Two Faced Lover - Episode71

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*** Hello everyone.

So I wanted to finish this book in the next three chapters so this chapter is particularly very long. Happy reading.



I breath in the familiar scent as soon as Julian punches in the digits to open the door. A smile graces my lips as I step in, looking around.

Everything still looked the same, neat and tidy.

I can't believe it's been weeks since I last stepped foot here.

I was back at the penthouse.

The place where I had started developing feelings for Cameron.

Since Park was in the hospital and soon going to be locked away in jail, Julian figured it was the right thing to do by returning here.

I didn't argue. I missed this place after all and besides, the pent house was much closer to the hospital than Julian's apartment.

It would be easier to go in and out of the hospital from here . And lastly, I was hella tired.

The previous day's events was beginning to catch up on me and all I wanted was to have a relaxing cold shower and sleep. It was already afternoon and Cameron wouldn't be awake until somewhere in the evening. 

A delicious smell invades my nose as soon I step into the living room.

I turn, sniffing like a damn dog and following the scent until I come across my mother in-law, Father and Sean eating at the dining table.

Julian and I join them.

"Nice place little one"

dad nods with his mouthful, gesturing around the house.

Well, it technically wasn't my house but.. Well..

"Thanks dad"

I fill my plate with some jollof rice and chicken, adding a spoonful of black pepper

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I begin to eat, humming contentedly.

It's been so long since I had a homemade food.


I groan in delight, scooping some more.

Wow, Sky.

You literally just ate two paper bags worth of food less than an hour ago and you're already eating again? You're gonna become fatter than a whale before you reach your fifth month of pregnancy.. I giggle at my thoughts and everybody turns to stare at me.

"Ugh.. Alright.. I'm going to take a shower and go to bed"

I push three more spoonfuls of rice into my mouth and push my chair back, getting up.

Grabbing a glass of orange juice, I make my way into our room and strip naked.

Gulping down half the juice, I drop it and make my way into the shower.

After showering, I grab one of Cameron's shirt and shorts and put it on.

They looked big but they smelled of him and that was more than enough. Plopping myself onto bed, I pull the covers over myself and cuddle a pillow, falling into a fiftul sleep almost immediately.



I woke up to an empty bed.

Well, that's if you can even call this a bed. It's so small I'm reminded of my student mattress back in senior high school.

But of course, this feels much more comfy except it's small. 

I look around, spotting the pile of medicines waiting to be taken by me.

I grimace. I hate medicines and I f*cking hate hospitals.

I run a hand through my hair, frowning.

Where's Skylar? Maybe she was in the bathroom.

Then again, the bathroom was as quiet as quiet could be.


I call out, wincing at the dryness in my throat. With my good hand, I push myself up until I'm in a sitting position.

"She went home"

I turn. Julian was sprawled on the couch, arms crossed over his chest. I didn't notice him.

"It's you" I mutter albeit disappointedly.

"The one and only. Even though you sound disappointed that I'm here, I'll let it pass. I love you too much" I roll my eyes.

"I've told you never to say that in public. I don't want people thinking I'm gay. I love the women"

He let's out a slight chuckle.

"I'm glad you're okay man"

"I'm glad you're okay too Julian"

I reply

"Where did you say Sky is again?"

I ask after a while.

"She was exhausted so I took her to the penthouse to rest. Your mom and her father are with her"

"Is she okay?"

I'm supposed to be with her and not stuck in this hospital bed.

"She's fine Cam. Relax. If anything, I'll let you know"

Immediately he spoke, his phone rang. I watched as his expression morphed from calmness to panic.

"Calm down mother.. Yes.. I'll call Cameron's doctor to come check up on'll be there in a jiffy."

He hangs up and dials another number, briefly speaking and then hanging up again. Without a word, he got up and began walking towards the door.

"What do you need my doctor for Julian?"

I ask causing him to stop in his tracks.. I never called my doctor unless there was an emergency. Usually I would call him after I got back from fighting at the arena or racing cars, just to make sure my bones were still intact.

"I'll be back Cam"

My jaw clenches. I hate it when I'm being ignored "What the f*ck is going on Julian? Why did my mother call you? And why did you call the doctor?!" I demand. He sighs

"Calm down.."

"Tell me!"

I bellow, angrily.

"Fine. It's Skylar okay. She.. She was asleep and had a nightmare. She woke up screaming your name. I think the events from yesterday shook her up. Finding out about her parents existence, her mother's betrayal, you getting stabbed.."


I interrupted, knowing very well he was stalling.

"Well... When she woke up screaming, she began to experience pains in her lower stomach.."

I couldn't hear anything any longer the moment the word 'pains' and 'lower stomach' registered in my brain.

The baby. Our baby. Skylar was pregnant. F*ck, I knew I needed to be by her side. I yank the drip off my hand and the wires that were attached to my chest.

"Cameron! What are you doing?!"

"Get my discharge papers ready. We're leaving"

"What? No!"

On a second thought, f*ck discharge papers, it'll take too much time. 

I climb down the bed and walk towards the door, ignoring the pain in my right side threatening to tear me apart. Amidst Julian's yelling, a couple of nurses appeared at the door trying to stop me. I glare at them.

"Get the f*ck out of my way. Try to stop me. Just try and I'll f*cking dislocate your bones!"

I growl, clenching my fists. My face must have been a sight as they widen their eyes and slowly step away. Good, I thought as much. Pushing past them, I exit the hospital.

"Cameron! My God, will you just stop? Okay fine! I'm coming with you. I'll drive okay!"

I stop at the sound of Julian's voice and turn, waiting for him to enter the damn car. As soon as it's unlocked, I slip into the passenger seat.

"You never listen Cameron. You're just so damn stubborn"

he huffs, inserting the key into the ignition.


I order ignoring him. He mumbles something under his breath and sparks the engine, driving out of the parking lot.


The moment, the car came to a stop, I jump out of the car and take long strides into the building, straight into the elevator, ignoring the receptionist.

No time for formalities.

Skylar was the only thing that occupied my brain. I hope she's okay.

Both her and my baby.

God I hope they're okay... I step out of the elevator when it reaches the fourth floor and walk to my apartment, punching in the digits. I push the door open and race into the bedroom, fighting the pain coursing through my body.

The doctor had already arrived.

He was scribbling something down while he spoke to Skylar.

She was sitting up, her face wet with sweat or tears I couldn't tell..


Her eyes snapped up to meet mine, widening.


I didn't realise how fast I moved but the next thing I knew I was engulfing her in my arms, hugging her like my life depended on it.

"Are you okay princess? Tell me. Do I need to take you to the hospital?"

I pull back resting my hand on her belly..

"That won't be necessary Cameron"

The doctor cuts in. 

I turn to face him.

"What happened?"

"She had a slight contraction. But it's fine. She just needs a lot of bedrest. Also, she needs to stay away from anything stressful. She's too stressed. The next time she experiences such pains, you may not be lucky. I've already written down some medicines for her to take." 

I nod, taking the paper from him.

"Thank you"

"I'll walk you out" Skylar's father offers and follows him out. I sigh,

"You shouldn't be here Cam. You should be in the hospital"

she takes my hand in her small ones.

"F*ck that princess. There was no way I was staying there when you were in pain. I had to come"

I c*ress her face lovingly and she sighs tiredly.

"I had a nightmare. You got stabbed. There was blood.. And.. I woke up screaming then I felt pain"

she blinks.

"Nothing is going to happen princess. I'm right here aren't I?"

"You aren't going anywhere right?"

She looks up at me with wide eyes, lips trembling. I wipe a tear from beneath her eyes.

"I'm going nowhere. I'll be here as long as you want me. I love you"

I lean in pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

"I love you too"

"You okay now right? Do you feel any pain?"

She shakes her head.

"I'm fine. It's fine now".

Relief washes over me.

Thank God.

I open my mouth to tell her to rest when I hear yelling.

One which was obviously coming from Julian and the other, well I couldn't tell yet the voice was familiar. I sigh. Can't a guy catch a break?.

"I'll be right back princess" Wincing, I pad out towards the commotion.



Natalie stepped out of the car she had parked a few metres away from the duplex.

She adjusted her red heels and pulled her dress further up until it barely covered her ass. Her dress was a sleeveless red bodycon dress that hugged her curves in all the right places.

She smiled satisfactorily, running her fingers through her curly wig.

She had left her details with the receptionist and asked her to call her the moment Cameron returned to the penthouse.

Cameron was definitely going to fall for her all over again once he set his eyes on her.

She began to walk towards the mansion when she spotted five men standing near the gate, craning their heads as if trying to spy on someone.

"Excuse me. Looking for someone?"

They all turn, glaring down at her

"F*ck off lady!"

The tallest amongst them grounded. She lifted her hands in surrender.

"Chill guys, I just thought I could help you but obviously it's not needed"

she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah f*ck off!"

She snorted eyeing them.

They looked like hoodlums. Judging from their looks, she could easily tell they came from the slums.

They were the type of guys who looked like they would do anything be it legal or illegal to get their hands on anything. And by the fire in their eyes, she could tell they were looking for someone yet were reluctant to enter the duplex because there was security everywhere.

"Suit yourselves. I have more important things to do anyway. Like visiting Cameron" a smirk played along the corners of her lips. The guy who'd spoken to her earlier tilted his head in curiosity.

"Did you say Cameron?"

He sneered Natalie eyed him.

"Yes? You know him?"

He snorted

"F*cking sh*t"

"Hey! Don't insult my boyfriend you dumb sh*ts!"

She snapped in return. The tall guy suddenly grinned devilishly, cocking his head to stare at his companions. "Did you hear that? The bastard has got a girlfriend. A hot one too"

The wheels were already turning in their heads. They would take the Lady and use her as a bait for luring Cameron into their trap. The guy who seemed to be the one calling the shots, the leader moved closer to Natalie, so close she could feel the barrel of the gun poking out from it's holster and poking her belly. Natalie didn't flinch.

"Turn around. Quietly"

his voice was low yet dangerous.


she shrugged All men frowned.


"Yes. No means no. Your gun doesn't scare me. Besides you're not stupid enough to shoot in a place littered with security."

The man's lips curled into a smirk.

"Smart. Clever. But I'm not going to shoot. I have my ways"

"And I don't care. You'll gain nothing if you take me. I'm not that precious to Cameron" she muttered recalling the b*tch who'd humiliated and insulted her when she went to see Cameron. She was his wife and if these hoodlums were looking for a bait then his wife would be a perfect one. She'll help them take her in exchange for Cameron.

"Don't f*ck with us you b*tch! Didn't you say he's your boyfriend?"

The leader snarled.

"Yeah. But he's got a wife"

"Oh? So you're f*cking a married man?"

"A married man who loves his wife to bits"

she seethed recalling how Cameron stared at Skylar like she was a goddess.

"A wife that I can help you kidnap. A wife that Cameron loves more than his life and if you take her, it would totally destroy him. You have a beef with Cameron isn't it? Why don't I help you get his wife, you get to f*ck her one by one, video it and then send it to Cameron to watch? What revenge could be better than this?"

And once that is done, he'll come crying into her arms, she thought. The leader, Pete smirked, loving the idea. His companions nodded in agreement.

"Good idea. Brilliant. But how do we trust you?"

He had trusted Park once and made a deal with him but they wake up one day only to find out Park's mansion had been taken over by police officers.

"You don't. You just have to take a leap of faith. Besides we all know none of you can enter that building without the security calling the police, but I, on the other hand can go in."

She explained. They didn't seem convinced. She sighed, growing impatient.

"Look, you want Cameron and I want him too. Why don't you take his wife. Who is so much better looking than me and f*ck her two ways to Sunday.

Read " The Emerald Chase " by the same author ( eliza )

. That, in exchange for Cameron. You get his wife, you leave him alone. Deal?"

Pete's eyes flickered to her car.

"Car keys"

he demanded. She rolled her eyes, giving it to him.

"And your phone"

She gave it to him.


She did and he took out her ATM card and grinned. Now, incase things didn't go as planned, they had her car which they could sell and her ATM card. Hacking into her Bank account wouldn't be a big deal.

"Now we have a deal. You bring us Cameron's wife, we let our beef with him go and you can have him."

But of course, he was lying.

He would never let Cameron go scotfree even after they got his wife.


Natalie nodded and walked into the mansion.


Chris watched the entire interaction with his binoculars from where he sat in his car.

He was right when he decided to follow Natalie.

She would never change.

And as for those guys, he had followed Cameron around secretly enough to know that they were part of the guys with who his brother raced cars with.

If they were here, then it meant bad news.

And If Natalie was talking to them, it meant worse news.

Drawing out his phone, he dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" 

A voice answered..

"I need policemen please. A house is being robbed and I heard shooting"

he lied.

That was the only thing he could think of. What could he say? That his wife was going after his brother?

"Your location please?"

After giving them Cameron's location, he hung up and grabbed a cap, putting it on.

He then wore dark shades to disguise himself.

Done, he waited until Natalie was fully inside the building and then he stepped out following.

When he said he was going to protect his brother from Natalie, he meant it. Now, he was going to do his part.

He just hoped the police would arrive faster.

If not, then hell would break lose. He was going to make sure nothing would come in the way of Cameron's happiness.


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  • Lydiah picture
    wow thanks so much Eliza, I love this
  • Eunice Ache picture
    Eunice Ache
    Way to go chris
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Natalie is so delusional...I'm glad Chris is there to help.
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    Nice one Eliza, Natalie, you wouldn't know what hit you
  • Adeyemi Deborah picture
    Adeyemi Deborah
    Wow, Natalie is a loser, why can't she just leave Cameron alone?
  • eliza picture
    I'm so sorry for making you guys wait so long because honestly it wasn't my fault. Truth be told, I've already posted the last four chapters of the story a week ago but it still wasn't showing here so I reached out to ebonystory, and they told me they want to use my story to test run a new app they're creating which is almost ready that's why. I trust the app will be ready in no time so they can release the remaining four episodes I posted. but if it takes too long, I'll have to forgo my agreement with ebonystory and make them to post the remaining chapters. I promise because honestly I hate to keep you guys waiting. makes me feel bad. Please bear with me guys.
  • Judith Ankomah picture
    Judith Ankomah
    Awww tnx Eliza dear,I was about to ask why
  • Eunice Ache picture
    Eunice Ache
    Thanks for the explanation. You have a good heart
  • Eunice Ache picture
    Eunice Ache
    Thanks for the explanation. You have a good heart
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    Tnx for updating us
  • eliza picture
    thanks guys. if the test run takes too long, I promise I'll end my agreement with ebonystory so they can release the last four chapters I've posted
  • Temilola oladipupo picture
    Temilola oladipupo
    Wow!!! this is great this is the most captivating story that ave read in a long time kudos to u eliza
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    This test run is taking too long jare....aren't they supposed to be done by now?
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    I have even forgotten d story line, I would hv not read it from d onset
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    I have even forgotten d story line, I would hv not read it from d onset
  • Joseph Aniedi picture
    Joseph Aniedi
    @ Eliza over two months the four episodes have not been posted..... I totally forgot about the novel..... Please what's the next option? @Ebonystory kindly work on late posting and please try to finished a novel before the next one to keep the page interesting.
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