Two Faced Lover - Episode 12

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"And that's why the tortoise has broken shells"

I conclude my folktale with a heavy sigh as Sean sleeps beside me, staring at me with wide eyes.

I sigh.

He may be five, turning six in a few months yet he wouldn't go to sleep without hearing another folktale about animals... So much for being a big boy.

With the way hes staring at me, I can tell he's no where near sleepy.

Either he doesn't really want to go to bed and is using listening to stories as an excuse or he just wants me to keep going.

This is my third story in one hour for goodness sake.

Can't mama have some rest too?

"And that's the end of our bedtime story son . Now close your eyes and sleep" 

I pull the covers over his body.. He doesn't resist this time.. Thank God.. I lean back against the headboard, shutting my eyes for a brief moment before Sean's voice startles me.


"Yes Sean?" 

I turn to face him.

"Will daddy ever come down from heaven to visit me?"

My chest constricts painfully as my heart begins to beat faster the moment those words leave Sean's lips. 

I suck in a breath, trying to form up sentences in my head before I spew them out.

"Of course son. Why would you think that?"

I ask, stroking his hair which was growing longer.

The weather here is good for him.

"I miss him mom

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Every one at school has a papa. Even Jake and Jude have a papa. But I don't" 

I blink rapidly, trying to keep the tears pooling in my eyes at bay.

"Don't say that Sean. Of course you have a papa. He's just... Very very far. Heaven is very far from where we are but he'll come soon. He'll come to see you soon"


"I promise. Now go to sleep"

I keep stroking his hair as he shuts his eyes again, obviously buying my lie.

Few minutes later, I hear his breathing become steady and slow and I know he's fallen asleep.

I blink.

Forgive me Sean.

Forgive me for lying to you so much.

But what can I do? Even I am helpless.

How do I tell you where your papa is when I don't even know what he looks like?.

Forgive me but I had to lie.

I sigh.. Lying has been able to keep him from asking about his father everyday but still, I know the question still lingers at the back of his head.

I may lie to him and get away with it.

But not forever.

He's still growing up.

And in two or three years to come, he's going to figure out there's no such thing as travelling to heaven.. He will start demanding for answers.

Demanding to see his father, talk to him, see photos of him.

And what will I say to him when the time comes? That time is fast approaching and I hope that by then, I can tell him something much more believable.

Forgive me Sean.. I bend to kiss him.

A knock sounding on the door snaps me back to reality.

"Come in"

A girl walks in, both her shirt and skirt torn.

I don't need to ask to know what had happened to her.

"The boss seeks your audience"

she says and then exits quickly.

I groan, stepping out of bed as I grab a robe to wear over my night gown.. I glance at the wall clock.

It's past ten pm.

What could he possibly want with me at such an ungodly hour? Can't it wait till tomorrow?.

I walk out of the room and shut the door to our part of the boys quarters and stroll onto the main compound towards the mansion.


As I make my way into the study, I hear shouts and grunts followed by the sound of objects crashing.

I wince as I stop in front of the door.

Someone must have gotten Mr Park really riled up to get him this angry.

He was usually, calm, collected and precise.

Even when he was angry, he preferred to smile. 

A smile that always explained

"the calm before the storm"

His smile was dangerous than frown.

But not in this case.

As I stand behind the door, I can hear him cussing profanities as he continues to smash things about.

Wow, I smirk in satisfaction.

Mr Park has really lost his cool.

I salute who ever had such guts to stand up to him and rile him up this much.. I wish I could meet with that person and give him a medal personally.. I clear my throat, slapping myself mentally at my thoughts as I wipe the smirk off my face and knock slightly.

I'll smirk all I want later, in the comfort of my bed.

The grunting stops immediately save for heavy breathimg.

"Come in" 

I waste no time.

Grabbing onto the door knob, I twist and push the door open, stepping inside. 

I bow my head, folding my hands behind me.

"I've got a job for you Skylar"

he says.

I don't reply. 

I hate being a spy or a con-artist.

I barely escaped few years ago.

And I don't want to gain attention in this environment also.

Luck has favoured me all this while, it's just a matter of time before my luck runs out and one of my victims exposes me.

I sigh.

If only I had a way out..

If only. My thoughts are interrupted when Mr Parks callous fingers grips my chin harshly and lifts my head up.

"Look into my eyes"

he orders menacingly.

I gulp as I slowly lift my eyes to meet his.

His eyes are blooshot red.

Anger, fury, rage and all shades of anger are swimming his eyes.

He was gritting his teeth, jaw clicking at the movement. God, he really is mad.. I don't want to provoke him.

"You Skylar, will bring him to me. I don't care how you do it. I f*cking don't care. Get him to trust you, gather every single information about him, get close to him, infiltrate his life and his mind, so much to the extent that you have him eating off your palm like a baby. I want you to weild your control over his life.

Read " The Last Virgin " by the same author ( eliza )

. Make sure you make a space for yourself in his life. Let him make you his confidant. Seduce him, anything I just don't care. All I need is for you to get information about him. His darkest secret, his weakness. Every f*cking damn thing, Is that clear Skylar?"

His cigarette filled breath blows on my face as I nod.

He steps away from me for a second and returns holding out something.

"That's him".

It was a cut out picture of a man.

"You have two months to do what you have to do Sky. Two months and then you bring him to me. Get it?"

I nod again.

"Good, I'll call you tomorrow to give you information on where you'll most likely bump into him. now get the f*ck out of here!"

I exit the room immediately, pushing the photo into the pocket of my robe.

I won't even look at it.

It's probably another old rich man who has angered him.

As I exit the mansion and walk towards the boys quarters, I can't help but wonder who I'm supposed to spy on again.

Curiosity takes over me.

I finger the photo in my robe pocket before momentarily taking it out to have a look. Just a single look.

I spread the picture and stare, freezing momentarily.

I stand rooted to the spot, gazing at the shirtless man in the photo.

I blink.

Blink and blink again.

No.. No way.

My eyes run over the long faux braids, cascading graciously over his shoulders down his very prominent abs.

And then, those eyes.

Those chocolate brown captivating and enchanting eyes. 

I blink.

Is he the one I'm supposed to spy on?

You've got to be f*cking kidding me.

What kind of game is the universe playing with me? F*ck!

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