Two Faced Lover - Episode 25

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"I'm not who you think I am.."

My heart skips a beat the moment she utters those words.. Before she could say more, her phone chimes and I curse under my breath as she mutters a silent apology, picks up her phone and begins to check through it.

Uneasiness fills me as a few seconds begin to feel like eternity while I wait for her to finish whatever she was doing on that damned phone.

Suddenly, a loud crashing voice draws my attention and I lift my head.

Skylar was seated on the bed, her body tense and rigid, eyes wide open with shock as she stares around the room in a very weird way.

"Are you okay?"

I ask, eyeing her carefully.. She doesn't respond.

She continues to sit rigid, like she was in some sort of trance.


I call out again, my brows creasing with confusion.

She still doesn't snap out of it.

"Skylar? Hey!"

I grab her left arm, shaking her violently until her eyes snaps to mine.

She blinks once and then as if remembering something, she begins to dart her eyes around frantically . When her eyes land on the phone which she had dropped on the floor, she picks it up immediately.

The phone wasn't broken, thankfully.

Such a strong phone.

Mine would probably have a cracked screen by now.

I watch as she dials a number and speaks for a few minutes.

When she's done, she hangs up, lifting her eyes to meet mine.

"Why did you just call Mrs Monroe not to come pick you up anymore?"

I ask

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I mean it's not that I didn't want her to leave.

She was still wounded but suddenly changing her mind in a few minutes? That's questionable.

Did it have anything to do with the message she got? Why does she have so much fear in her eyes.

"See? Did you see that?"

Julian who seemed to have finally snapped out of his trance spoke up, his voice laced with disgust..

"See what Julian?"

I grit my teeth in annoyance.

"Did you see how she suddenly changed her mind? After after..."

He trails off, marching past me and then snatches the phone from Skylar. He looks at the screen for a while until his expression hardens.

"I was right. I was f*cking right! This bitch!"

Alright I've had enough now.

"Okay shut the f*ck up Julian. Now. I mean now. Zip it. Zip your damn mouth will you? Cut her some slack, what the f*ck!"

"No.. Look at this...."

He pushes the phone into my hand.

I don't look. I want her to explain everything from her own mouth, if there's any matter.

"Shut up Julian"

I glare at him before turning to Skylar.. She was holding up a piece of paper that was previously lying on the beside table.

Her hands were trembling.

There was a writing on the paper.

It was scribbled haphazardly like she had written it with her left hand since her right was injured. Did she just write it? Squinting my eyes, I bend to read what was written.

"Your house had been wired. Please take us somewhere else and I'll tell you all you need to know. Leave your phones here too or switch it off, they might be tapped too. Please. I'll tell you everything"

"What the..."

I stare at my cell phone in my hand and then at her.

Her eyes were pleading.


Why the f* k would my house be wired?.

And how the hell did she know this? I frown, not liking this one bit. I'm starting to believe Julian's words.

"This better be worth it, else I'm gonna f*ck you up real bad if I find out you're not who you say you are" I write at the back of the paper and show it to her.. She nods in understanding and I nod curtly in return. I take her outside, waiting for Julian to do whatever he has to do so no one realises we are out of the house for a while. Anyone who's monitoring us won't realise we are gone.



Once we arrive in what seems like Julian's house judging from his pictures hanging on the wall, Julian drops Sean gently on the bed just as Cameron drops me on my feet so harshly my ribs ache.

I wince looking up at him but his face was stoic, hard and unreadable just like when I'd first met him.

I stagger towards the bed and sit.

"Do you still want a microphone before you start talking bitch?"

Julian snaps and I flinch inwardly.

I sigh.

Whether I tell them or not, I'm still going to be the loser anyway.. If I don't disclose it now, they'll hate me later when they find out.

If I disclose it now, they'll Still hate me and Mr Park will have my head on a platter for betrayal.

So what's the point? "Please just... Promise me you'll hear me out before drawing to conclusions" I mutter avoiding eye contact. Cameron snorts.

"Don't you think you're not in the position to be making demands?"

"Cameron please.."

"F*cking shut up and talk else I'll hand you over to the police for breach of privacy seeing as you had my home wired"

he sneers

"I didn't wire your house Cameron trust me"


For some reason, his lack of trust hurt me more than it should have. Why was he supposed to trust me anyway?

"I...I'm a spy"

I begin watching their expression wearily.

Cameron's jaw tightens at my words as his eyes flashes with anger.

With clenched fists, he averts his eyes.

"F*cking b*tch I knew it! Get the f*ck out of here" Julian grabs me by my broken arm and pulls me up sharply. I groan in pain.

"You're hurting me... P..please.."

I plead.

It was painful.

There was a cut on my shoulder and I could see it getting stained with blood as he dragged me out harshly.

The pain in my ribs not helping it one bit as I was forced to walk faster to keep up with his pace. When we reach the door, I trip and none of them make any move to help me as my side crashes to the floor, unbearable pain searing through me.

I couldn't help but scream in agony, the pain in my arm throbbing wildly.

"I've been working for the boss for years"

I wheeze out painfully, blinking back tears that clouded my vision. It hurts.

My entire body hurts like hell.

Damit, I fell really hard.. I continue nevertheless

"I've been working as his spy and con artist. Sometimes he makes me seduce rich old men who'd gotten into his bad books and dupe them then either kills them or let's them live after. That's the kind of work I did.. Wait did I say work?"

I laugh bitterly, watching the blood pouring down my shoulder from the open wound. I've watched myself bleed so many times, I don't feel anything when I see my own blood. It's almost like another liquid to me.

"I don't work... No... Work is not the right word. Slave. Yep. I slave for him. I'm his slave. I'm like a dog with a leash and tag around it's neck that is dragged everywhere by it's master. That's how pathetic I am. So..."

I pause to stare at them smiling bitterly, memories coming back to haunt me..

"Long story short, let's just say you here Mr Knight got on my boss bad side. I do not know what you did but he ordered me to spy on you. Get every information I could gather. Seduce you.. Use any godamn tactics to get you to trust me. Infiltrate your home, anything and report back to him.. I couldn't say no. Because I have no right to say no to my boss, my maker. That's how he describes himself, my maker. You see this?"

I stretch my broken arm and lift my shirt up showcasing the burns on my belly.

Funny, my arm doesn't even hurt.

It doesn't hurt compared to what I suffered when the hot iron was pressed to my flesh.

"This mark here is a result of my defiance. Yep. My boss asked me to dupe a very powerful man once and I refused. That was the first time he sent me on a Job. I refused. I thought I could handle him. I thought I was tough but when he pressed that hot iron to my naked flesh for several minutes while the only scent that filled my nostrils was my burning flesh, I realised I wasn't. I wasn't at all"

I stop when I feel arms around me


I smile at Cameron. His fingers reach out to wipe my tears. Oh was I crying? I chuckle. "I didn't realise I was crying. Sorry dude"

"You're bleeding"

"No sh*t Sherlock. You didn't seem to care when your friend was dragging me like a ragged doll until I fell and reopened my wounds.

Don't tell me you suddenly care after hearing my pity story. Oh well you aren't supposed to care"

"Skylar don't.. Just don't"

"Don't what?"

I smile numbly "Just...."

He starts when he shakes his head

"How did this all start? Why did you get involved with a guy like that?"

"I didn't. It happened. I needed money for Sean's surgery. He appeared, offered to help me in exchange for a job so I could work and pay him back in bits"

"And you believed him?"

That was Julian.

"I didn't. I was in doubt until he told me his own sister died of hole-in-heart because he had no money to treat her then. So he wanted to help me and I...I believed him.. I.. I was vulnerable.. I didn't want my son to die. He was all I had. Sean was all I had.."

My shoulders begin to heave up and down as my hard facade crumbles to pieces, my vulnerable side surfacing once again.

F*ck I hate this. I hate crying. I seemed to cry a lot around Cameron.

"Oh my God Sky"

he pulls me to him, rubbing my back as I let the tears come undone.

I'm unable to stop.

So many years of pent up frustration and pain coming undone, bare right infront of him.

"I didn't want to do this Cameron. To deceive you. But I had no choice. I had to protect Sean. He's my only weakness. I did it for my son. He'd nearly sold my son away for adoption and I can't have that. He won't hesitate to kill my son I know it... I didn't want to do this believe me"



A pang of pain hits me as she sobs harder than I've seen any woman cry, her tears and blood staining my shirt but I couldn't care less.

All I could care about was this broken woman in front of me who's world was her son.

Who had to endure such just so her son could live.

None of this was her fault. It never was.

She was trapped when she was most vulnerable and now her debts are being used against her. Such surgeries cost millions and it'll take someone like her to rob a bank to pay such amounts.

Skylar was just just another pawn in this.

My mind goes back to the burn marks and I fume, anger pumping in my veins

"How many times has he hurt you?"

I pull back from the hug to peer into her tearstained face. She smiles.

A smile that doesn't reach her eyes.

"As many times as I can count"

My jaws clench

"He's been abusing you?"

I growl. She shrugs

"That's how f*cked up I am"

I clench my fists harder, my nails digging into my palm so hard.

He's abused her so much that she now talks about it as if she's telling a romance tale? Damn it.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please forgive me you both. I admit it wasn't my intention to waltz into your lives to decieve you but it still doesn't justify the fact that I still did it. I.. Don't want you to get involved any deeper than you already are"

Another tear falls and I'm tempted to catch it.

Those tears aren't meant to be shed for some stupid man with twisted thoughts. "We've already been involved six feet under ever since we met"

I say to her.

"And there's no going back now"

Julian chips in earning a smile from me.

Now that's the best friend I know.

"What? No... You can't get involved. I'll lie my way out of this. I can't let you get hurt. Please don't do anything. Just pretend I haven't told you anything..

Read " The Emerald Chase " by the same author ( eliza )

. Please"

she was beginning to act hysterical now, her eyes snapping back and forth between Julian and I.

I grab her face, trapping them in between my hands as I force her to look at me.

"Look at me Skylar. Look at me. Give your eyes to me. Only me"

Her eyes slowly snaps to mine "You can't talk me out of this Skylar. I was involved in this the moment you stepped foot into my house. We are in this together now Sky.

It doesn't have to be you.

I'm with you. Julian is with you. He's got a problem with me, that's why he sent you to me. But now I've got a f*cking problem with him too whoever he is. It's not just you against the world now. This time.."

I caress her cheeks, making sure she's listening to every godamn word that comes out of my mouth.

"This time Skylar, it's you and I against the world"


Sorry for the long wait guys.

Writers block got me for a while.

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  • Confy-Dencie picture
    "its you and i against the world" ...AND ME TOO ooo. Let's go kick some ass . Thumbs up Eliz, miss u scarra
  • eliza picture
    I missed you more Confy darl
  • Dolapo Oloyede picture
    Dolapo Oloyede
    I'm against the world too . We are all at this together too. Eliza , thumbs up
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Eliza abeg, this writers block should leave you oh cuz I've been checking for updates saaa lol. Nice one dear, more episodes
  • Holartharyor Hardebharyor picture
    Holartharyor Hardebharyor
    Am also against the world too o we are all going to fight this battle together . Nice one @Eliza
  • eliza picture
    lol Dolapo. we are all in this together. thanks hun
  • eliza picture
    aww sorry Bennie. I'll surely post another chapter tomorrow
  • eliza picture
    I agree @Hola. we're fighting together
  • Ohemaa Mildy picture
    Ohemaa Mildy
    Skylar dear don't worry it shall be well,and as for dat Mr Parker when I get hold of him,will cut,boil and fry his balls for Skylar to feast on it
  • Oyebode Funke Bolanle picture
  • Debby Treasure picture
    Debby Treasure
    Love you baby@eliza
  • Sheila Smallz picture
    Sheila Smallz
    Awwwwn, I smell love in the air... Tnkz Babe.
  • Abimbo Aji picture
    Abimbo Aji
    We all are in this together sky, Eliza misses you hoping for more episode soon
  • eliza picture
    lol. Ohemaa, we'll feast on it together
  • eliza picture
    love you more Debby
  • eliza picture
    thanks for reading too @Sheila
  • eliza picture
    I'll post another one today Abimbo
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    You and I against the world..i like the sound of that,Park has had his way long enough it's about time someone put him in his own place....
  • eliza picture
    it sure is about time @ Pamela
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