Two Faced Lover - Episode 66

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I let the gun slip from my hold immediately it fires.

I stood momentarily frozen on the spot, unblinking.

Shock and surprise registers on mom's face as her eyes remain locked on mine then her eyes lowers to the side of her stomach where the bullet had pierced. She lifts her eyes again to meet mine. 

I stagger backwards as she falls, her robe stained with blood.

Suddenly, the main gate bursts open as police and SWAT or whatever officers file in, guns raised, shouting at everyone in sight.

It was a chaotic sight.

I couldn't register what was going on around me.

My eyes were glued to the woman on the floor a few meters away.

My mother.

The woman who birthed me.

The woman whom I thought had died years back.

Finally, I met her again today and I shot her. . My eyes slowly leave her still body to stare at my outstretched hand.

They were shaking. I didn't mean it.

I really didn't mean to.

God knows I just wanted to scare her. 

I couldn't let her walk out of here when she had singlehandedly destroyed many innocent lives.

When she had caused almost every one of her slaves to be away from their family.

When she'd attempted to murder my dad, her husband.

Still I just wanted to scare her, so she would maybe surrender to the police. I wasn't going to shoot at my mother, no matter what she had done, I couldn't find that courage to do so.

But seemingly she did have the courage to shoot me

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. Considering she had that much audacity to pull a gun on me. She was going to kill me.

I saw her pull the trigger.

I panicked and I released the trigger. Is she dead? Am I a murderer now? Am I a murderer too just like her?

"Skylar? Skylar! Skylar earth to!"

I jump back, blinking at the person who was shaking me violently. "H..huh?" "Come back to your senses Skylar.. Come on"


"Yes. It's me Julian. Come on"

he begins to drag me towards the main gate and my body follows like I've been hypnotized.. And then I remember.

Cameron. He..he was bleeding.. I look down at the dress I wore.

It was stained with blood. Cameron's blood. He was unconscious.

He wasn't moving.

Suddenly I stop walking and yank my hand away from Julian's grip..

"C..Cameron.. I need to go to him. He needs me... He needs me!"


"No.... I'm not leaving hear me?!"

I grip my hair and pull. I look crazy. F*ck I feel crazy. I'm losing my mind. My mind seems to be all over the place. I can't think straight.

First we were kidnapped, then my husband is beaten to a pulp, I find my parents under the most bizarre circumstances and then find out my mother knew I was alive all these while and even involved me in her sick business. She watched me suffer, tried to kill my dad, her husband.

I find all this out all in one day, that too within a matter of hours.

Now I'm losing the only man who'd ever shown me love in years aside from my son.

The only man who took a chance with me regardless of my past.

The only man who gave me a taste of freedom, something I hadn't had in years. 

A human could only take so much.

There was a breaking point for everyone. And I've reached mine.

"I need to go to Cameron"

I mutter turning away and begin walking back towards the compound. A hard grip on my elbow causes me to stop. I turn, blinking.

"Get it together Skylar. Cameron can't see you break down like this. He needs us"

"I need him"

I correct.

He doesn't need me as much I need him.

He's my breath of fresh air. My pillar.

"Then let's go to him. Come on"


"He's being taken in the ambulance. Don't you want to come"

My ears perk up at that and I look ahead.

Sure enough, three ambulances were stationed outside amidst the crowd that was gathering. 

I saw him.

Being taken on a stretcher towards the first ambulance.

Once again, I yank my hand from Julian's grip and run towards the ambulance.. I'm about to climb in when a paramedic stops me.

"I'm sorry ma'am but you can't enter. Who are you?" 

I glare at him.

"I'm his wife you dumbshit and I'm going into that ambulance whether you like it or not. Try to stop me and I'll bite your damn balls off!"

I growl menacingly and he recoils.

"S..sorry ma'am. I had no idea."

I ignore him and climb in.. There was an elderly woman sitting, watching them try to stop the bleeding with teary eyes.

Julian climbs in a second after.

I don't have it in me to ask who that woman was.

Once I feel the ambulance moving, I crawl towards the stretcher and touch my husband cheeks.

It was stained with dried blood.

Even his lips too and jaw.

There was another cut just above his left eyebrow.

He looked pale.

Unlike the lively and sarcastic Cameron I fell in love with.

I miss his s*xual innuendos already.

I miss his obnoxious smirks.

I miss him.

A tear drops as I lean in to kiss his cheeks.

I've never seen Cameron like this.

So still, unmoving.

"Please Cam, don't break your promise. You promised you'll come back to me. Don't leave me please.. I need you.. I won't let you leave Cam. You won't leave, you hear me?"

My voice breaks as I sink to the floor of the ambulance.. Julian was there to pick me up. 

I held onto him as I let out all the pent up pain from my mom's betrayal and her possibly being dead because of me. 

I cry into his chest and he was there to hold me, shushing.

I didn't even realise when the car had come to a stop.

I didn't even realise when Julian helped me out of the ambulance and into the hospital as Cameron was wheeled into the ER.


"Skylar please" 

I ignore the plea for the hundredth time, staring out at the lit bulb at the door of the theatre.

"You really need to get yourself checked up. Your wrist are bruised and you look pale. Don't think I didn't see how you almost fainted a couple of times. Come on Sky"

Julian pleads and I turn to stare at him.

"I'm not seeing a doctor until I get news about Cameron"

He sighs.

"Allow me"

a feminine voice interrupts just as Julian was about to say something.

He nods and gets up and the woman takes his seat beside me. I don't look at her.

I feel soft hands make their way into my hair and begin to massage my scalp.

My eyes involuntarily fall close as I hum in contentment, leaning back in my seat and resting my head against the wall.

"Cameron used to love it a lot whenever I give him a head massage"

the sajw feminine voice says and that's when I turn. It was the same woman from the ambulance. 

I sit up immediately, her hands slip from my hair and falls at her side.

"Uh...I'm.. Sorry....I..."

I fumble for words. You let a stranger give you a head massage Skylar. Get it together.

"Don't apologise dear"

she smiles warmly. I bite my lip.

"Uhh.. You were in the ambulance earlier weren't you? And just now you spoke about my husband as though you know him"

"That's because I'm his mother dear"

My eyes bulge. Cameron's mother? Oh.. Oh my God. I'm sitting near my mother in law. This wasn't how I'd envisaged our first meeting. Well f*ck.


Natalie strolls into the bedroom, dropping her bag onto the bed and flopped down onto the bed.

She kicked off her heels, turning on her side to face Chris who hadn't acknowledged her presence yet.

He lay on the bed with this back propped up against a pile of pillow.

"Chris we need to talk"

He ignored her and continued to flip through the channels with his right hand. His left hand was still in a sling.

Something that continued to remind him of how his wife shot him point blank.

"Chris? Can you hear me? Are you listening?"

Natalie spoke up again. He ignored her yet again.

Irritated, she reached over and snatched the remote from his grip, turning off the television.

Chris' head snapped to glare at her.

"Give that back Natalie"

"Not until we are done talking"

she replied matching his glare with one of her own.

When Chris realised she wasn't giving up anytime soon, he sighed, dropping his head back onto the pile of pillows behind.

"What do you want to talk about Natalie? Are you going to tell me why you're just coming home at 3:00am?"

"No. Not that it's any of your business"

she replied with an eye roll. "Really? I'm your husband and I have every f*cking right to know"

he bit his kip, trying to calm the demons that were desperately trying to rear their ugly heads.. The wheels were aleady turning in his head.

One more word, one more word and he'd be forced to grab that bedside lamp and smash her head with it.

He wouldn't regret it.

Not after she shot him and left him for dead.

"Convenience. You're just my husband of convenience nothing else so don't you f*cking try to exert your rights on me, got it?"

"You...!" Chris trailed off, balling his hand into a fist, refusing to let her get into his head. Not today. Perhaps, a few weeks ago, his patience would have already worn off and he'd be one second away from punching Natalie by now. But no.

After she shot him and after his near death experience, he realised it.

While he lay on the hospital bed trying to grasp onto his life as the doctors run helter skelter trying to find a donor because his blood type wasn't available in the blood bank and he needed the blood to survive.

He'd lost too much blood after his wife had shot him.

That day, when he thought it was the end for him, when he saw his life flashing before him like a movie, he realised whatever hatred he felt for Cameron was never really there.


It wasn't hatred.

It was jealousy.

Envy. Growing up, he had always been jealous of how Cameron had everything going on perfectly for him.

Cameron had always been the perfect brother. But no.

If only he'd stopped to think.

Maybe he would have realised Cameron too had his flaws.

Maybe he would have realised he was good at art and that was why Cameron would always come to him anytime he had an art assignment.

Maybe he would have realised that there were a lot of things he was good at which Cameron wasn't.

Maybe he would have realised how stupid it was to envy your brother and wish his downfall.

Chris shut his eyes against the memories. They were weighing down on him. Too much.. "What do you want?" Chris questioned quietly, flexing his fingers.

"A divorce"

she deadpanned.

Chris shook his head.

"So you can be free to pursue Cameron am I right?"

"Are you going to interrogate me now? We both aren't happy in this marriage so why not call it quits? Better late than never. You don't love me, and I don't love you. So what's the big deal?"

She shrugged, reaching into her bag and pulling out a foldee.

Pulling out a set of printed papers,She handed it to him.

He eyed it. Divorce papers?

"Sign it"

she held up a pen.

Chris sucked in his bottom lip.


Natalie blinked, taken aback.

"" "Yes. No means no. I'm not signing it"

"W..what? B..but I..thought...'ve always wanted a divorce" Chris chuckled. B*tch.

"Yes.." He nodded.

"I wanted a divorce but not anymore"

Natalie's hand flew into the air in exasperation.

"What the f*ck Chris? Have you gone nuts?!"

"Yes. I went nuts ever since I married you Natalie and believe me when I say I won't divorce you so can you go ahead to chase my brother"

Natalie was astonished for a split second until she burst out into hysterics of laughter.

"Oh..oh? You're now referring to Cameron as your brother? Don't tell me the bullet in your shoulder somehow managed to find it's way into your brain and set it into factory reset mode hmm?"

She mocked.

"Yes maybe. Perhaps my brain did reset after the woman I'd married in order to hurt my brother shot me and walked out on me to die. And you know what Natalie, I'm glad I married you instead of my brother because Cameron really did dodge a bullet. He not only dodged a bullet, but he dodged a plague. A f*cking virus like yourself!"

Natalie fumed, the tip of her ears turning red.

"So you're now defending him? Well then be my guest. I don't give a f*ck If you divorce me or nor. I'll still make Cameron mine by hook or crook. I love him!"

Chris laughed

"Love? You love a man yet you left him at the after to marry his brother. You're one sick lover Natalie. You don't know what love is. You're obsessed. Obsessed that's it. Get it into your f*cking head!"

He snapped.

"No! I love him. I really love him okay. I love him!"

Natalie yelled gripping her hair and pulling like a crazed woman. Chris lips curled in disgust. How could he not see this earlier? She was a f*cking psychopath.

"I don't give a f*ck Natalie!"

He growled.

"You listen to me very carefully. My brother is very happy now. He's finally moved on and I'll do everything in my power to keep you away from me. Trust me. I won't sign the divorce papers. Never. Even if I have to live with you all my life, because perhaps that's my punishment. To live with a mentally deranged woman. That's fine by me. I'll endure it. But I won't ever sign this divorce papers. You will never be free of me so you can go back to Cameron. I'd rather die. I'd rather let you kill me so you can become a widow. The only way you'll be free is if you kill me.

Read " The Emerald Chase " by the same author ( eliza )

. But other than that, you'll be tied to me forever. I f*cking swear by God Natalie, I'd rather die than let you ruin my brother's life again. I swear"



I'm sorry for going on such a long break guys. I was down for sometime. Had to force out this chapter though it didn't come out how I would have wanted. But anyways, hope you like it. But I'm back now. Exams are also over now. We have less than six chapters to finally finish this book. I'll be posting the next chapter soon.

Please like and comment. Love you..

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  • Rating (4.63)
  • Lydiah picture
    wow wonderful Eliza, make Cam come back to us, thumbs up
  • philzzz vicky picture
    philzzz vicky
    Welcome back darling.....nice one
  • Debby Treasure picture
    Debby Treasure
    I love you gurl
  • eliza picture
    thanks Lydiah
  • eliza picture
    thanks @Vicky
  • eliza picture
    love you too Debby
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    The bullet did reset his brain....I'm glad he came back to his senses....luv u too baby!
  • Ukamaka Blessing picture
    Ukamaka Blessing
    Am glad you are okay now, missed you, please take care of yourself for us.
  • Amma picture
    welcome back hun
  • eliza picture
    lol. thanks Pamela
  • eliza picture
    I will @ Blessing. thanks hun
  • Joseph Aniedi picture
    Joseph Aniedi
    Sorry about that But, how soon Hope it's won't be in a weeks time, cause am getting fed up of the delayed not only to this particular novels but to the rest authors of novels in ebonystory.
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Finally Chris hz woken from his slumber, that bullet really did a great work. Nice one Liz wlcm bk
  • Eunice Ache picture
    Eunice Ache
    Welcome back dear
  • Orji Christiana picture
    Orji Christiana
    Kama is doing its job little by litle
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