Beyond captivating - Episode 23

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Sorry this episode isn't about our two heroes, I'll try typing their part tonight ....

I gat to settle the tension between our two back stabbers


Celine :


I awakened slowly trying to get my bearing before I moved or even opened my eyes, my bearing however was wrapped around me...
I was at the back of a car scrambled in no other but Nathans arms ...
My face was buried against his neck and there I felt ashamed of what had happened between us last night ...

The bastard couldn't even get us to a proper hotel ....he treated me like a road side b-tch
Gosh I feel so irritated of myself but what was I suppose to do when it had to do with meeting Lucas Tyson....

It took exactly a week of coaxing Silvia to accept the bastard though, but when she did, my heart felt relieved and that same night after the three of us celebrated the beginning of their couples life, Nate drove us both after dropping Silvia home  to wherever while we get business done in this same car that Silvia was being given her first kiss ..

I know sleeping with him before meeting with Lucas seems like a big risk but l just hope he keeps the deal going or else am gonna kill him straight out if he messes up ...

I felt his musky scent surrounded me  as it went through me like a triple shot of whiskey ..
Slowly I unraveled my self from his snug grip so I could get to a sitting position..
The moment I moved, he did as well reaching for his short at the same  motion....
Our gaze collided, his eyes were still ripe with sleep and there i saw the smirk that grew from the corner of his lips ....
A particular insult sprang up in my mind but I couldn't get the words out as I stare at him...
The thing I long to do was slap him fight now....but it didn't took so long to realise I should be the one slapping myself ..
My obsession for Lucas caused this humiliation, it wasn't his fault, since I have no money to offer at least I'll have a body to lay ...
I took a deep breath while I eased on my cloth

I felt terribly irritated of myself.. Now that I betrayed my best friend by sleeping with her boyfriend how am even gonna live with that ...

He sighed after jerking on his shirt  ...

"That was the best s-x have ever had in years Celine, gosh I give you 115 percent you are good, kai, completely muah"

Without replying to his nonsense I stepped of his car...
careful not to put a direct pressure on my sore private...
The jerkass had me done till morning ...not even a moment of resting...I hope he get out right out here so we could get to the root of the matter...
I made a sweeping glance around only to realise we were at an isolated part of some beach ..the sun was just rising over the misty  surrounding and immediately i felt relieved we were alone ..
I lean against the car trying to get last night thought away from my head ...the trick do work out though cause when I breathed in the fresh air the thought of having Lucas holding me in his arms  got me smiling, igot totally lost guess I never realise when Nathan got off his the car

"I can see you enjoyed the s-x as much as I do"

I hissed and frown back at him

"You've got what you wanted Nate, so when Am i meeting with Lucas "

He opened the can beer in his hand and stare at me for a moment before reaching it to his lips..

All episodes of this story can be found here >>

. when he finally dropped it His bass voice got my gaze shifted to his direction

"Tonight "

My heart skipped in double at the sound of that,

"You mean tonight , this night for real"

"I'll pick you up at Nantes junction,"

I almost jump on him with joy ....but when I felt his arms wrapped around me I frowned, I try struggling off his hold but he hold me steady  ...
I try holding my breath in spite of the fact that I hate him so much....

"Nate , what is it"

He stare down at me and study my face for some seconds, his sudden serious expression sends my nerves frazzled down to the nub though ..

"I can see how much obsession you have for Lucas,"

Trying not to meet with his eyes, I tossed my head sideways

"Celine look at me "

His hand hold on to my jaw, so our lips was just a mere inches apart ...his gaze slid down at my lips for a moment, at first I thought he wanted to kiss me, now meeting with my eyes...he search them aimlessly

"Hope you aren't expecting nothing other than s*x from Lucas" he fixed my eyes to his ....more intently this time

"What if I am"

He released me as though getting tired of arguing...

"You can't get it Celine don't you understand,". He walked towards a direction before turning back at me

"there are a lot of eager girls wanting to meet with him like you are, I just had to make sure I set things with him so he could meet with you in particular tonight, I hope you won't regret this".

"I assure you Nate, he'll fall in love with me"

He pinned me to his car this time ....

"Don't be stupid Celine, where are your senses... guys like that don't know what love is, you are a young girl and a very beautiful one at that end, you will surely meet with someone who'll love you for you"

The Absolutely sure, and not giving up look he saw in my eyes made him sighed as though reading the conclusion in my mind ...

"Okay fine, Lucas is all yours in the taken"

"You do not possibly think I'll change my mind after giving you s-x right"

"I warned you Celine, so do not come to me crying,"

Feeling so sure of myself ,, I ignored him while i pushed my shoulder up instead.  

He was moving towards the drive when I stopped him ...

"And Nate"


"please promise me you won't ever break Silvia heart, you are her first boyfriend "

He squeezed a smile before nodding ...

"That I promise okay, so hop in"

Finally am gonna be meeting with Lucas Tyson  ...those are the words that kept wailing in my heart until he dropped me in front of my parents bungalow ...

"See you tonight Nate "


And as I turn towards the gate I started thinking of all possible lies I'll have to  cook up for not coming home last night. 

A/N -----(Guys I hope you all wanna know what happened that night you gonna understand why Lucas had  forgot about her totally be hin fault oo

we are gonna find out in the  next episode)


"Celine get the hell up, either you
f-cking show me or am gonna rip off your neck"

Not wanting to believe he was the same person that was calm a while ag,
then I was thrown to the realisation that he had been calming his anger all this while ...

I glare up at his now red eyes as it suddenly exploded with all the fury of a bomb , anger rolling out of him with waves, I didn't realise how strong he was until now, his more devilish eyes looming over me ,, his shoulder taut ,, the muscle building up in his bare arms stand out in sharp definition as he hold his grip tightly to my neck...

"You gonna bring it all out or what "

My eyes went huge from his struggled , suddenly realising I was going out of breath I had to cry out ...

"I'll show you Nigel, I will show you pleaseee "

God he must not see that room, all other Lucas  pictures are in there... What am I gonna do????...
And then I thought of escaping ...
He is going crazy, I had to escape before he kills me

I cut on the possible look it will take to get to that door...i knew he was trying to calm his anger but he couldn't, ,his eyes were stony and burning with frustration ..

my eyes were already red and huge to the highest degrees when he finally released his hands ...

My head hit on the sofa at his sudden release

He swipe off the tears in his eyes while I coughed out, at first I thought he would slap me for been reluctant to stand up but he bounced on and lean back on the sofa ...

He raised his hands to his head, closed his eyes for a moment before staring back at me

"Celine, are you standing up or what"

The sound of his calming tone sends a bit of relief to my heart. 

That's Nigel, in spite of hurting and lying to him he would never hurt me and yes he regretted it....

"Nigel , I have no......"

when he suddenly shouted  I stood up hurriedly on my feet , my brain signaled  and I started racing towards the exit instead

"Celineeeeeeee,,the f-ck are you running to"

Fear sends my heart pounding when I noticed he was racing after me ...

Quickly I grab the door open and was about hitting my form into the air when he grabbed me and pulled me back by the hair...

"You wanna escape huh Celine, you wanna escape " he shouted

"Please Nigel you are hurting me ,, pleasee" I cried out from the pain it brought...


He closed the door and shoved me hard against the wall,  with the little strength I had left draining out of me, fear of seeing this monster part of him sends my heart banging like hell ...

He moved closely to me and breathed in his panting air to my ears before laughing out loud ....

" but i love you Celine, the fact that you  talk about Lucas every time always makes my blood boils, I want you,"

he kissed my ear lob and down to my neck ...

He twirl me around , i had to gasp cause what I saw in his eyes was enough to get me into shock ...

A Very huge red eyes clouded with anger and rage

" ...have heard enough of all your act of stalking him around just to recognise you,, aren't I man enough for you....
I don't want you thinking about Lucas again , but me , you got it"

More like a daddy scolding his daughter I had to nod quickly...

He smiled

"That's my girl"

"So how about we burn all his pictures that's in here ,, if you do not bring the remaining of his pictures out ,, am gonna be hard on you , and am very sure you do not want that right"

Again I nodded while more of my tears fall ...

"So like a civilized gal and a graduate that you are ,, lets go bring it all out "

"Nigel , I ....I .....I......I..."

His lips seized mine before I could talk any further, it go on for a while before he stopped, more passionately he touched my lips and frowned

"Am sorry I scold you"

He slid his hands to my hairs ....
God this guy is going crazy... Mum help me ,,
Silvia, joy ,diana , anabell ,come save me from this monster ....

"Am sorry i pull you by the hair okay,now lets go and take those pictures all out " a mock frown curled at the corner of his mouth as he lifted his brow imperiously ...

I hold on to my breath and ward off the dizziness that suddenly surface in my eyes instantly my legs crave for support ,fear of what he might do next got my legs moving though

I led him along and towards my room ,,
He was watching me intently as though he knew I might attack him...
Gosh my hands were weak , he was all over me,, I couldn't do anything other than went straight to that room ,,
A room I thought no one who ever finds out about , a room I had always thought,,, if my plan to have him go well...

I'll bring him to this room and tell him how much I loved him...but guess everything isn't going as expected

When I opened the room , he was standing patiently behind and watching all of my charade ,,
The smell of air freshener blew out to the open air and when I put on the light ....

Curiosity got me glancing back at him ...

What I saw made me realise my life has truly ended ....

"Nigel noooooooooo"

He pushed me hard against the wall all full with rage before landing an hot slap on my cheek ...

"You ungreatful wanted revenge and am ready to do that all for you but yet ......."

"Please Nigel , I loved him,please.....if I don't have him no one will"
I cried more harder this time

He grab me by the hair this time and threw me to a far corner ..

"Nigel you are hurting me"

"You are sick ,, and that stupid revenge of yours would cut,,,"

My kneel crashed on the ground ...blooding started oozing out of it before I could realise it ...

"You're gonna be mine,, I've grown to love you don't you understand" he shouted

He was trying to reach out for me but more of lucas pictures even on the ground I landed on...... made his kneels gave out on him,
he hold on to his head and cry out loud ..

"Celineeeeeeeeeeeeee, ,, "


Guys ....

Don't forget to like rate and comment ...
Thanks lot of love...

This two back stabbers no go kill person sha ....

Please comment your thoughts guys ...

Next we are going back to horror and fine boy side ....

See ya...

. .

Read " Her Secret Lover " by the same author ( Op. Amina )

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  • picture
    [email protected]
    Very good make they kill themselves.amina chop kiss,u r d best!
  • Amma picture
    they both deserve what is happening to them..evil u for this Amina
  • Obioma Esther picture
    Obioma Esther
    Sweetie u will fill my rage more to that of Nigel if u delay in uploading more episodes don't mind me sha is just the love thanks
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    They really deserve each other so if they kill themselves no qualms. Pls back to our heroes Amina thumbs up
  • Mery Ezinne Okoro picture
    Mery Ezinne Okoro
    Just wish they expose themselves by themselves...... Lolz... Pls get back to horror
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    Celine obsessed with Lucas, Nigel obsessed with Celine. I hope they won't end up killing each other.
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @bella those two ehn .... Keep watch the action part is yet to come
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @amma love you too... Seriously those two ehn ....
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @obioma lol ,, more to come in this story ooo, thanks for loving it
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @adeoti those won use laugh kill me for here self ... Locust beans and saliva no go kill person ... I'll try typing it soon ...thanks for the comment
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @mery seriously am glad you are really following on this story ...more to come ... Alright ......we are going back those two next..
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @ronke ,, me self tire for them oo lol ...thanks dearie
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Celine did not only arrange a jerk for a boyfriend for Silvia,she also slept with her boyfriend ...jeeeze Abeg,make Nigel and Celine kill themselves jaree,wu dey epp
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Thumbs up Amina,,,waiting for Locust beans and Horror girl/Saliva part
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    These two are destined to be together....mtchew traitors,Celine is finally getting a taste of her own medicine,hope Silvia does the same when she learns the truth,that's if she survives Nigel's wrath!
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    Can't wait to read d next episode
  • Joshuaken picture
    Hmm Celine sorry o, just passing.....
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @mareen sure ,, I'll post it now ,, two episode to cover up the delay ... Don't worry the two is all about our heroes..
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Lol @joshuaken me self say sorry for am ooo ...
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @confy ...the next two episode are for them ,, I already posted it ..thanks
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    @pamela fact me self tire for them oo
  • festus wisdom picture
    festus wisdom
    i feel for celine ,amina where is that idiot Nate is he dead?
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    Lol.....we go still meet Nate na ...but not yet love you for reading and commenting
  • Ajiboye Deborah picture
  • Rita Appaw picture
    Rita Appaw
    They can kill themselves for all I care. Two evil people. We call them frienemies thus enemies pretending to be friends.
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