Beyond captivating - Episode 41

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Silvia POV:

With the view of the fading sunset that flows through the  flower streams i headed back inside after walking out my friends who joyously jumped into the car when the guys had offer to take them home, gosh I thought spending time with them would make me feel calm ...

But I couldn't, they hadn't one bit shut up about Lucas, about how exciting the position they met us was 

"Silvia was he kissing you, " joy had asked excitedly 

"Tell us, how does he smell, damn" Anabelle had shouted

"Has he you know made love to you" Diana top it all 

I smile with the way I had scream at them ...
Although they had been adamant that hiding my feeling from them was wrong but what choice do I have  ,, Lucas is gonna get married and telling them about how I feel solves nothing ...
Shaking away my thoughts, 

after feeding Jamie his dinner I left him cuddled in Mrs Tyson arms ....

I sighed after saying my thanks to her... before heading upstairs I opened the door to my room.... closed it gently behind me before bouncing back on the bed ..
At that moment I started wondering what Lucas was doing inside ...he hadn't even walked his friends out ...

I was about moving towards the bath room when my phone beeped...

"Gosh These girls"

I grabbed it, when I saw Lucas name on the phone I gasped and started to wonder how he got my number and how his was saved on my phone 

"Put on the dinner dress in front of your room and meet me in mine in the next one hour" 

My eyes went huge, what is Lucas pulling at ,, I should meet him in his room,,, I raced towards the door  opened it wide surprised to see a bag dropped in front of my door...

I gasped when I pull out the dress ...
A long fitted off shoulder pink gown with white cotton laces on the neck and a shiny pick high hills with white flowers on top

I was so sure I almost burst into tears at how beautiful they were, 
Slowly i moved towards the bed before hugging the dress to my chest ,, gosh i loved him ,, illogically, irrationally ,, I loved him and couldn't deny it  anymore ,, 

I do not care whomsoever Jamie father was and how much I hated him but the fact was what I felt towards this man is totally undeniable and heaven knows I don't know what to do ..I really love him so much ...

Almost immediately I rushed into the bathroom before chuckling in front of the mirror ....after a long bath of adding all sort to make my skin so soft and shining ....
I walked into the room and smile, humming while I moved towards the mirror to apply another sets on my body 

All the while there was this kind of smile pulling on my face ...
Imagining fantasies on what he might be planning flashed into my mind ...
The mere thought of that was enough to bring different kinds emotions into my body  ....after applying on a little make up I wore the dress to my surprise it fitted perfectly, I bite my lips while i check myself in the mirror...
I touched my b*obs 

"Is it obvious am not wearing a bra, of course not "

I slide my hands down my wide hips before my eyes lit up 

"It fitted perfectly, Silvia you should be a model"

I glanced at the time, and started to wonder how time went by so fast .. 7.30pm ...excitedly I put on my beautiful high hills, packed my hair to the side before applying a little perfume ...

"You are good to go silvia " I patted my lips together to adjust my lip gloss before slowly moving  out of my room ..

I swallowed repeatedly almost nervously when i got to his entrance .
What was he really doing inside,, was he shirtless , fully dressed or, gosh 
I summoned the courage to knock, my heart skipped when I heard his loud s*xy voice from the inside ,

"Come in"

 instantly I immediately felt my kneels shaking beneath me,..
Silvia damn, you are a karate remember ....a karate is never weak

"I need your blessing lord" I did a fast cross sign before pushing on the door gently ...
The sight that greeted me made me stop on my track ...I gasped 

The room was glowing with soft lightings, more different and warmer  than it was before ...the walls was decorated with splendours, more In a fashion show view, the bed spread and curtains were changed to a brighter color that gave the room a beautiful romantic setting,

I glanced side ways, right beside the double sliding door that led towards his balcony, was a table and two top chairs whose linen, China, and crystal has been set perfectly and a huge bouquet of red and yellow roses was placed at the center, 
Two yellow Candles rose from silver holder, their winks was freshly lit, different rich and nourishing food was placed neatly on the table  while some soft music played underneath, it wasn't long for me to realise the stereo was built to the wall ....

Like a zombie I moved further into the room after closing the door gently behind me, I was busy admiring the settings ,gasping out in wonder when I heard my name ....

 I turn slowly and immediately desires sang its high notes in my blood  ...there Lucas was standing right at the corner of the room fully suited with a tie on his neck ...
Is he really wearing a tie for real
Gosh, there was this dark beautiful colors beneath his eyes that makes him look exactly like some model, he was tall, perfect and totally beyond   

"Surprised right " he smile and right there I immediately felt my head spinning , I stare at him for what felt like an eternity  ,there was again this lightness in his eyes, a certain type of  emotions filled with so many seduction signs ...
I staggered a bit but glad I was able to hold my high heel firmly to the ground 
He moved towards a seat before pushing it out for me ,,

"I had no choice I had to do it, the quintessential romance dinner"

I stare at him for a moment, I was glad when I finally find my voice,, my shaky voice wasn't that glaring 

"What's the occasion Lucas?"
shyly I Tuck my hair behind my ears before moving towards him, after sitting I watch as he rounded to his ...

"Not yet, no rushing ,, I will pour us both a drink okay" he replied

A wary look came over his face ..

"Or have you taken dinner already "

Shaking my head I reassured him,

"Not yet " 

I watch as he pour us some drinks while I finger on the cool blossom of the roses, he must have have paid a dozen out of season blooms gracing the table, most were just opening but one of few were tightly layered closed ........with my eyes shut I breathed in the heady perfect smell ...

Damn smells so good

"You are looking really nice tonight Silvia  " I opened my eyes slowly there he was reaching out the drink toward me ...he was wearing this soft smile on his face I can't help but admire like goshhh

"Yea the dress is beautiful thanks ".....
I smile nervously. 

As I sipped on my fruit juice , I found myself relaxing, I watch as he arrange the plates on the table and started to wonder how he got so matured within hours surely he is such a good learner...
I stare at him again this time my feral gold eyes drifted down to his lips and lingered on it for what seems like an eternity of course i was remembering the taste and the feel of them ...

"what if Mrs tyson came up to call us for dinner herself .."

"The food here are all from the kitchen, I told her to send mine and yours up, so she won't be "

"Its all set,"

I nodded, and as we ate on the food every time our eyes met I experienced the same kind of feeling, the rush of adrenaline, the pounding of my heart
I was about asking what the occasion was all about again but I couldn't, instead I found myself going a little rush through the delicious chicken i was feasting on 

I was surprised he remained infuriatingly polite and calm, we chatted about me a little,, about my friends, about him, and all I did was smile cause he was totally a romantic charming dinner companion.... 

After dinner we rested a little talked for a while  before he reached out for my hands ...

"Care to dance" he said reaching out for my hands  ...

"Dance Lucas I can't" I said feeling so shy as ever 

I started to fidget but glad he took my hands and led me to a free direction ,, the music was singing in my head and my heart seems to beat so loud I was sure he must have heard the rhythms.

Gosh Lucas 

He moved against me, his warm breath tickling against my hair, lord he smells like Paris, the need to close my eyes and locked myself  in his arms forever was like a taste bud...lord this guy is the most romantic guy have ever seen ...
Where did he learn to do all this ...

I found him staring at me and my eyes smiling into his, we continue to dance to the music, our thigh brushed as I followed his steps, he was a good dancer, more skilled than I was, 
Gosh no woman in the world wouldn't feel so secure in his perfect strong shield,

He moved his hand down my waist and drew me closer, he lowered his head against my neck as we just remain there moving to the rhythm 
His beautiful smell all but swam into my head, passion pounded away at me and at that moment all I really wish is just to stay this way forever with no body coming in between us ....
I was surprised he wasn't even asking for a kiss, I crept my arms around his neck as I stood there moving with him ...

I thought I couldn't believed my ears when he said ...

"The purpose for this was to say Thank you Silvia"


"Why " I asked softly ...

"Because, you are a unique, intelligent and a woman who completes the dream of a man, you led me into this world I never knew existed, I found answers  to what you said earlier, why I went to college and why I needed to work hard for my own money"

"You did, God Lucas" I hugged him so tight before staring up at him ...

"Am glad you did, so are you willing to take over your dad's position willingly "

He smile seductively before nodding 

"With all of my heart, "

He struggled on one shoulder 

"And I really wish you could give me a positive answer to what I asked you earlier in the day, I really want you to be part of my life Silvia"

I blushed at the sight of his pink lips..... hating the heat I could feel rising from my neck ,....i lowered my gaze and played with his tie instead, I have no choice than to avoid his question 

"You don't know happy I was Lucas, I don't just know what to say, am stunned by your sudden change, I mean this tie of a thing, agreeing to work and finding answers to all those question" 

He smile, 

"I have to tell you have been walking around rather proud of myself for this change ,, you are really a great woman Silvia"

I looked at him and suddenly chuckled

 "thought I was horror"

He wrapped his arms around my waist and laughed

"Get away from you horror" he said playfully

"Am gonna jump off this balcony mum, call an ambulance  or am gonna jump off this balcony" I gestured with my arms ...

"This woman"

He raised his brows and laughed and there I join in laughing ...

After our laughing voice quieted, we stood there staring at each other for a moment slowly he move to frame my face with his hands ...
"You look so gorgeous tonight, you know, clean, soft and stunning "

My lips patted as I stare into his eyes, gosh why is he just looking at me that way isn't he planning to kiss me ..

"Thanks, you are not looking bad too"
He smile and there I was drooling at his handsomeness ....
Slowly he released my arms and moved to sit on the linen chair ...

My heart began to pound as I followed silently to seat on mine.

"So tell me I want to everything about you, silvia"

"Like" I asked ...

"Like every little thing"

He poured us both a drink, his eyes never leaving mine as he sipped on his 

"Okay" I swallowed before starting ,
I told him right from the age I started hating hospitals when I read in a martial art text book about a god who was killed in one, there he was just smiling as he listen ...
I buttressed further, how I met my first friend Celine ...the times we spent together in highschool, how she always make trouble and I being a karate would fly to the scene to save her ...

He had laughed in that part as he sipped more on his drink ...
I smile as i speak further attending  college as a part time so as to monitor of my dads martial art school ...
We both smile as I talked further, when I finally got to the side of nate my tone began to crack...

"Later I met this guy, he was my first and last boy friend"

His eyes went huge ...

"You mean Jamie's dad"

I shook my head, 

"No, he isn't " I said weakly and started to cry before I could hold myself ..

I feel so ashamed for falling so weak in front of him like this ...gosh

"Silvia if you do not want to talk about it, am okay with it" he said softly

I shook my head and sniffled .... When I met with his eyes there he was reaching his white small handkachief towards me ...

"Thanks" I collected it, before wiping on my tears"

"I ....i" i paused for a moment before pulling out the courage to say it out ...

"I was r*ped Lucas , Jamie came out of r*pe"....I cry out 

He gasped before standing, almost hurriedly he scooped me into his arms and hugged me tight .

"God am so sorry Silvia,, "

"The guy sold my innocence for his Money Lucas, I was r*ped and dis- virgin that night Lucas " I cry some more

"Shh its okay, don't say a word anymore ,,its gonna be alright "

It took hours for him to calm my sober heart and trembling body,, after giving me some aspirin ,,,he carried me bridal style before placing me gently on his bed ...

"Are you feeling much better now"
He said releasing the knot of his tie ...

"Yes thanks" I smile softly ...

"Okay" I watch as he moved away while he pull off his suit ....,he spent like five minute in his dressing before coming out with a three quarter short and a blue round neck ...
Gosh must he always look so handsome ..

I clear my tone before coming down from bed ,,

"Its almost 10:30, I should be in room too,, thanks for the romantic dinner"...

Stunned by his quiet ness I avoided his gaze before picking up my high heels 
I was about moving past him when he stopped me ...

Slowly he drew me into his arms,,and there I was lustfully staring up at me ...

He c*ressed my hair softly ,,
He was about bending towards my lips when his phone rang ..gosh damn that phone ...must it had to ring this time of all time

" excuse me" he said softly before moving towards his phone, it was Nigel ...
"Hey man, am fine, whats wrong ..oh" he smile, his gaze never leaving mine as he spoke and smile through the phone...

When I realise the call wasn't ending any sooner,, I slowly moved towards the door ...i was about pulling the door knob when I felt his arms wrapped around me ,, I gasped ..


He twirl me around ,, searched my eyes for a moment before dropping his lips to mine , I m*an softly....


 immediately i dropped my high heel 
I wrap my arms around him.
The needing to feel his taste made me open more to him..
The kiss changed to something more of hunger, I didn't think I could ever get enough of this  as his tongue battered with mine, his finger stroke my face and neck,

"Oh Silvia" he said softly before deepening more of the kiss 

 time went on and on as we reacquainted ourselves with the taste and touch of each other ...
He was a good kisser, a devourer that could send  the heart and body with this need to be entangled in his arms forever...
He slid his hands down my waist and up to my bare shoulder before slowing on the kiss ....

When he finally released my lips, I stare up at my red lip gloss playing all over his lips, he smile and caressed my face softly .. 

"I will lead you to your room okay"

I nodded with so much love wailing in my heart before he took my hands into his ....


hope you love this romance scene guys ....
Told you it wont be about kissing this ...if you want more romance .. Holla to ya girl ooo...
Cause matilda Is about coming in ...
Should I give you guys one more or ....
comments ooo

Your thoughts matters


Don't forget to like rate and comments thanks lots of love ...

My silent readers ...

Ya gal dey holla...

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  • Views (19025)
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  • Rating (4.75)
  • Moreen Nyaga picture
    Moreen Nyaga
    One more romantic episode before you introduce Matilda please
  • Adeoti Akindele picture
    Adeoti Akindele
    Pls Amina more romance b4 Maltida comes in, pls let these duo be inseparable for anyone, Happy Lucas is ready to take up his dad's company and with Sylvia by his side, I believe he's good to go, now d real action. God bless u Amina more ink babe
  • Loveth Dennis picture
    Loveth Dennis
    Hmn did love is going on fyn d truth sud be out to vindicate Silvia from Mrs Tyson rot
  • Chineye ukara picture
    Chineye ukara
    Let the real thing take place first before she comes on board thumbs up
  • festus wisdom picture
    festus wisdom
    don't even introduce maltida.... abeg make e continue like this
  • Oladapo Titilayo Akinola picture
    Oladapo Titilayo Akinola
    Let this love scenes continue, good work girly
  • Chinenye Maureen picture
    Chinenye Maureen
    Amina, u are too much... Chop kiss jare! Am glad baby Lucas has started reasoning like a man
  • Confy-Dencie picture
    Sombori should help me kill Mathilda before she arrives ooo,,,finally, Silvia have told Lucas the truth about Jamie's birth ..just wondering wat will happen wen she finds out Lucas was d rapist....thumbs up ya
  • Akos Geyevu picture
    Akos Geyevu
    1 more episode
  • Uwem Udoh picture
    Uwem Udoh
    And the Lucas cant even remember that he raped someone organized by nath abi...Gosh cant wait to see Silvas reaction when gets to know its Lucas...nice story dear...pls introduce Matilda but dnt let her come btw these two
  • Okorie Glory picture
    Okorie Glory
    When Is Sylvia Going To Find Out Who Jaimie's Father Is?
  • Ronke Adetula picture
    Ronke Adetula
    No maltida yet please, let's have one more romantic episode. I hope you have not forgotten about Nigel and Celine
  • picture
    [email protected]
    Pls amina make them inseperable with no doubt even if matilda d witch appears.luv u more darl
  • Maame Konadu Fredua picture
    Maame Konadu Fredua
    Love is in the air
  • Pamela cube picture
    Pamela cube
    I'm not against them being together but i think Silvia must learn the truth before giving herself to Lucas.......
  • Doris Edwards picture
    Doris Edwards
    Waiting patiently for next episode as a silent follower ??
  • LOHWOR mark picture
    LOHWOR mark
    Let her know the truth not from anyone but that he remembered.
  • LOHWOR mark picture
    LOHWOR mark
    Let her know the truth not from anyone but that he remembered.
  • edna addo picture
    edna addo
    One more romantic scene
  • Chibuzor Ugbagu Eyisi picture
    Chibuzor Ugbagu Eyisi
    My amiable writer, hide on
  • Young Royalty picture
    Young Royalty
    Please One More Romance But Let Sylvia Learn That Lucas Is Her Sons Father,And Them Maltilda Can Come In.
  • Destiny Benson picture
    Destiny Benson
    Nice episode dear
  • Chris Love picture
    Chris Love
    Introduce the girl joor. People like us wey no get boyfriend you wan make we die. Though i love this romance jare.
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    I so much love you all for the comments guys ...thanks so so much all are real inspiration I just wish I was a full time writer so I could update regularly on this novel oo..but I hope you are guys are patient with me... no mind me I know I shouldn't be writing despite being a hustler ...but I love writing a lot .... ...but this Niger wey we dey soo is our own ooo.... gat to work
  • Op. Amina picture
    Op. Amina
    don't worry am gonna give you one more romance b4 our spoilt matilda enter...this one na die oo be we are going back to Celine and Nigel the one coming after will be about our heroes ...... till the next epi guys ...huh before I leave ,, I would like to share some of the poems have written on ebony story ...want you guys to check it out ... till the next epi guys ya gal dey holla....chaooo
  • Abdulsalam Aisha picture
    Abdulsalam Aisha
    Please keep it rolling am on my way yo get my booboo
  • Oke Olabisi picture
    Oke Olabisi
    Good one pls dont introduce matilda yet let them make love first oo
  • Lo is picture
    Lo is
    Ahhhh oke
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