Two Faced Lover - Episode 72

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*** I'm really sorry for going AWOL people. I had a problem with my laptop and so typing became difficult but I'm back now. Pls Don't forget to leave your comments. Happy new year once again.


I know I should have stayed put when Cameron asked me to stay in bed and not to move.

But I couldn't.

How could I when I could clearly hear the shouting going on outside. 

I could even hear a lady's voice. 

A voice I had heard once yet I could recognize so clearly anywhere.

I bite down on my lip.

What was she doing here again? Judging from my mother in-laws expression, she was definitely thinking the same thing.

Before I could get a word out, she rushes out leaving me alone in the room. Not wanting to be left in the dark, I flip the covers away from my body and slip my feet into Cameron's large bathroom slippers and step out.

Yeah, the b*tch was back again.

"Cameron! I just want to see Cameron!"

She yells like a maniac as Julian tries to stop her but she was already tearing the building apart with her screams.

With unimaginable strength, she pushes him out of the way and steps into the room . It seemed she really didn't know what knocking meant.

Or she really had no manners.

She stops short when she came face to face with Cameron.

Her agitated look immediately morphed into that of an angel.

I snort, rolling my eyes.

I was tempted, so tempted to walk further into the living room and punch the living daylights out of her and drag her by her obviously fake wig but I couldn't.

I didn't want to exert any more pressure on myself than I already have.

I can't hurt myself or the baby anymore with stress so I stuck to my position, leaning against the door of my bedroom and watching.

Cameron could handle her

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. I hope he did, if not, I'd go over there and drag her myself.

And this time I'll make sure to stuff her face into the toilet seat where she rightfully belongs.

Cameron scowled at her, moving backwards when she tried to touch him.

"What do you want?"

He sneers.

"Will you please offer me a seat? So we can talk?"

She bats her eyelashes, giving him the puppy eye look.

Seriously? Her face looks like someone suffering from constipation.

Cameron places a hand over his wound and runs the other hand through his hair.

Natalie's eyes follows his movement and her eyes lit up, trailing over his hair.

"You got dreadlocks!"

She squeals. Okay, I'm really losing my patience now.

Cameron better put her in her place or imma go there to do that myself. I'm hanging on a tiny thread of self restraint right now.

Very tiny.


"You got deadlocks!"

She squeals and I grimace. Her voice sounds so high pitched and scratchy it makes my eardrums itch.

"No sh*t Sherlock"

I mutter sarcastically.

I cock my head to the side, eyeing her, wondering how and why I never saw the real Natalie.

Wondering why I fell in love her in the first place.

She repels me.

"Oh my God, you look so handsome"

she continues, almost dreamily. 

I roll my eyes.

Does she have nothing sensible to say? I really wasn't in the mood to exchange words with her. 

I was tired and needed to sleep.

The painkillers were beginning to wear off and I was starting to regret leaving the hospital. I could feel a headache coming on.

"What do you want Natalie?"

I ask, sinking into the sofa.

My entire body hurt like hell.

Natalie seemed to have noticed my wound because she rushed to me, helping me sit.

My nostrils flared. Annoyed, I grab her hand and yank it off my arm, tightening my grip on her. She winces.

"Don't you f*cking touch me"

I seethe.

"I'm sorry.. I just...I just can't bear to see you in pain.. W..what happened Cameron? Who hurt you?"

Crocodile tears well in her eyes. Pathetic.

"You can't bear to see me in pain?"

She nods, her hair bouncing along with the movement.

" breaks my heart"

I let out a maniacal laugh. I couldn't help. The b*tch had definitely lost it. Either that, or she was delusional.

"Your heart? It breaks your heart?" 

I ask unbelievably.

My grip on her wrist tightens further, nails digging into her skin.

"Yes...Cam you're hurting me"

she winces. "It hurts doesn't it? I bet it does"


"That's a surprise you know. Real f*cking surprise. All along I thought you were some cold hearted zombie b*tch. You know zombies do not have a heart. Oh wait, they actually do. Except it's dead. Stone cold"

I sneer. I notice fire blaze in her eyes. Good, her facade was slipping.

"Why would a person with a heart do what you did huh?"

I continue, intending to rile her up some more.

"You dated one brother for years, f*cked him and on your wedding day, stand him up at the alter to marry the younger brother in the same wedding gown the other brother paid for! F*cking fantastic! Well played! You committed incest. Sleeping with two blood brothers. You're such a role model aren't you?!"

"It was a mistake Cameron! I told you it was a mistake! I was young and foolish. Why do you keep holding it over my head!"

She screamed, her nostrils flaring in anger.

This.. This was the real Natalie.

A liar, manipulator, unfaithful and all other words that could be used to describe her.

She had no qualms. She was mannerless, spoilt, obsessed, crazy.

"You were young and foolish?"

God. I can't believe my ears.

"How many years has it been Natalie? Three years and you claim you were young?"

I eye her.

"Is this what you call growth? Don't be fooled Natalie. You haven't grown. In fact, you've aged backwards, if you know what that means. A five year old has so much sense than you. My son has more insight than you. You're obsessed Natalie, get the f*ck over it and go back to your husband because you're not painting a good image for yourself. You look like a whiny child in an adult's body"

I spit.


She yells yanking her hand out of my grip but I don't let her. I'm not going to release her, not until I've said everything I need to say while looking her straight in the eye.

"You're a bastard! How dare you talk to me like that?! Who the f*ck do you think you are?!"

"Don't you yell at my son you.."


I cut her off with a shake of my head.

"Let me"

She huffed and crossed her arms in annoyance.

I know mother, the feeling is mutual. I turn to Natalie, releasing my hold on her.


She blinks.


"Are you deaf? I said leave. Out of my house and life. Don't you ever come looking for me got it?"

She pursed her lips, quiet for a while.


It was my turn to blink. Did I hear right?.

"Did you just refuse to get of my own house?"

"Yes. I'm not leaving. Not until I've spoken to you"

A humorless chuckle escapes my lips as I stare in disbelief.

Was this really happening?

"'re serious aren't you? You're not gonna leave?"

I can't help but laugh. This is so absurd. Outrageous.

"I'll leave can, but not until I've spoken to you. Please just come with me to the coffee shop just across the Street. It'll only take a few minutes, I promise. Please"

her façade was back on. I raise an eyebrow.

Does she think I'm stupid? That I'll agree to step out of the house with her? And leave my mother and Skylar all alone. Knowing her and with everything that I've gone through with Park and Rebecca, I learnt never to give the enemy a chance.

Not even a loop hole.

Who knows? Maybe all she wanted was to get me out of the house so she could harm Skylar.

After all, what will you do when you're trying to reach a destination and there's a big rock blocking your path? The most logical thing to do was to push the rock off the road and continue the journey.

And in this case, I was Natalie's destination and my wife was the big rock blocking her path.

I'm not that stupid.

I can clearly see the wheels turning in her head.

Her eyes pleading silently for me to accept to go out to talk with her.

But no. Nope. Nada. Zilch. No f*cking way.

I open my mouth to retort a reply when another figure barges into the room.

"He's going no where and you, are coming with me"

the voice says. What the f*ck.


Natalie's turns, eyes almost bulging out if it's socket.

"W..what are you doing here?!"

Behind me, mother gasps at the sight of her younger son.

"Did you think I didn't notice you sneak out of the house? I'm not that stupid Natalie. Now come on, we are leaving"

Natalie snapped out of her initial shock and laughed.

"You don't tell me what to do Chris. Now buzz off" I was still in shock, rooted to my seat. What the f*ck was Chris doing here? As if Natalie wasn't enough headache already.

"You're coming with me Natalie. No quarrels. I won't let you do to my brother what you did to me".

My jaw clenches. Did he just refer to me as brother?.

Tell me he did not.

"Get over yourself Chris, we never loved each other and you know that. So why are you trying to act all caveman now?"

"True. I never loved you. I don't and never will in the future. But I won't let you ruin my brothers life. He's happy. Let's leave it at that"

he says, stepping fully into the room.

Our eyes meet.

I avert my gaze instantly. I don't know what he's trying to prove by acting like the good guy here.

"Oh please stop with the act. You never cared about Cameron, why now?"

"I won't repeat myself Natalie, let's go. And I mean it. Now"

Chris steps forward, grabs her by the arm and begins to lead her out. She yanks her arm out of his grip and pushes him away aggressively.

"Let me go! You and I are done! I do not love you. It's Cameron I love. Do you hear? Cameron and not you!"

She yells like a deranged person. Chris rolls his eyes.

"You don't love him. Whatever you feel for him is nothing but obsession. Obsession and nothing else"

"You know nothing okay. Nothing! Cameron is mine! Mine alone. And I'll have him. He's mine!"

She tugs at her wig. Okay, now she's really looked crazy.

"Let's go. Now"


She slaps his hand away, glaring at him with bloodshot eyes.

"Why don't you want me to be happy? Cameron makes me happy. Why are you stopping me?"

She asks quietly and then as if a bulb had gone off in her head, her eyes widens, rage filling them.

"Is this for revenge? Are you doing this to get back at me because I shot you and left you to bleed to death? Is that why?!"

My eyes bulge. She shot him? She shot him? F*cking shot him? "No Natalie" Chris shakes his head slowly.

"Not everyone is as treacherous as you. I'm not doing this for revenge. I'm doing this because I can save my brother from a venomous woman like you. And I'll do it."

"What will you do? Shoot me? Kill me? What will you do huh?!"

She snaps.

"A lot. Starting with those goons you spoke with downstairs, telling them to wait for your signal. Right this very minute, they're being taken away in handcuffs and next person going to be in handcuffs is you."

Natalie blinks in surprise for a moment before composing herself.

"You're lying. You're just saying this to scare me. There are no police"

"Just because you can't hear siren blaring doesn't mean they aren't here. And I'm glad you just confessed to shooting me. It'll be easier to arrest you. I told you this before Natalie, I'd rather die than let you harm my brother the second time"

"What.." Before she could finish her statement, three policemem entered through the open door and handcuffed Natalie.

"Hey! Let go! I've done nothing! I swear to God Chris, I'll kill you!"

She struggles with the police.

"Ma'am, I suggest you stay quiet. Whatever you say can and will be used against you in the court of law"

a policeman speak uo.

"Let go! Court my foot! I said let go! You're mine Cameron! You're mine! You hear me?! Mine! Mine alone! You're mine! All mine!"

She yells continuously, her voice fading and fading as she's dragged outside with force.

"This isn't over!"

Is the last I hear before her voice completely fades. Silence ensues after, everyone's eyes now on Chris, who stood awkwardly at the doorway.

"Can I help you?"

I growl. He flinches. What was he expecting? That I'll walk up to him, give him a hug, tell him I miss him and thank him for getting Natalie arrested?. Pftt! In his dreams. Never. I can't forgive him. If he's realised his mistakes, then good for him but in no way will I be on good terms with him just because he claims he is changed. I wouldn't have cared if a stranger had betrayed me the way he did. But for my very own brother to sleep with my fiancée? Marry her on my wedding day? No. that isn't something you wake up one day and decide to do. It was something he must have must have planned for a long time.

Some deep sh*t to have betrayed me like that.

"Cameron.." I hold up a hold, stopping him.

"Don't... Don't you f*cking utter a word. Don't you dare say my name"

I glare at him. He gulps, nodding slowly.

"I just...I know it won't be easy for you to forgive me but..I just wanted to do something good. For once in my life. I'm sorry brother.

Read " The Emerald Chase " by the same author ( eliza )

. I'm sorry for hurting you but I'm not sorry for marrying Natalie. You know why? Because your life would have been miserable if you had married her."

I bite my lip. True. That part was true.. "I'm probably asking for too much but I hope you can forgive me one day. And I hope we can meet up sometime to have coffee.." Never gonna happen.. I look away, unable to stand him.

He turns to mother.

"I'm sorry mother. I'm sorry for hurting you too" He turned to look at me one more time and left.

"You okay?"

Soft hands make their way through my hair as my wife takes a seat beside me.

"I'm good princess"

Yeah. I'm good. With Natalie in jail now, I feel f*cking good. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


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  • Eunice Ache picture
    Eunice Ache
    Thanks for this
  • Dolapo Oloyede picture
    Dolapo Oloyede
    Good for Natalie, but missing you here Eliza Welcome back
  • Lydiah picture
    wow thanks Eliza, we really missed you welcome back dearest
  • eliza picture
    thanks guys. ebony story's app has been finally launched today with my book, two faced lover and so they finally released it and posted it here. I'm currently working on another book to make up for the long wait, titled OMERTA(an Italian Mafia story). love you guys, thanks for being patient
  • picture
    [email protected]
    Welcome back Eliza. Are you on Wattpad, if yes, what's your username
  • eliza picture
    sure @ username is @3Elliz or Ellen B.
  • Kemi Babagbemi picture
    Kemi Babagbemi
    Nice story,pls how can i search for you on wattpad.thanks
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Glad that woman is right where she belongs......missed you plenty Lizzie!
  • Ogunbusola Omobolanle picture
    Ogunbusola Omobolanle
    I thought I av forgotten abt dis story, BT dis episode made me realise its still intact in my brain. Weldon Lizzie
  • Chibuzor Ugbagu Eyisi picture
    Chibuzor Ugbagu Eyisi
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