Two Faced Lover - Episode 42

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*** So sorry guys. The internet here has been really down. I couldn't even access the site for two days.


I let out a deep sigh, rubbing my temple as we step out of Cameron's room.

We had just finished speaking to Marie, the wedding planner and it turns out we are getting married tomorrow.

Shocking, I know. I'm still trying to wrap my head around all this.

Everything seems to be moving so fast I'm unable to grasp anything.

The first court hearing is on Friday, just four days from now and it's understandable that Cameron has to arrange for our wedding just tomorrow . He had said it wasn't going to be any church wedding or anything fancy.

The only thing we need is a marriage certificate that certifies that we are husband and wife.

We are probably going to get married in this same apartment, I'm not sure.


I feel Cameron's arms pulling me to him.

I let myself go willingly, resting my head on his chest as I feel a migraine coming on.

All this too much.

I sigh.

Cameron's hands slip into my hair and I relax almost immediately when he starts to massage my scalp and temple at intervals.

I hum in content.

I really needed that massage.

"You okay princess?"

His warm lips descends softly on my forehead.

How I love his forehead kisses.

"I am now"

my arms go around his firm chiseled torso.

"Good. I think you should speak to your son

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. About everything. After tomorrow, he'll become my stepson. He has the right to know"

he whispers softly. Great, another problem. I reluctantly pull away, nodding.

"I..I know Cam but I..."

"Together. Remember? You aren't speaking to Sean alone, we both will".

I flash him a grateful smile.

"Now come on, we better talk to him while he's still eating pickles. That way he can understand better"

he grins and I chuckle as we make our way into the living room.

True enough, Sean was sprawled on the tiled floor, his gaze fixated on a book, a pencil in one hand and his other hand in his mouth, licking each finger. 

A paper bag, which I'm sure contained pickles lay near the bed.

"Hey baby"

Sean immediately springs up, pushing the paper bag full of pickles under at the couch, a failed attempt might I add as he wipes his hand on his shirt hurriedly.

My eyes narrow.

"You were eating and doing your assignment at the same time right?"



I raise an eyebrow.

"Sorry mom" 

I sigh, join him on the floor.


I pat the space beside me. He moves away from his spot and joins me.

"Umm there's something I need to tell you Sean. I need you listen carefully okay?"

He nods, eyes staring up at me attentively.

"There's going to be umm.. A wedding tomorrow"

"Wedding?" He cocks his head in confusion.

"What's a wedding mom?"

Great, what do I say now? I turn to Cameron for help and all he does is just smirk, obviously enjoying my dilemma. I scowl and turn my attention back to Sean.


I drawl

"A wedding is a ceremony held for two people who want to ermm.. Stay together forever."

Wow, nice explanation Sky. Wat to go.

"Forever and ever?"

"Forever and ever and ever"

He bites his lips, still looking at me. I continue.

"And it's mine and uncle Cam's wedding. We are going to stay forever and ever" I add.

"You and uncle Cam?"

"Yes baby"

"You and uncle Cam will stay forever and ever?"

I gulp, blinking. I can see the hope of having a real family shining in his innocent eyes. Maybe not Sean.

This is just a marriage of convenience. An agreement and when all this blows over, I'm sure we'll get divorced and go our separate ways.

"Forever and ever Sean"

I lie Cameron and I may never have a future.

"And..ermm. Uncle Cam will no longer be your uncle. He'll become your.. umm. Papa"

I add. Sean stares at me for a while and then without a word he gets up and starts to walk away.

My heart sinks.

What's was I expecting? He's lived his entire life asking for his real father and now I'm dumping Cameron on him as his papa?.

My thoughts get interrupted when I spot Sean stopping in front of Cameron who stood a little farther.

"Is that true uncle Cam?".

Cam unfolds his arms and bends to his height.

"Yes Buddy. It's true. Will you like me to be your papa?"

Sean doesn't say anything for a minute and then suddenly throws his arms around Cameron's neck.

"I love you.. Papa"

Sean exclaims and I choke on my tears.

He's only a temporary father Sean.

Only temporary. I'm tempted to say but I know better.

"Don't princess"

Cam's voice filters into my ears while he continues to hug Sean. I look up and see him shaking his head, asking me silently not to cry. I nod, pushing the sad thoughts and concentrate on the scene before me. A scene I will captur in my minds eye for years to come.


"Get up"


I groan, pulling the duvet over my head.

"Get up"

"Go away!"

I turn away, nuzzling my face deeper into the pillow.

"Get up. We don't have much time!"

"F*ck off"

"Okay that's it!"

The duvet is suddenly pulled off my body, the cold chilly air hits my body and I groan, snapping one eye open.

Who the hell is disturbing my sleep so early in the morning? I rub my eyes, yawning before snapping both eyes open.

I'm met with the sight of a very petite and curvy lady with brown shiny hair, curly at the ends tumbling past her waist, beautiful tanned skin.

I recognize her instantly.

She's the wedding planner.

"It's too early"

I groan, falling back on the bed, pulling the duvet up.

She pulls the duvet away again, grabbing me by the arm and pulling me out of my bed.

So hard, I loose my footing.

I glare at her.

For someone as tiny as her, she sure has a lot of energy stored up.

"We have so much to do! We need to go the spa, do a face treatment, waxing, fix those bushy eyebrows of yours and then go to the bridal shop for your wedding gown and the jewellery shop! Your earrings, tiara.. Oh my God, so much to do in one day!"

She squeals like she's the one actually getting married. I so want to tell her to f*ck off but she's too damn nice and extremely beautiful. Lethal combination. Makes it hard to hate her. "Get in the shower now" she practically drags me into the bathroom.

"Are you going to bath me too?" 

I rub my eyes. God I'm so sleepy.

"If I have to. I will. Now chap chap!"

She claps, shooing me.

I feel like a puppy being shooed into it's cage by its owner. Is this how she acts with every stranger? She acting like we're BFFs.

"And oh.. Don't wash your hair. We'll take care of it later"

she eyes my hair.

"Hmm. Your hair is so thick and full. I'm envious" 

I eye her long hair which is practically at her waist level.

She's got that and she's envious of my hair?

"I'll be waiting. Make it quick"

and she shuts the door in my face. God.


Thirty minutes later, Marie is literally dragging me out of the house while Cameron waves at me from the door, smirking.

"Here, you'll need it"

he throws a card at me. I pick it and realise it's a credit card.

"I'm going to make sure to empty your bank account Cameron!"

I yell, still being dragged because a certain wedding planner says we are late. Hell, it's barely six in the morning!

"Bye mom!"

Sean yells from where stood beside Cam.

I sigh when we reach the car. Julian is leaning against it, arms folded, looking as handsome as ever.

"Ready to go ladies?"

He twirls the car keys. I bite my kip waiting for Marie to answer since she seems to be the one doing all the talking today. When I get nothing, I turn only to see her blushing, biting her lips nervously.. Oh. A smirk grows on my lips as I quietly slip past them into the car leaving them to stare at each other like they do Indian telenovelas. I'm just waiting for the part where Marie slips and Julian catches her then a song begins to play in the background. I grin. This is gonna be an interesting day.


Turns out it wasn't as interesting as I thought.

The moment Marie coaxed me into stepping foot in the spa, I regretted it.

They plucked out my eyebrows, waxed my legs until it was as smooth as a baby's butt. That sh*t was painful.

Next, they put a certain heater on my face, long enough to make my entire face hot. They claimed it was meant to open up any clogged pores in my skin and clear all the Whiteheads and blackheads.

The only relaxing thing was the face mask they applied. I ended up chewing the cucumber slices much to their disdain.

They painted my nails bright red,made sure there was not a single hair on my face. I sigh, staring at my face in the mirror as the hairdresser pulls and tugs at my hair.

Sadness tugs at my heart.

All this.. Spa treatment, manicure, pedicure, hairstyling, makeup, wedding gowns, cakes... They were all just for show. For a marriage that isn't even real.

A marriage that may end as soon as all this is over. I'm scared that this dream of mine will come to an end one day. Because deep down, I know. It's an inevitable truth that I'm falling in love with Cameron Knight.


I stare at myself in the mirror, adjusting my tie. I study myself. The last time I had taken my time to dress like this, was three years ago. This is happening. It really us. In a few hours, I'd be a husband, Skylar's husband. She'd be my wife. I search my inner self for anything, doubt, panic yet surprisingly I get nothing. 

All I get is peace and calmness.

Peace, liberation, yearning is all I feel when I think about my impending marriage to Skylar.

Why do I feel like I want this marriage to be real? Why does the thought of Skylar becoming my wife excite me? Godammit Cameron.

"Uncle Cam" the small voice calls and I turn. I'm met with the sight of Sean wearing a tuxedo identical to mine. I must say he looks handsome.


I bend to his height. "Will there be cake?" 

I chuckle.

"Yes Sean. A big cake"

"Hmm" he bites his lips nervously just like his mother always did when she was nervous. I can tell he has more to say

"Tell me Sean. What do you want to say?"

"I love you. Papa" F*ck. There, that's the word.

Read " Daddy's Girl " by the same author ( eliza )

. Papa. That single word is enough to make me cave. I gulp. This boy has already accepted me as his father. God.

"Mom always says my father is in heaven but I don't like him because mom always crys when I ask her about my papa. But You make my mom laugh uncle Cam. And I like you too. Will you be my papa forever? Please?"

Pleading eyes look up at me. God. F*ck. How can I make such a promise? How do I promise you such a thing Sean, how?

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  • Àïr Klëèps picture
    Àïr Klëèps
    Let me go freshen up and attend this lovely union. Thanks dear for the update
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Just make the damn promise Cameron, cos i'm pretty sure dis marriage is gonna be forever and ever and ever and eeevvver... Nice work Eliz.
  • Sheila Smallz picture
    Sheila Smallz
    wow, I've got a wedding to attend..... SMiles
  • Sheila Smallz picture
    Sheila Smallz
    Yes, Sean, Papa will be with you forever and ever
  • Holartharyor Hardebharyor picture
    Holartharyor Hardebharyor
    I can't wait to attend this wedding nice one @ Eliza
  • YO DE picture
    YO DE
    This your forever beibi
  • eliza picture
    thanks for reading too @ Air Kleeps
  • eliza picture
    lol Confy. thanks hun
  • eliza picture
    lol Sheila
  • eliza picture
    thanks Hola
  • Ayomide Huntress picture
    Ayomide Huntress
    Pls hope the wedding is holding tonight cos I can't wait.
  • Ayomide Huntress picture
    Ayomide Huntress
    Pls hope the wedding is holding tonight cos I can't wait.
  • eliza picture
    lol Ayomide. it'll hold tomorrow morning
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Say it with me Cam "I promise" simple as that...
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