Two Faced Lover - Episode 41

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"So judging by the look on your face, I guess Tracy got in?"

Julian's voice cuts through my thoughts as I disconnect the earplug.

"Hmm. Where did you get that girl?"

I slump into my seat, twirling in my seat.

"I know right? I'm am expert"

he gloats.

"Yea. I give you that but don't you dare remind me of that all the time"

I point my pen at him and he chuckles.

"Can't promise that princess"

"Oh my God don't you ever call me that again, you idiot"

He laughs getting up.

"Ive got a few documents to take care of . Bye princess"

he walks to the door pushing it open.

"I swear to God, I'll f*cking seal your mouth shut with a stapler one day"

I groan hearing his laughter fade as he shuts the door behind him. Leaning back in my seat, I log onto my laptop to check my emails. The door opens just then and the young man walks in.

"May I sir?"

"Sit. Now Start explaining why my workers were chirping like birds instead of working when I left you In charge" I glare at him. He gulps hard

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. Good. That's what I want. He's so getting fired today.


After work, Julian went to pick up Sean from Mrs Monroe's home while I went out in search of a jewellery shop.

I know it would have been much easer if I'd given the school my address because then, the school bus would bring Sean home directly from school. But at this point, I'm not willing to risk anything.

We're currently staying in Julian's apartment and pretty much abandoned my penthouse after that whole fiasco with those thugs who ambushed Julian almost two weeks ago.

Not that I'm scared, frankly I could beat the shit out of them all within a heartbeat but not when Skylar and Sean are under my protection now.

Besides I think I need a break from Park stupid Greene listening in on every conversation we have that house.

Disabling it will also alert him and I'm having none of that also. I sigh, tapping my fingers against the steering wheel, eyes darting around carefully for a jewellery shop. I recall sighting one a few times on my way to work but I never really paid attention.

Great, when you don't need something, it keeps showing up in your face every damn second but the one time you desperately need it, it suddenly disappears. I almost cuss in frustration when I sight the jewellery shop on the other side of the road. Perfect. I bring the car to a halt, alight and make my way inside, both hands stuffed in my pockets.

"Good day"

I greet the young man behind the counter.

He looks up at me from the book he was reading. I take a glance and almost puke. Romeo and Juliet, the title read. Really? I scoff inwardly. I hate this Shakespeare novel with passion.

"Good day sir. What can I do for you?"

I pull my hand out of my pocket, revealing the tiny thread tied into a small circle. I had tied the thread to Skylar's finger last night while she was asleep. It was the best way I could think of to get the measurement of her finger without getting caught. I hold the thread out to him.

"I want to purchase umm...a ring and I was hoping this could help you get the right measurement of ring"

His blue eyes sparks with excitement as if he's the one I'm buying the ring for. Sigh.

"Oh certainly Sir. Certainly! What type of ring would you like sir? We have different types!" He speaks excitedly in a high pitched voice, making my eardrums hurt. God. "I want a diamond ring. A simple but elegant one"

"Oh.. S se or. I will bring you some samples!"

The man dashes somewhere to find what I asked. He returns a minute later with several rings, arranged on white cushions.

"These are a few of the rings that matches the size you want. Please have a look"

I sigh, gazing between each ring.

This is utterly ridiculous. I don't even know what came over me to make me drive all the way here in the first place. I mean, this is just a marriage of convenience right? So why am I bothering myself with a proposal ring? I never even bought a ring for Natalie when we were together.

She always did the buying and I paid.

Natale was always browsing the internet, searching for huge diamond studded rings with high price tags but here I am today, in a jewellery shop looking through rings for my girl.

My girl? Damn, why does that feel so good to say! I blink, my eyes settling on a ring at he farthest end. It was a slender ring that had just one diamond at the top, shaped intricately into two entwined hearts.

It was sparkly and catchy.

Simple yet stunning. I found myself pointing to the ring I had set my eyes on.

"That one"

"It's beautiful Sir. I'll package it right away"

he scurries away and returns with a ruby coloured box.

At least it's not the clich deep red coloured ring boxes I see in movies. He tells me the amount and I pay.

"Keep the change"

I grab the box, pocketing it as I walk out towards my car.

Great Cameron, you just purchased a ring now how are you going to give it to her? The stupid voice in my head asks and I shut it down.

I'll find a way to give Skylar the ring.


The moment I open the door to Julian's apartment, a tiny voice squeals barreling into me. I stumble back slightly, looking down at the head of thick dark hair.

"Hey Buddy, what did I tell you about running?"

I bend to his height.

"Umm. Nothing?"

He asks grinning widely and I laugh.

He gives cheeky answers just like his mother.

"Did you get me pickles?"

"Do you have to eat pickles every day?"

"I love it and.. It's good.. It contains.. Pro...prot.."

He trails off, biting on his lips, thinking hard.


I offer.

"Yes protein!"

"And who told you that pickles contains proteins?"

Kids these days.

"Umm. I told myself"

I laugh again, stretching out the paper bag to him.

"Here you go" He squeals again, wrapping his arms around my neck.

"Thank you uncle Cam. I Iove you!"

"Love you too Buddy"

he scurries off. I straighten up, walking into my room to change my attire.

After changing, I make my way into the room Skylar occupied and find her seated on the bed, both legs crossed Indian style with her gaze fixed on the screen of her phone.


I sit by her on the bed.

Her head snaps in my direction before throwing herself at me.

"Everything okay?"

She shakes her head, burying her face in the crook of my neck.

"M..Maurice wants my address"

she mutters. I frown

"What for?"

"Because his lawyers need to deliver the..."

She pulls away, gulping hard like the words are stuck in her throat. I feel like I know where this is going.

"His lawyer needs to deliver the notice.. Notice for me to appear in court on Friday"

Really? So the bastard really took her to court? Wait, did she say Friday? Today is Monday. Hell that's so soon. That damn basrard.

"But I'm not dumb Cameron. Maurice will most definitely use this opportunity to find out where I live. He already has my number"

she continues.

"Do not give him any address. Give him my email account instead. His lawyer can e-mail it to me and I'll go print out a copy. No need to come here" I call out my email account for her while she types away on her phone.

"Did you send it?"


she nods.

"Come here princess"

I stretch my arms out, waiting for her to embrace me. She does, wrapping her arms tightly around my torso. I stroke her hair lightly, loving the feel of her body against mine. Loving every warmth radiating off her. Loving the mint scent of her hair. I could stay with her like this forever.. What's gotten into you Cameron?. I blink.

"You eaten?"

I ask, trying to stop my mind from wandering.

"Hmm. I have You should eat too"

she mumbles.

"I'll eat later. Rest"

I lean back into the bed, my back resting against the headboard, pulling her with me, settling her between my legs.

She curls herself into a ball, humming softly until her breathing begins to change, going soft and steady.

God, this girl is literally my home.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

When Skylar doesn't stir for a few more minutes, I take the opportunity to pull out the ring I had taken out from it's box long ago and grab her left hand discreetly. I hope she doesn't wake up.

Carefully, I slip the cool metal unto her third finger and it fits perfectly.

Suddenly Skylar stirs in my arms, blinking her eyelids.

Sh*t. I thought she was deeply asleep.

"Cameron what.."

She trails off with a loud gasp when her eyes land on the ring on her finger.

"W..what's this?"

"Umm.. Well.. I didn't properly propose to you and since we're getting married, I figured I'll get you a ring uhh to wear for the time being until the"

Why the f*ck am I stuttering? Someone please tell me.

"Oh..oh my God Cameron!"

She squeals, eyes brimming with tears.

Not again.

Why do women always have to cry when they're given a ring? Is it some kind of ritual? I've never understood this notion at all.

If I were a girl and my man proposes to me, I would snatch the ring from him, put it on my finger myself and f*ck him right there.

Skylar should be dragging me for a kiss right now not crying.

Okay shut up your horny freak! I slap myself mentally.


I fall back on the bed with force when Skylar suddenly tackles me, her legs on either side of me, planting several kisses to my face.

"It's so beautiful. Oh my God thank you Cameron!"

I catch a tear with my thumb, shaking my head at her.

"No tears princess"

"It's just.. I'm so over whelmed. I love it Cam"

"Despite the fact that you didn't propose like a normal man and had to sneakily slip the ring on my finger like a thief, I still love it"

She continues. I raise an eyebrow, placing my hands on her hips and pulling her forward, making her fall flat on my body, chest to chest..

"I never said I was a normal man babe"

I smirk.

"Yes I know.

Read " The Emerald Chase " by the same author ( eliza )

. You're a mad man. Totally insane."

I burst out laughing at that. Only Skylar could make me laugh with an insult.

"Really, thank you Cam. Hell I could kiss you right now!"

"What are you waiting for then?"

She grins before closing the distance crashing her lips to mine.

If this is my reward for getting her a ring, then I'd f*cking buy her an entire jewellery shop.

After a while, I swipe my tongue over her lips tasting, savouring her one more time before pulling away. I flip us over with me on top and climb down the bed.

"Come on"


Her eyebrows pull together in confusion.

"We need to go meet the wedding planner"


"Yes now. I just need to make a video call so you both can talk things through. I had scheduled a meeting with her Wednesday but we have to move everything up now. The court hearing is on Friday, we can't waster anymore time"

I explain.

"Okay. So what do we do now?"

She gets off the bed. I smirk

"Get you a wedding gown and make you the most beautiful bride to ever walk the face of the earth. So, ready to become Mrs Knight?"

She grins infectiously.

"Ready when you are"

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