Beyond captivating - Episode 16

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Guys this episode was to make out for the days I couldn't upload...
Its long enough,...thanks for reading

Silvia POV:

Thunder rolled Somewhere in the clouds above,
The lightning flashed,
A gust of wind whoosh through the open field
followed by more sheet of silver rain that swept on earth like curtains,
I felt rooted in the spot I am , unable to move at its heavyness
My jacket was drenched enough, I realise i couldn't even hold on to it anymore.
What difference does it make


I angrily dropped it and cleared my tears away...

What was I doing?

not that am some sort of six year old to start sobbing in the rain
Will it solve anything?

I rise up in shaky legs, shivering at the attacks of the angry rain that kept bouncing hard against my skin  ..

My whole body ache so much as if someone had just beaten me with a narrow edge of yard stick

Glumly I shook my head
never am i letting this wear me down ..

I picked up my jacket and squeezed water out of it before tying it around my waist ..

I pull on my gloves and began walking...
I crept forward, on alert, trying to get a better look, but the field seems endless

Feeling more ruthless and weary I padded more ...

My eyes was blazing cold fire behind my eye socket,, bright with the fire of zealousness ...
I realised the girl who was r*pped three years ago was back ,

My head keep wailing at the thought of Lucas, and how much i recent him
... How much I wish to hold his baby neck and give him a dim mak in the head...

The man inside me has finally burst out through its confinement shell and ready to attack , and it's first target was lucas...
Nothing but LUCAS.
My face which was coloured from gray of exhaustion has now transformed to a cold angry red.

I squeezed on my fist only to realise the effect of the rain water was just so devastating ...
its wreaking me so hard
The more I ache and itch all over, the more the thought of ending Lucas life keeps coming to my head...

As I walk forth,
I couldn't help as one of my knees gave out on me,
I hit my fist on my knees,
Now groaning with all of my strength, I bit down the pain and manage another brave smile before pulling my self back up
.the wind tore through my skin like a bright red torpedo ...the rain never intend to stop either .

I was damn damp yet I kept walking

I realise the achenes had taken so much effect now ..
i knelt on my two kneels, i became aware that i was shivering like an abandoned turkey...
My bare skin was so cold to the extent
that i felt my stomach freezing ...
Sharp pebbles poked painfully into my bare knees and toes

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. The only sound i kept hearing was the whooshing of the wind and piercing water of the angry rain...

Scrambling to my feet once more ..
I jerk my weak legs forward only to realise I couldn't walk any further,

My strength were all gone now as the water pelt against my face like Rock, the weight of it and the achenes it bought made me hold on to my knees
While I shouted into space.

I hate you Lucas, I hate you

I sank to the ground and sat there crying my heart out, my hair hanging in wet ropes around my itching face, the eagle and birds around tugged and rocked and for a moment i so wish from the depth of  my heart that this was just a nightmare ...
Why do I keep sufferings in the hands of men ...
Thats what I get for having a soft spot for Lucas ...
That's what I get for loving how good looking he was...
I sneezed repeatedly as another
Thunder rumbled like distant cannon fire   
Suddenly the feeling that someone was watching me raise my head up
With my karate sense
I noticed the airs around me had turn wild ...
I glanced around in fright
And cursed more at Lucas...
I didn't have much choice than to squeeze myself up and continue walking
I felt it again the sense of being watched, the feeling of something malicious and malevolent hanging thick in the air,

I decided to run this time, but it was useless.
My legs was stuck, rooted in one position like a stem...
Suddenly the pains I felt made my eyes went as huge as I can stretch..
I made a loud painful groan as something hit on me hard  from behind 
More like a blow or kick
I staggered hard as my form hit on the ground ....

My eyes felt dizzy as I kissed my lips to the wet ground
The thick voice made me realise he was male ....
He pull my hair hard and turn me over so my face was now facing the sky
my lungs and nose burn as water rushes into my mouth and nose,
i close my eyes in bed of achenes as his  heavy hand lock around my throat,
I realise i couldn't  move
couldn't speak couldn't open my eyes and couldn't fight for my
life. what good am i. so i just lay there as he spoke ....

"Stay away from the Tyson's especially Lucas or else you gave me no choice than to come for you
and with that don't you think we are gonna be riding in the garden of mourning glory much too earlier...Lucas must not take over that seat until I finished my quest at the company, I have just 1month to get it done okay ..if you love your life ,, turn down the job offer now or you gonna regret it"

"Let go of me" I manage to say when he dropped his hold on me,
I jerk away and pant as I swallow more of the rain water ...
Summoning all of my strength, i pushed my head up a little only to see him walk away like a ghost out of space ..
I watch him disappear into thin air ,, panic tearing at my inside as it claws to make its way out, I wanted to run after him, grab him, to scream at him, to slap him hard in the face ...

But guess I was disoriented cause I don't even know what to make out of the whole scene ...
My mind had began to operate sluggishly...
It wouldn't or couldn't function properly
My vision has started to grew blurry and there I decided, this whole was a nightmare...
Of course why should i resent the intrusion of a nightmare to reality,
My inside kept its tape back at my vengeance on destroying Lucas,

But how do I get it done when am not even sure am gonna make it outta here alive

I try at my possible best to combat my weakness and stay alive for my son,
I try moving my extremities and coaxed some motion out my fingers and toes , but my limbs felt to heavy to lift, I was freezing
the achenes I felt all over made me gasp back in pains, I couldn't ..

With the rain hitting its form on my face 
I finally gave up the struggle and sucked myself into the peacefulness of my inner consciousness...

Lucas POV :

My mind clumsily pieced together at the puzzle of what might be happening to her right now ...
Its almost 6.o clock yet the traffic wasn't helping either,

With a damp palm and dry throat my  eyes clung to the road like its on fire ...
I  rub a hand against the band of tension tightening across my fore head but never was it ceasing the pounding in my chest ...

Gosh am such a jerk, !!!

I controlled the wind shield wiper as it made a little head way against the sluicing torrent of rain
I kept along the traffic track and it just felt as if am about to die ...

I couldn't stay patient any more
My hands were shaking like hell, and the groaning of hunger in my stomach was also not definable either

I look up the sky as
Another thunder rolled up in huge waves vying for attention with the jagged lightening that rent the sky and right there
I felt my heart sink as more panic  squeezed and seized my throat ..

I hit my hands on the steering wheel repeatedly at the edge of my mum voice ....
You useless and heartless boy, get out and get her here, if anything happens to her ,,,
After i kill you, am gonna kill my self,"

Mum was right, am so heartless...

My stomach churned more at what is yet to come and it felt as if am being caught up in a continues loop of time ...

I struck my eyes out and shouted at the one driving like a piece of shit when the road was finally cleared ....

Pressing the button to slide the  glass down  ...
The rain slapped its form on my face but do I even mind , ....

"Fool get the fuck out of my way"

I zoomed forth and ran into his rear
"Bastard" he shouted back ...

I zigzagged and drove out of the road

"Son of a b-tch" I muttered a curse under my breath ..

Pressing on the accelerator I drove at full length and out of no where the sentiment of this whole stuff hit on me like a line backer,
And it felt as if the whole damn world was going against me...just me.

  I realise it's already past six yet it felt as if it was eleven already

The road was quiet as the dark  lightening cast the area into strobelike vignettes, more like the opening and closing aperture of a camera all light then darkness ,, more like a  sky at night during a fire fight, the thought of it made my neck twinge ...
The hurricane is coming??

She can't Still be out there right ....
God what have I done???

Finally getting to the field i drove forth my hands fumbled on the steering wheel as I rolled over to the direction I left her earlier

like a possessed man  i pull off my seat belt and rushed out to the  welcome claws of  the cold breeze and heavy rain ...
But who cares ..
I raced forward and reversed back to my car to get a touch

I raced out again like some kitten in search of its mama


I raced forward,

"Silvia can you hear me..."

I hold on to my damp head and swirl around while i gritted my teeth against to urge of hitting myself hard ...

Is she really still here,

Suddenly I swallowed the rain water coming down my face at the sight of her lying flat on the ground while the rain beat on her form

"God what have I done !! Silvia"

I raced towards her like a vampire that's so much in need of  blood


I knelt and carried her to my chest ..
I hugged her tightly and kissed on her hairs

"What have I done to you,"

I tapped her cheek sightly

"Hey, can you hear me"

I placed a finger beneath her nose

"God" I shouted as my face contorted horror,

God she isn't breathing .........,

My whole form began trembling as i Turn her head to the side to allow water drain from her mouth and nose.
I Turn her back to the center.

And Begin a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation ....
I pinched her nose and Strongly breathe into her mouth ...

"Hey wake up please"

When she wasn't yielding

  i breathed in and out before pressing my lips to hers the second time ...

"Hey wake up, can you hear me, Silvia"
This time when I went down
I pressed my lips deeper into her and breathed in as much of air in my lungs before she finally coughed out water..

"Gosh thank God"
I pull her form up and hugged her to my chest ...
I clear the water on her face away as  as she writhed and groan in pains

This had been the second close call i’d had in many months.

Jesus at least she is not dead
I sent a prayer of fervent thanks
heavenward and stroked my hand down her back ...

I stood up hurriedly and carried her towards my car ,,

I opened the back seat after placing her down ,i jumped in like a wild lion ...
and closed the car away from the uneasy attack of  the angry rain ...

Her cloth was damn wet , I was dripping too ...
I shifted her form so I could adjust my big form in,
I pull off my wet shirt and threw it to the front seat ...
And when I glanced back

Suddenly my tension Level rose like a mercury in a thermometer,
I adjusted my form and catch my thumb beneath her chin to tilt her face to an angle  I would be able to get a  better view
I eased the strand of hair away from the curve of her cheek and stare down at her form ...
I had to swallow at the tingling feeling at how her wet cloth clung to her feminine shape...

And right there a figment of guilty consciousness battered my whole  with the way I  had hit her earlier...

Gosh am so sorry I hit you,

But why do I keep seeing her like some horror when she just a woman
A beautiful one at that end..

Goshhh i can't believe I just kissed her,
The cat inside of me swing its tale in happiness...

Lucas it was just a mouth resuscitation and not a kiss

No matter how it looks like its still a kiss

I touched her lips slightly with my finger only to hear her gasp ..

What was I doing...
I was about crossing my way back to the drive, when she hold my hands and spoke with her eyes still closed

I am so cold please don't go...

For a moment i thought I was dreaming ,of course she was cold , and at the moment I stare down at her body I felt like pulling her closer and giving her the kissing of her life ...

But taking advantage of her wasn't  very much of a good idea .. mum would kill me

I squeezed on her hand and raised it to my lips only to realise she wasn't wearing a ring...

The thought of her being single bubbled something in me, and I started to wonder where the playboy me went to

"Hang on let's get us out of here first, the weather is not getting any nice"

After crossing to the drive, I glanced side ways at her phone only to see loads of missed calls ...
I picked it up when it let out another ring

"Hi this is Lucas"

"Hello Lucas its me"

"Mum "

"Okay don't think of driving her home tonight, in another hour there would be an huge hurricane"..

"Drive to the nearest hotel I already call to made reservation, you just get her in to safety and make sure she used all the drugs the doctors dropped"

"Okay mum"

"If shes not getting any better, first thing tomorrow morning get her to the hospital

The call dropped before I could speak any further...
I roll my eyes and puff out a breath before zooming out like a man whose wife was in labour...

"Hang on Silvia, we'll be there sooner"

With a little coaxing I turn off the engine when I pull into the hotel parking lot ...
Few men were there to attend to me ...
The wind almost blew their various umbrella away as they came further with it ..
One of them was about carrying her when I stopped him...

"I don't like other men touching my woman, I will Carry her"

Did I just call her my woman...

She was mo*ning and burning up like hell when I motioned her into my arms....

God she's getting the flu...

...I  raced upstairs with my heart pounding like never before
I placed her on the bed and hurriedly went to get a dry robe ,
I knelt beside her...
I was about getting her out of her wet cloth when she stopped me .

"Get your hands off me bastard"

She pushed my hands away
Gosh inspite of being sick she's still as strong as anything ...

"Hey,don't be stubborn, you need to get out of  your wet cloth,"

With her temperature
My system instantly went disrupted...
I pull her hands away and raised her up a little
When I started to unbuttoning her blouse she battered my hands away once more

"I can do it"

"Silva, you are freezing, I've got to get you dry

She opened her eyes and narrowed her eyes up at me...

"I can do it, you irritating locust beans" she argued through her  teeth

.."you can beat me up when you get better but never am I allowing you freeze to death,"
.I pushed her hands side ways and

When i pull her cloths off ..
My senses went flying into airs
I swallowed repeatedly
My eyes instantly went huge at the sight of her I had to close one eyes to get my pulse behaving before shifting my hands to unhook her bra

She pushed me in the chest ,but her effort wasn't that over powering

"Leave me alone" she murmured weakly now with her eyes closed

"Am only taking care , I won't hurt you"

She began to cry softly ...

"Mum, help me"

I smile softly and pull off her bra ...

I covered her with the blanket before pulling her trouser off from underneath, I pull off her gloves and all other stuffs until I was sure she was naked underneath the blanket...

"I hate you Lucas , I hate you "

And as she cry softly I had to smile to myself, tom was indeed right she was just a woman after all ..

After pulling the robe around her ..I tied it,
towel dried her hair and then wrapped her in a blanket before settling her in the chaise,
With a tired sigh I remade the bed ..
It took forever but i successfully coaxed her to take a good bit of some chicken broth while she kept murmuring a curse at me,

"Stupid locust beans, I hate you "

"Bastard I feel like killing you"

"Ugly duckling"

I raised my brows towards her
From locust beans to ugly duckling ,,lolz this woman is something else..

Without minding all her words
I dosed her up with some drugs that was left for her,
And after
I carried her in my arms and stroked her face,
She fight to freed herself before giving in though...

I lay her on the bed, watch her sleep a little before going ahead to spread her wet cloths and mine ....
Few minutes
After satisfying my hunger needs and getting out of my wet cloths I lay down beside her and stared down at her
I studied her quietly for a moment and all I could do was smile

She was the first woman that has ever resisted my looks ...first in history, she should get an award for that

feeling calmer now I sniffled and lean a little close to her before touching her lips slightly with my finger ....

I pull off before I could think of leaning closer to kiss her, I gave her an inch of breathing room before glancing back at her ....
Different thoughts began going through my mind and when I was about giving in to sleep her cold chill hit in  ....

She thrashed as she threw off the  covers ..I was startled when I glanced at her

"Silvia wake up"

She stirred nodding her a head a little ...

I started to shake her up again, when she wasn't answering I took another course of action ...
I fold back the bed cover as much as possible before walking towards her and scooping her into my arms ...

Was surprised when she automatically wrap her hands around my neck and snuggled into my shoulder, the feel of her make my breath catch up in my chest ...I carried her only few steps, her softness underneath the rope was enough to leave my hands  trembling ...

Gosh whats this woman doing to me, not that it was my first time of holding a woman

I laid her down and pulled the covers around her, as soon as she hit the sheets , she hugged a pillow to her chest and went on shivering ...
I placed my hands on her neck to gauge her fever, she was still burning up

I couldn't do anything but stroke her  face and make soothing words as she curled in on herself ...
I think the drugs took effect ...
I was at ease when the chill finally  subside as peace settled over her body, an exhausted peace to be sure  ...she narrowed her eyes at me for a moment before she finally slept ...

I periodically took her temperature  pleased it never passed 103degrees
I wasn't sure how but if it had climbed any higher I had to jump into the hurricane and get her to the hospital even if I had to swim and do it...

Finally hitting my head on the pillow beside her....
instead I found myself smiling with the sense of relief that she's going to be fine..


Lucas has geared back Silvia hatred towards men beyond words can tell o ..

And its like his miserable life is about beginning...

But after this night can he really forget about her and show her how dangerous he could be too .....

Let's read further and find out

Don't forget to like rate and comments. Guys ...
Thanks lots of love ...

. .

Read " Her Secret Lover " by the same author ( Op. Amina )

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  • Ohemah picture
    I guess I am the first to comment. Good work dear. Please more chapters.
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Hehehe...Locust beans is falling for horror girl who was the guy dat attacked Silvia? Could it be Nigel? How is dat even possible cos Nigel is at Lucas's place
  • Benedicta Osei Arhin picture
    Benedicta Osei Arhin
    That was Nigel but I don't know how he got there before Lucas, as for Lucas, be ready to fight for Silvia's love. Amina you doing great
  • Amma picture
    Silvia pls make him fall for u beyond control n jilt him big time!!! more vim Amina dear
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @ohemah thumbs at you .... Thanks sure
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @confydencie sure Nigel is at Lucas place ,,, I already introduced that guy ,,, guess you guys never noticed ... Let's read further to find out
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @benedicta ,,, double thumbs at you ,, thanks so much ,,
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @amma lolz at you ,, thanks so much ........
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    Chai! More ink to your Biro Amina! U are doing great... Sure, daz Nigel, we will find out how he managed to be there before Lucas
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    Lucas u av to be ready to fight for u to av Sylvia love that was lot of love and care u showered on her there but d hatred she av for u now. Am sure it's Nigel that went to threaten her, arms crossed as events unfold. Amina thanks for this episode
  • Cutedreamer picture
    He is going to fall head over heels in love. I'm happy about that
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    Really enjoyed this episode, I know when Silvia wakes to see Lucas beside her, it won't be funny what she will do to him
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Lolzz @mareen Nigel is innocent ooo...well let's read further and find out who it was ..... Remember he was our first unknown POV that took the pipe out of Lucas room.... He is still unknown ,, we'll be finding out sooner though... Thanks for the comment
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @adeoti you are welcome,, thanks to you too ...your comments are always inspirational ... Hope you read further.
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @cute dreamer ,, more than head over in love ,,,the guy go fall for am die.. Hope you read further.. Thanks for the comment
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @ronke lol ,, the gal na crazy girl ... No mind am ... Thanks for the commebt
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @ronke lol ,, the gal na crazy girl ... No mind am ... Thanks for the comment
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Guys sorry for the delay in uploading,,, Hope you guys know most of us sharing our stories here on ebony stories aren't a full time writers ,, we get busy with other stuffs,, But for my followers on this story ... I assure I won't disappoint you ... Latest tonight or tomorrow ,, the next episode would be out .... That was why I never left any suspense on this episode ..... Watch out for the next.. I know most of you already missed Celine a lot. ,, we are gonna be meeting her in the next episode Lolzzzzzz Love you all... Stay tuned Thanks
  • Obioma Esther picture
    Obioma Esther
    This is sweet but sugar please more chapters please
  • Abomah Ikpi picture
    Abomah Ikpi
    I love this episode dear u doing a great work. Keep it up
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Wao guys thanks for the comments ,, hope you read further
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    Hope she knocks off his teeth,when she wakes up!!!!
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Lol @pamela
  • Queen picture
    Nice work here Amina
  • Queen picture
    Nice work here Amina
  • Lo is picture
    Lo is
    Dear you're so amazing.... feeling are involved naw ooo
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