in hell they'd wait for calamity to befall them before they start run.

Better safe than sorry.


Anthony nudges Eugene from behind who groans In annoyance.


Lord Hades sat on his throne, watching on the screen as the boys escaped through the bushes.

He snaps his fingers.


The earth suddenly shook. All four boys stood frozen, a thick white smoke surrounding them as layers of ice began to crawl up their feet.

Up and up it went umtill the ice froze their entire body.

Their faces turning completely white, eyes wide with shock and mouths open as the ice encased them, freezing them until their hearts stopped beating.


Hades nods in satisfaction. It was better this way.

He had frozen them and trapped them in time. He had cast an invisible wall around them also making them invisible to the human eye.

They'd remain frozen and trapped in time until Annamarie's reincarnation process was through.

And then... It'll begin. Her revenge.

His fun.

The destruction.



She stood behind the bathroom sink, her dark hair cascading graciously down her shoulders as she stared at her reflection.

She licks her lips.

And then stares at her hand.

They were shaking.

The small pregnancy test she held between her fingers, blinking the colors brightly.

She blinks.

And blinks again.

Maybe her eyes were deceiving her she thought.

But no.

She stares at all six pregnancy test tubes she'd bought.

All read positive.. She was pregnant.

A news she'd been trying to grasp for the past ten minutes.

Trying to accept.

It was no news that Maria Kent and her husband hadn't been able to bear a child after eight years of marriage.. The doctor had said Maria's fertility was low.

Meaning her chances of getting pregnant was one out of hundred.

Slim chances.

After several tries, Maria and her husband had given up,and began to think of adoption.

But then a few days ago, she'd started to feel sick.

Nauseous, vomiting, fatigue and all the symptoms associated with pregnancy.

Maria, not wanting to raise her hopes had brushed it off, blaming it on irregular menstrual cycle.

But of late, her hormones were all over the place.

Craving for ridiculous foods at odd times of the night.

And so,having decided that there was no harm in trying, Maria had bought six pregnancy test on her way home from work and all of the tests read positive.

She was pregnant! But the doctor had said her fertility was low right? She thinks.

Yes, but he never said it was impossible to conceive.. He'd only said her chances were slim.

Carefully, Maria touches her still.flat belly, her lips breaking into a slow smile as tears of joy Cascaded down her rosy cheeks.

She was pregnant! Finally she was going to be a mother! Finally! Maria stares down at the belly, love blossoming already for the child yet to arrive.

"You'll never lack for anything my child"

Maria promised, touching her belly.



And so following his promise and deal he made with Annamarie fifty Years ago, on the 25th of April, 2018 at exactly 10:30pm when the moon had finally taken it's full.shape in the sky, Maria Kent gave birth to a baby girl.

Annamarie was born to the Kent family.

She was named Valerie.

Valerie Kent.


A/N Good morning lovelies.

I hope I'm not confusing anyone?

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  • Views (17530)
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  • Rating (4.67)
  • Ebunlomo picture
    You are not dear, we are right on track....welcome back to earth Valerie Kent
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    Wow, let the revenge begin
  • eliza picture
    I'm glad you are @ Ebunlomo
  • eliza picture
    ikr Destiny
  • Zarawu Iddris picture
    Zarawu Iddris
    Not confusing us @ all ......nice story dear keep it up
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    Not at all. Nice writeup
  • eliza picture
    thanks @Zarawu
  • eliza picture
    thanks Ronke
  • Maame Konadu Fredua picture
  • lydy mbuh picture
    lydy mbuh
    Well done Eliza, we love you so much go on the ride is awesome
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Wow! Nice story bae, I hope Valerie gets her revenge and also track her family back then to at least give them a Lil support. Thumbs up dear
  • eliza picture
    thanks Maame Konadu
  • eliza picture
    I love you more lydy
  • eliza picture
    let's hope so. thanks Bennie hun
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Whoa..trapped in time,, see you boys in 50yrs time. I just hope Valerie will get her revenge on them ...Thumbs up Eliza
  • eliza picture
    lol confy. we'll surely see them in fifty years time
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Mmm now we getting somewhere......!
  • eliza picture
    we sure are Pamela hun
  • Zainab Mohammed picture
    Zainab Mohammed
    Are her first parents still alive?
  • eliza picture
    maybe Zainab or maybe not
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    lolz,,,@Eliza, their(the boys)parents for don die finish gan without seeing dia grandchildren
  • eliza picture
    lol confy. maybe we should trap their parents too
  • Excel Christophers picture
    Excel Christophers
    Not at all,nice episode please and thanks for the good work
  • eliza picture
    thanks for reading too Excel
  • Bright chris picture
    Bright chris
    U're n't confusing us dear we are still on the track. Keep it on
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