Firesparks - Episode 27

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Winter's p.o.v
I open my eyes sniffing dust.
Where am I?
"Atewwww!"I sneezed.
Where am I?
I opened my mouth when I realized it was bounded.
Looking from things.. I'm probably hidden in a bag.....
That means uncle is bad and he tried to kidnap me......
I heard some voices around....
I'm still in school... Uncle hasn't been able to take me out.
I struggle trying to get it out of my mouth but my hands and legs was tied.
"You fool! I thought I told you not to. . make a mistake"I heard a voice.
"It isn't my problem that some kid saw me"He sighed.
"You'd better make it right "I heard a click of the call.
"I got the kid but how do I leave with every teacher on the lookout for me..."He muttered.
That means....I can still escape.
What do I do? What do I do?
Where's mommy? I think.
I have to attract attention to this matter what!!!


****Ken's p.o.v
"Here! Here!!!"I screamed as I pointed to where the man was.
"Where is he....child tell me?"MRS asked.
"I don't Know...he was right her..He wrapped something on her face"I screamed.
"It's ok... little one.

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. we will find her...stay right here while I inform the security and tell them to be on the lookout."She said hurrying away.
I swear I must have seen him somewhere...
"Winter!"I screamed running around.
This school is so big...
he could hide anywhere...
But he would have to hide somewhere very big to not be found.
"That's it...."I screamed running towards a big room.
"This is where he has to be!"I screamed ... Walking slowly.. feeling frightened and about to run away after some minutes when I hard a glass shatter.
I tiptoed quietly and closed my eyes.
"Do you have her?"
"Yes but boss...I have a problem...a little kid saw me..."
"You fool! I thought I told you not to make a mistake."
"It isn't my problem...I tried my best but the kid saw me"
"You better make it right..."
That was all I heard.
I should go and call..MRS
but what if we come and they've left.
I will hide and when's this man is leaving...I will wisper to the security.
Nothing should happen to long hair...


***Sara's p.o.v
I entered the school and looked at the gate anxiously.
Where is winter?
I told her to always meet me here..or is she in her class..
I walked to her class and saw her teacher locking up.
"Good evening"I said.
"Evening must be  here for Winter."
"I haven't seen her since I came."
"But she left minutes ago with her friends"She said.
"Winter is a new kid and there is no way ..she would have left ..we would give her picture to the security and ask if she left"She volunteered.
"I don't like this! I come a few minutes late and I find her missing"I complain.
"We're very sorry ma.. please calm...down...we will find her"She said.
"You'd better .. let's go to this security now"I said clutching my purse and walking away. 

"Soo.when I said I would kiss you the day you came to my room..Did you want it?"
My saliva seemed too heavy to swallow and I looked around.
"Answer the question or eat the chilli"Pooky said.
Honestly...I had wondered how it would feel like to...but I won't tell him not now or he would taunt me all my life.
"I...i.."I stuttered.
"You got to answer" and  that was Roshni.

You're confused I see...let me introduce everyone in the family.
There's Raj put and his wife Roshni and their little son...Radge...Pooky is Raj's younger sister and aunt that's called Ria..I haven't seen an uncle yet.
"I don't know"I said.
"You have to answer that's not how it's played"Pooky whined.
"She's just angry because she ate a bowl of pepper"Radge giggled.
"I...I "I stuttered blushing red.
"Next"Dayne said looking at me.
"SHE HASN'T ANSWERED"Pooky seethed.

"She didn't even need to...I saw the answer from her eyes."
"That's no one looked in MY eyes..."Pooky grumbled and I managed a laugh.
So the game continued and no one bothered that...that...I.. didn't reply.
Once or twice...
I caught Dayne staring at me..

Because when everything seems hopeless...

Read " Tuff stuff " by the same author ( Lo is )

. Your heart has the answer.

I showed him winter's picture and the security said he hadn't seen her leave.
"Think again! You see thousands of students leave you must have forgotten"I breathed.
"If..I forget my own name...I won't forget that hair... anywhere it's quite rare"He said.
I collapsed sobbing holding my chest.
"Take it easy"Mrs sunshine said.
"Are you telling me to take it daughter has just been kidnapped!!"I screamed hysterically.
"We need the cops"Mrs sunshine said.
"You got me on that!!! Someone call them now!'

***Aisha's p.o.v
"Stop me here"I told Clifford and he stopped the car.
"Thank you" i mumbled getting out.
"Call me"he winked.
"Look at my ring I'm married"I said.
He looked at me a blank look on his face and said
"I'll wait for your call" and drove off.
Such a strange person.
I took in a deep breath and entered the school.
"Ken! where is my little Prince?"I wondered walking through the classes and I saw that strange face.
That lady is here too!!
She was saying something about her daughter.
"What about my son... has he been kidnapped too?"I scream.
"Take it easy..."The class teacher said.
I looked around and started screaming
"Ken! Ken! Come to mommy"No response.
"I will sue you a can a school like this not have enough protection!!
My son has gone missing too!!"I shrieked.

"I Will never let you marry my daughter"Mom said angrily to Remy.
"But ma..."
"You better leave my house before I change my mind and pounce on you"Mom opened the door and looked away.
Remy started walking away slowly and she said
"Oh.yes...least I forget if I ever see you near me or my daughter I will ruin you" and mom literally slammed the door on his face.
I ran to my room... crying..why does mom hate me so?
"Stop... crying..."Mom said patting my back and I realized she had entered the room.
"Mommy how can you do this to me..i love him! doesn't it Matter anymore?"I screamed.
"He is not the one for you..Aisha will never be truly happy!"
"Happy... you're just jealous because I have found a better husband material than Dad!"I shrieked.
"Aisha"She said and I felt the full force of her slap.
"What has come over you?"
" love him and no one else is going to stop me!"
"Come to your senses..girl!"
" you don't let me marry him...I will commit suicide"I screamed looking at her hysterically from eyeball to eyeball.


"Find these children and stop standing here doing nothing"The teacher snapped to the security.
I saw that girl's mother wiping a tear and another.

Once more i screamed"Ken!!!"
"It's no use...they must have taken them"She sobbed.
"Use .. it's all your and your daughter planned this again... didn't you... like mother like daughter"I screamed holding her.
"Let go of me"She said irritated trying to grasp free.
"Not until you tell me where my son is."
Then I felt a a bid to to
release her hand. 

 She had pushed me down and I fell..face flat!
She's so going down!!!!!


***Remy's p.o.v
"Finish the work...I'm going to pick...Ken...I'm not sure his irresponsible mother..will even realize she has a child."I say holding my phone
"ok sir"I heard and curt the call.
This is a hell of a traffic..How do I get out of it.
Like every other car...I honked disappointed.
"Seems like an accident happened at the front" a nearby car suggested.
I closed my eyes entered my car and shut  the ignition off.

I walked home disappointed...
Aisha's mom just kicked me out..That means one thing..
I'm so estastic... immediately I get home..I pick up our Dog Bruno and said.
"Guess what Bruno! No wedding"I kiss his cheeks in Joy and laugh hopping into the house and out
screaming to the heavens
"Oh thank you..I promise not to drink ever again!"
Surely... Aisha's mom would not deny rights to see my child or would she??

"This heat is so frustrating!"I turn on the A.c but it seems more frustrating..Targeted by the sun...the car is hot and I try remaining calm...when a car behind who was probably trying to reverse..

Hit the boot of my car and crashed it baddd.
"Oh no!"I scream walking out and banging my catr door.
"You're dead meat!!"

stay tuned for more

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